The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

As long as our GOP pisses off women, blacks, browns, disabled, veterans, religious minorities, LGBT, etc., we won't win the WH and will lose the senate.

Their problem is they won't win back those demographics overnight. It will take more than I'm sorry, I have changed

It will take positive actions.....actions Republucans are incapable of

YOu are contradicting your op.

If change is all that is required, then your op is nonsense.

It does not take generations to change.

You see the obvious consequences of demographic shift, but refuse to give up blaming the Republicans for something outside of their control.

This is the height of partisan self delusion.
Certain actions like folks like Correll. That age group will die off quickly.
Another reason the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Angry old white men will not live forever

Yes, we will.

There will always be a LOT of Angry Old White Men.

Your delusion that we are dying off, and your expectation that someday you will get to have your way without any consideration of us, is part of the inherent impossibility of your One Party Utopia.

And as you try to live that lie, you will make more and younger white men, and women Angry.

I hope you are enjoying the polite civilized political atmosphere we have today.

For these are the Good Old Days.
It is sad to see the party of Eisenhower in this state. We need a two strong and sane political parties to maintain a balance, and find good solutions to the problems our nation will encounter over the years.
The days of finding common ground and passing meaningful legislation are gone

Republican insistence on all or nothing has ended with them receiving nothing

You are literally operating under the belief system that your ideological enemies are dying off, AND are actively supporting polices to bring about that "death", and you blame US for the lack of common ground?
Yes, the ideological enemies of the changing demographics are dying off as you will starkly discover this fall.

It will only grow worse until the day you descend into the grave.
It is sad to see the party of Eisenhower in this state. We need a two strong and sane political parties to maintain a balance, and find good solutions to the problems our nation will encounter over the years.
The days of finding common ground and passing meaningful legislation are gone

Republican insistence on all or nothing has ended with them receiving nothing

Except the house and senate.
It is sad to see the party of Eisenhower in this state. We need a two strong and sane political parties to maintain a balance, and find good solutions to the problems our nation will encounter over the years.
The days of finding common ground and passing meaningful legislation are gone

Republican insistence on all or nothing has ended with them receiving nothing

Except the house and senate.
And passing only bills with which Obama agrees.

They receive nothing but hand outs from Obama.
Yes, the ideological enemies of the changing demographics are dying off as you will starkly discover this fall.

It will only grow worse until the day you descend into the grave.

Your inability to distinguish between losing majority status and "dying off" just shows how hateful and delusional you are.

Whites will still be the largest single ethnic group.

Your lib plans to advance your agenda without any consideration of that fact is part of why I predict ever increasing racial enmity in the future.
Oh, it's certainly a disaster.

YOu have not only all the problems associated with a ONe Party State, ie corruption, lack of accountability, over reach, ect.

BUT THE party in question supports policies that discriminate against the largest single ethnic group, whites. (see disparate impact theory and new haven fire fighters)

AND, when the leftist agenda is questioned, the standard lefty response is to demonize the questioner as a racist.

This leads to scenario, where increasingly the Whites will be seeking redress for their issues and just grievances and the response they will get will be to be insulted and attacked.

Eventually with speech codes, punished by the law for saying Politically Incorrect speech.

Meanwhile minorities will be constantly and increasingly told that those who are opposing them politically have no valid reason and are just vile racists.

There will be no chance of dialog across the vast gulf already created and growing every day.

IN the context of corrupt and incompetent government and a population that is increasingly looking like LA and Detroit and less like Suburbia.

That feeling you have to put the blame on Republicans?

That is the part of your mind that sees it coming and is preparing for you to cope with the horrific cost of your victory by blaming Republicans.

Such a drama queen...all because Republicans shot themselves in the foot

The sun will still rise in the morning, our Constitution will remain in force, Republicans will still control the State Houses and House of Representatives

They will just not win the White House for a generation

You ignore the contradiction in your position.

