The next BIG Republicans scam-----------> Tax Reform

We get it! The more welfare the better so there is less and less incentive to work and pretty soon 120 million have slowly starved to death again . But you are such a sweet and caring person by supporting welfare for all, until all 120 million have starved to death .
Socialism is big govt demand side Economics. You're a typical libsocialistcommie like Sanders always lying that all we always need just a little more govt. it's "never enough" for a Libcommie . Read book by that name or read Jefferson to understand why America is based on freedom from Libcommie govt.

That's what I figured, you have no idea what Socialism is.

Socialism - a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Socialism is big govt demand side Economics. You're a typical libsocialistcommie like Sanders always lying that all we always need just a little more govt. it's "never enough" for a Libcommie . Read book by that name or read Jefferson to understand why America is based on freedom from Libcommie govt.

That's what I figured, you have no idea what Socialism is.

Socialism - a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

nice dodge but the issue was not if I know what socialism is but whether you are a libsocialist/commie. Care to tell us?
The purpose of taxes is to fund the legitimate operations of Government (see Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution).

Taxes are NOT intended to "level the playing field," or to promote "equality" or to fight "inequality."

The Federal government has NO CONSTITUTIONAL POWER to re-distribute income or wealth, hence MANY of the programs near and dear to Leftists fail the simple test of Constitutionality.

The Government HAS NO MONEY. Everything done by Government must rightly be paid for through taxes and fees. To the extent that the Federal Government operates at a deficit (other than in wartime), the Congress is. NOT DOING ITS JOB.

The tax regime should be reformed periodically to remove incentives and disincentives to the kinds of economic behavior that harm the economy or the general public. When businesses are making decisions that are intended to minimize taxes, rather than maximize profit through operations, then an adjustment is appropriate, whether that adjustment is a rate change or realignment of tax deductions, credits, exemptions, and so on. Large corporations operating completely within the U.S. are paying nearly half of their profits in state and federal taxes. This is insane.

Small corporations generally pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX, which is entirely appropriate. The profits of small corporations are distributed to the owners directly (under Subchapter S), and the owners pay taxes on those profits, as business income. If this principle were visited upon C-Corps, along with a limit on their retained cash, the profits would be either, (a) distributed to the stockholders in the form of TAXABLE dividends, (b) paid out to the employees as TAXABLE wages and benefits, or (c) rolled back into the company. Thus, with a "Zero" corporate tax rate, the total tax collections to the Federal Government would actually INCREASE.

Individual income taxes are largely evaded by the most prosperous among us, because their income comes in the form of business returns, which can be delayed, disguised, or diverted to others. Most Gazillionaires pay less than 20% to the Feds. The only people who actually pay the top rates are employee-types (like television personalities, artists, musicians, and star athletes) who make their money in the form of wages. But they constitute only a small percentage of the real High Earners. If the Federal Income Tax were reduced to something on the order of 25%, the Rich would just pay it, and fire all their tax accountants. Maybe. At least that's the theory.

But I like the idea of having a one-page tax return, with minimal deductions and credits. K.I.S.S.
The purpose of taxes is to fund the legitimate operations of Government (see Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution).

No need to "fund" the government anymore. We don't operate on the gold standard anymore. The government can create infinite money, meaning there is no scracity of money, only scarcity of what it can purchase.

Taxes are NOT intended to "level the playing field," or to promote "equality" or to fight "inequality."

That is your opinion.

The Federal government has NO CONSTITUTIONAL POWER to re-distribute income or wealth, hence MANY of the programs near and dear to Leftists fail the simple test of Constitutionality.

That's an interesting point of view. You have your work cut out for you convincing our government and the people that you're right.

The Government HAS NO MONEY. Everything done by Government must rightly be paid for through taxes and fees. To the extent that the Federal Government operates at a deficit (other than in wartime), the Congress is. NOT DOING ITS JOB.

Explain to me how you increase the amount of money in a fiat economy without creating new money?

The government repaid $95 trillion (yes with a "T") in bonds by Sept 2016, where do you suppose it got $95 trillion if it hasn't created new money since at least 1970 when fiat began? The entire economy in 1970 didn't have $95 trillion....Some new money must have been created somewhere?

The tax regime should be reformed periodically to remove incentives and disincentives to the kinds of economic behavior that harm the economy or the general public. When businesses are making decisions that are intended to minimize taxes, rather than maximize profit through operations, then an adjustment is appropriate, whether that adjustment is a rate change or realignment of tax deductions, credits, exemptions, and so on.

