The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

He was talking them buying bonds, not stocks. And that's just his biased guess.
investment in the US though, correct? that's money in country, correct? money coming in isn't a recession.
That's not the definition of a recession. It's a symptom that people are fleeing the market and moving to safer securities.
so why did the bond market make the statement?
The bond market has crashed over the 7 months. On January 18th the yield on the 10 year Treasury was 2.79%. As I type this, the yield is an insane 1.59%.

That's a drop of 43%. The bond market is saying it expects a serious slowdown. That's its statement.

Is it right? I don't know. But I do trust the bond market more than I trust the stock market.
which one out of this list I invest in?

Corporate Bonds
Government-sponsored Enterprises
Municipal Bonds
US Treasury Securities
Zero Coupon Bonds
Mortgage-backed Securities
Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae
Ginnie Mae
I don't have nearly enough information. That depends on your age, time frame, financial goals, risk profile and overall portfolio allocation.
investment in the US though, correct? that's money in country, correct? money coming in isn't a recession.
That's not the definition of a recession. It's a symptom that people are fleeing the market and moving to safer securities.
so why did the bond market make the statement?
The bond market has crashed over the 7 months. On January 18th the yield on the 10 year Treasury was 2.79%. As I type this, the yield is an insane 1.59%.

That's a drop of 43%. The bond market is saying it expects a serious slowdown. That's its statement.

Is it right? I don't know. But I do trust the bond market more than I trust the stock market.
which one out of this list I invest in?

Corporate Bonds
Government-sponsored Enterprises
Municipal Bonds
US Treasury Securities
Zero Coupon Bonds
Mortgage-backed Securities
Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae
Ginnie Mae
I don't have nearly enough information. That depends on your age, time frame, financial goals, risk profile and overall portfolio allocation.
well there are a world of different types of bonds, treasury bonds is but one type, but investments are investments and can be in any of those. The fact is, the declaration today was a sabotage nothing more nothing less.
That's not the definition of a recession. It's a symptom that people are fleeing the market and moving to safer securities.
so why did the bond market make the statement?
The bond market has crashed over the 7 months. On January 18th the yield on the 10 year Treasury was 2.79%. As I type this, the yield is an insane 1.59%.

That's a drop of 43%. The bond market is saying it expects a serious slowdown. That's its statement.

Is it right? I don't know. But I do trust the bond market more than I trust the stock market.
which one out of this list I invest in?

Corporate Bonds
Government-sponsored Enterprises
Municipal Bonds
US Treasury Securities
Zero Coupon Bonds
Mortgage-backed Securities
Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae
Ginnie Mae
I don't have nearly enough information. That depends on your age, time frame, financial goals, risk profile and overall portfolio allocation.
well there are a world of different types of bonds, treasury bonds is but one type, but investments are investments and can be in any of those. The fact is, the declaration today was a sabotage nothing more nothing less.
Yes, that's the conspiracy Rush is floating to take responsibility off of Trump.

It's fantasy, but you're free to run with it.
so why did the bond market make the statement?
The bond market has crashed over the 7 months. On January 18th the yield on the 10 year Treasury was 2.79%. As I type this, the yield is an insane 1.59%.

That's a drop of 43%. The bond market is saying it expects a serious slowdown. That's its statement.

Is it right? I don't know. But I do trust the bond market more than I trust the stock market.
which one out of this list I invest in?

Corporate Bonds
Government-sponsored Enterprises
Municipal Bonds
US Treasury Securities
Zero Coupon Bonds
Mortgage-backed Securities
Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae
Ginnie Mae
I don't have nearly enough information. That depends on your age, time frame, financial goals, risk profile and overall portfolio allocation.
well there are a world of different types of bonds, treasury bonds is but one type, but investments are investments and can be in any of those. The fact is, the declaration today was a sabotage nothing more nothing less.
Yes, that's the conspiracy Rush is floating to take responsibility off of Trump.

It's fantasy, but you're free to run with it.
well explain it then. someone explain it or one can only listen to the only explanation available. I'm asking. why do you always have to be a dick?
The fundamentals of the economy are strong.

Bush II used almost those exact words in Dec 2007...that did not work out so well
As opposed to Obama, who declared he intended to fundamentally change the United States....and succeeded...

I do not think he succeeded, but he did give it his best try.

Two worst presidents we have ever had, Bush II and Obama
And Trump doesn't get a call You're waiting till he's through ??

