The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

But you hit the nail on the head when you say Hispanics think for themselves. Historically, Hispanics have had strong family values and strong religious values. In terms of social policy they should be natural Republicans
They're not "natural" anything in terms of political affiliation or ideology, that's just your bigotry talking; Hispanics don't function as a hive mind they have a diversity of viewpoints and opinions every bit as broad as any other ethic group.

We are talking demographics here

We are not talking about individual bees but the behavior of the hive as a whole
Correll is trying to find his way through the maze, while NightFox is still in far right delusion land about race.

I don't think there will be a one-party state, though I know Dem and Pub posters on this board who desperately hope for such.

The GOP will continue to be a minority party until it adapts to meet the needs of women and minorities as well as it tries to meet the needs of older while males and social con religionists.

By adapt you mean shit can all the made this nation great AND defined the GOP.

Which might happen.

BUT even when it does, why would women and minorities vote for the johnny come later when the Dems are long standing great masters at pandering to them?

And what good will that be? So we have two crappy Parties that don't give a damn about the Principles of this nation or the interests of it's non "minority" voters?
Correll, from what main website are you coming up with this race justification for a one party state in the future?

You understand that is a racialist creed, don't you?

Website? Your assumption that my ideas have to come from somewhere else is kind of insulting. Or perhaps revealing about your own thought processes?

I see that Blacks and to a lesser extent Browns are voting bloc the Dems have an iron grip on that nothing seems to shake.

Adding that fact to the changing demographics and the conclusion is obvious.

It is born out by what we see happening to the Electoral College as RW has been discussing correctly.

Calling this "racialist" is not a valid argument against my analysis.
I saw a great example in the last Republican debate

Trump had been criticizing Bush for answering a question in spanish. He gave the typical rightwing "This is America, speak English damn it"

Marco Rubio gave an elegant response in telling about his grandfather who was a lifelong Republican. He told how his grandfather struggled to speak and understand english but was more comfortable when getting information in spanish. Rubio told of how he would talk politics with his grandfather in spanish and how proud his grandfather was to be in America.

This needs to be the direction of the Republican party, not pandering to the crowd who screams about "Press 1 for english"
When you are dividing racial and ethnic interests by party, yes, racialism is most appropriate as a description, Correll, of your analysis.

The GOP is one of two parties who made this country great, and since 1994 the GOP has become a waking nightmare.

You sound just like the old settlers when the Mormons came to Missouri, or the pioneers when the non-Mormons came to Salt Lake City, or when the Irish and the Germans and the Jews and the Catholics and the Mexicans and Africans and Asians came to the US.

Correll, we are a nation of immigrants from the very beginning, and that is not going to change. We in the GOP must change and adapt to the demographic reality of our country.

Why is that so hard for you?
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And yet when I point out that immigration will lead to the US being a defacto One Party State libs almost always deny that.

With all the corruption, incompetence and overreach that that entails.

I see a marginalization of the Republican Party.

They will continue to be a force in Jesusland as they stake out solid Red districts and maintain an ever decreasing voting block. But their ability to hijack the political system as a minority party will decrease.

you are a sick excuse for a human being.
When you are dividing racial and ethnic interests by party, yes, racialism is most appropriate as a description, Correll, of your analysis.

The GOP is one of two parties who made this country great, and since 1994 the GOP has become a waking nightmare.

You sound just like the old settlers when the Mormons came to Missouri, or the pioneers when the non-Mormons came to Salt Lake City, or when the Irish and the Germans and the Jews and the Catholics and the Mexicans and Africans and Asians came to the US.

Correll, we are a nation of immigrants from the very beginning, and that is not going to change. We in the GOP must change and adapt to the demographic reality of our country.

Why is that so hard for you?

Adaptation and assimilation should not change the basic fabric of the nation and its culture. Yes, both parties need to adapt to the changing demographics, but adapting and pandering are quite different.

pandering may work, but the country will suffer if it does.
But you hit the nail on the head when you say Hispanics think for themselves. Historically, Hispanics have had strong family values and strong religious values. In terms of social policy they should be natural Republicans
They're not "natural" anything in terms of political affiliation or ideology, that's just your bigotry talking; Hispanics don't function as a hive mind they have a diversity of viewpoints and opinions every bit as broad as any other ethic group.

