The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

What a douchbag thread. They do realize the Hildabeast is their nominee? Morons.....:lol:

That and too stupid to realize whites are still 2/3 rds of the electorate and Dems struggle to get 33% of their vote. Again....idiots.
And we do realize the Dems got five of the six popular votes and four of the six elections.

The demographic do not favor the Pubs. Grow up.

Nope. First your facts are dead wrong. The Dems lost in the 2010 and 2014 National elections. You also forget the Obama effect. He is not running. Assuming the same turnout for a bitchy, hateful old white woman is fucking stupid. When Obama is not on the ticket Dems lose. Sorry. :( The Dems have lost every National election since 2004 except one in which Obama was not running.

Check your shit Jake. :lol:
That and too stupid to realize whites are still 2/3 rds of the electorate and Dems struggle to get 33% of their vote. Again....idiots.
You might be missing the implication of what's been posted in this thread, apparently in leftwing-a-topia, whites are free thinking enough to vote according to psychographic modes, while minorities are just robots captured by demographics and owned lock, stock and barrel by the Democrats for the foreseeable future.
That and too stupid to realize whites are still 2/3 rds of the electorate and Dems struggle to get 33% of their vote. Again....idiots.
You might be missing the implication of what's been posted in this thread, apparently in leftwing-a-topia, whites are free thinking enough to vote according to psychographic modes, while minorities are just robots captured by demographics and owned lock, stock and barrel by the Democrats for the foreseeable future.

Of course. And voting blocs never change and candidates don't matter. :D

Again.....idiots. :lol:
WQ et al, you are flat wrong. The demographics are against you. You can't fight the numbers, and if you think Trump will take you back to Reagan, well, that's crazy talk. And if you think any of the far right candidates can win, well, that's crazy talk as well.
That and too stupid to realize whites are still 2/3 rds of the electorate and Dems struggle to get 33% of their vote. Again....idiots.
You might be missing the implication of what's been posted in this thread, apparently in leftwing-a-topia, whites are free thinking enough to vote according to psychographic modes, while minorities are just robots captured by demographics and owned lock, stock and barrel by the Democrats for the foreseeable future.
It's a right winger who's pushing that theory most strongly in this thread. He ensures one party democratic rule in the near future because of the non-thinking minorities especially immigrants and blacks.
How do you envision the One Party State, Jake? Happy? Prosperous? Peaceful?
Once again, there will be no such thing, but you are right that the Corrells are not going to be in charge.
I'm explained my analysis, and it's pretty simple, one plus one level simple. You've done nothing to explain what if any flaws it has. Hint about the One Party State. It's not gong to be Happy, Prosperous or Peaceful.
One, your plan has been explained to you what it won't work. You simply don't want to believe. Two, there will be no one party state. You don't want to believe that either.

RW put forth "jobs" as a reason why it wouldn't happen, claiming that if the GOP could offer jobs that it could compete for minority votes.

I cited history that showed that idea was false.

I don't recall you putting forth any such suggestion. You've accused me of racism and fascism and insulted Evangelicals but offered no specifics on how you expect the GOP of the future to suddenly be able to "adapt" and get minority votes that they haven't been able to get for decades.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, current demographic trends will result is a long period of ONe Party Dominance .

This will be a disaster for America and all of it's citizens.

Except for maybe the Democratic Leadership, and the most extreme partisans who are more dedicated to the agenda than the interests of themselves and their fellow citizens.
"Barring unforseen circumstances" such as the right wing suspending the constitution to allow themselves to change our system such that these demographic trends are overturned.

And you still want me to believe that your ilk will do nothing to stop the oncoming "ruin" and "disaster"? Such strong rhetoric! And coming with no promise to do whatever it takes to stop it.

I don't believe you one iota.

Nope. More along the lines of something shaking up the minority/lib alliance.

But it seems pretty rock solid.

Though I do note that in a thread triumphing this great impending victory, where the evidence has been presented as to their impending marginalization, that you are pushing propaganda about an impending coup.

