The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Ouch, this thread is almost as funny as Hillary losing. :laugh:
Best part is that Rightwinger is taking the joking in stride. No butt hurt showing at all.
New found respect for him on this one.
And then I suppose I could just as easily be the one getting joked since I said all along that hillary would win, she was promised. We see how that one turned out for me. Libs never keep their promises.

Until his Oxy prescription runs out then...
We all get a bit testy when our opiate cabinet turns up empty dont we? I certainly know I do. cant tell you how many times Ive vacuumed my carpet with a straw and my nose, crawling around on my knees hoping to find just a little bit of spilled heroin dust. But again, who hasnt been there.

President Obama is that you?:eusa_whistle:
Unless, the bloc voting of the minorities can be broken.
I don't think the block voting of minorities is something that will happen over the long run. Once the population is majority minority, a lot of racial politics will by necessity die off. Anything you'd do to get an overwhelming majority of one group is likely to alienate another.

In addition, the block voting isn't all that natural unless a group feels like it is directly under attack. ....

Which is where the constant race mongering of the Left comes in.

THey create a Confirmation Bias where every perceived slight and reversal is seen as evidence of racism.

For example, I am an ideological and partisan conservative republican. I was a near rabid anti-Bill Clinton partisan during those days.

Then when the next democratic President came along, I was, not surprisingly opposed to him on partisan and ideological grounds.

And I was CONSTANTLY accused of being racist, over the last 8 years.

With a Conventional Wisdom like that, the perception of "directly under attack" can be and will be kept alive even though actual discrimination is running more and more in the OTHER direction. looks like it is time for a post mortem on the election

Yup....A Republican was elected and I was as wrong as I can be
Where did I go wrong?

1. I overestimated the Blue Wall. Trump was able to take key swing states (Florida, Pennsylvania, NC) and several blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin) by one or two percent that amounted to 10,000 to 100,000 votes. Meanwhile Hillary took NY and California by over 4 million votes
2. I overestimated the number of women and minorities that would refuse to vote Republican. Especially with Trump running.

3.. I didn't account for the fact that Democrats have to win the popular vote by over 3% in order to reach 270

4. I didn't count on an enemy of the United States influencing the election in favor of Trump

5. I didn't count on the FBI creating an unsubstantiated criminal accusation against Clinton ten days before the election

You didnt account for the Cubs winning the World Series.. That was your biggest mistake..once they won it was obvious to everyone except the media
Ouch, this thread is almost as funny as Hillary losing. :laugh:
Best part is that Rightwinger is taking the joking in stride. No butt hurt showing at all.
New found respect for him on this one.
And then I suppose I could just as easily be the one getting joked since I said all along that hillary would win, she was promised. We see how that one turned out for me. Libs never keep their promises.

Until his Oxy prescription runs out then...
We all get a bit testy when our opiate cabinet turns up empty dont we? I certainly know I do. cant tell you how many times Ive vacuumed my carpet with a straw and my nose, crawling around on my knees hoping to find just a little bit of spilled heroin dust. But again, who hasnt been there.

President Obama is that you?:eusa_whistle: looks like it is time for a post mortem on the election

Yup....A Republican was elected and I was as wrong as I can be
Where did I go wrong?

1. I overestimated the Blue Wall. Trump was able to take key swing states (Florida, Pennsylvania, NC) and several blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin) by one or two percent that amounted to 10,000 to 100,000 votes. Meanwhile Hillary took NY and California by over 4 million votes
2. I overestimated the number of women and minorities that would refuse to vote Republican. Especially with Trump running.