No, the function of tax as outlined by Beardsley Ruml, Fed Chair 1946

"What Taxes Are Really For:

Federal taxes can be made to serve four principal purposes of a social and economic character. These purposes are:|

1. As an instrument of fiscal policy to help stabilize the purchasing power of the dollar;

2. To express public policy in the distribution of wealth and of income, as in the case of the progressive income and estate taxes;

3. To express public policy in subsidizing or in penalizing various industries and economic groups;

4. To isolate and assess directly the costs of certain national benefits, such as highways and social security."

Notice something that is conspicuously missing?

Nothing about making money to pay for spending?


Large corporations operating completely within the U.S. are paying nearly half of their profits in state and federal taxes. This is insane.

Please show us a source that shows the effective state and federal corporate tax rate is 50%.

Here are a few companies that paid nothing or got money back:


Now, personally, I don't support a corporate tax with the goal of "earning income", rather to meet the goals of #3 above.
No need to "fund" the government anymore. We don't operate on the gold standard anymore. The government can create infinite money.
now that's more pure liberal genius for sure !!! Lib govt prints all the money it needs and eliminates taxes altogether!!! Should have thought of that one before!! See why we say liberalism is based in pure 100% ignorance? Is any other conclusion possible?
Are Republicans really going to try to trick this country again?

Oddly, over the past several years, I don't ever remember the DNC saying a WORD about needing much less fixing their Obamacare, nor do I recall them ever saying a word during Obama much less Hillary last year wanting to reform our tax code. I must have missed it when I blinked.

Now the "new plan" by the Derps is to adopt a new strategy that sounds very similar to Trumps! I wonder, if the democrats SAY they are all for the things Trump wants to do, why do they keep fighting him on all of it? Moreover, why would I choose a democrat when I already have Trump on the job actually DOING IT?
Easy, because right after it was passed and helping millions of Americans, Republicans won both the house and the senate. They vowed to screw over as many Americans as they can and it looks more likely every day.

GOP donors close checkbooks, urging stronger action on health care reform

GOP Donors Threaten Congress: No Tax Cuts, No Money

See? GOP Donors are telling their minions - if you don't start fuking over the American people and shoveling money to us, you get no more money.

This is why Cassidy and Linda Graham are freaking out. Trying to screw over America as fast as they can.

Republicans don't seem to know ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do these people function every day when they know nothing? That's the real question!
now that's more pure liberal genius for sure !!! Lib govt prints all the money it needs and eliminates taxes altogether!!! Should have thought of that one before!! See why we say liberalism is based in pure 100% ignorance? Is any other conclusion possible?

I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but I never said we should or could do away with taxes. Of course, I already explained the need for taxes, you probably didn't understand. Would you like me to explain it to you again?
Easy, because right after it was passed and helping millions of Americans, Republicans won both the house and the senate.

Tell me how Obamacare helped millions of Americans by screwing so many other millions of Americans so badly that they immediately voted the Democrats out of control of the entire Congress for passing it?????
Easy, because right after it was passed and helping millions of Americans, Republicans won both the house and the senate.

Tell me how Obamacare helped millions of Americans by screwing so many other millions of Americans so badly that they immediately voted the Democrats out of control of the entire Congress for passing it?????

Obamacare failed for two simple reasons.

1) It focused on the number of people covered, not on costs

2) It was never fully implemented.

With respect to #1, Republicans blocked attempts to control costs, though Dems should have made that more of a priority.

With respect to #2, Republicans blocked attempts to get everyone signed up. Insurance only works when the people that don't need it today (the young) are paying into the system so that later when they do need it, there will be money in it for them.

As far as people voting for Trump exclusively on this matter. That's laughable. If people universally hate the law so much, why is it's popularity so high? Why are Republicans having such a hard time repealing it? Because they answer to their constituents, mostly in states that voted for Trump.
Easy, because right after it was passed and helping millions of Americans, Republicans won both the house and the senate.

Tell me how Obamacare helped millions of Americans by screwing so many other millions of Americans so badly that they immediately voted the Democrats out of control of the entire Congress for passing it?????

Obamacare failed for two simple reasons.

1) It focused on the number of people covered, not on costs

2) It was never fully implemented.

With respect to #1, Republicans blocked attempts to control costs, though Dems should have made that more of a priority.

