The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

NO, I was think a little longer range.
I'm concerned about what the far right would do if they obtained enough power in 2017 to prevent your future vision from ever happening.

Believing themselves ensured of the military having their back on far right wing positions, I imagine Cruz or Trump suspending the constitution, dissolving the Senate, packing the Supreme Court with radicals, and finishing with a major revision of the constitution before reactivating it ... all because they believed they were 100% doing the right thing to save America. And many of you would support them all the way.

Wow. That is, to borrow a phrase, completely over the top.

None of that has anything to do with what conservatives are about.

What do you hope to see if your side gets complete control?

My side is moderates who are willing to work with others to get things done (grand deals on entitlement reform, deficit reduction, immigration). It is people who don't believe they have all the answers but are willing to sit down in a truly bipartisan manner and develop solutions. My side has been losing for years now.

Mmmm, considering your overblown fears of what a Far RIght win would mean, your claim to be moderate does not have the ring of truth.

Immigration? What would the "moderate" "pragmatic" solution be?

I don't know the solution. Together, the parties could come up with one. The rabid political climate prevents that.

There are numerous ideas out there, let's get together in bipartisan manner and pick some things that a majority can agree to try.

The radicals in power believe that only their ideas should be allowed. That is the cause of this gridlock.


YOu want amnesty. And you won't compromise on that.

P.s. Giving it another name isn't a compromise.
You are already there, Correll. The rest of America, including the responsible right and mainstream Republicans, are afraid of you freaks.

Obama, the Stock Exchange, etc., have much better popularity ratings compared to the Republican House and the Tea Party movement. The rest of America believes you guys are the ones out of step, way out of step, with the future.

COnsidering the future coming down the pike, being out of step with it is the only sane course.
The next Republican president will be elected in 2016.
How do you envision that happening?

Which states that Republicans lost in 2012 do you see them taking in 2016?
Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada all quite possible.
Virginia, NC, NV, CO are out of reach if we continue the way we are as a GOP. Maybe Fl if Rubio is on the ticket, maybe OH if Kasich is on the ticket.

It is not about anything the GOP is doing.

It is about importing the Third World into the First.
And they didn't win the hispanic or black vote either.

You like ONe Party States?

They didn't win any black or Hispanic votes because it was empty rhetoric. No, I do not like one party rule and I think America will seek more balance after a short time.

Both parties spew out plenty of empty rhetoric.

You don't like one Party States?


What policies do you support to avoid this?

The GOP let the crazies in and they let empty rhetoric become the rule, they have no one else to blame but themselves. Parties attain power by the solutions to problems that resonate best with the public. You want to rule you need to reinvent yourself and beat the game.

The Left has not reinvented itself to win. It simply imported tens of millions of Third World Poor to vote for bigger government.

THat is not a solution.

It's a winning strategy.

BUt not solution to any problem the US or the American citizen has.

Immigrants can't vote so your whole premise is false. If you examine the facts the left hasn't done all that much for minorities especially since the right controls the floor in congress, what they haven't done is throw rhetoric out to salt the conversation.

Immigrants can vote. And so can their kids who will mostly vote like them.

And yes, the GOP has been short on solutions.

BUT that does not address my point that the Dems have NOT done what you suggest is the way to win, ie reinvent itself.

As I said, all it has done is imported tens of millions of Third World Poor to vote for bigger government.

A good winning strategy as we can see.

Would you like to claim or defend that as good policy for America?
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And Dems only got 37% of the white vote last year. Sorry.....Dems cannot win any election with those numbers. Question: Have the Dems lost white voters forever? They have certainly lost white men. :)

No question Republicans do better in off cycle years. That is how they won in 2010 and 2014

Another problem for Republicans is the women's vote. Remember the war on women that they laugh about? Obama got 55% of the women's vote. Hillary would take 60%

It never fails to floor me how Republicans can be so ignorant of the things it takes to win elections. Surely no one is as ignorant as they pretend to be?

