The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

I saw a great example in the last Republican debate

Trump had been criticizing Bush for answering a question in spanish. He gave the typical rightwing "This is America, speak English damn it"

Marco Rubio gave an elegant response in telling about his grandfather who was a lifelong Republican. He told how his grandfather struggled to speak and understand english but was more comfortable when getting information in spanish. Rubio told of how he would talk politics with his grandfather in spanish and how proud his grandfather was to be in America.

This needs to be the direction of the Republican party, not pandering to the crowd who screams about "Press 1 for english"
The crowd that screams about "Pressing 1 for English" knows that language is one of the few bonds that hold America together. Losing that will reduce our social cohesion. It is right to be against that.
We will always be an English dominant nation, Correll, with a significant Hispanic presence. Some of the white and black youth in Austin already speak some Spanish. I can get along in it OK, my wife is nearly fluent because she has the "ear" for it and she loves linguistics. I was shopping downtown Salt Lake in the City Creek mall, and we heard seventeen different languages in about three hours, and yet the dominant language was English.

It's another dividing line. It is and will continue to weaken US.
There will no one-party state, Correll, you are scared of a chimera that does not exist.

The modern GOP is not the repository of all that is good with America. We ended that in 1994 and after.

A new America is coming, and, yes, the America of the 1950s is disappearing quickly. Get used to it.
This is what Nightfox is doing yet accusing others of doing: "That's exactly how bigots operate, rationalizing large ethnic groups into neat behavioral boxes in order to confirm their existing bias regarding said ethnic groups, it's as if you think they operate as a singular monolithic entity rather than free thinking individuals, it's also known as stereotyping." He is a typical far right reactionary filth.

He is assuming that individual HIspanics and blacks will increasingly vote based on their individual beliefs and interests instead of as part of a group.

THat is hardly reactionary or filthy.

He is wrong. But not for any racist reason.
There will no one-party state, Correll, you are scared of a chimera that does not exist.

The modern GOP is not the repository of all that is good with America. We ended that in 1994 and after.

A new America is coming, and, yes, the America of the 1950s is disappearing quickly. Get used to it.

You claim there will be no One Party State.

Yet you offer no criticism of my reasoning other than to call it racialist.

Do you think that Blacks will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Do you think Hispanics will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Because otherwise, One Party State.

(And don't just say the GOP will "adapt". That's a talking point, not an answer.)
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

It's remarkable that people actually start up ridiculous threads like this. The insinuation that the GOP has no more hope of having one of their own elected President in my lifetime, considering the Red State / Blue State B$ mentioned, AFTER THE MONUMEWNTAL, RECORD-SETTING HISTORICAL ASS-KICKING they just got last November is absolutely INSANE.

Yeah, I know, I've heard it - 'low voter turn-out'. Liberals cite that as a 'positive', but the low turn-out was of RECORD-SETTING numbers. That tells me, and anyone who looks at it objectively, that it wasn't just low turn-out. It was low turn-out because even Liberal voters in large numbers REJECTED what their 'Representatives' were doing.

Many Democrats I talked to were FURIOUS with how their elected Reps had OPENLY begun refusing to represent them but instead had begin imposing their own agenda / will on them. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's (or Donkey's) back for them was when Pelosi declared the American people had no RIGHT to know what was in massive legislation that was so drastically going to impact their lives until it had been forced into law...and then exempted themselves from it.

It was MORE than that, though. Liberals politicians were avoiding Obama like the plague - no one wanted him to come campaign for / with them. This infuriated the Narcissist And Chief. He could not accept that his own party candidates were shunning him, that he was somehow a he made the entire election about HIM and HIS Policies. He declared to America that 'this election is about ME and MY policies'. Democrats may have had a better chance up until then, but when Obama made the election about him and his policies, that spurred Conservatives and even Independents on to vote against them in a sign of 'REJECTION'. Liberals, still loyal to their party, could not vote AGAINST their own party....but they would not come out to vote FOR it,, in a way, was its own way of REJECTING Obama's agenda and policies.

