The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

The moderate wing of the GOP used to run the party
They lost their balls about 25 years ago and now run around whimpering...I'm not a RINO...I'm not a RINO

Republicans have only themselves to blame

Now lets see them try to seize control back from the batshit crazy wing of the party

BUllshit, McCain was the nominee in 2008, and the Establishment still runs the Party.

And are you claiming that if the gop runs a moderate candidate that they can win the hispanic vote, or the black vote?

Of course you aren't.

Like I said, you want to have it both ways.

You gloat about demographic change leading to a defacto one party state, but then want to blame individual republicans and/or republican policies.

It is almost as though at some level, you realize that this change is going to be a disaster and are lining up your excuses as to why it is not your fault.

But yet, you will not stand against the disaster you see coming, because the lefty agenda is more important to you that the Good of your fellow American Citizens.

McCain of 2008 was a far cry from the maverick John McCain of 2000

Maverick John thought he lost to Bush in 2000 because he did not pander to the rightwing. 2008 McCain was a sellout to the conservatives which culminated in the selection of Sarah Palin


That is what your media told you, otherwise, you libs might have mistakenly given McCain a listen.

And that's not the way the Left works.

The only way Palin would have been relevant is if she got elected after McCain's terms.

Oh, btw way, you notice who healthy McCain is? So much for him not living to the end of his terms.

I supported McCain in 2000, by 2008 he was an empty shell

In 2008 he won the nomination. THus the leftist media, instead of their normal tactic of pretending he was a "good" republican in order to use him and his words to smear other republicans, turned on him in a heartbeat because now he was the "top republican" and needed to be marginalized.

And you fell for it hook, line and sinker.

They used some of his rhetoric, where he attempted to build bridges with conservatives he had been opposed to for years, as "evidence" he had gone to the Dark Side.

Really? Some Bullshit bridge building and you really believe that is a seriously reversal of positions and character?

Here we go again
Blame the media for McCains defeat in 2008. McCain needed to separate himself from the policies of George Bush
Then he selected Palin
The future you describe, due to demographic shift.

It is a disaster.

Being anti-immigration is not "using them as scapegoats" but supporting good policy for America.

However, the way you lie about it, multiplied by a million libs in the media and pop culture, and we see a big part of why the GOP is never going to win the Hispanic vote no matter what we do.

Keep blaming people who are not at fault, RW.

It will help wake up those fools who don't see this coming.

Its not a will go on

It will just go on without Republican leadership

Oh, it's certainly a disaster.

YOu have not only all the problems associated with a ONe Party State, ie corruption, lack of accountability, over reach, ect.

BUT THE party in question supports policies that discriminate against the largest single ethnic group, whites. (see disparate impact theory and new haven fire fighters)

AND, when the leftist agenda is questioned, the standard lefty response is to demonize the questioner as a racist.

This leads to scenario, where increasingly the Whites will be seeking redress for their issues and just grievances and the response they will get will be to be insulted and attacked.

Eventually with speech codes, punished by the law for saying Politically Incorrect speech.

Meanwhile minorities will be constantly and increasingly told that those who are opposing them politically have no valid reason and are just vile racists.

There will be no chance of dialog across the vast gulf already created and growing every day.

IN the context of corrupt and incompetent government and a population that is increasingly looking like LA and Detroit and less like Suburbia.

That feeling you have to put the blame on Republicans?

That is the part of your mind that sees it coming and is preparing for you to cope with the horrific cost of your victory by blaming Republicans.

Such a drama queen...all because Republicans shot themselves in the foot

The sun will still rise in the morning, our Constitution will remain in force, Republicans will still control the State Houses and House of Representatives

They will just not win the White House for a generation

You ignore the contradiction in your position.

Is it demographics or policy?

If it is demographics, then blaming Republican policy for the result is irrational on your part.

Once you stop refusing to see that, the rest follows logically.

Here is how it works..

Republicans create policies that alienate certain demographics. They have enacted policies that pander to far right extremists at the expense of losing the women's and minority vote
It will cost them dearly

Presented as an example.

Continued Third World Immigration is NOT in the interests of American, nor Americans, who are mostly white.

Continued Third World Immigration IS in the interests of Mexicans.

There is a real and valid conflict of interests here.

That Trump wants to represent the interests of Americans is a valid choice.

That the democrats want to represent the interests of Hispanic Voters is also a valid choice.

BUT the result is that HIspanics will always vote Democrat.

Thus follows the scenario I posted.