Says the person that thinks immigrants can't vote.
Republicans also have other problems besides Hispanics and Women and the odd thing is they knew this all along just like the left did.


That is just another reflection of the lock dems have on minorities.

That the GOP is the Party of the Old is another part of the successful branding.

How do you envision the US as a One Party State?

Happy? Prosperous? Peaceful?
More proof of Republicans being delusional on their chances of electing another President
Actually it's just more proof that you don't understand what the word "proof" means.....

If a Republican does win the White House next year, just don't let your depression send you into a tailspin, no jumping out of windows, k? :)

You are welcome to your dreams. It is what makes politics fun

The Realities of the 2016 election are:

1. Republicans have a death grip on the House: Gerrymandering has assured GOP control till at least 2022
2. Democrats will retake the Senate as the Republicans have to defend 24 seats with many seats in Blue States. Dems only have to defend 10 all in Blue States
3. A Democrat will win the White House based on already having 242 Electoral Votes going in

Well, maybe. Hillary is a really weak candidate.

We might have one or two more wins in US.

DOn't despair if we win in 2016. You will get your One Party State.
More proof of Republicans being delusional on their chances of electing another President
Actually it's just more proof that you don't understand what the word "proof" means.....

If a Republican does win the White House next year, just don't let your depression send you into a tailspin, no jumping out of windows, k? :)

You are welcome to your dreams. It is what makes politics fun

The Realities of the 2016 election are:

1. Republicans have a death grip on the House: Gerrymandering has assured GOP control till at least 2022
2. Democrats will retake the Senate as the Republicans have to defend 24 seats with many seats in Blue States. Dems only have to defend 10 all in Blue States
3. A Democrat will win the White House based on already having 242 Electoral Votes going in
The R party is progressive, but that isn't good enough for you. You want them to be exactly like the Ds....full blown commie.
Immigrants can vote. And so can their kids who will mostly vote like them.

And yes, the GOP has been short on solutions.

BUT that does not address my point that the Dems have NOT done what you suggest is the way to win, ie reinvent itself.

As I said, all it has done is imported tens of millions of Third World Poor to vote for bigger government.

A good winning strategy as we can see.

Would you like to claim or defend that as good policy for America?

Third world immigrant? How many immigrants can vote? When? From Where? How? If so, how significant are the votes? We need numbers and facts, not yelling about THIS or THAT.

I don't give a flying fuck about the Dems, because you and I are not about Dems, we are about Republicans and winning. And, yes, as a party we are short on solutions, and what the Dems do is not what we can change unless we win.

The US will not be a one-party state. If we don't get our collective GOP ass in gear, we will be a Dem dominated nation, just like 1932 to 1980, just as the Pubs were from 1860 to 1912.

The libertarians are the flip side of communism: they offer nothing of worth.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
if their current lineup is any long-term, indicator, you are correct sir

How can anyone project what the Presidential lineup will be 20, 30, 40 years from now?

Right now, Republicans have a difficult challenge reaching 270 EVs. Dems start with 242 EVs while Republicans only have 179. Extremely difficult, but not necessarily impossible

But the Hispanic vote may turn out to be the death stroke to Republicans in terms of ever being President. If Florida goes blue, which seems probable by 2020 and Texas, with its huge Hispanic population goes blue within the next 20-30 years, it would be impossible for Republicans to win for the next 40 years
Immigrants can vote. And so can their kids who will mostly vote like them.

And yes, the GOP has been short on solutions.

BUT that does not address my point that the Dems have NOT done what you suggest is the way to win, ie reinvent itself.

As I said, all it has done is imported tens of millions of Third World Poor to vote for bigger government.

A good winning strategy as we can see.

Would you like to claim or defend that as good policy for America?

Third world immigrant? How many immigrants can vote? When? From Where? How? If so, how significant are the votes? We need numbers and facts, not yelling about THIS or THAT.

