The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Predicted= hoped for ...but it ain't happnin. You almost gotta laugh that the same idiotic lefties who accused the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" have become the willing agents for foreign propaganda.
I think progs are just tarded is all........Does math, history or logic mean a fucking thing to you guys? Choke on this reality, because your narratives have absolutely no meaning:

A. The recession hit bottom on Obama's watch. The Democrats controlled both houses and POTUS.

B. The Democrats controlled the house when we dove into the recession on Bush's watch. They're responsible for expenditures and regulations you dumb fucks. Doesn't reality bite?

C. What did Obama do to improve the economy? Nothing idiots. If anything he impeded recovery with Obamacare.
Predicted= hoped for ...but it ain't happnin. You almost gotta laugh that the same idiotic lefties who accused the President of the ludicrous charge of "collusion" have become the willing agents for foreign propaganda.
Liberals want the United States to fail under Trump even if people die or get hurt.
Sigh. I don’t know why I plays these games with you Russians but here it goes a few.

1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression. Yea it costed but it was ended.
2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.
3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.
4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration
5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

You can argue #3 didn’t grow GDP but it keeps it more likely not to crash.

1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression.

It ended in June 2009. I know he was magic, but what did he do that could end a depression so quickly?

2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.

I thought all that TARP money was authorized before he was elected?
I'm pretty sure GM and Chrysler never repaid in full, so how is that no cost?

3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.

I asked for things that helped the economy.

4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration

Tax cuts help the economy? Shhhh…..don't tell the libs.

5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

Which agreements?
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.
1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression.

It ended in June 2009. I know he was magic, but what did he do that could end a depression so quickly?

2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.

I thought all that TARP money was authorized before he was elected?
I'm pretty sure GM and Chrysler never repaid in full, so how is that no cost?

3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.

I asked for things that helped the economy.

4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration

Tax cuts help the economy? Shhhh…..don't tell the libs.

5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

Which agreements?
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.
Gerrymandering has been around since 1700’s and Blue states practice it more than any other states.
1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression.

It ended in June 2009. I know he was magic, but what did he do that could end a depression so quickly?

2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.

I thought all that TARP money was authorized before he was elected?
I'm pretty sure GM and Chrysler never repaid in full, so how is that no cost?

3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.

I asked for things that helped the economy.

4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration

Tax cuts help the economy? Shhhh…..don't tell the libs.

5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

Which agreements?
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.

You're no economist.

Bank that one
1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression.

It ended in June 2009. I know he was magic, but what did he do that could end a depression so quickly?

2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.

I thought all that TARP money was authorized before he was elected?
I'm pretty sure GM and Chrysler never repaid in full, so how is that no cost?

3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.

I asked for things that helped the economy.

4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration

Tax cuts help the economy? Shhhh…..don't tell the libs.

5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

Which agreements?
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.
The economy was so good under Obama nobody noticed.
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.
The economy was so good under Obama nobody noticed.

Tepid and lackluster
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.

You're no economist.

Bank that one
What are your credentials? Your post count? Give me a break. Explain the overnight opinion change of the Republican electorate about the economy. Then compare it to every economic chart that showed steady improvement. I’ll hang up and listen to your brilliance.

You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.
The economy was so good under Obama nobody noticed.
Same question numbnuts. Explain.
What???!!!! For the last two years you guys have been saying that this is Obama's economy, that Trump merely inherited Obama's surging economy, etc., etc.! But, oh, now that you think a recession is looming, NOW it's "Trump's economy." I see.
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.
Gerrymandering has been around since 1700’s and Blue states practice it more than any other states.
So you approve of it. Thanks. Helpful.
Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.

You're no economist.

Bank that one
What are your credentials? Your post count? Give me a break. Explain the overnight opinion change of the Republican electorate about the economy. Then compare it to every economic chart that showed steady improvement. I’ll hang up and listen to your brilliance.

