The new Rachel Dolezal

No. Was she someone the right wing media attacked preciously?

Let me ask you this: If you did yourself up in blackface and somehow got a position in a black organization, you really don't think you'd be "attacked" too?

Come on, man. Seriously? It's called "cultural appropriation." :laughing0301:
Let me ask you this: If you did yourself up in blackface and somehow got a position in a black organization, you really don't think you'd be "attacked" too?

Come on, man. Seriously? It's called "cultural appropriation." :laughing0301:
This didn't answer my question and doesn't really seem relevant.

BTW, don't bother answering, another poster already pointed out her history.
This didn't answer my question and doesn't really seem relevant.

BTW, don't bother answering, another poster already pointed out her history.

I don't spend all day in front of this coumputer and don't always catch up on the conversations when I get back. All I do is respond to the alerts, one of which was yours.

So the general consensus in the thread is yes indeed, she is an an idiot.
No it is not. That was Rachel Dolezal.


This is Rachel Dolezal:


This is the woman in the OP, Raquel Saraswati:



Hmm, maybe there is a tiny bit of color there but certainly it is not full color like the other pics.
Her mom is the one claiming her daughter is of European descent, just as Dozeal’s family outed her. I don‘t see her identifying as a different race a bad thing, hell, transgenders identify as the opposite sex and there are others that identify as celebs and animals, it is all good. People are insecure in who they are, dislike themselves, suffer from low self esteem, this just gives them outs.
Her mom is the one claiming her daughter is of European descent, just as Dozeal’s family outed her. I don‘t see her identifying as a different race a bad thing, hell, transgenders identify as the opposite sex and there are others that identify as celebs and animals, it is all good. People are insecure in who they are, dislike themselves, suffer from low self esteem, this just gives them outs.

Except in Dolezal's case, she racially-appropriated blacks for personal gain. Whether is was because she wanted the job as president of the NAACP chapter or she was just trying to get some street-credibility from black folks, she still denied a black person from occupying the position. This is racism at its most sublime level.
No. Was she someone the right wing media attacked preciously?
No the left did, the NAACP removed her from chairmanship in Spokane, WA, she also taught at Eastern Washington University as well. She should be embraced for her identifying as a person of color and the left rejected her.
Except in Dolezal's case, she racially-appropriated blacks for personal gain. Whether is was because she wanted the job as president of the NAACP chapter or she was just trying to get some street-credibility from black folks, she still denied a black person from occupying the position. This is racism at its most sublime level.
That shouldn’t be a problem for the left, they want men to compete as women in sports, thus dening a women from occupying the team.
Assigned by the course in social studies. The antitheses of Trumpism, decades before my reading of this book.
Da fuq kinda Commie school did you go to where that was assigned reading in Social Studies? Fabian School of Socialism? :wtf:
Da fuq kinda Commie school did you go to where that was assigned reading in Social Studies? Fabian School of Socialism? :wtf:
Jr. High School in San Francisco, California.

The Fabian School was mostly partitioned in Great Britian. Having my undergraduate curriculum in Poli Sci and US History they allow me to see that you are limited in these arenas. My graduate curriculum was in human relations, with a curriculum in Psychology and Sociology; allowing me to able to work in LE and retire with safety retirement and retire on a nice monthly sum at age 56.
Jr. High School in San Francisco, California.

The Fabian School was mostly partitioned in Great Britian. Having my undergraduate curriculum in Poli Sci and US History they allow me to see that you are limited in these arenas. My graduate curriculum was in human relations, with a curriculum in Psychology and Sociology; allowing me to able to work in LE and retire with safety retirement and retire on a nice monthly sum at age 56.
That's nice honey. It's a load of horse shit, but that's nice. :D
Her mom is the one claiming her daughter is of European descent, just as Dozeal’s family outed her. I don‘t see her identifying as a different race a bad thing, hell, transgenders identify as the opposite sex and there are others that identify as celebs and animals, it is all good. People are insecure in who they are, dislike themselves, suffer from low self esteem, this just gives them outs.
Assuming this is article is true, which it looks like it is, I have no problem with her identifying as any race she wants but when she claims a race to profit, gain advantage or exploitation, then I do have an issue with it.
Assuming this is article is true, which it looks like it is, I have no problem with her identifying as any race she wants but when she claims a race to profit, gain advantage or exploitation, then I do have an issue with it.
That sums up my feelings on the issue as well. Unfortunately people who pull these stunts are looking to profit based on false pretenses
New proposed libtard rule:

White people may no longer go to the beach or have a pool or use a tanning bed.

Any effort to get a tan shall be deemed “racial misappropriation” and upon accusation shall result in the doubling of the white person’s fee for reparations.
Gone girl.

Diversity executive, former FOX pundit, resigns amid claims she lied about her race​

Raquel Evita Saraswati was a name well-known to well-meaning people in Philadelphia.

She was a bronze-hued, Jersey-born spokesperson for Muslim and LGBTQ causes in fashionable hijabs, an adviser and confidant to local nonprofits. The National Organization for Women's Philadelphia chapter named her a Woman of the Year. Nonprofit Rad Girls declared her “Rad Girl of the Year.” She served on the city’s Mayor’s Commission on LGBT Affairs.


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