The next Biden Shortage...Diesel Fuel...

All of this oil issue can be traced back to Climate Change Cultists.
The European Climate Change Cultists made themselves dependent upon Russian oil.
Putin has exploited the idiot Europeans......then the war.....then oil shortage.....
Our Democrat Change Cultists think that Russian oil burns different than our own oil....
All of this oil issue can be traced back to Climate Change Cultist.
The European Climate Change Cultist made themselves dependent upon Russian oil.
Putin has exploited the idiot Europeans......then the war.....then oil shortage.
Our Democrat Change Cultist think that Russian oil burns different than our own oil....
reports say the admin has been shipping a lot of our diesel to Europe .
Every day a new Fear ...........Every day.....

This one was man made.........via globlist selecting a drooling idiot into office.

Our Refinery down here hasn't slowed down AT ALL............where are these shortages.........It's not here and we pump all over.
Every day a new Fear ...........Every day.....

This one was man made.........via globlist selecting a drooling idiot into office.

Our Refinery down here hasn't slowed down AT ALL............where are these shortages.........It's not here and we pump all over.
hevent seen it hear either but major truckstop companies are starting to get worried ! they say it could be a reality in a matter of days ..2 weeks or so when we begin to see shortages .
They converted numerous diesel refineries into bio-diesel producers under pressure.
Bio-diesel needs feed stocks. Feed stocks going through the roof. Fertilizer supplies being constricted. Crops less productive through droughts & govt policies.
Converting food into fuel so we can make food is so stupid only the idiots can't see this is all engineered to produce famine.
Famine produces desperation & finally mass compliance.
NWO reset moves forward

if trucks cant get diesel then the stores will be empty [completely] empty in a matter of days !
When that eventually happens, total chaos can be expected in most urban areas. It's the ONE thing that could foment enough unrest to justify putting troops in the streets.
i just dont understand the logic in what the admin is doing .... its starting to get bad out thre for the common man and woman and it seems as though the party in control doesnt care .:(
They are driving us off a Reset cliff
i just dont understand the logic in what the admin is doing .... its starting to get bad out thre for the common man and woman and it seems as though the party in control doesnt care .:(
The object is to create a crisis so the government can give itself more power and excercise more control.

That's why they're pushing green energy: not because it's better, but because they control it.
Mr. Biden has zero control over the flow fuel products. Mr. Biden is NOT responsible for world wide inflation.

The Oil Companies set the price fuel, NOT the White. The Oil Companies control flow of fuel, NOT the White House.
It's naive to believe Biden has no influence on oil prices, especially when he's cancelling lease sales and increasing regulatory hurdles. Biden (and democrats) despise fossil fuel development, and with the talks on a potential federal price cap on gas, these prices aren't going to get any cheaper.

Regardless .. I'd clearly feel confident saying that 50%+ of voters are low information voters. They don't understand how politics work, and all they'll see is rising prices at the gas stations eating into their pocket books -- and naturally associate it with the current leadership. Most likely why we are seeing 38%-39% approval rates for the man people felt was Jesus Christ a year ago :auiqs.jpg:

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