The new Rachel Dolezal

Odd with all of this white privilege I keep hearing about white people keep trying to masquerade as anything but white.
Elizabeth Warren claimed to be Indian, this opened the door to many perks that put here where she was at

So as we seem masquerading as a minority is empowerment, just like Rachel who got her job with the NAACP by claiming she was black.
Elizabeth Warren claimed to be Indian, this opened the door to many perks that put here where she was at

So as we seem masquerading as a minority is empowerment, just like Rachel who got her job with the NAACP by claiming she was black.

A more fitting word would be fraud.

If you get some monetary benefit from it, it isn't just lying, it's fraud.
I’m afraid of skin cancer. Otherwise, I wouldn’t mind baking myself at the beach soon to make myself more colorful.

Otoh, if the anthropological theory is true, then we are all literally “out of Africa,” anyway. So, I say we should all proudly declare ourselves to be African-Americans.

Can I hear an “Amen?”
Talcum X has it worse than her. He's like that Hogg twink - they want to be all thuggy... until it's time to do actual thug shit....

talcum x.jpg
Odd with all of this white privilege I keep hearing about white people keep trying to masquerade as anything but white.
This color thing is the same deal as with men pretending they are women. I think that's strange because men used to be prejudiced against women, and now they want to be women.

Well, I think we have to agree that this woman IS black, however white she was when she was born, if we say that men can turn into women and vice versa. These are not different issues, after all.
“I call her Rachel,” Perone told The Intercept, when reached by telephone. “I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing.”

Saraswati, her mother added, is of British, German, and Italian descent — not Latina, South Asian, or Arab. “I’m as white as the driven snow and so is she,” added Perone, who also shared with The Intercept photos of Saraswati as a child. In the photos, which the mother asked not be published, Saraswati’s complexion is significantly lighter than the bronzed look in more recent photographs. Perone also shared with The Intercept her profile and a photo of Saraswati’s biological father, who is deceased. Another relative who asked not to be identified confirmed that Saraswati is white."
"Oskar Pierre Castro, a human resources professional who participated in the search committee to fill Sarawati’s position, told The Intercept that she had presented herself as a “queer, Muslim, multiethnic woman.”

“It really touched all the points,” said Castro, who works for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, a Quaker group that frequently partners with the AFSC, and who was involved in the search along with AFSC staff members. He added that he had been impressed by Saraswati’s credentials and charm and that he thought she would be a good fit for the diversity and inclusion role because “it seemed that there was an element of lived experience and understanding because of the lived experience, not just the academic and extra training that come with being in a position where you are an equity and inclusion practitioner.”

Castro added, “In my mind it was, ‘Great, a person of color, a queer person of color, who happens to be a Muslim, it’s a woman, all these things, and someone who seemed to get it. I definitely feel conned. … I feel deceived.”

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