Moronic GOP Establishment politicians WRONGLY interpreted the election results as a 'mandate' for their actions/performance/agenda - they were WAY wrong. The DNC's historic loss had nothing to do with them at all. It was all about Obama and his policies - HE himself made it so. If Liberals take the same approach as these Establishment GOP politicians and think they are unbeatable in the 2016 election...especially when their candidates are a re-tread, old, lying, deceitful, un-trustworthy (60% of Americans believe she is the most un-trustworthy candidate running), self-serving, power-hungry, scandal-plagued dinosaur and an OPENLY admitted Socialist Party Member they will be sadly surprised in 2016.

My prediction is that a GOP President will be elected, but the GOP - if something does not change - will lose either the House or Senate - or BOTH - for the same reason the Democrats were lost the House and the Senate...a rejection of bad performance and LACK of policy (whereas the DNC's/Obama's was BAD policy).
I saw a great example in the last Republican debate

Trump had been criticizing Bush for answering a question in spanish. He gave the typical rightwing "This is America, speak English damn it"

Marco Rubio gave an elegant response in telling about his grandfather who was a lifelong Republican. He told how his grandfather struggled to speak and understand english but was more comfortable when getting information in spanish. Rubio told of how he would talk politics with his grandfather in spanish and how proud his grandfather was to be in America.

This needs to be the direction of the Republican party, not pandering to the crowd who screams about "Press 1 for english"

The crowd that screams about "Pressing 1 for English" knows that language is one of the few bonds that hold America together.

Losing that will reduce our social cohesion.

It is right to be against that.

Like I said....

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

It's remarkable that people actually start up ridiculous threads like this. The insinuation that the GOP has no more hope of having one of their own elected President in my lifetime, considering the Red State / Blue State B$ mentioned, AFTER THE MONUMEWNTAL, RECORD-SETTING HISTORICAL ASS-KICKING they just got last November is absolutely INSANE.

Yeah, I know, I've heard it - 'low voter turn-out'. Liberals cite that as a 'positive', but the low turn-out was of RECORD-SETTING numbers. That tells me, and anyone who looks at it objectively, that it wasn't just low turn-out. It was low turn-out because even Liberal voters in large numbers REJECTED what their 'Representatives' were doing.

Many Democrats I talked to were FURIOUS with how their elected Reps had OPENLY begun refusing to represent them but instead had begin imposing their own agenda / will on them. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's (or Donkey's) back for them was when Pelosi declared the American people had no RIGHT to know what was in massive legislation that was so drastically going to impact their lives until it had been forced into law...and then exempted themselves from it.

It was MORE than that, though. Liberals politicians were avoiding Obama like the plague - no one wanted him to come campaign for / with them. This infuriated the Narcissist And Chief. He could not accept that his own party candidates were shunning him, that he was somehow a he made the entire election about HIM and HIS Policies. He declared to America that 'this election is about ME and MY policies'. Democrats may have had a better chance up until then, but when Obama made the election about him and his policies, that spurred Conservatives and even Independents on to vote against them in a sign of 'REJECTION'. Liberals, still loyal to their party, could not vote AGAINST their own party....but they would not come out to vote FOR it,, in a way, was its own way of REJECTING Obama's agenda and policies.

Moronic GOP Establishment politicians WRONGLY interpreted the election results as a 'mandate' for their actions/performance/agenda - they were WAY wrong. The DNC's historic loss had nothing to do with them at all. It was all about Obama and his policies - HE himself made it so. If Liberals take the same approach as these Establishment GOP politicians and think they are unbeatable in the 2016 election...especially when their candidates are a re-tread, old, lying, deceitful, un-trustworthy (60% of Americans believe she is the most un-trustworthy candidate running), self-serving, power-hungry, scandal-plagued dinosaur and an OPENLY admitted Socialist Party Member they will be sadly surprised in 2016.