This is just they type of dishonest propaganda that I was talking about, that we will continue to see even as the One Party State flexs it's muscles and forces it's agenda down all of our throats.
WQ et al, you are flat wrong. The demographics are against you. You can't fight the numbers, and if you think Trump will take you back to Reagan, well, that's crazy talk. And if you think any of the far right candidates can win, well, that's crazy talk as well.
A far right winger could win this election because of the lack of a Democratic candidate. My only hope is that a decent Republican wins the primary, because in 2016 a Republican will be elected President. Mark it down.
WQ et al, you are flat wrong. The demographics are against you. You can't fight the numbers, and if you think Trump will take you back to Reagan, well, that's crazy talk. And if you think any of the far right candidates can win, well, that's crazy talk as well.
A far right winger could win this election because of the lack of a Democratic candidate. My only hope is that a decent Republican wins the primary, because in 2016 a Republican will be elected President. Mark it down.
Perhaps, not likely at the moment.

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The 1965 act marked a radical break from the immigration policies of the past. The law as it stood then excluded Asians and Africans and preferred northern and western Europeans over southern and eastern ones.[2] At the height of the civil rights movement of the 1960s the law was seen as an embarrassment by, among others, President John F. Kennedy, who called the then-quota-system "nearly intolerable".[3] After Kennedy's assassination, President Lyndon Johnsonsigned the bill at the foot of the Statue of Liberty as a symbolic foothold of signing the bill.

In order to convince the American people of the legislation's merits, its proponents assured that passage would not influence America's culture significantly. President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions",[4] while Secretary of State Dean Rusk and other politicians, including Senator Ted Kennedy, hastened to reassure the populace that the demographic mix would not be affected; these assertions would later prove grossly inaccurate.[5"

Brilliant strategy.

Course they had to completely perpetuate a fraud on the American People, but hey. Libs.
Once again, there will be no such thing, but you are right that the Corrells are not going to be in charge.
I'm explained my analysis, and it's pretty simple, one plus one level simple. You've done nothing to explain what if any flaws it has. Hint about the One Party State. It's not gong to be Happy, Prosperous or Peaceful.
One, your plan has been explained to you what it won't work. You simply don't want to believe. Two, there will be no one party state. You don't want to believe that either.

RW put forth "jobs" as a reason why it wouldn't happen, claiming that if the GOP could offer jobs that it could compete for minority votes.

I cited history that showed that idea was false.

I don't recall you putting forth any such suggestion. You've accused me of racism and fascism and insulted Evangelicals but offered no specifics on how you expect the GOP of the future to suddenly be able to "adapt" and get minority votes that they haven't been able to get for decades.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, current demographic trends will result is a long period of ONe Party Dominance .

This will be a disaster for America and all of it's citizens.

Except for maybe the Democratic Leadership, and the most extreme partisans who are more dedicated to the agenda than the interests of themselves and their fellow citizens.
"Barring unforseen circumstances" such as the right wing suspending the constitution to allow themselves to change our system such that these demographic trends are overturned.

And you still want me to believe that your ilk will do nothing to stop the oncoming "ruin" and "disaster"? Such strong rhetoric! And coming with no promise to do whatever it takes to stop it.

I don't believe you one iota.

Nope. More along the lines of something shaking up the minority/lib alliance.

But it seems pretty rock solid.

Though I do note that in a thread triumphing this great impending victory, where the evidence has been presented as to their impending marginalization, that you are pushing propaganda about an impending coup.

This is just they type of dishonest propaganda that I was talking about, that we will continue to see even as the One Party State flexs it's muscles and forces it's agenda down all of our throats.
Trump and Cruz are capable of doing anything to "save" America. Don't fool yourself. It is not dishonest propaganda at all. It is a true possibility. Trump and Cruz are a threat to the Republic. Trump is used to being a dictator. Do you think he'd care about a goddamned piece of paper if he believes the military has his back?
That and too stupid to realize whites are still 2/3 rds of the electorate and Dems struggle to get 33% of their vote. Again....idiots.
You might be missing the implication of what's been posted in this thread, apparently in leftwing-a-topia, whites are free thinking enough to vote according to psychographic modes, while minorities are just robots captured by demographics and owned lock, stock and barrel by the Democrats for the foreseeable future.
It's a right winger who's pushing that theory most strongly in this thread. He ensures one party democratic rule in the near future because of the non-thinking minorities especially immigrants and blacks.

