The new spin is “go after those who hire illegals”..but Lefties wet themselves over iCE raids

Illegals aren't sent to jail, why should their employers? Particularly when the Illegals have social security numbers and will complain about discrimination if they aren't hired.

They wouldn't come here if employers weren't hiring them.

Arresting the illegal is kind of pointless. You send them back, and they keep coming back.

It's almost like throwing away a cartoon boomerang.
Illegals aren't sent to jail, why should their employers? Particularly when the Illegals have social security numbers and will complain about discrimination if they aren't hired.

They wouldn't come here if employers weren't hiring them.

Arresting the illegal is kind of pointless. You send them back, and they keep coming back.

It's almost like throwing away a cartoon boomerang.

Soooo, are you suggesting that iCE raid businesses....arrest / fine the business owners and let the perpetrators walk?
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Illegals aren't sent to jail, why should their employers? Particularly when the Illegals have social security numbers and will complain about discrimination if they aren't hired.

They wouldn't come here if employers weren't hiring them.

Arresting the illegal is kind of pointless. You send them back, and they keep coming back.

It's almost like throwing away a cartoon boomerang.

You're right.

Let's use Clintons 3 strikes model. Get caught in our country illegally 3 times and you're locked up for life.

That way we accomplish both things, the illegal wanted to be in our country and so they would be, and they're off the streets and not in our society. Two birds with one stone! Works for me!
I’m hoping we can get Lesh and candycorn in here to shed some light as they’ve been really advocating for iCE to drop the hammer on employers...unless ofcouse, they haven’t been honest.

That makes no sense. Currently ICE is an out of control agency bent on inflicting punishment on families and kids.

The fact that they need to be reformed has nothing to do with the GOVERNMENT in whatever form enforcing existing laws against hiring illegals...or enacted even stricter ones and enforcing those.

FAIL douchebag

Haha...hilarious, it’s you who makes no sense.
You see, when iCE does their job, raiding homes of illegals and businesses employing illegals it will always inflict “punishment on families and kids” just as arresting any criminal with a family would...that’s kinda what effective law enforcement
I know how you hate accountability and all but you may have to use your head on this one...Think cause and affect.
Ellis Island is more cost effective and more accountable.
So it almost looks like a disingenuous request. Didn’t you want to abolish iCE..what agency would be deployed to “go after” these businesses if we did?
I ask you Lefties, if iCE went on a rampage, storming businesses and making arrests of employers and illegal employees are you saying you wouldn’t piss yourselves?
I’m pretty sure we all know the true answer.
We should be upgrading Ellis Island. It is more cost effective and, All foreign nationals should have a federal id., not a State id.

They should upgrade one room on Ellis Island, and put you in it.

Your tape-looped proposal is ridiculous.
Why is that? Y'all only have fallacy, not valid arguments.
The key to dealing with Illegals is a wall on the border.

If America erected a wall on the border, it would create huge amount of jobs for Mexicans. They would gladly pay for the wall, Mexico is the home of Cemex, one of the world's great cement firms.

The border is 1200 miles long. Erecting a 700 ft. high, 50 ft think wall, will require a lot of cement. .

Not to mention the steel bars inside, get America's steel and coal industries moving on the wall.
a wall solves nothing. Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and promotes the general welfare not the general warfare.
The key to dealing with Illegals is a wall on the border.

If America erected a wall on the border, it would create huge amount of jobs for Mexicans. They would gladly pay for the wall, Mexico is the home of Cemex, one of the world's great cement firms.

The border is 1200 miles long. Erecting a 700 ft. high, 50 ft think wall, will require a lot of cement. .

Not to mention the steel bars inside, get America's steel and coal industries moving on the wall.
a wall solves nothing. Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and promotes the general welfare not the general warfare.

Ellis Island was fine when people arrived in America by ship.

Nowadays, they come in mostly on jets or on foot across the southern frontier.
The key to dealing with Illegals is a wall on the border.

If America erected a wall on the border, it would create huge amount of jobs for Mexicans. They would gladly pay for the wall, Mexico is the home of Cemex, one of the world's great cement firms.

The border is 1200 miles long. Erecting a 700 ft. high, 50 ft think wall, will require a lot of cement. .