Is it demographics or policy?

If it is demographics, then blaming Republican policy for the result is irrational on your part.

Once you stop refusing to see that, the rest follows logically.

Here is how it works..

Republicans create policies that alienate certain demographics. They have enacted policies that pander to far right extremists at the expense of losing the women's and minority vote
It will cost them dearly

Presented as an example.

Continued Third World Immigration is NOT in the interests of American, nor Americans, who are mostly white.

Continued Third World Immigration IS in the interests of Mexicans.

There is a real and valid conflict of interests here.

That Trump wants to represent the interests of Americans is a valid choice.

That the democrats want to represent the interests of Hispanic Voters is also a valid choice.

BUT the result is that HIspanics will always vote Democrat.

Thus follows the scenario I posted.

THis is not about something the Republicans are doing wrong.
I will save arguing with your third world paranoia for another day, another thread
This one looks at the current state of the Republican Party and why they can no longer win
Republican policies and rhetoric is decidedly anti-Mexican not just anti illegal immigrant
Trumps opening statements that Mexicans coming across our borders are mostly rapists and drug dealers was offensive. Most Mexican Americans know illegals to be hard workers looking to support their families.
The fact that Republicans rally around this man will cost them the Hispanic vote. Republican rhetoric about English only and show your papers laws also infuriates Hispanics

It is not paranoia to consider Third World Immigration to be bad for America and Americans.

My point stands.

There is a real conflict of interests, one party chooses one side, the other chooses the other.

It is your side that feels the need to marginalize the other side. And it is your party that is succeeding in doing so.

This is NOT about the Republicans doing something wrong.

Your plan to, once your dream of a Defacto One Party State is reached, to rub salt in the wound by blaming it on Republicans, is a good one.

If your goal is to tear this nation apart as violently and quickly as possible.
Yes, the ideological enemies of the changing demographics are dying off as you will starkly discover this fall.

It will only grow worse until the day you descend into the grave.

Your inability to distinguish between losing majority status and "dying off" just shows how hateful and delusional you are. Whites will still be the largest single ethnic group. Your lib plans to advance your agenda without any consideration of that fact is part of why I predict ever increasing racial enmity in the future.
There will be no one party state, which you define by those who accept the white exceptionalism of the past as the acceptable model. The white majority does not embrace your nuttiness, and the while millennials will throw it in the garbage where it belongs. In thirty years, your type of hatred will not even be remembered.
Looking even worse for Team Trump as the Electoral Votes indicate a landslide victory for Hillary
Aside from losing North Carolina which Obama lost in 2012, Trump will bleed red states Arizona, Utah and Georgia

400 electoral votes are achievable for Hillary

GOP will never recover
Yay! I couldn't care less that my candidate is a lying, corrupt, corporately owned, unlikable witch of a person who will step on anyone and everyone to get what she wants... just so long as she goes out and wins the game for the blue team! GO BLUE TEAM!!
Yay! I couldn't care less that my candidate is a lying, corrupt, corporately owned, unlikable witch of a person who will step on anyone and everyone to get what she wants... just so long as she goes out and wins the game for the blue team! GO BLUE TEAM!!
^^^^In a nutshell...yeah
Considering George Bush is a blithering idiot incapable of doing anything right, what's the point of this?

Interesting, a man that won the presidency twice and up to 43% of the hispanic vote in 2004 = blithering idiot. lol

I'd say the only two things he did wrong is deregulate the bank and housing industry way to much and follow too much liberterian crap. Blithering idiot pretty much means economic libertarian.
Considering George Bush is a blithering idiot incapable of doing anything right, what's the point of this?
George sees what is happening to his own party. The coalition that helped him win in 2000 and 2004 no longer exists

Bush BARELY reached 270 and had to take both Florida and Ohio to do it. No Republican today is capable of taking the swing states that Bush took

Trump is even losing red states NC, Arizona and possibly Georgia
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