3.. I didn't account for the fact that Democrats have to win the popular vote by over 3% in order to reach 270

4. I didn't count on an enemy of the United States influencing the election in favor of Trump

5. I didn't count on the FBI creating an unsubstantiated criminal accusation against Clinton ten days before the election

You didnt account for the Cubs winning the World Series.. That was your biggest mistake..once they won it was obvious to everyone except the media

All Republicans, Conservatives, and Libertarians should take their victory lap and gloat until January 21st, after that, cease and desist. Do not end up like that charming and delightful WINGER, so over confident you look like a damn fool, while looking like a fool, realize you did nothing to help your candidate win because you were sooo over confident, and realize that you, and your people have no power anywhere in the federal government. Work towards throwing the rest of these people out in 18, and since they have the largest majority of seats up, by putting forth effort, you can make it happen. In essence, they have placed themselves in a coffin, and all you have to do stay focused and YOU will nail it shut for them-)

Listen to what I am telling you or in 18, you may be here eating crow like WINGER. Don't get over confident or least not after January 21st. Until then though, IT IS PARTY TIME, and thank you WINGER for your unwitting support, and I hear that Subway is creating a new crow sandwich called the WINGER, so we are gonna order a bunch of them for far leftists, just, like, you_)-)
Ouch, this thread is almost as funny as Hillary losing. :laugh:
Best part is that Rightwinger is taking the joking in stride. No butt hurt showing at all.
New found respect for him on this one.
And then I suppose I could just as easily be the one getting joked since I said all along that hillary would win, she was promised. We see how that one turned out for me. Libs never keep their promises.

Until his Oxy prescription runs out then...
We all get a bit testy when our opiate cabinet turns up empty dont we? I certainly know I do. cant tell you how many times Ive vacuumed my carpet with a straw and my nose, crawling around on my knees hoping to find just a little bit of spilled heroin dust. But again, who hasnt been there.

President Obama is that you?:eusa_whistle: looks like it is time for a post mortem on the election

Yup....A Republican was elected and I was as wrong as I can be
Where did I go wrong?

1. I overestimated the Blue Wall. Trump was able to take key swing states (Florida, Pennsylvania, NC) and several blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin) by one or two percent that amounted to 10,000 to 100,000 votes. Meanwhile Hillary took NY and California by over 4 million votes
2. I overestimated the number of women and minorities that would refuse to vote Republican. Especially with Trump running.

3.. I didn't account for the fact that Democrats have to win the popular vote by over 3% in order to reach 270

4. I didn't count on an enemy of the United States influencing the election in favor of Trump

5. I didn't count on the FBI creating an unsubstantiated criminal accusation against Clinton ten days before the election

You didnt account for the Cubs winning the World Series.. That was your biggest mistake..once they won it was obvious to everyone except the media

All Republicans, Conservatives, and Libertarians should take their victory lap and gloat until January 21st, after that, cease and desist. Do not end up like that charming and delightful WINGER, so over confident you look like a damn fool, while looking like a fool, realize you did nothing to help your candidate win because you were sooo over confident, and realize that you, and your people have no power anywhere in the federal government. Work towards throwing the rest of these people out in 18, and since they have the largest majority of seats up, by putting forth effort, you can make it happen. In essence, they have placed themselves in a coffin, and all you have to do stay focused and YOU will nail it shut for them-)

Listen to what I am telling you or in 18, you may be here eating crow like WINGER. Don't get over confident or least not after January 21st. Until then though, IT IS PARTY TIME, and thank you WINGER for your unwitting support, and I hear that Subway is creating a new crow sandwich called the WINGER, so we are gonna order a bunch of them for far leftists, just, like, you_)-)
Eating crow is part of the game. If you are going to play, you have to be ready to take the bad with the good.
but you are right, now that we have a non politician in the white house, we need to do the same in the houses, on both sides.
Time for us ALL to take our country back and stop being told what to think by those in Washington.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime


Remember this meltdown by these Loopy kunts...
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Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
Not only are the "swing states" firmly red today, but thanks to Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, now even the blue states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are firmly red.
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Trump isn't a Republican. He is an egotistical demagogue. Rightwinger was RIGHT.
A Trump Presidency is the end of the Republican party. Because now that Trump has won, he is now the POSTER BOY of the Republican party. He's already threatened American corporations with a 35% penalty tax and tariff's that are most certainly dead on arrival in a Republican congress. To recommend something like that, he's not a conservative much less a Republican. He's just a loose canon.