So far he is better than those two, though with each passing day he gets closer to them
The bond market has crashed over the 7 months. On January 18th the yield on the 10 year Treasury was 2.79%. As I type this, the yield is an insane 1.59%.

That's a drop of 43%. The bond market is saying it expects a serious slowdown. That's its statement.

Is it right? I don't know. But I do trust the bond market more than I trust the stock market.
which one out of this list I invest in?

Corporate Bonds
Government-sponsored Enterprises
Municipal Bonds
US Treasury Securities
Zero Coupon Bonds
Mortgage-backed Securities
Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae
Ginnie Mae
I don't have nearly enough information. That depends on your age, time frame, financial goals, risk profile and overall portfolio allocation.
well there are a world of different types of bonds, treasury bonds is but one type, but investments are investments and can be in any of those. The fact is, the declaration today was a sabotage nothing more nothing less.
Yes, that's the conspiracy Rush is floating to take responsibility off of Trump.

It's fantasy, but you're free to run with it.
well explain it then. someone explain it or one can only listen to the only explanation available. I'm asking. why do you always have to be a dick?
You made a declarative statement that ended in "a sabotage nothing more nothing less". That was not a question, it was fantasy.

If you have questions, ask them.
This is where I list all his accomplishments and you go those weren’t Obama or, it should have been better. Not my first day on the internet brah.

This is where I list all his accomplishments


Why don't you just list his top 5?
Top 5 things he did to grow GDP.
Sigh. I don’t know why I plays these games with you Russians but here it goes a few.

1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression. Yea it costed but it was ended.
2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.
3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.
4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration
5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

You can argue #3 didn’t grow GDP but it keeps it more likely not to crash.

1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression.

It ended in June 2009. I know he was magic, but what did he do that could end a depression so quickly?

2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.

I thought all that TARP money was authorized before he was elected?
I'm pretty sure GM and Chrysler never repaid in full, so how is that no cost?

3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.

I asked for things that helped the economy.

4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration

Tax cuts help the economy? Shhhh…..don't tell the libs.

5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

Which agreements?
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

which one out of this list I invest in?

Corporate Bonds
Government-sponsored Enterprises
Municipal Bonds
US Treasury Securities
Zero Coupon Bonds
Mortgage-backed Securities
Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae
Ginnie Mae
I don't have nearly enough information. That depends on your age, time frame, financial goals, risk profile and overall portfolio allocation.
well there are a world of different types of bonds, treasury bonds is but one type, but investments are investments and can be in any of those. The fact is, the declaration today was a sabotage nothing more nothing less.
Yes, that's the conspiracy Rush is floating to take responsibility off of Trump.

It's fantasy, but you're free to run with it.
well explain it then. someone explain it or one can only listen to the only explanation available. I'm asking. why do you always have to be a dick?
You made a declarative statement that ended in "a sabotage nothing more nothing less". That was not a question, it was fantasy.

If you have questions, ask them.
yes I did, because it wasn't warranted. why would someone do that if not to cause chaos? what happened to stocks today? LOL, yep I'm making it up.

Russia Russia!!!
I notice a lot of Democrats are praying for pain for Americans and even rooting for china.

The fundamentals of the economy are strong. Don't bet against Americans.

Statement: "I notice a lot of Democrats are praying for pain for Americans and even rooting for china."

Response: Bullshit. Did you also notice along with trump the thousands of Muslims cheering from the Jersey Shore when the Twin Towers collapsed?
Yes I did see lots of muslims cheering on 911

And you can't refute anything I say
I don't have nearly enough information. That depends on your age, time frame, financial goals, risk profile and overall portfolio allocation.
well there are a world of different types of bonds, treasury bonds is but one type, but investments are investments and can be in any of those. The fact is, the declaration today was a sabotage nothing more nothing less.
Yes, that's the conspiracy Rush is floating to take responsibility off of Trump.

It's fantasy, but you're free to run with it.
well explain it then. someone explain it or one can only listen to the only explanation available. I'm asking. why do you always have to be a dick?
You made a declarative statement that ended in "a sabotage nothing more nothing less". That was not a question, it was fantasy.

If you have questions, ask them.
yes I did, because it wasn't warranted. why would someone do that if not to cause chaos? what happened to stocks today? LOL, yep I'm making it up.