You're confused, the poster named "rightwinger" is not a right winger and he's been pushing the demographic fait accompli theory since his OP, I find it amusing since it's one of the many lines of simulated reasoning the left regularly regurgitates which exposes the bigotry they are so desperate to obfuscate from the world.
That and too stupid to realize whites are still 2/3 rds of the electorate and Dems struggle to get 33% of their vote. Again....idiots.
You might be missing the implication of what's been posted in this thread, apparently in leftwing-a-topia, whites are free thinking enough to vote according to psychographic modes, while minorities are just robots captured by demographics and owned lock, stock and barrel by the Democrats for the foreseeable future.
It's a right winger who's pushing that theory most strongly in this thread. He ensures one party democratic rule in the near future because of the non-thinking minorities especially immigrants and blacks.

The equating of non-thinking with block voting is yours, not mine.

But otherwise yes.

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The 1965 act marked a radical break from the immigration policies of the past. The law as it stood then excluded Asians and Africans and preferred northern and western Europeans over southern and eastern ones.[2] At the height of the civil rights movement of the 1960s the law was seen as an embarrassment by, among others, President John F. Kennedy, who called the then-quota-system "nearly intolerable".[3] After Kennedy's assassination, President Lyndon Johnsonsigned the bill at the foot of the Statue of Liberty as a symbolic foothold of signing the bill.

In order to convince the American people of the legislation's merits, its proponents assured that passage would not influence America's culture significantly. President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions",[4] while Secretary of State Dean Rusk and other politicians, including Senator Ted Kennedy, hastened to reassure the populace that the demographic mix would not be affected; these assertions would later prove grossly inaccurate.[5"

Brilliant strategy.

Course they had to completely perpetuate a fraud on the American People, but hey. Libs.
There you go. You're post is racist and fascist. "Preserve Aryan cultural dominance" is what you said in a nutshell.
I'm explained my analysis, and it's pretty simple, one plus one level simple. You've done nothing to explain what if any flaws it has. Hint about the One Party State. It's not gong to be Happy, Prosperous or Peaceful.
One, your plan has been explained to you what it won't work. You simply don't want to believe. Two, there will be no one party state. You don't want to believe that either.

RW put forth "jobs" as a reason why it wouldn't happen, claiming that if the GOP could offer jobs that it could compete for minority votes.

I cited history that showed that idea was false.

I don't recall you putting forth any such suggestion. You've accused me of racism and fascism and insulted Evangelicals but offered no specifics on how you expect the GOP of the future to suddenly be able to "adapt" and get minority votes that they haven't been able to get for decades.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, current demographic trends will result is a long period of ONe Party Dominance .

This will be a disaster for America and all of it's citizens.

Except for maybe the Democratic Leadership, and the most extreme partisans who are more dedicated to the agenda than the interests of themselves and their fellow citizens.
"Barring unforseen circumstances" such as the right wing suspending the constitution to allow themselves to change our system such that these demographic trends are overturned.

And you still want me to believe that your ilk will do nothing to stop the oncoming "ruin" and "disaster"? Such strong rhetoric! And coming with no promise to do whatever it takes to stop it.

I don't believe you one iota.

Nope. More along the lines of something shaking up the minority/lib alliance.

But it seems pretty rock solid.

Though I do note that in a thread triumphing this great impending victory, where the evidence has been presented as to their impending marginalization, that you are pushing propaganda about an impending coup.

This is just they type of dishonest propaganda that I was talking about, that we will continue to see even as the One Party State flexs it's muscles and forces it's agenda down all of our throats.
Trump and Cruz are capable of doing anything to "save" America. Don't fool yourself. It is not dishonest propaganda at all. It is a true possibility. Trump and Cruz are a threat to the Republic. Trump is used to being a dictator. Do you think he'd care about a goddamned piece of paper if he believes the military has his back?

I would call this hysteria, but I see such hysteria all to often from the left.

When will you stop panic mongering about the Right?

NOt when we have the One Party State. You'll need to keep doing it to justify the overreach.
WQ et al, you are flat wrong. The demographics are against you. You can't fight the numbers, and if you think Trump will take you back to Reagan, well, that's crazy talk. And if you think any of the far right candidates can win, well, that's crazy talk as well.