The damage to the Republican party will be devastating for decades to come, because Democrats have Donald Trump to point at. And let's face it those video's NEVER go away. So the party will be known as the party of hate, ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, division and extremism. And no one votes for that.

With Hillary Clinton now leading the popular vote by close to 3 million votes, Donald Trump will be the first President in the history of this nation that will be sworn in as a Lame DUCK President. He has no mandate with these numbers. He's one and done, (if he doesn't get impeached within this 4 year term.)

Trump is also the first President Elect in this nation's history, that had to barricade himself inside the Trump Tower, and his means of communication with the outside world has been reduced to a tweeter account.

These people aren't going away, and they're never going to forget.

Last edited:
A Trump Presidency is the end of the Republican party. Because now that Trump has won, he is now the POSTER BOY of the Republican party. He's already threatened American corporations with a 35% penalty tax and tarriff's that are most certainly dead on arrival in a Republican congress. So he's not even a Republican.
You sound pussy whipped..
The damage to the Republican party will be devastating for decades to come, because Democrats have Donald Trump to point at. And let's face it those video's NEVER go away. So the party will be known as the party of hate, ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, division and extremism. And no one votes for that.

With Hillary Clinton now leading by close to 3 million votes, Donald Trump will be the first President in this nation that will be sworn in as a Lame DUCK President.

Donald Trump is also the first President Elect that had to barricade himself inside the Trump Tower, and his means of communication with the outside world has been reduced to a tweeter account.

These people aren't going away, and they're not going to forget.

You sound pussy whipped...
A Trump Presidency is the end of the Republican party. Because now that Trump has won, he is now the POSTER BOY of the Republican party. He's already threatened American corporations with a 35% penalty tax and tarriff's that are most certainly dead on arrival in a Republican congress. So he's not even a Republican.

The damage to the Republican party will be devastating for decades to come, because Democrats have Donald Trump to point at. And let's face it those video's NEVER go away. So the party will be known as the party of hate, ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, division and extremism. And no one votes for that.

With Hillary Clinton now leading by close to 3 million votes, Donald Trump will be the first President in this nation that will be sworn in as a Lame DUCK President.

Donald Trump is also the first President Elect that had to barricade himself inside the Trump Tower, and his means of communication with the outside world has been reduced to a tweeter account.

These people aren't going away, and they're not going to forget.


Yep the dems are in great shape. Nice leadership, keep electing them.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
Not only are the "swing states" firmly red today, but thanks to Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, now even the blue states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are firmly red.

1. If Trump delivers. we need to keep on him, AND let the gop in Congress know that we are holding the entire party responsible.

2. And until the demographics change enough to overwhelm the White Vote even with a good candidate.

3. Unless we can break the lock on the minority votes that the dems have though race baiting and identity politics.
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Trump isn't a Republican. He is an egotistical demagogue. Rightwinger was RIGHT.

Don't be silly. Trump might not be a conservative, but he is definitely a republican.

No democrat could say, "America First" with a straight face.
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Trump isn't a Republican. He is an egotistical demagogue. Rightwinger was RIGHT.

Don't be silly. Trump might not be a conservative, but he is definitely a republican.

No democrat could say, "America First" with a straight face.
Don't be childish, grow up. Anyone can SAY they are a republican or democrat . Those superfluous titles are meaningless anyway for most of us. There are conservative democrats and liberal republicans.

Now what makes you believe Trump's sucker talk when he rails about putting America first?
If he does, it won't be because he is a republican, it will be because he follows the trail of political wisdom left by his predecessor, Obama.

Republicans are known for their destructive effects on our economy and for their apathy for average Americans. Democrats, and their once powerful union base, are responsible for helping to generate THE middle class through collective bargaining. A safe working environment was also a product of theirs through regulatory implementation buttressed by millions of voices condensed into a collective unit.

Don't wake the sleeping social giant up...Trump had better tip toe around him if he can!
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Trump isn't a Republican. He is an egotistical demagogue. Rightwinger was RIGHT.

Don't be silly. Trump might not be a conservative, but he is definitely a republican.

