The next domino to fall.

Drag queens, trannies, fags and the rest of them were thrust upon us. Sex with kids is a more gradual process that requires first normalizing children with sex indirectly. Which is the phase we're on now by saying kids need gender care and talking about kids with sexual identity with pronouns is correlating children and sex which will make the transition to sex with kids easier because it puts a bridge between kids and sex.

Normalizing fags and trannies will without a doubt lead to sex with children. Every time a society lowers it's bar of standards, and values and morals for a group of people all they do is place the bar closer to the group that is below them.

Gays were once societal taboo. Once they became normal we went to down to drag queens, then trannies, now we're drawing parallels between kids and sex and that was at one point in this country a unforgivable sin and the ultimate taboo. But as we all see, it isn't anymore. Trying to turn a kid into a tranny 50 years would have gotten you killed or thrown in prison for life, now it's an argument politicians fight for on national tv and people protest for in broad daylight.

We are truly fast becoming soddom and Gomorrah.
Hardly do dog whistles count as debate.
Wonder why none of the Dims on this board will condemn Nambla and child diddlers? Their silence shows their true colors.

So candycorn will you condemn Nambla and pedophiles, or do you secretly support them? Don't be a pussy, speak clearly as to where you stand.
Wonder why none of the Dims on this board will condemn Nambla and child diddlers? Their silence shows their true colors.

So candycorn will you condemn Nambla and pedophiles, or do you secretly support them? Don't be a pussy, speak clearly as to where you stand.
I condemn pedophiles; I don't support pedophiles. I don't support the guys who party with pedophiles (aka Donald Trump) and I didn't vote for him.

Can you say the same thing WelfareQueen?

Don't be a pussy...speak clearly as to who you voted for?

So we already know Democrats support homos, shemales, and other sexual perverts, all in the name of "diversity and inclusion" which denotes less than 0.000000000000001% of the population, yet here we are flying the tackiest fag flags imaginable. Well, here comes the next unimaginable thing:
Kiddie Diddlers and the NAMBLA crowd. The Democrat Party will sure as shit support them in their quest to "normalize" their "sexual expression" just like every other deviant. So why should we, as normal healthy heterosexual people, especially people of faith, bend over backwards to accommodate these sick individuals who need Christ more than anything, and the life changing power of G-d Himself?
This of course is rightwing neo-fascism 101: attack and vilify a class of persons with fearmongering and lies in an effort frighten the base and deflect from the right’s authoritarian agenda.

And it’s perfectly appropriate and warranted for Democrats to defend the rights of gay and transgender Americans from the hateful, bigoted right; gay and transgender Americans don’t represent a threat to America, the neo-fascist right does.
There's a big difference between treating the sad reality that some people have crossed wiring in their brains and adults fucking children. Of course you're too fucking dumb to realize this reality...Sad.

Problem is that the “crossed wiring in their brains” is clearly compelling some adults to fuck with children in a very harmful way; and the rest of the alphabet deviants seem to feel obligated to give them cover and support.
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We're allowing that small % to have an adverse impact on our society that is far out of proportion to their numbers.

Why should we fuck up a society that works for 95+% of us, just to pander to <5%? Especially now that the childfuckers are almost openly riding in on their coattails, and threatening everyone's children?
No, it’s the larger group called MAGA that’s the problem.
You can shut up, Commie. These "people" will do anything and everything to distort and ultimately destroy the ONLY proper family structure all because they're jealous.
Typical fascist telling people to shut up. You’re as bad as the ultrawokesters.
This of course is rightwing neo-fascism 101: attack and vilify a class of persons with fearmongering and lies in an effort frighten the base and deflect from the right’s authoritarian agenda.

And it’s perfectly appropriate and warranted for Democrats to defend the rights of gay and transgender Americans from the hateful, bigoted right; gay and transgender Americans don’t represent a threat to America, the neo-fascist right does.
Not lies, moron. And the only authoritarian scum are Leftwad Commies like you.

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