We are talking demographics here

We are not talking about individual bees but the behavior of the hive as a whole
That's exactly how bigots operate, rationalizing large ethnic groups into neat behavioral boxes in order to confirm their existing bias regarding said ethnic groups, it's as if you think they operate as a singular monolithic entity rather than free thinking individuals, it's also known as stereotyping. For your edification demographics isn't the study of attitudes, values and interests (behavioral drivers) among given populations of subjects, you may want to read up on psychographics if you're interested in that sort of analysis .
This is what Nightfox is doing yet accusing others of doing: "That's exactly how bigots operate, rationalizing large ethnic groups into neat behavioral boxes in order to confirm their existing bias regarding said ethnic groups, it's as if you think they operate as a singular monolithic entity rather than free thinking individuals, it's also known as stereotyping." He is a typical far right reactionary filth.
When you are dividing racial and ethnic interests by party, yes, racialism is most appropriate as a description, Correll, of your analysis.

The GOP is one of two parties who made this country great, and since 1994 the GOP has become a waking nightmare.

You sound just like the old settlers when the Mormons came to Missouri, or the pioneers when the non-Mormons came to Salt Lake City, or when the Irish and the Germans and the Jews and the Catholics and the Mexicans and Africans and Asians came to the US.

Correll, we are a nation of immigrants from the very beginning, and that is not going to change. We in the GOP must change and adapt to the demographic reality of our country.

Why is that so hard for you?

Adaptation and assimilation should not change the basic fabric of the nation and its culture. Yes, both parties need to adapt to the changing demographics, but adapting and pandering are quite different.

pandering may work, but the country will suffer if it does.
When you are dividing racial and ethnic interests by party, yes, racialism is most appropriate as a description, Correll, of your analysis.

The GOP is one of two parties who made this country great, and since 1994 the GOP has become a waking nightmare.

You sound just like the old settlers when the Mormons came to Missouri, or the pioneers when the non-Mormons came to Salt Lake City, or when the Irish and the Germans and the Jews and the Catholics and the Mexicans and Africans and Asians came to the US.

Correll, we are a nation of immigrants from the very beginning, and that is not going to change. We in the GOP must change and adapt to the demographic reality of our country.

Why is that so hard for you?
Adaptation and assimilation should not change the basic fabric of the nation and its culture. Yes, both parties need to adapt to the changing demographics, but adapting and pandering are quite different. pandering may work, but the country will suffer if it does.
The Dems do it all the time, yes.

And Huckabee pandered to Kim Davis and the evangelical apostolic right.

And Trump pandered to the nativists with the "speak English" comment to Bush. I am glad Rubio kicked his butt for it.
This is what Nightfox is doing yet accusing others of doing: "That's exactly how bigots operate, rationalizing large ethnic groups into neat behavioral boxes in order to confirm their existing bias regarding said ethnic groups, it's as if you think they operate as a singular monolithic entity rather than free thinking individuals, it's also known as stereotyping." He is a typical far right reactionary filth.

your description is accurate except that it applies to the democrat party and its tactics. divide and conquer is not a new concept.
This is what Nightfox is doing yet accusing others of doing: "That's exactly how bigots operate, rationalizing large ethnic groups into neat behavioral boxes in order to confirm their existing bias regarding said ethnic groups, it's as if you think they operate as a singular monolithic entity rather than free thinking individuals, it's also known as stereotyping." He is a typical far right reactionary filth.

how is Nightfox doing that????
When you are dividing racial and ethnic interests by party, yes, racialism is most appropriate as a description, Correll, of your analysis.

The GOP is one of two parties who made this country great, and since 1994 the GOP has become a waking nightmare.

You sound just like the old settlers when the Mormons came to Missouri, or the pioneers when the non-Mormons came to Salt Lake City, or when the Irish and the Germans and the Jews and the Catholics and the Mexicans and Africans and Asians came to the US.

Correll, we are a nation of immigrants from the very beginning, and that is not going to change. We in the GOP must change and adapt to the demographic reality of our country.

Why is that so hard for you?

Adaptation and assimilation should not change the basic fabric of the nation and its culture. Yes, both parties need to adapt to the changing demographics, but adapting and pandering are quite different.

pandering may work, but the country will suffer if it does.
When you are dividing racial and ethnic interests by party, yes, racialism is most appropriate as a description, Correll, of your analysis.

The GOP is one of two parties who made this country great, and since 1994 the GOP has become a waking nightmare.

You sound just like the old settlers when the Mormons came to Missouri, or the pioneers when the non-Mormons came to Salt Lake City, or when the Irish and the Germans and the Jews and the Catholics and the Mexicans and Africans and Asians came to the US.

