The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Isn’t it the Kenyans economy though?

Trump says it's his, or did you miss that? Don't you pay attention to what he says?

Right...but this is your thread and you say this is the Kenyan’s economy...right?
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

The Dow is down 800 points, the Nasdaq is down 242 points, and the S&P is down 86 points. The Dow is currently at 25,480, 40 points higher than it was five months ago.

Naturally, Trump and Trump's Democrat, Peter Navarro, the architect of the trade war with China, are both blaming the Fed, according to the Trump Network, otherwise known as Fox News.

“This is basically the Federal Reserve’s problem,” Navarro said. “They are causing this because when Jay Powell got in this chairman he proceeded to rein in interest rates by at 100 interest points, too far too fast. Even though the Trump economy is rock solid, it slowed us down a bit because of those higher interest rates.”

Trump joined the chorus, tweeting, "The Fed has got to do something! The Fed is the Central Bank of the United States, not the Central Bank of the World."

This, of course, is good for my health. If Trump ever accepted blame for his screwed up policy and apologized, I might have a coronary.

What Trump and his Democrat are saying is meant for his base. They are gullible enough to believe it. No one else will.

Let's take a look at the facts. On August 1, Trump announced a 10% tariff on $300B of Chinese goods that are popular with American consumers, clothing, shoes, computers, cell phones, etc. That precipitated the worst week of the year for the stock market. The following Monday, August 5, Trump's announcement caused the worst day of the year. The Dow plunged 760 points.

On August 12, the Dow lost 391 points, but then on August 13 The US Trade Representative announced a delay of Trump's tariffs on several categories of Chinese-made consumer goods until December 15. Those goods include cell phones, laptop computers, video game consoles, certain toys, computer monitors, and certain items of footwear and clothing, and the Dow shot up more than 400 points.

Tariffs on popular consumer goods cause higher prices. Even Trump admitted that yesterday. Higher prices cause inflation. Inflation causes less demand. Less demand causes unemployment. Tariffs cause recession, Econ 101.

Today, August 15, the stock market set another record. Now it is the worst day of the year. The reason, recession fears. The Times reports, "Trade-war worries hammered financial markets again on Wednesday as data from Germany and China showed trouble for manufacturing-reliant economies, while the bond market renewed fears of an American recession."

But our President thinks the Fed is to blame. The complete lack of comprehension on the part of our current President never ceases to amaze me.

"If anyone had doubts that trade was the thing hanging over the market, today seals it," said Bill Stone, chief investment officer with Avalon Investment & Advisory.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Isn’t it the Kenyans economy though?

Trump says it's his, or did you miss that? Don't you pay attention to what he says?

Right...but this is your thread and you say this is the Kenyan’s economy...right?
Not since the idiotic tariffs and trade Wars. Duh. Just like after the Depression they caused in 1929, the Republicans thought that tariffs and trade Wars would be a great idea and put the world into a total depression. Trump is an idiot always has been.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Isn’t it the Kenyans economy though?

Trump says it's his, or did you miss that? Don't you pay attention to what he says?

Right...but this is your thread and you say this is the Kenyan’s economy...right?
Not since the idiotic tariffs and trade Wars. Duh. Just like after the Depression that caused in 1929, the Republicans thought that tariffs and trade Wars would be a great idea and put the world into a total depression. Trump is an idiot always has been.

Haha...yep, billionaires are stupid...and you folks who relentlessly beg for free shit are uber intelligent...weird huh?
It'll be no more Trump's recession than Obama's, or FDR's for that matter

They are all merely wall street mouthpieces

Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Isn’t it the Kenyans economy though?

Trump says it's his, or did you miss that? Don't you pay attention to what he says?

Right...but this is your thread and you say this is the Kenyan’s economy...right?
Not since the idiotic tariffs and trade Wars. Duh. Just like after the Depression they caused in 1929, the Republicans thought that tariffs and trade Wars would be a great idea and put the world into a total depression. Trump is an idiot always has been.
But I still hope China folds and everything works out. I don't hate Trump just his idiocy.
If one was to analyze the 10 year treasury rate minus the 2 year rate you would have noticed that theoretically the peak in difference was in 2014 at just about 2.7, hence from its peak to today the decline has been near steady to -.12, so now that the difference is squarely in the inverted stage what does it represent and at what point does it impact the stack market, inventories, manufacturing index, and sales? As it is witnessed the stack market is behaving as expected where the speculators mantra of buy high sell low, and by all means avoid quality well run companies, rules the day. The question that should be addressed is this a response to easy money low interest rate policy of the FED, a back lash, catching up with the market, or as for some, that have been sitting on the sidelines, the result of the over valued market in general? Take in consideration the leaders of recent market valuation has been attributed to Alphabet, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, to name a few. Risk tolerance has increase proportional to market valuation. Now they key remains inventory turnover, sales, manufacturing, and of course trade, European, and Asian consumer markets. At some point the efficiencies of the open free market will dictate a change of course. At what point does federal, state, and corporate debt play into the equation, the gurus of the market must be accounting for this unbridled phenomena. As is known the Fed can not permit banks to loose in the equation so another rate decrease is the only tool remaining, so is this the start of a market correction?
It'll be no more Trump's recession than Obama's, or FDR's for that matter

They are all merely wall street mouthpieces

The problem is the tariffs and the trade Wars if this goes on and on it's already causing problems in Germany etc and China of course and here. The world economy is still fragile and this was a stupid idea from the bone head.
The world economy is still fragile and this was a stupid idea from the bone head.

few are really looking at the bigger pix.....


Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Trump came along and deregulated everything, weakening the post-Great Recession laws meant to curb Wall Street abuses, and authorizing a massive tax cut for the wealthiest Americans without paying for a cent of it.

Trump promised to eliminate the debt in four years; he increased it. He promised to win the easy trade war with China; he didn't. He promised Mexico would pay for the wall; it won't. His tax cuts were going to trickle down and spur the economy; it didnt. #TrumpRecession.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Isn’t it the Kenyans economy though?

Trump says it's his, or did you miss that? Don't you pay attention to what he says?

Right...but this is your thread and you say this is the Kenyan’s economy...right?
Not since the idiotic tariffs and trade Wars. Duh. Just like after the Depression that caused in 1929, the Republicans thought that tariffs and trade Wars would be a great idea and put the world into a total depression. Trump is an idiot always has been.

Haha...yep, billionaires are stupid...and you folks who relentlessly beg for free shit are uber intelligent...weird huh?
He lost more money in 10 years than anyone else in the country oh, a terrible businessman. And his tariff and trade War idea is a bonehead move.
I notice a lot of Democrats are praying for pain for Americans and even rooting for china.

The fundamentals of the economy are strong. Don't bet against Americans.

Statement: "I notice a lot of Democrats are praying for pain for Americans and even rooting for china."

Response: Bullshit. Did you also notice along with trump the thousands of Muslims cheering from the Jersey Shore when the Twin Towers collapsed?
Yes I did see lots of muslims cheering on 911

And you can't refute anything I say

Palin can "refudiate" it, and Trump can confirm your fantasy, but since it is a complete fabrication, nobody is even going to ask you for a link.
1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression.

It ended in June 2009. I know he was magic, but what did he do that could end a depression so quickly?

2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.

I thought all that TARP money was authorized before he was elected?
I'm pretty sure GM and Chrysler never repaid in full, so how is that no cost?

3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.

I asked for things that helped the economy.

4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration

Tax cuts help the economy? Shhhh…..don't tell the libs.

5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

Which agreements?
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.

Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories.

Yes, his loss of the House, the Senate, and many governorships was proof of his awesomeness.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy

Yeah, in 4 months he ended the depression and stopped the rise of the oceans. He was magic!!!

DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president.

The Dem loss of 63 House seats (63, holy shit!!!) neutered him so much, he couldn't do much more damage, legislatively. If they'd held the House and passed Cap and Trade (what a stupid fucking idea), he'd have lost in 2012.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him.

Yes, Obama's 1.6% in 2016 was awesome!!!
I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.

You're no economist.

Bank that one
What are your credentials? Your post count? Give me a break. Explain the overnight opinion change of the Republican electorate about the economy. Then compare it to every economic chart that showed steady improvement. I’ll hang up and listen to your brilliance.

View attachment 274408

Opinions are not economic data. I repeat you're no economist

Cease pretending
Jesus you’re thick. ALL the economic data shows improvement during the Obama administration. Record improvement actually. The cause of the improvement is OPINION. There is nothing I can tell you to prove it was his policies nor can you prove it wasn’t. What is 100% fact is that it improved and you and your ilk denied it until a Pub was in the White House. That is indisputable. I have posted the chart. Why did republicans deny the recovery? I f I n e e d t o t y p e s l o w e r just let me know.

Record improvement actually.

Obama had the record for weakest recovery since WWII.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Isn’t it the Kenyans economy though?

Amazing ain't it?.... They honestly think we don't notice those things and that they can just say and do anything with impunity.

Landslide 2020.

Trump promised to eliminate the debt in four years; he increased it. He promised to win the easy trade war with China; he didn't. He promised Mexico would pay for the wall; it won't. His tax cuts were going to trickle down and spur the economy; it didnt. #TrumpRecession.

maybe he can make good on that Mars mission...



Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Isn’t it the Kenyans economy though?

Trump says it's his, or did you miss that? Don't you pay attention to what he says?

Right...but this is your thread and you say this is the Kenyan’s economy...right?
Not since the idiotic tariffs and trade Wars. Duh. Just like after the Depression they caused in 1929, the Republicans thought that tariffs and trade Wars would be a great idea and put the world into a total depression. Trump is an idiot always has been.
This is not the same as the lat 1920's. Back then were a nation on the upswing with near total self sustaining production with a low tax economy. We had tariffs to keep it. Teh federal reserve tightened the spigot to much after the loose policies that helped to cause the roaring 20's. Today we produce nothing compared to back then as a percentage of our GDP. We are a high tax nation on the decline. We had a hard time competing as the taxes went up and the work became more shoddy then foreign products. What makes its worse is that Asia does it better and cheaper at this point. If there is a Great Depression again, theoretically we will not be as affected as other nations involved because we paypeople off with plenty of checks. Things will still be bad as they will be cut a hefty percentage. And loans and oter things will collapse. But not like the 1930's for many folks. The safety net exists although there will be some deaths to those who are kept alive by the taxpayer. Asia in theory should suffer more as they push their products to us. In a few decades they will not need us as much as their own people will enjoy what they produce for themselves at a much higher percentage as their middle class grows byleaps and bounds.
You do realize that all Trump has to do is rescind the tariffs and the stock market will come roaring right back again...right? (eye roll) Every time you progressives try to start a string that has anything to do with economics you invariably shoot yourselves in the foot because you know so little about the subject.

Stick to your bread and butter, Kiddies! Identity politics!!! Accuse people of being racist...that's what you all do best!

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