My prediction is that a GOP President will be elected, but the GOP - if something does not change - will lose either the House or Senate - or BOTH - for the same reason the Democrats were lost the House and the Senate...a rejection of bad performance and LACK of policy (whereas the DNC's/Obama's was BAD policy).

good analysis and I agree with most of it. I disagree on the GOP losing one or both houses of congress. I think the rinos will lose control of one or both and that the conservative wing of the GOP will take control. The people are fed up with incompetence and corruption in DC, fed up with both parties.
There will no one-party state, Correll, you are scared of a chimera that does not exist.

The modern GOP is not the repository of all that is good with America. We ended that in 1994 and after.

A new America is coming, and, yes, the America of the 1950s is disappearing quickly. Get used to it.

You claim there will be no One Party State.

Yet you offer no criticism of my reasoning other than to call it racialist.

Do you think that Blacks will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Do you think Hispanics will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Because otherwise, One Party State.

(And don't just say the GOP will "adapt". That's a talking point, not an answer.)
One, it is racist, because you are hiding "traditional" behind actually saying white Christian conservative values: you don't have the stones to say the truth. Two, Saying the GOP must adapt is the truth, not a talking point. Yours are the talking points: what one party state, for instance.
I saw a great example in the last Republican debate

Trump had been criticizing Bush for answering a question in spanish. He gave the typical rightwing "This is America, speak English damn it"

Marco Rubio gave an elegant response in telling about his grandfather who was a lifelong Republican. He told how his grandfather struggled to speak and understand english but was more comfortable when getting information in spanish. Rubio told of how he would talk politics with his grandfather in spanish and how proud his grandfather was to be in America.

This needs to be the direction of the Republican party, not pandering to the crowd who screams about "Press 1 for english"

The crowd that screams about "Pressing 1 for English" knows that language is one of the few bonds that hold America together.

Losing that will reduce our social cohesion.

It is right to be against that.

Like I said....

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Dream on. whats more likely is that the next liberal democrat president has not been born yet. Liberalism has failed, the people know it. Sanders and Clinton are just more of failed liberal policies. Neither of them will ever inhabit the oval office.
There will no one-party state, Correll, you are scared of a chimera that does not exist.

The modern GOP is not the repository of all that is good with America. We ended that in 1994 and after.

A new America is coming, and, yes, the America of the 1950s is disappearing quickly. Get used to it.

You claim there will be no One Party State.

Yet you offer no criticism of my reasoning other than to call it racialist.

Do you think that Blacks will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Do you think Hispanics will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Because otherwise, One Party State.

(And don't just say the GOP will "adapt". That's a talking point, not an answer.)
One, it is racist, because you are hiding "traditional" behind actually saying white Christian conservative values: you don't have the stones to say the truth. Two, Saying the GOP must adapt is the truth, not a talking point. Yours are the talking points: what one party state, for instance.

just jumping in here. But the GOP has adapted. Have you noticed that the GOP field includes a woman, a black, two hispanics, young people, old people, non-politicians, politicians. But what they have in common is a love of country and respect of the constitution. Unlike the dems who are have candidates that are old, white, and far left.
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

It's remarkable that people actually start up ridiculous threads like this. The insinuation that the GOP has no more hope of having one of their own elected President in my lifetime, considering the Red State / Blue State B$ mentioned, AFTER THE MONUMEWNTAL, RECORD-SETTING HISTORICAL ASS-KICKING they just got last November is absolutely INSANE.

Yeah, I know, I've heard it - 'low voter turn-out'. Liberals cite that as a 'positive', but the low turn-out was of RECORD-SETTING numbers. That tells me, and anyone who looks at it objectively, that it wasn't just low turn-out. It was low turn-out because even Liberal voters in large numbers REJECTED what their 'Representatives' were doing.

Many Democrats I talked to were FURIOUS with how their elected Reps had OPENLY begun refusing to represent them but instead had begin imposing their own agenda / will on them. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's (or Donkey's) back for them was when Pelosi declared the American people had no RIGHT to know what was in massive legislation that was so drastically going to impact their lives until it had been forced into law...and then exempted themselves from it.