WTF???? do realize Hillary Clinton will be your nominee? And you did not address any of the points I made. The Dems struggle to win National elections when Obama is not on the ticket. The Dems lost National elctions in 2004....2010...and 2014. Every election in which Obama was not on the ticket.
What a douchbag thread. They do realize the Hildabeast is their nominee? Morons.....:lol:

That and too stupid to realize whites are still 2/3 rds of the electorate and Dems struggle to get 33% of their vote. Again....idiots.

It is electoral votes that elect a president...ask President Gore, he can explain it better than I can

Right now, the Democratic candidate will have 242 electoral votes, the Republican will have 179 before the first vote is cast

Hillary will destroy her Republican competition in the remaining swing states and she only needs to pick up an extra 28 of 119 available
That and too stupid to realize whites are still 2/3 rds of the electorate and Dems struggle to get 33% of their vote. Again....idiots.
You might be missing the implication of what's been posted in this thread, apparently in leftwing-a-topia, whites are free thinking enough to vote according to psychographic modes, while minorities are just robots captured by demographics and owned lock, stock and barrel by the Democrats for the foreseeable future.
It's a right winger who's pushing that theory most strongly in this thread. He ensures one party democratic rule in the near future because of the non-thinking minorities especially immigrants and blacks.

You're confused, the poster named "rightwinger" is not a right winger and he's been pushing the demographic fait accompli theory since his OP, I find it amusing since it's one of the many lines of simulated reasoning the left regularly regurgitates which exposes the bigotry they are so desperate to obfuscate from the world.

Easy....... Name any blue states you think will go Red in 2016
Name the swing states that Republicans will take in 2016 that they didn't take in 2012
Easy....... Name any blue states you think will go Red in 2016
Name the swing states that Republicans will take in 2016 that they didn't take in 2012
Sorry my friend, I, unlike you don't operate under the illusion that I'm clairvoyant which would be especially silly since we're not even certain who's going to be running. Therefore making such predictions on such a micro scale is foolish in the extreme and is likely to come back and bite you right in the rear end.

Fortunately you seem to take being made fun of with a healthy sense humor so I suspect you'll be no worse for the wear if a Republican wins 2016 and all the right wingers bring back this thread and rub your nose in it.

For the record, I have no idea which party will take the White House in 2016, all that is certain is that modern Presidential history (since the end of WW II) has shown a strong propensity for the White House to change parties after no more than 2 terms (Reagan being the only exception) so history suggests that the Republicans have the odds in their favor. Personally I think it's natural that after 8 years of eating one flavor of partisan bullshit the America people want a change and choose to dine on the other flavor of partisan bullshit for a while. I also think if the Democrats are foolish enough to nominate her Highness the Marquees of Corruption and Scandal it will just improve the Republicans odds but that's just my opinion.

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The 1965 act marked a radical break from the immigration policies of the past. The law as it stood then excluded Asians and Africans and preferred northern and western Europeans over southern and eastern ones.[2] At the height of the civil rights movement of the 1960s the law was seen as an embarrassment by, among others, President John F. Kennedy, who called the then-quota-system "nearly intolerable".[3] After Kennedy's assassination, President Lyndon Johnsonsigned the bill at the foot of the Statue of Liberty as a symbolic foothold of signing the bill.

In order to convince the American people of the legislation's merits, its proponents assured that passage would not influence America's culture significantly. President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions",[4] while Secretary of State Dean Rusk and other politicians, including Senator Ted Kennedy, hastened to reassure the populace that the demographic mix would not be affected; these assertions would later prove grossly inaccurate.[5"

Brilliant strategy.

Course they had to completely perpetuate a fraud on the American People, but hey. Libs.
There you go. You're post is racist and fascist. "Preserve Aryan cultural dominance" is what you said in a nutshell.

America was never aryan. Try to be less crazy.

Reasonable questions about the long term results of the new policy were asked.

The dem response was to lie about it.

They claimed that there would be no cultural or demographic changes.

Now we see that those they implemented a policy that would completely change the demographics and culture of this nation.

Jake has been going on quite a bit about how the Tradiational American values do not hold sway anymore and never will again.

Imagine if Ted had been honest about THAT.

RW has been discussing the imminent marginalization of the GOP.

Imagine if Johnson had been honest about that!

Think they would have gotten it passed?

This current situation is the result of a policy sold on a lie.

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