No democrat could say, "America First" with a straight face.
Don't be childish, grow up. Anyone can SAY they are a republican or democrat . Those superfluous titles are meaningless anyway for most of us. There are conservative democrats and liberal republicans.

Now what makes you believe Trump's sucker talk when he rails about putting America first?
If he does, it won't be because he is a republican, it will be because he follows the trail of political wisdom left by his predecessor, Obama.

Republicans are known for their destructive effects on our economy and for their apathy for average Americans. Democrats, and their once powerful union base, are responsible for helping to generate THE middle class through collective bargaining. A safe working environment was also a product of theirs through regulatory implementation buttressed by millions of voices condensed into a collective unit.

Don't wake the sleeping social giant up...Trump had better tip toe around him if he can!

Those titles are not meaningless, they reflect deep philosophical differences.

Trump has based his Presidency on two core policies, Trade and Immigration.

THe quality of his life over the next 4 to 8 years will be defined by how well he can keep his support based on those promises.

HIs legacy and retirement will be judged by that.

HIs self interest is to put America First.
A Trump Presidency is the end of the Republican party. Because now that Trump has won, he is now the POSTER BOY of the Republican party. He's already threatened American corporations with a 35% penalty tax and tariff's that are most certainly dead on arrival in a Republican congress. To recommend something like that, he's not a conservative much less a Republican. He's just a loose canon.

The damage to the Republican party will be devastating for decades to come, because Democrats have Donald Trump to point at. And let's face it those video's NEVER go away. So the party will be known as the party of hate, ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, division and extremism. And no one votes for that.

With Hillary Clinton now leading the popular vote by close to 3 million votes, Donald Trump will be the first President in the history of this nation that will be sworn in as a Lame DUCK President. He has no mandate with these numbers. He's one and done, (if he doesn't get impeached within this 4 year term.)

Trump is also the first President Elect in this nation's history, that had to barricade himself inside the Trump Tower, and his means of communication with the outside world has been reduced to a tweeter account.

These people aren't going away, and they're never going to forget.

You have to be a Republican troll.
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Trump isn't a Republican. He is an egotistical demagogue. Rightwinger was RIGHT.

Don't be silly. Trump might not be a conservative, but he is definitely a republican.

No democrat could say, "America First" with a straight face.
Don't be childish, grow up. Anyone can SAY they are a republican or democrat . Those superfluous titles are meaningless anyway for most of us. There are conservative democrats and liberal republicans.

Now what makes you believe Trump's sucker talk when he rails about putting America first?
If he does, it won't be because he is a republican, it will be because he follows the trail of political wisdom left by his predecessor, Obama.

Republicans are known for their destructive effects on our economy and for their apathy for average Americans. Democrats, and their once powerful union base, are responsible for helping to generate THE middle class through collective bargaining. A safe working environment was also a product of theirs through regulatory implementation buttressed by millions of voices condensed into a collective unit.

Don't wake the sleeping social giant up...Trump had better tip toe around him if he can!

Those titles are not meaningless, they reflect deep philosophical differences.

Trump has based his Presidency on two core policies, Trade and Immigration.

THe quality of his life over the next 4 to 8 years will be defined by how well he can keep his support based on those promises.

HIs legacy and retirement will be judged by that.

HIs self interest is to put America First.

The meaningless of partisan titles:

Those deep philosophical differences seem rather ambiguous. The loyalty to any one party's philosophy by the great mass of common American seem to be fluid and inconsistent.
The wisdom of that observation is evident by the constant changing of the guard when voters decide they are fed up with one or the other...or when one party finds a way to RIG the election in it's favor.

Trade and Immigration:

Trump has drawn from the overflowing well of xenophobia that has inundated the nation. That fear probably allowed him to ensnare a significant number of democrats. Trump knows all too well the power of hegemony on this country and how it flows copiously across partisan lines.
The code phrase, "Make America great again," underlined a call for saving Whiteness.

Trade deficits with China do need to be addressed and immigration does too. But at the risk of becoming isolationists? I guess we will have to wait and see. But the economy he is inheriting from Obama is already healthy and thriving. If he can even maintain the present level I'd be happy.

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