With respect to #2, Republicans blocked attempts to get everyone signed up. Insurance only works when the people that don't need it today (the young) are paying into the system so that later when they do need it, there will be money in it for them.

As far as people voting for Trump exclusively on this matter. That's laughable. If people universally hate the law so much, why is it's popularity so high? Why are Republicans having such a hard time repealing it? Because they answer to their constituents, mostly in states that voted for Trump.

Pretty good analysis. By logical extension then, when the GOP fixes it, we will just be getting screwed again, but from a new direction. And the fight goes on.
Easy, because right after it was passed and helping millions of Americans, Republicans won both the house and the senate.

Tell me how Obamacare helped millions of Americans by screwing so many other millions of Americans so badly that they immediately voted the Democrats out of control of the entire Congress for passing it?????

Obamacare failed for two simple reasons.

1) It focused on the number of people covered, not on costs

2) It was never fully implemented.

With respect to #1, Republicans blocked attempts to control costs, though Dems should have made that more of a priority.

With respect to #2, Republicans blocked attempts to get everyone signed up. Insurance only works when the people that don't need it today (the young) are paying into the system so that later when they do need it, there will be money in it for them.

As far as people voting for Trump exclusively on this matter. That's laughable. If people universally hate the law so much, why is it's popularity so high? Why are Republicans having such a hard time repealing it? Because they answer to their constituents, mostly in states that voted for Trump.

Pretty good analysis. By logical extension then, when the GOP fixes it, we will just be getting screwed again, but from a new direction. And the fight goes on.
GOP wants capitalism which would reduce cost of healthcare by 80% and make it affordable to 100%. Capitalism reduces costs and raises our standard of living has the fastest possible rate because it requires providers to compete on the basis of price and quality and consumers to shop on the basis of price and quality. Now you at least know what capitalism is and why it works. I know as a liberal that will be far too complex for you to grasp. So all you have to do is think of east/west Germany, Cuba/Florida, Communist China/ capitalist China.does that make it simple enough for you?
Easy, because right after it was passed and helping millions of Americans, Republicans won both the house and the senate.

Tell me how Obamacare helped millions of Americans by screwing so many other millions of Americans so badly that they immediately voted the Democrats out of control of the entire Congress for passing it?????

Obamacare failed for two simple reasons.


Actually only one reason why Obamacommiecare failed : it was more Libcommie socialism than we had before. Ever heard of east/west Germany, North/South Korea, Taiwan/Communist China etc. etc.

Even after Hitler Stalin Mao Castro Pol Pot and all the others, liberals still love the biggest lie in human history namely that Socialism's Surely the greatest act of ignorance and propaganda in human history and yet we all have the privilege of being subjected to this treasonous liberal propaganda every day.
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Yes lets reward the assholes that
1. Outsource our jobs
2. Offshore their taxes and already don't pay
3. Run out small business

How dumb
Pretty good analysis. By logical extension then, when the GOP fixes it, we will just be getting screwed again, but from a new direction. And the fight goes on.
GOP wants capitalism which would reduce cost of healthcare by 80% and make it affordable to 100%. Capitalism reduces costs and raises our standard of living has the fastest possible rate because it requires providers to compete on the basis of price and quality and consumers to shop on the basis of price and quality. Now you at least know what capitalism is and why it works. I know as a liberal that will be far too complex for you to grasp. So all you have to do is think of east/west Germany, Cuba/Florida, Communist China/ capitalist China.does that make it simple enough for you?

Are you talking to me jackass? Apparently you have never read my posts or don't read them well.
A). I know what capitalism is. I'm an unrepentant capitalist who's been president of two corporations.
B). I'm about as conservative as anyone on this board.

But I don't choose capitalism, et al., because it fits some ideology, I choose it because it WORKS. Put to the test, it makes sense. And when I listen to other conservatives and capitalists, they come to the same conclusions I have, so I know I'm not only not getting swayed by them, but that if many people all come to the same conclusions independently, that it must be pretty valid. But nothing is right ALL of the time and when the GOP is wrong on some issue, I don't suck their spit in lockstep like some sheep either. Just so happens that the Dems are wrong on about 99.997% of everything they say and do.

As for whoever you think is a liberal, you better go back to go and not collect $200 this time, you have the wrong person. Hope that wasn't too complex for you.
By logical extension then, when the GOP fixes it, we will just be getting screwed again, but from a new direction. And the fight goes on.

So you agree that Republican capitalist health care would reduce prices by 80%
and add 10-20 years to our life spans?

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