Russia Russia!!!
I don't know what you're talking about, but enjoy.
well there are a world of different types of bonds, treasury bonds is but one type, but investments are investments and can be in any of those. The fact is, the declaration today was a sabotage nothing more nothing less.
Yes, that's the conspiracy Rush is floating to take responsibility off of Trump.

It's fantasy, but you're free to run with it.
well explain it then. someone explain it or one can only listen to the only explanation available. I'm asking. why do you always have to be a dick?
You made a declarative statement that ended in "a sabotage nothing more nothing less". That was not a question, it was fantasy.

If you have questions, ask them.
yes I did, because it wasn't warranted. why would someone do that if not to cause chaos? what happened to stocks today? LOL, yep I'm making it up.

Russia Russia!!!
I don't know what you're talking about, but enjoy.
Dow tanks 800 points in worst day of 2019 after bond market sends recession warning
Yes, that's the conspiracy Rush is floating to take responsibility off of Trump.

It's fantasy, but you're free to run with it.
well explain it then. someone explain it or one can only listen to the only explanation available. I'm asking. why do you always have to be a dick?
You made a declarative statement that ended in "a sabotage nothing more nothing less". That was not a question, it was fantasy.

If you have questions, ask them.
yes I did, because it wasn't warranted. why would someone do that if not to cause chaos? what happened to stocks today? LOL, yep I'm making it up.

Russia Russia!!!
I don't know what you're talking about, but enjoy.
Dow tanks 800 points in worst day of 2019 after bond market sends recession warning
Yes, correct.
I notice a lot of Democrats are praying for pain for Americans and even rooting for china.

The fundamentals of the economy are strong. Don't bet against Americans.

Statement: "I notice a lot of Democrats are praying for pain for Americans and even rooting for china."

Response: Bullshit. Did you also notice along with trump the thousands of Muslims cheering from the Jersey Shore when the Twin Towers collapsed?
Trump was watching them from his golf course
I remember seeing them and so do many others
This is where I list all his accomplishments


Why don't you just list his top 5?
Top 5 things he did to grow GDP.
Sigh. I don’t know why I plays these games with you Russians but here it goes a few.

1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression. Yea it costed but it was ended.
2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.
3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.
4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration
5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

You can argue #3 didn’t grow GDP but it keeps it more likely not to crash.

1. Ended worst recession since Great Depression.

It ended in June 2009. I know he was magic, but what did he do that could end a depression so quickly?

2. Saved and modernized the auto industry. No it didn’t cost us anything.

I thought all that TARP money was authorized before he was elected?
I'm pretty sure GM and Chrysler never repaid in full, so how is that no cost?

3. Dodd Frank reform to reduce chances of future meltdowns and unsavory bank actions.

I asked for things that helped the economy.

4. Yes Obama extended and cut taxes early in his administration

Tax cuts help the economy? Shhhh…..don't tell the libs.

5. Actually had trade agreements not trade wars

Which agreements?
You realize you just did exactly what I said you would? What a joke. All your questions are easily answered by half a brain or google. Which one do you not have access to?

Mocked your claims? Yes I did.
Let me know when you actually get 5 things he did that helped grow GDP.
I did. You have them listed. Like I said you can ignore them and pretend I didn’t show them to you but they are there. You know the economy turned around under Obama. You don’t want to give him credit, that is fine. You are in this group.

View attachment 274371

I did. You have them listed.

Only an idiot would claim that anything Obama did between Jan 20, 2009 and June 2009 was the difference between a depression and the end of the recession. Oh, there you are!!!

Or that anything he did saved the auto industry.

You know the economy turned around under Obama.

Despite almost everything he did.
What do you think Cap and Trade would have done to the economy?
Good thing the American people realized what an idiot Obama was and booted 63 (63, holy shit!) Dem Congressmen.
well explain it then. someone explain it or one can only listen to the only explanation available. I'm asking. why do you always have to be a dick?
You made a declarative statement that ended in "a sabotage nothing more nothing less". That was not a question, it was fantasy.

If you have questions, ask them.
yes I did, because it wasn't warranted. why would someone do that if not to cause chaos? what happened to stocks today? LOL, yep I'm making it up.

Russia Russia!!!
I don't know what you're talking about, but enjoy.
Dow tanks 800 points in worst day of 2019 after bond market sends recession warning
Yes, correct.
yep, sabotaged, as I called it

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