The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

...and we all know you find W intelligent and truthful.

Carl Rove was able to find a way to get him to .270......barely

The coalition that Rove built to win is no longer there. The GOP has contracted at a time our diversity has expanded
Your post is a deflection and has nothing to do with your prior post and my response.

Why do you consistently post foolishness?
...and we all know you find W intelligent and truthful.

Carl Rove was able to find a way to get him to .270......barely

The coalition that Rove built to win is no longer there. The GOP has contracted at a time our diversity has expanded
Your post is a deflection and has nothing to do with your prior post and my response.

Why do you consistently post foolishness?
Your post was a lame deflection.....Bush is stupid
Doesn't matter, he found a way to squeak out a win

That path is no longer open to Republicans
...and we all know you find W intelligent and truthful.

Carl Rove was able to find a way to get him to .270......barely

The coalition that Rove built to win is no longer there. The GOP has contracted at a time our diversity has expanded
Your post is a deflection and has nothing to do with your prior post and my response.

Why do you consistently post foolishness?
Your post was a lame deflection.....Bush is stupid
Doesn't matter, he found a way to squeak out a win

That path is no longer open to Republicans
Did Rachel tell you that?
Fuckin moron.
...and we all know you find W intelligent and truthful.

Carl Rove was able to find a way to get him to .270......barely

The coalition that Rove built to win is no longer there. The GOP has contracted at a time our diversity has expanded
Your post is a deflection and has nothing to do with your prior post and my response.

Why do you consistently post foolishness?
Your post was a lame deflection.....Bush is stupid
Doesn't matter, he found a way to squeak out a win

That path is no longer open to Republicans
Did Rachel tell you that?
Fuckin moron.
Rachel wishes she had my stuff
She could never cut it as a renowned paid message board poster
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

...and we all know you find W intelligent and truthful.

Carl Rove was able to find a way to get him to .270......barely

The coalition that Rove built to win is no longer there. The GOP has contracted at a time our diversity has expanded
Your post is a deflection and has nothing to do with your prior post and my response.

Why do you consistently post foolishness?
Your post was a lame deflection.....Bush is stupid
Doesn't matter, he found a way to squeak out a win

That path is no longer open to Republicans


^^^^^^^^Douchebag. :lol:
...and we all know you find W intelligent and truthful.

Carl Rove was able to find a way to get him to .270......barely

The coalition that Rove built to win is no longer there. The GOP has contracted at a time our diversity has expanded

That expansion will come to an end once the wall is built.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

I just saw this thread..............I guess you better never start a Psychic hotline.....
...and we all know you find W intelligent and truthful.

Carl Rove was able to find a way to get him to .270......barely

The coalition that Rove built to win is no longer there. The GOP has contracted at a time our diversity has expanded
Your post is a deflection and has nothing to do with your prior post and my response.

Why do you consistently post foolishness?
Your post was a lame deflection.....Bush is stupid
Doesn't matter, he found a way to squeak out a win

That path is no longer open to Republicans
Did Rachel tell you that?
Fuckin moron.
Rachel wishes she had my stuff
She could never cut it as a renowned paid message board poster
Maybe you should change your signature to the next Democratic president has not been born yet, lol.
Way to funny RW

RW once again is proven to be a fool. thanks for bringing this back up to throw in his face.

You're welcome I remember this thread...

We gave you RW the biggest fuck you in the nation's history

Shove it pal
I thought for sure that Ted Cruz was going to go all the way. Of course, this was before Trump was even a thought.

You want to see something else that is fun?

Go to this post below and make fun of Statistikhengst and all his fuzzy math now. He told us to book mark it, so I did. :badgrin: I KNEW she would lose. I knew how corrupt that bitch was. I just could not imagine the electorate voting for her. No way. I didn't care what his phony statistical models predicted.

In addition to her age problem and she is not aging well....geeze look at the photos of her that have not been touched up...she has turned into a frumply old woman.......and now it appears her health may be much worse than generally known.

So, the democrats will have to look for someone else most likely....who could it be?

The smart money remains on Jerry Brown.

Rumors persist that Hillary won?t run because health is worse than disclosed | The Daily Caller

Funny. She is running, she will get the nomination and she will win the GE with between 56-57% of the NPV. Feel free to bookmark this posting. Thank you.

Oh, and when I want to establish cred, I sure don't quote something like the Daily Caller. I print out copies of the Daily Caller and line my birdcage with it.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Got to bump this oldie but goodie.

The question actually is, has the next democrat president been born yet?

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