The New York Times Twists Facts to Create Martyrs Out of Immigration Violators


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Of course it did! ICE had information that a local meat packing plant had hired a large number of illegals, was paying them under the table, and didnā€™t pay them overtime.

To make a long story short, the Times is criticizing ICE for enforcing federal immigration laws against a large group of people who conspired to engage in criminal activity: Illegal aliens who had no right to be here, or work here, and an employer that was willing to increase its profits by forcing those illegal aliens to work in dangerous conditions, sometimes without pay. (The nerve of those ICE agents, engaging in congressionally sanctioned enforcement of laws against fraud and abuse!)

And how did the town of 30,000 react?

Well, the truth is that they didnā€™t. The local Catholic church seems to have become a gathering place for friends and family of the individuals arrested in the raid. Apparently, in the eyes of the nationā€™s ā€œpaper of record,ā€ handing out pizza and tamales during presentations from legal aid groups constitutes a stunning blow for the underdog ā€“ even if the underdog is clearly breaking the law.

A week later, 300 turned out to ā€œprotest.ā€

More @ The New York Times, Twists Facts to Create Martyrs Out of Immigration Violators
Heartless and mean spirited anti Christian Republicans twist the facts so they could strip parents of their children and deny legal asylum to people fleeing a burning building. Republicans want to force them back into the building.

What kind of people are Republicans? Can the call themselves American after looking at the history of this country?

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