It was MORE than that, though. Liberals politicians were avoiding Obama like the plague - no one wanted him to come campaign for / with them. This infuriated the Narcissist And Chief. He could not accept that his own party candidates were shunning him, that he was somehow a he made the entire election about HIM and HIS Policies. He declared to America that 'this election is about ME and MY policies'. Democrats may have had a better chance up until then, but when Obama made the election about him and his policies, that spurred Conservatives and even Independents on to vote against them in a sign of 'REJECTION'. Liberals, still loyal to their party, could not vote AGAINST their own party....but they would not come out to vote FOR it,, in a way, was its own way of REJECTING Obama's agenda and policies.

Moronic GOP Establishment politicians WRONGLY interpreted the election results as a 'mandate' for their actions/performance/agenda - they were WAY wrong. The DNC's historic loss had nothing to do with them at all. It was all about Obama and his policies - HE himself made it so. If Liberals take the same approach as these Establishment GOP politicians and think they are unbeatable in the 2016 election...especially when their candidates are a re-tread, old, lying, deceitful, un-trustworthy (60% of Americans believe she is the most un-trustworthy candidate running), self-serving, power-hungry, scandal-plagued dinosaur and an OPENLY admitted Socialist Party Member they will be sadly surprised in 2016.

My prediction is that a GOP President will be elected, but the GOP - if something does not change - will lose either the House or Senate - or BOTH - for the same reason the Democrats were lost the House and the Senate...a rejection of bad performance and LACK of policy (whereas the DNC's/Obama's was BAD policy).

What I posted in post #132

The Realities of the 2016 election are:
1. Republicans have a death grip on the House: Gerrymandering has assured GOP control till at least 2022
2. Democrats will retake the Senate as the Republicans have to defend 24 seats with many seats in Blue States. Dems only have to defend 10 all in Blue States
3. A Democrat will win the White House based on already having 242 Electoral Votes going in

I think that by controlling the Statehouses Republicans will maintain their grip on the House well into the 2030s. That does nothing to negate the control Democrats have over the Electoral College

Unless Republicans find a way to gerrymander the Electoral College process, they will not elect another President in the foreseeable future
I saw a great example in the last Republican debate

Trump had been criticizing Bush for answering a question in spanish. He gave the typical rightwing "This is America, speak English damn it"

Marco Rubio gave an elegant response in telling about his grandfather who was a lifelong Republican. He told how his grandfather struggled to speak and understand english but was more comfortable when getting information in spanish. Rubio told of how he would talk politics with his grandfather in spanish and how proud his grandfather was to be in America.

This needs to be the direction of the Republican party, not pandering to the crowd who screams about "Press 1 for english"

The crowd that screams about "Pressing 1 for English" knows that language is one of the few bonds that hold America together.

Losing that will reduce our social cohesion.

It is right to be against that.

Like I said....

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Dream on. whats more likely is that the next liberal democrat president has not been born yet. Liberalism has failed, the people know it. Sanders and Clinton are just more of failed liberal policies. Neither of them will ever inhabit the oval office.

The point is that Republican attitudes towards our Hispanic population will prevent their getting the White House for at least a generation

The repudiation of what Marco Rubio was saying about his spanish speaking grandfather says it all about the sincerity of the Republican Party in getting the Hispanic vote
I saw a great example in the last Republican debate

Trump had been criticizing Bush for answering a question in spanish. He gave the typical rightwing "This is America, speak English damn it"

Marco Rubio gave an elegant response in telling about his grandfather who was a lifelong Republican. He told how his grandfather struggled to speak and understand english but was more comfortable when getting information in spanish. Rubio told of how he would talk politics with his grandfather in spanish and how proud his grandfather was to be in America.

This needs to be the direction of the Republican party, not pandering to the crowd who screams about "Press 1 for english"

The crowd that screams about "Pressing 1 for English" knows that language is one of the few bonds that hold America together.

Losing that will reduce our social cohesion.

It is right to be against that.

Like I said....

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Dream on. whats more likely is that the next liberal democrat president has not been born yet. Liberalism has failed, the people know it. Sanders and Clinton are just more of failed liberal policies. Neither of them will ever inhabit the oval office.