THis is not about something the Republicans are doing wrong.
Beta male Correll is whining about how things are. And he knows that it is not going to change if we do not start reaching out honestly as a GOP to Hispanic voters.

The beta male is not honest enough to admit that the white America of the 1950s he wants is going to come back.
Its not a will go on

It will just go on without Republican leadership

Oh, it's certainly a disaster.

YOu have not only all the problems associated with a ONe Party State, ie corruption, lack of accountability, over reach, ect.

BUT THE party in question supports policies that discriminate against the largest single ethnic group, whites. (see disparate impact theory and new haven fire fighters)

AND, when the leftist agenda is questioned, the standard lefty response is to demonize the questioner as a racist.

This leads to scenario, where increasingly the Whites will be seeking redress for their issues and just grievances and the response they will get will be to be insulted and attacked.

Eventually with speech codes, punished by the law for saying Politically Incorrect speech.

Meanwhile minorities will be constantly and increasingly told that those who are opposing them politically have no valid reason and are just vile racists.

There will be no chance of dialog across the vast gulf already created and growing every day.

IN the context of corrupt and incompetent government and a population that is increasingly looking like LA and Detroit and less like Suburbia.

That feeling you have to put the blame on Republicans?

That is the part of your mind that sees it coming and is preparing for you to cope with the horrific cost of your victory by blaming Republicans.

Such a drama queen...all because Republicans shot themselves in the foot

The sun will still rise in the morning, our Constitution will remain in force, Republicans will still control the State Houses and House of Representatives

They will just not win the White House for a generation

You ignore the contradiction in your position.

Is it demographics or policy?

If it is demographics, then blaming Republican policy for the result is irrational on your part.

Once you stop refusing to see that, the rest follows logically.

Here is how it works..

Republicans create policies that alienate certain demographics. They have enacted policies that pander to far right extremists at the expense of losing the women's and minority vote
It will cost them dearly

Presented as an example.

Continued Third World Immigration is NOT in the interests of American, nor Americans, who are mostly white.

Continued Third World Immigration IS in the interests of Mexicans.

There is a real and valid conflict of interests here.

That Trump wants to represent the interests of Americans is a valid choice.

That the democrats want to represent the interests of Hispanic Voters is also a valid choice.

BUT the result is that HIspanics will always vote Democrat.

Thus follows the scenario I posted.

THis is not about something the Republicans are doing wrong.
I will save arguing with your third world paranoia for another day, another thread
This one looks at the current state of the Republican Party and why they can no longer win
Republican policies and rhetoric is decidedly anti-Mexican not just anti illegal immigrant
Trumps opening statements that Mexicans coming across our borders are mostly rapists and drug dealers was offensive. Most Mexican Americans know illegals to be hard workers looking to support their families.
The fact that Republicans rally around this man will cost them the Hispanic vote. Republican rhetoric about English only and show your papers laws also infuriates Hispanics
Your contradiction as a beta male, Correll, is that you think we can win the WH with Trump. We will be hit hard by the Dems on the national down ballot because of Trump's unworthiness to be president. His lack is not only personality but also character.

Your odd need to challenge my dominance is of no interest to me, and I doubt to any one else.

Beyond that, you've stated your opinion that Trump can't win before.

For you.

You have no dominance. Your positions are ill thought out, out of place in this time and age, and are headed to massive defeat if Trump is the nominee. Tis what it is, Correll.
You have no dominance. Your positions are ill thought out, out of place in this time and age, and are headed to massive defeat if Trump is the nominee. Tis what it is, Correll.

I'm not sure why my dominance or lack there of is of importance to you.

My positions are so ill thought out that you spend all of your time finding excuses to not address them seriously or honestly.

FYI, Calling someone a racist is not challenging their position.

Trump is the underdog.

Due to demographic shift all republicans will be the underdog.

You moderate and liberal Republicans joining with our enemies to defeat our own candidate is certainly not going to improve Trumps chances.

That is what it is, Jakey.
I am glad that you realize the great, good majority in this country will not allow Trump or his followers victory.

We are going forward not backwards.
I am glad that you realize the great, good majority in this country will not allow Trump or his followers victory.

We are going forward not backwards.

And you lie about what I said.

Revealing, to anyone that had any doubts, that you are a dishonest prick.
I am glad that you realize the great, good majority in this country will not allow Trump or his followers victory.

We are going forward not backwards.
And you lie about what I said. Revealing, to anyone that had any doubts, that you are a dishonest prick.
See, you are lying again. Whenever I point our lack of character on the merits, you go to name calling. You beta male. :lol:
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

I see plenty of Republicans, governors and legislatures on that chart.