Not to mention the steel bars inside, get America's steel and coal industries moving on the wall.
a wall solves nothing. Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective and promotes the general welfare not the general warfare.

Ellis Island was fine when people arrived in America by ship.

Nowadays, they come in mostly on jets or on foot across the southern frontier.
Because they can't go via commercial means, to Ellis Island. It really is more cost effective and more a form of Capitalism, than what the right wing ever applies to any opportunity.
Illegals aren't sent to jail, why should their employers? Particularly when the Illegals have social security numbers and will complain about discrimination if they aren't hired.
Howmany different ways are you folks gonna find to excuse employers who hire illegals?
You mean ICE is "out of control" because it is determined to enforce our immigration laws?
Yea...except against employers huh?
Thanks for admitting that you're a traitor.

Go fuck yourself
Soooo, are you suggesting that iCE raid businesses....arrest / fine the business owners and let the perpetrators walk?

Sure. Why not. I've got an even better idea.. Put together a tip line for undocumented workers to rat out their bosses.... The guy who wins get citizenship...
You're right.

Let's use Clintons 3 strikes model. Get caught in our country illegally 3 times and you're locked up for life.

That's actually kind of retarded.. 3 strikes hasn't stopped people from stealing pizza, what makes you think its' going to stop people from

Why is it that every Republican "Solution" to a problem involves making life more difficult for poor people?
Soooo, are you suggesting that iCE raid businesses....arrest / fine the business owners and let the perpetrators walk?

Sure. Why not. I've got an even better idea.. Put together a tip line for undocumented workers to rat out their bosses.... The guy who wins get citizenship...

Haha...Chicago my ass...Be honest Jesus, are you really posting from your super shithole in Guadalajara?
Haha...Chicago my ass...Be honest Jesus, are you really posting from your super shithole in Guadalajara?

Naw, man... I just find it amusing how upset you rednecks get when you are confronted with the prospect of a hard working Hispanic who can work circles around you.
Haha...Chicago my ass...Be honest Jesus, are you really posting from your super shithole in Guadalajara?

Naw, man... I just find it amusing how upset you rednecks get when you are confronted with the prospect of a hard working Hispanic who can work circles around you.

“Redneck”?...I was born and raised in southern Mexifornia bud.
No wetback can “work circles around me” as my profession requires an iQ, communication skills and that one not smell like a cross between ass and Modello. You want to try again Jesus.
I don’t think you would see much sympathy for employers

Ice hits a workplace and rounds up illegal workers
Why not arrest employers at the same time
“Redneck”?...I was born and raised in southern Mexifornia bud.
No wetback can “work circles around me” as my profession requires an iQ, communication skills and that one not smell like a cross between ass and Modello. You want to try again Jesus.

Guy, Bigots can never hold down good paying jobs... they always out themselves....

You know when you are really secure in your job... When you don't worry about "Wetbacks" taking them.
I think ICE needs to raid even more businesses................The idea will grow on the leftist.
“Redneck”?...I was born and raised in southern Mexifornia bud.
No wetback can “work circles around me” as my profession requires an iQ, communication skills and that one not smell like a cross between ass and Modello. You want to try again Jesus.

Guy, Bigots can never hold down good paying jobs... they always out themselves....

You know when you are really secure in your job... When you don't worry about "Wetbacks" taking them.

Haha...I work for myself Jesus...and I’m bigoted as fuck, and there ain’t shit any lowlife can do about it....what now?
I think ICE needs to raid even more businesses................The idea will grow on the leftist.

As long as they are arresting the business owners and confiscating their businesses, I'm down with that.

Here's the thing. I worked at a company that hired undocumented workers for their scrub work. Cleaning floors, throwing away scrap boxes, packing out kits. The company had "Plausible deniability" because they hired them as "Day Laborers" through a staffing company.

Then they got bought out by a bigger company and they insisted that they only have Citizens as employees for the scrub work. Well, of course, the only people they could get were meth heads
So it almost looks like a disingenuous request. Didn’t you want to abolish iCE..what agency would be deployed to “go after” these businesses if we did?
I ask you Lefties, if iCE went on a rampage, storming businesses and making arrests of employers and illegal employees are you saying you wouldn’t piss yourselves?
I’m pretty sure we all know the true answer.
Seeing how you hired an illegal, you would probably be shitting yourself if ICE raided you.

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