The point is that Republican attitudes towards our Hispanic population will prevent their getting the White House for at least a generation

The repudiation of what Marco Rubio was saying about his spanish speaking grandfather says it all about the sincerity of the Republican Party in getting the Hispanic vote

I know that you want to believe that, but its simply not true. Legal hispanics are religious and have very strong family values. They also want their piece of the american dream, not dem socialist welfare and patronizing.
There will no one-party state, Correll, you are scared of a chimera that does not exist.

The modern GOP is not the repository of all that is good with America. We ended that in 1994 and after.

A new America is coming, and, yes, the America of the 1950s is disappearing quickly. Get used to it.

You claim there will be no One Party State.

Yet you offer no criticism of my reasoning other than to call it racialist.

Do you think that Blacks will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Do you think Hispanics will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Because otherwise, One Party State.

(And don't just say the GOP will "adapt". That's a talking point, not an answer.)
One, it is racist, because you are hiding "traditional" behind actually saying white Christian conservative values: you don't have the stones to say the truth. Two, Saying the GOP must adapt is the truth, not a talking point. Yours are the talking points: what one party state, for instance.

just jumping in here. But the GOP has adapted. Have you noticed that the GOP field includes a woman, a black, two hispanics, young people, old people, non-politicians, politicians. But what they have in common is a love of country and respect of the constitution. Unlike the dems who are have candidates that are old, white, and far left.
Like the Black man in the White house?
I saw a great example in the last Republican debate

Trump had been criticizing Bush for answering a question in spanish. He gave the typical rightwing "This is America, speak English damn it"

Marco Rubio gave an elegant response in telling about his grandfather who was a lifelong Republican. He told how his grandfather struggled to speak and understand english but was more comfortable when getting information in spanish. Rubio told of how he would talk politics with his grandfather in spanish and how proud his grandfather was to be in America.

This needs to be the direction of the Republican party, not pandering to the crowd who screams about "Press 1 for english"

The crowd that screams about "Pressing 1 for English" knows that language is one of the few bonds that hold America together.

Losing that will reduce our social cohesion.

It is right to be against that.

Like I said....

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Dream on. whats more likely is that the next liberal democrat president has not been born yet. Liberalism has failed, the people know it. Sanders and Clinton are just more of failed liberal policies. Neither of them will ever inhabit the oval office.

The point is that Republican attitudes towards our Hispanic population will prevent their getting the White House for at least a generation

The repudiation of what Marco Rubio was saying about his spanish speaking grandfather says it all about the sincerity of the Republican Party in getting the Hispanic vote

I know that you want to believe that, but its simply not true. Legal hispanics are religious and have very strong family values. They also want their piece of the american dream, not dem socialist welfare and patronizing.
Nice that you can speak for them.
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

It's remarkable that people actually start up ridiculous threads like this. The insinuation that the GOP has no more hope of having one of their own elected President in my lifetime, considering the Red State / Blue State B$ mentioned, AFTER THE MONUMEWNTAL, RECORD-SETTING HISTORICAL ASS-KICKING they just got last November is absolutely INSANE.

Yeah, I know, I've heard it - 'low voter turn-out'. Liberals cite that as a 'positive', but the low turn-out was of RECORD-SETTING numbers. That tells me, and anyone who looks at it objectively, that it wasn't just low turn-out. It was low turn-out because even Liberal voters in large numbers REJECTED what their 'Representatives' were doing.

Many Democrats I talked to were FURIOUS with how their elected Reps had OPENLY begun refusing to represent them but instead had begin imposing their own agenda / will on them. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's (or Donkey's) back for them was when Pelosi declared the American people had no RIGHT to know what was in massive legislation that was so drastically going to impact their lives until it had been forced into law...and then exempted themselves from it.

It was MORE than that, though. Liberals politicians were avoiding Obama like the plague - no one wanted him to come campaign for / with them. This infuriated the Narcissist And Chief. He could not accept that his own party candidates were shunning him, that he was somehow a he made the entire election about HIM and HIS Policies. He declared to America that 'this election is about ME and MY policies'. Democrats may have had a better chance up until then, but when Obama made the election about him and his policies, that spurred Conservatives and even Independents on to vote against them in a sign of 'REJECTION'. Liberals, still loyal to their party, could not vote AGAINST their own party....but they would not come out to vote FOR it,, in a way, was its own way of REJECTING Obama's agenda and policies.