Correll, we are a nation of immigrants from the very beginning, and that is not going to change. We in the GOP must change and adapt to the demographic reality of our country.

Why is that so hard for you?
Adaptation and assimilation should not change the basic fabric of the nation and its culture. Yes, both parties need to adapt to the changing demographics, but adapting and pandering are quite different. pandering may work, but the country will suffer if it does.
The Dems do it all the time, yes.

And Huckabee pandered to Kim Davis and the evangelical apostolic right.

And Trump pandered to the nativists with the "speak English" comment to Bush. I am glad Rubio kicked his butt for it.

English has official language status in about 66 countries. only in the deluded mind of a Progressive loser passing himself off as a conservative is stressing English in America something to be seen as pandering
The research shows that the U.S. is out of step with most English-speaking nations, and is one of the few countries that operate without an official language. Of the 65 countries and territories that have made English their official language, 35 countries have made English their sole official language.
how is Nightfox doing that????

Witchcraft! burn that bastage!

I saw a great example in the last Republican debate

Trump had been criticizing Bush for answering a question in spanish. He gave the typical rightwing "This is America, speak English damn it"

Marco Rubio gave an elegant response in telling about his grandfather who was a lifelong Republican. He told how his grandfather struggled to speak and understand english but was more comfortable when getting information in spanish. Rubio told of how he would talk politics with his grandfather in spanish and how proud his grandfather was to be in America.

This needs to be the direction of the Republican party, not pandering to the crowd who screams about "Press 1 for english"

The crowd that screams about "Pressing 1 for English" knows that language is one of the few bonds that hold America together.

Losing that will reduce our social cohesion.

It is right to be against that.
This is what Nightfox is doing yet accusing others of doing: "That's exactly how bigots operate, rationalizing large ethnic groups into neat behavioral boxes in order to confirm their existing bias regarding said ethnic groups, it's as if you think they operate as a singular monolithic entity rather than free thinking individuals, it's also known as stereotyping." He is a typical far right reactionary filth.
your description is accurate except that it applies to the democrat party and its tactics. divide and conquer is not a new concept.
It applies to both parties as I showed above.
I saw a great example in the last Republican debate

Trump had been criticizing Bush for answering a question in spanish. He gave the typical rightwing "This is America, speak English damn it"

Marco Rubio gave an elegant response in telling about his grandfather who was a lifelong Republican. He told how his grandfather struggled to speak and understand english but was more comfortable when getting information in spanish. Rubio told of how he would talk politics with his grandfather in spanish and how proud his grandfather was to be in America.

This needs to be the direction of the Republican party, not pandering to the crowd who screams about "Press 1 for english"
The crowd that screams about "Pressing 1 for English" knows that language is one of the few bonds that hold America together. Losing that will reduce our social cohesion. It is right to be against that.
We will always be an English dominant nation, Correll, with a significant Hispanic presence. Some of the white and black youth in Austin already speak some Spanish. I can get along in it OK, my wife is nearly fluent because she has the "ear" for it and she loves linguistics. I was shopping downtown Salt Lake in the City Creek mall, and we heard seventeen different languages in about three hours, and yet the dominant language was English.
When you are dividing racial and ethnic interests by party, yes, racialism is most appropriate as a description, Correll, of your analysis.

The GOP is one of two parties who made this country great, and since 1994 the GOP has become a waking nightmare.

You sound just like the old settlers when the Mormons came to Missouri, or the pioneers when the non-Mormons came to Salt Lake City, or when the Irish and the Germans and the Jews and the Catholics and the Mexicans and Africans and Asians came to the US.

Correll, we are a nation of immigrants from the very beginning, and that is not going to change. We in the GOP must change and adapt to the demographic reality of our country.

Why is that so hard for you?

I am not the one dividing racial and ethnic interests by Party. The Minority voters are doing that.

I am just recognizing it and facing the implications.

Historically after a period of high immigration, such immigration would restricted and the immigrates assimilated.

We are NOT going to stop this flood we are currently having.

We are NOT going to assimilate them.

Even if we do "assimilate" them to some extent, they will still vote democratic and BOOM, the ONe Party State.

The only way the GOP can hope to MAYBE "Adapt" to that is to shit can all the Principle and Values of Traditional America AND give up one representing the interests of "non-minority" voters.

And that's just another form of losing as far as I'm concerned. Might mean some jobs for GOP politicians. NO benefit to me or mine.

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