The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Trump is the best President Russia ever bought
I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
I just want to say that, although we rarely saw eye to eye on most subjects and I basically thought you to be a pain in the ass, My deepest sympathy go out for your family and friends. Until this thread came back up and I realized that since there is another republican president that has been recently elected, your lifetime must have abruptly ended.
In many ways I will miss bantering with you on the various subjects that we have no control over, yet still like to pretend we do.
Again, my deepest sympathy for all those that will miss your keen wit and style.

Come everyone, Come weep with me over the loss we have suffered.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Might want to trade in your tarot cards
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President

Trump got ~35% of the Hispanic vote.

It looks like your idiotic blind partisanship got trumped by common sense.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Thanks to racist idiots in your party, folks like Guano, you have driven whites out of your party and straight to Trump.
Other progressive idiots like yourself are also responsible, with your lack of common sense on display daily.

THANK YOU, rightwinger, for helping to get Trump elected!
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Boy were you full of shit on this one. LMAO looks like it is time for a post mortem on the election

Yup....A Republican was elected and I was as wrong as I can be
Where did I go wrong?

1. I overestimated the Blue Wall. Trump was able to take key swing states (Florida, Pennsylvania, NC) and several blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin) by one or two percent that amounted to 10,000 to 100,000 votes. Meanwhile Hillary took NY and California by over 4 million votes
2. I overestimated the number of women and minorities that would refuse to vote Republican. Especially with Trump running.

3.. I didn't account for the fact that Democrats have to win the popular vote by over 3% in order to reach 270

4. I didn't count on an enemy of the United States influencing the election in favor of Trump

5. I didn't count on the FBI creating an unsubstantiated criminal accusation against Clinton ten days before the election looks like it is time for a post mortem on the election

Yup....A Republican was elected and I was as wrong as I can be
Where did I go wrong?

1. I overestimated the Blue Wall. Trump was able to take key swing states (Florida, Pennsylvania, NC) and several blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin) by one or two percent that amounted to 10,000 to 100,000 votes. Meanwhile Hillary took NY and California by over 4 million votes
2. I overestimated the number of women and minorities that would refuse to vote Republican. Especially with Trump running.

3.. I didn't account for the fact that Democrats have to win the popular vote by over 3% in order to reach 270

4. I didn't count on an enemy of the United States influencing the election in favor of Trump

5. I didn't count on the FBI creating an unsubstantiated criminal accusation against Clinton ten days before the election

The votes were there in the majority ethnic group, the Whites. As Trump's message spoke to working class issues, he even made a little headway into the minority vote, undermining half the base of the dems.

The underlying demographic trends remain the same.

A few more years, and the majority of what will remain the single largest ethnic group, will no longer have the possibility of ever having their grievances heard or their interests represented.

We will at that point, be an One Party State, that is a democratic republic in only the most technical of definitions.

Unless, the bloc voting of the minorities can be broken.

Trump could do that, if his policies work, and the media is not able to hide that fact from minority voters. looks like it is time for a post mortem on the election

Yup....A Republican was elected and I was as wrong as I can be
Where did I go wrong?

1. I overestimated the Blue Wall. Trump was able to take key swing states (Florida, Pennsylvania, NC) and several blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin) by one or two percent that amounted to 10,000 to 100,000 votes. Meanwhile Hillary took NY and California by over 4 million votes
2. I overestimated the number of women and minorities that would refuse to vote Republican. Especially with Trump running.

3.. I didn't account for the fact that Democrats have to win the popular vote by over 3% in order to reach 270

4. I didn't count on an enemy of the United States influencing the election in favor of Trump

5. I didn't count on the FBI creating an unsubstantiated criminal accusation against Clinton ten days before the election

You left out you didn't think running an unpopular, nasty Criminal under FBI investigation who never had a good thing to say about anyone, mattered looks like it is time for a post mortem on the election

Yup....A Republican was elected and I was as wrong as I can be
Where did I go wrong?

1. I overestimated the Blue Wall. Trump was able to take key swing states (Florida, Pennsylvania, NC) and several blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin) by one or two percent that amounted to 10,000 to 100,000 votes. Meanwhile Hillary took NY and California by over 4 million votes
2. I overestimated the number of women and minorities that would refuse to vote Republican. Especially with Trump running.

3.. I didn't account for the fact that Democrats have to win the popular vote by over 3% in order to reach 270

4. I didn't count on an enemy of the United States influencing the election in favor of Trump

5. I didn't count on the FBI creating an unsubstantiated criminal accusation against Clinton ten days before the election

6. I didn't know me and my fellow Democrats would be called on our BULLSHIT!


Poor FalseWinger!! Boo..hoo....