Moronic GOP Establishment politicians WRONGLY interpreted the election results as a 'mandate' for their actions/performance/agenda - they were WAY wrong. The DNC's historic loss had nothing to do with them at all. It was all about Obama and his policies - HE himself made it so. If Liberals take the same approach as these Establishment GOP politicians and think they are unbeatable in the 2016 election...especially when their candidates are a re-tread, old, lying, deceitful, un-trustworthy (60% of Americans believe she is the most un-trustworthy candidate running), self-serving, power-hungry, scandal-plagued dinosaur and an OPENLY admitted Socialist Party Member they will be sadly surprised in 2016.

My prediction is that a GOP President will be elected, but the GOP - if something does not change - will lose either the House or Senate - or BOTH - for the same reason the Democrats were lost the House and the Senate...a rejection of bad performance and LACK of policy (whereas the DNC's/Obama's was BAD policy).

What I posted in post #132

The Realities of the 2016 election are:
1. Republicans have a death grip on the House: Gerrymandering has assured GOP control till at least 2022
2. Democrats will retake the Senate as the Republicans have to defend 24 seats with many seats in Blue States. Dems only have to defend 10 all in Blue States
3. A Democrat will win the White House based on already having 242 Electoral Votes going in

I think that by controlling the Statehouses Republicans will maintain their grip on the House well into the 2030s. That does nothing to negate the control Democrats have over the Electoral College

Unless Republicans find a way to gerrymander the Electoral College process, they will not elect another President in the foreseeable future

Well thats your dream, we will see how it works out. We understand that you are a dem mouthpiece whose purpose in life is to post the latest dem/lib talking points. you are fooling no one.
There will no one-party state, Correll, you are scared of a chimera that does not exist.

The modern GOP is not the repository of all that is good with America. We ended that in 1994 and after.

A new America is coming, and, yes, the America of the 1950s is disappearing quickly. Get used to it.

You claim there will be no One Party State.

Yet you offer no criticism of my reasoning other than to call it racialist.

Do you think that Blacks will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Do you think Hispanics will suddenly stop being a voting bloc for the dems? If so why and when.

Because otherwise, One Party State.

(And don't just say the GOP will "adapt". That's a talking point, not an answer.)
One, it is racist, because you are hiding "traditional" behind actually saying white Christian conservative values: you don't have the stones to say the truth. Two, Saying the GOP must adapt is the truth, not a talking point. Yours are the talking points: what one party state, for instance.

just jumping in here. But the GOP has adapted. Have you noticed that the GOP field includes a woman, a black, two hispanics, young people, old people, non-politicians, politicians. But what they have in common is a love of country and respect of the constitution. Unlike the dems who are have candidates that are old, white, and far left.
Like the Black man in the White house?

Obama is not a black man. He is half white/half black. you could just as accurately have said "like the white man in th white house" but that would not fit your agenda would it?
The crowd that screams about "Pressing 1 for English" knows that language is one of the few bonds that hold America together.

Losing that will reduce our social cohesion.

It is right to be against that.

Like I said....

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Dream on. whats more likely is that the next liberal democrat president has not been born yet. Liberalism has failed, the people know it. Sanders and Clinton are just more of failed liberal policies. Neither of them will ever inhabit the oval office.

The point is that Republican attitudes towards our Hispanic population will prevent their getting the White House for at least a generation

The repudiation of what Marco Rubio was saying about his spanish speaking grandfather says it all about the sincerity of the Republican Party in getting the Hispanic vote

I know that you want to believe that, but its simply not true. Legal hispanics are religious and have very strong family values. They also want their piece of the american dream, not dem socialist welfare and patronizing.
Nice that you can speak for them.

I speak for no one but myself. But I know many legal hispanics who believe exactly as I said.

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