View attachment 274408

Opinions are not economic data. I repeat you're no economist

Cease pretending
What???!!!! For the last two years you guys have been saying that this is Obama's economy, that Trump merely inherited Obama's surging economy, etc., etc.! But, oh, now that you think a recession is looming, NOW it's "Trump's economy." I see.
Trump owns any trend changes. Just like Obama did. Obama changed the trend for the better. Trump will either maintain improve or erode the economic trends. He’s maintained it 2 years. Looks like he’s about to wreck it. Maybe not. Jury is out.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
Obama ruled over your lowly ass for 8 years with enormous landslide victories. Yes the Republican racists gerrymandered the hell out of a lot of Congressional races and disenfranchised millions of voters. Thanks for pointing that out.

Face it. Obama turned around the economy DESPITE obstructionist PUBS who had one goal. ONE GOAL. Make Obama a one term president. Suckers lost that and decided to elect a moron from among the morons.

Trump puked on the gift economy Obama gave him. I supposed your stupid argument will be the economy sputtered into recession DESPITE Donald’s great work. That would be par for your illogical ass.

You're no economist.

Bank that one
What are your credentials? Your post count? Give me a break. Explain the overnight opinion change of the Republican electorate about the economy. Then compare it to every economic chart that showed steady improvement. I’ll hang up and listen to your brilliance.

View attachment 274408

Opinions are not economic data. I repeat you're no economist

Cease pretending
Jesus you’re thick. ALL the economic data shows improvement during the Obama administration. Record improvement actually. The cause of the improvement is OPINION. There is nothing I can tell you to prove it was his policies nor can you prove it wasn’t. What is 100% fact is that it improved and you and your ilk denied it until a Pub was in the White House. That is indisputable. I have posted the chart. Why did republicans deny the recovery? I f I n e e d t o t y p e s l o w e r just let me know.
And as I posted on another thread...

Drive-By Media Hell-Bent on Talking Us Into a Recession (Nothing but sickening speculations!!!)

Here’s a media montage to demonstrate what I mean…


PETER ALEXANDER: The risk of a recession in the next year is growing!

JOHN AUTHERS: …very clearly that we are likely to have a recession!

DAGEN MCDOWELL: Every recession since World War II has at least been preceded by an inversion.

GINA MARTIN ADAMS: We are already pricing in recession!

KEVIN KELLY: We can’t evade a recession forever!

KAYLA TAUSCHE: …a recession warning!

MAX BOOT: …threat of a recession on the horizon!

JONATHAN LEMIRE: A recession could be looming!

ALEXI MCCAMMOND: … looming recession under President Trump!

KATHARINE HARLOW: (music) …serious new fears of a recession. … The president’s on vacation.

RUSH: Shouldn’t that montage right there tell you this is BS when the media gets on these things — gravitas, whatever the montage is — when they’re all saying the same thing? “Looming recession! Dangerous inversion!” When they’re all saying the same thing — and when it happens to align with what the Democrat presidential candidates are saying — isn’t it time to be very suspicious of it, that this is not resulting from actual news out there.

Rush ^ | August 14, 2019

And our subversive DemonRATS are now promoting this narrative....guess Trump is a racist and a WHITE NATIONALIST just didn't fly with America!....What next?
The whole world is in recession. They are dragging us down a bit, but one China agreement could shoot us back up.

Aside from that, trumps economy will hold. Add to that some rate cuts and another tax cut and we will be just fine.
Last edited:
Btw, ice raided chicken farms and real americans are applying for those vacant $13 an hour jobs. There were 40 people in line the next day.
What???!!!! For the last two years you guys have been saying that this is Obama's economy, that Trump merely inherited Obama's surging economy, etc., etc.! But, oh, now that you think a recession is looming, NOW it's "Trump's economy." I see.
Until Trump started with the tariffs and trade Wars great idea. You better cut them right now. This is stupid. He's the worst business man ever and now the worst president ever.

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