I don't give a flying fuck about the Dems, because you and I are not about Dems, we are about Republicans and winning. And, yes, as a party we are short on solutions, and what the Dems do is not what we can change unless we win.

The US will not be a one-party state. If we don't get our collective GOP ass in gear, we will be a Dem dominated nation, just like 1932 to 1980, just as the Pubs were from 1860 to 1912.

The libertarians are the flip side of communism: they offer nothing of worth.

1. How many vote? NOt sure. Considering the large number of immigrants, I am sure it is significant.

13% in U.S. foreign-born, a level last seen in 1920

"The U.S. foreign-born population has risen to its highest level since 1920, with 13% of all those living in the nation in 2010 having been born elsewhere, a new report from the Census Bureau shows.

Forty million of those residing in the U.S. in 2010 were born in other countries, up from 31 million, or 11% of the total, a decade earlier. The foreign-born share of the population dropped between 1920 and 1970, hitting a low of 4.7% in 1970, before rising again for several decades."

I have not seen numbers on voting percentages broken down for immigrants and/or first and second generation.

2. My point about dems was in relation to another posters comment on how to win, ie reinvent yourself. I pointed out correctly that that is NOT how the dems are winning.

3. I cannot share your optimism. As I said, even if the long period of One Party Rule by the dems ends, it will not be because any party resembling anything like the GOP rises.

We are, as promised, experiencing a radical transformation of America, from what it was, to something far lesser.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
if their current lineup is any long-term, indicator, you are correct sir

How can anyone project what the Presidential lineup will be 20, 30, 40 years from now?

Right now, Republicans have a difficult challenge reaching 270 EVs. Dems start with 242 EVs while Republicans only have 179. Extremely difficult, but not necessarily impossible

But the Hispanic vote may turn out to be the death stroke to Republicans in terms of ever being President. If Florida goes blue, which seems probable by 2020 and Texas, with its huge Hispanic population goes blue within the next 20-30 years, it would be impossible for Republicans to win for the next 40 years

I agree completely. It has been obvious for quite some time. Makes one wonder about what the GOP has been thinking over the last couple of decades that they never touched the subject.

How do you envision One Party America?

Happy? Prosperous? Peaceful?
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
if their current lineup is any long-term, indicator, you are correct sir

How can anyone project what the Presidential lineup will be 20, 30, 40 years from now?

Right now, Republicans have a difficult challenge reaching 270 EVs. Dems start with 242 EVs while Republicans only have 179. Extremely difficult, but not necessarily impossible

But the Hispanic vote may turn out to be the death stroke to Republicans in terms of ever being President. If Florida goes blue, which seems probable by 2020 and Texas, with its huge Hispanic population goes blue within the next 20-30 years, it would be impossible for Republicans to win for the next 40 years

I agree completely. It has been obvious for quite some time. Makes one wonder about what the GOP has been thinking over the last couple of decades that they never touched the subject.

How do you envision One Party America?

Happy? Prosperous? Peaceful?

It has happened before post Civil War and post Depression

It is not a question of bending over backwards to ensure that Republicans can get elected but the ability of Republicans to adapt.

Now, I imagine future Republicans will repudiate the positions of current Republicans....."We are no longer like that"
But if Hispanics and other minorities as well as young women grow up with a view of what being Republican means, it will be hard to change their position
But the Hispanic vote may turn out to be the death stroke to Republicans in terms of ever being President. If Florida goes blue, which seems probable by 2020 and Texas, with its huge Hispanic population goes blue within the next 20-30 years, it would be impossible for Republicans to win for the next 40 years

It's amusing how the racists on the left just assume they have a forever lock on the Hispanic vote, apparently they believe that Hispanics cannot possibly think for themselves or become self sufficient Americans who don't have to depend on government for their well-being and thus must always and forever be left wing robots...... just don't take it personally when all your predictions turn out to be nonsense. :D
Correll is trying to find his way through the maze, while NightFox is still in far right delusion land about race.

