The new spin is “go after those who hire illegals”..but Lefties wet themselves over iCE raids

So it almost looks like a disingenuous request. Didn’t you want to abolish iCE..what agency would be deployed to “go after” these businesses if we did?
I ask you Lefties, if iCE went on a rampage, storming businesses and making arrests of employers and illegal employees are you saying you wouldn’t piss yourselves?
I’m pretty sure we all know the true answer.
- 'Deport Illegals'
--- 'Get rid of ICE'

- 'Go after people who hire illegals?
--- Except there's NO ICE & SANCTUARY CITIES won't let you


Democrats / Snowflakes are hilarious
So it almost looks like a disingenuous request. Didn’t you want to abolish iCE..what agency would be deployed to “go after” these businesses if we did?
I ask you Lefties, if iCE went on a rampage, storming businesses and making arrests of employers and illegal employees are you saying you wouldn’t piss yourselves?
I’m pretty sure we all know the true answer.
Seeing how you hired an illegal, you would probably be shitting yourself if ICE raided you.

I’m smarter than that Reynaldo...I made copies of his licenses, his proof of general liability insurance, his bond...I got a W-9 and executed contract agreements from him. I covered my ass.
You see, this guy is a Kiwi, he is good...he was clever, intelligent and had all the phony shit...No stupid as fuck filthy wetback could have pulled his shit off.
- 'Deport Illegals'
--- 'Get rid of ICE'

- 'Go after people who hire illegals?
--- Except there's NO ICE & SANCTUARY CITIES won't let you

Okay, here's what I would do.

1) Establish a National ID Card system based on Biometrics. Without this card, you can't hold down a job, receive government benefits or enroll your kids in school.

2) Go after employers who hire undocumented workers. Not just the factories and farms, but the rich people who hire them to look after their kids, or the dipstick who picks up a truckload of them to hang drywall.

3) Pass a version of the Dream Act. No point going after people who are effectively Americans.

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