And considering the two biggest Dem block states, NY and CA, have plenty of counties that vote Republican, I'm sure you are A-OK with getting rid of the "winner takes all" method for electoral votes, and freeing those voters hijacked by their urban brethren.
That's very nice

But it doesn't address the ever decreasing number of electoral votes that Republucans are capable of winning
So what are the winning lotto numbers,huge assumptions,based on an old peridine
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

I see plenty of Republicans, governors and legislatures on that chart.

And considering the two biggest Dem block states, NY and CA, have plenty of counties that vote Republican, I'm sure you are A-OK with getting rid of the "winner takes all" method for electoral votes, and freeing those voters hijacked by their urban brethren.
That's very nice

But it doesn't address the ever decreasing number of electoral votes that Republucans are capable of winning
Seeing that you base your opinion,on an old unworkable paradigm,why do you think candidates like Trump and Sanders have been able to get where they have.just another out of touch opinion.
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

I see plenty of Republicans, governors and legislatures on that chart.

And considering the two biggest Dem block states, NY and CA, have plenty of counties that vote Republican, I'm sure you are A-OK with getting rid of the "winner takes all" method for electoral votes, and freeing those voters hijacked by their urban brethren.
That's very nice

But it doesn't address the ever decreasing number of electoral votes that Republucans are capable of winning
So what are the winning lotto numbers,huge assumptions,based on an old peridine
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

I see plenty of Republicans, governors and legislatures on that chart.

And considering the two biggest Dem block states, NY and CA, have plenty of counties that vote Republican, I'm sure you are A-OK with getting rid of the "winner takes all" method for electoral votes, and freeing those voters hijacked by their urban brethren.
That's very nice

But it doesn't address the ever decreasing number of electoral votes that Republucans are capable of winning
Seeing that you base your opinion,on an old unworkable paradigm,why do you think candidates like Trump and Sanders have been able to get where they have.just another out of touch opinion.
Neither will win the election

Both run on fantasy platforms that pander to the extremes of their party

Last edited:
As long as our GOP pisses off women, blacks, browns, disabled, veterans, religious minorities, LGBT, etc., we won't win the WH and will lose the senate.
As long as our GOP pisses off women, blacks, browns, disabled, veterans, religious minorities, LGBT, etc., we won't win the WH and will lose the senate.

Their problem is they won't win back those demographics overnight. It will take more than I'm sorry, I have changed

It will take positive actions.....actions Republucans are incapable of
Certain actions like folks like Correll. That age group will die off quickly.
Certain actions like folks like Correll. That age group will die off quickly.
Another reason the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Angry old white men will not live forever
It is sad to see the party of Eisenhower in this state. We need a two strong and sane political parties to maintain a balance, and find good solutions to the problems our nation will encounter over the years.
The days of finding common ground and passing meaningful legislation are gone

Republican insistence on all or nothing has ended with them receiving nothing
And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

I see plenty of Republicans, governors and legislatures on that chart.

And considering the two biggest Dem block states, NY and CA, have plenty of counties that vote Republican, I'm sure you are A-OK with getting rid of the "winner takes all" method for electoral votes, and freeing those voters hijacked by their urban brethren.
That's very nice

But it doesn't address the ever decreasing number of electoral votes that Republucans are capable of winning
So what are the winning lotto numbers,huge assumptions,based on an old peridine
And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

I see plenty of Republicans, governors and legislatures on that chart.

And considering the two biggest Dem block states, NY and CA, have plenty of counties that vote Republican, I'm sure you are A-OK with getting rid of the "winner takes all" method for electoral votes, and freeing those voters hijacked by their urban brethren.
That's very nice

But it doesn't address the ever decreasing number of electoral votes that Republucans are capable of winning
Seeing that you base your opinion,on an old unworkable paradigm,why do you think candidates like Trump and Sanders have been able to get where they have.just another out of touch opinion.
Neither will win the election

Both run on fantasy platforms that pander to the extremes of their party


If wanting to enforce immigration laws and bring back manufacturing jobs is something that only the extreme wants, then the mainstream majority has gone insane.
As long as our GOP pisses off women, blacks, browns, disabled, veterans, religious minorities, LGBT, etc., we won't win the WH and will lose the senate.

As long that the leftist Lie of Political Correctness defines the very meaning of words, and sets the limits of debate and judges what is True or NOt True, we can never win.

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