You are , and have always been, a fraudulent, duplicitous twat. You're also a condescending, over-confident jackass!

You're dishonesty is all you have. It is so basic and such an integral part of you, that it starts with your username.

You've been a liar and a fraud from the day you joined.

Now your "chickens have come home to roost".

:rofl: looks like it is time for a post mortem on the election

Yup....A Republican was elected and I was as wrong as I can be
Where did I go wrong?

1. I overestimated the Blue Wall. Trump was able to take key swing states (Florida, Pennsylvania, NC) and several blue states (Michigan, Wisconsin) by one or two percent that amounted to 10,000 to 100,000 votes. Meanwhile Hillary took NY and California by over 4 million votes
2. I overestimated the number of women and minorities that would refuse to vote Republican. Especially with Trump running.

3.. I didn't account for the fact that Democrats have to win the popular vote by over 3% in order to reach 270

4. I didn't count on an enemy of the United States influencing the election in favor of Trump

5. I didn't count on the FBI creating an unsubstantiated criminal accusation against Clinton ten days before the election

6. I didn't know me and my fellow Democrats would be called on our BULLSHIT!


Poor FalseWinger!! Boo..hoo....

You are , and have always been, a fraudulent, duplicitous twat. You're also a condescending, over-confident jackass!

You're dishonesty is all you have. It is so basic and such an integral part of you, that it starts with your username.

You've been a liar and a fraud from the day you joined.

Now your "chickens have come home to roost".


Zander bro.......does your face hurt like mine from smiling so fucking much this past 3 weeks?

Hey.....more winning bro.........go check the vid out there of yesterdays Clinton campaign coordinator meltdown when face to face with Kelly Conway. Of course, she's one of those hideously ugly feminist angry bulldogs. Check it out.............cant miss stuff. Watch that and tell me she doesn't have a museum piece bumpy cucumber waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the fuck up the pooper.:2up::boobies::boobies:
Ouch, this thread is almost as funny as Hillary losing. :laugh:
Best part is that Rightwinger is taking the joking in stride. No butt hurt showing at all.
New found respect for him on this one.
And then I suppose I could just as easily be the one getting joked since I said all along that hillary would win, she was promised. We see how that one turned out for me. Libs never keep their promises.
Ouch, this thread is almost as funny as Hillary losing. :laugh:
Best part is that Rightwinger is taking the joking in stride. No butt hurt showing at all.
New found respect for him on this one.
And then I suppose I could just as easily be the one getting joked since I said all along that hillary would win, she was promised. We see how that one turned out for me. Libs never keep their promises.

Until his Oxy prescription runs out then...
Unless, the bloc voting of the minorities can be broken.
I don't think the block voting of minorities is something that will happen over the long run. Once the population is majority minority, a lot of racial politics will by necessity die off. Anything you'd do to get an overwhelming majority of one group is likely to alienate another.

In addition, the block voting isn't all that natural unless a group feels like it is directly under attack. Inner city African Americans, suburban African Americans, etc, all have different issues they face. Hispanics make up a huge group with some very different political opinions. Plus, the GOP has a lot of natural in roads into these groups. Hispanics in particular are a group that a lot of core GOP values could have great traction with.

Of course, for the GOP to make headway on this, the block that voted Trump in has to go. He won in 2016 but I remain convinced his electoral strategy isn't a long term plan for winning.

As for the title of this thread and the OP: I was never confident that Hillary would run away with this race. I thought she'd win, but I thought it would be VERY VERY close. I know I should have been very suspicious of the Blue Wall once it became clear that Hillary wouldn't win Iowa and Ohio. It's been said elsewhere, but demographically Ohio and Pennsylvania aren't all that different and that Iowa and the largely rural parts of Wisconsin aren't that different. Trump had Ohio and Iowa in the bag as far back as September. That should have said something to all of us about Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

I'm still amazed he won Michigan, but c'est la vie.
Ouch, this thread is almost as funny as Hillary losing. :laugh:
Best part is that Rightwinger is taking the joking in stride. No butt hurt showing at all.
New found respect for him on this one.
And then I suppose I could just as easily be the one getting joked since I said all along that hillary would win, she was promised. We see how that one turned out for me. Libs never keep their promises.

Until his Oxy prescription runs out then...
We all get a bit testy when our opiate cabinet turns up empty dont we? I certainly know I do. cant tell you how many times Ive vacuumed my carpet with a straw and my nose, crawling around on my knees hoping to find just a little bit of spilled heroin dust. But again, who hasnt been there.

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