I don't think there will be a one-party state, though I know Dem and Pub posters on this board who desperately hope for such.

The GOP will continue to be a minority party until it adapts to meet the needs of women and minorities as well as it tries to meet the needs of older while males and social con religionists.
But the Hispanic vote may turn out to be the death stroke to Republicans in terms of ever being President. If Florida goes blue, which seems probable by 2020 and Texas, with its huge Hispanic population goes blue within the next 20-30 years, it would be impossible for Republicans to win for the next 40 years

It's amusing how the racists on the left just assume they have a forever lock on the Hispanic vote, apparently they believe that Hispanics cannot possibly think for themselves or become self sufficient Americans who don't have to depend on government for their well-being and thus must always and forever be left wing robots...... just don't take it personally when all your predictions turn out to be nonsense. :D

Forever is a long time

But you hit the nail on the head when you say Hispanics think for themselves. Historically, Hispanics have had strong family values and strong religious values. In terms of social policy they should be natural Republicans

But Republicans went out of their way to pander to their racist underbelly. The part of the party that hates brown skin, cringes when they hear people speak Spanish and hate all immigrants

While most Republicans are not like that, Hispanics can still hear what is coming from Donald Trump. They see what Hannity/Limbaugh and their guests say. They even can read what is posted on message boards like this one.

It makes them ask....Is this the party I would want to belong to?
But you hit the nail on the head when you say Hispanics think for themselves. Historically, Hispanics have had strong family values and strong religious values. In terms of social policy they should be natural Republicans
They're not "natural" anything in terms of political affiliation or ideology, that's just your bigotry talking; Hispanics don't function as a hive mind they have a diversity of viewpoints and opinions every bit as broad as any other ethic group.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
if their current lineup is any long-term, indicator, you are correct sir

How can anyone project what the Presidential lineup will be 20, 30, 40 years from now?

Right now, Republicans have a difficult challenge reaching 270 EVs. Dems start with 242 EVs while Republicans only have 179. Extremely difficult, but not necessarily impossible

But the Hispanic vote may turn out to be the death stroke to Republicans in terms of ever being President. If Florida goes blue, which seems probable by 2020 and Texas, with its huge Hispanic population goes blue within the next 20-30 years, it would be impossible for Republicans to win for the next 40 years

I agree completely. It has been obvious for quite some time. Makes one wonder about what the GOP has been thinking over the last couple of decades that they never touched the subject.

How do you envision One Party America?

Happy? Prosperous? Peaceful?

It has happened before post Civil War and post Depression

It is not a question of bending over backwards to ensure that Republicans can get elected but the ability of Republicans to adapt.

Now, I imagine future Republicans will repudiate the positions of current Republicans....."We are no longer like that"
But if Hispanics and other minorities as well as young women grow up with a view of what being Republican means, it will be hard to change their position

THis time around a pillar of the alliance will be race based discrimination in favor of the new majority, ie browns and blacks.

The vested interest in continuing that combined with constant heavy handed propaganda, such as we see today, will set ethnic groups against one another is a way that I can't see ending in the foreseeable future.

Combined with the high and ever increasing anger and resistance from the still largest single ethnic group and you have a receipt for a really crappy future.

And that is even before you factor in the negative effects of One Party Rule

AND even if you don't assume the lefty policies of the Dems will not constantly fail to create wealth or solve problems.
But you hit the nail on the head when you say Hispanics think for themselves. Historically, Hispanics have had strong family values and strong religious values. In terms of social policy they should be natural Republicans
They're not "natural" anything in terms of political affiliation or ideology, that's just your bigotry talking; Hispanics don't function as a hive mind they have a diversity of viewpoints and opinions every bit as broad as any other ethic group.
And that's why the vote overwhelming for the Dems? Their diversity? If so, our GOP is having a horrible time tapping into that diversity.
Correll, from what main website are you coming up with this race justification for a one party state in the future?

You understand that is a racialist creed, don't you?

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