The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

The next Republican president will be elected in 2016.
How do you envision that happening?

Which states that Republicans lost in 2012 do you see them taking in 2016?
Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada all quite possible.

Recent trends don't support it

Florida and Ohio have been pretty solid blue the last few cycles after Bush barely squeaked out majorities

Virginia, with recent population shifts could almost be called blue
Recent trends don't take into account the pathetic Democratic 2016 field.
Actually, it hardly matters anymore

The blue states are so entrenched and many of what were swing states for George Bush can hardly be considered swing anymore.

270 EVs were BARELY achievable by George Bush. With shifting demographics it seems out of reach
There was a time when the Black and Hispanic vote was important to the GOP and not that long ago. What happened and why despair? Digest this part of the 2000 Republican Party platform and tell me what has changed in just 15 years?

"We recommit ourselves to the values that strengthen our culture and sustain our nation: family, faith, personal responsibility, and a belief in the dignity of every human life.

We offer not only a new agenda, but also a new approach — a vision of a welcoming society in which all have a place. To all Americans, particularly immigrants and minorities, we send a clear message: this is the party of freedom and progress, and it is your home.

The diversity of our nation is reflected in this platform. We ask for the support and participation of all who substantially share our agenda. In one way or another, every Republican is a dissenter. At the same time, we are not morally indifferent. In this, as in many things, Lincoln is our model. He spoke words of healing and words of conviction. We do likewise, for we are bound together in a great enterprise for our children's future."

And they didn't win the hispanic or black vote either.

You like ONe Party States?

They didn't win any black or Hispanic votes because it was empty rhetoric. No, I do not like one party rule and I think America will seek more balance after a short time.

Both parties spew out plenty of empty rhetoric.

You don't like one Party States?


What policies do you support to avoid this?

The GOP let the crazies in and they let empty rhetoric become the rule, they have no one else to blame but themselves. Parties attain power by the solutions to problems that resonate best with the public. You want to rule you need to reinvent yourself and beat the game.

The Left has not reinvented itself to win. It simply imported tens of millions of Third World Poor to vote for bigger government.

THat is not a solution.

It's a winning strategy.

BUt not solution to any problem the US or the American citizen has.

Immigrants can't vote so your whole premise is false. If you examine the facts the left hasn't done all that much for minorities especially since the right controls the floor in congress, what they haven't done is throw rhetoric out to salt the conversation.
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And Dems only got 37% of the white vote last year. Sorry.....Dems cannot win any election with those numbers. Question: Have the Dems lost white voters forever? They have certainly lost white men. :)

No question Republicans do better in off cycle years. That is how they won in 2010 and 2014

Another problem for Republicans is the women's vote. Remember the war on women that they laugh about? Obama got 55% of the women's vote. Hillary would take 60%

It never fails to floor me how Republicans can be so ignorant of the things it takes to win elections. Surely no one is as ignorant as they pretend to be?
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And Dems only got 37% of the white vote last year. Sorry.....Dems cannot win any election with those numbers. Question: Have the Dems lost white voters forever? They have certainly lost white men. :)

No question Republicans do better in off cycle years. That is how they won in 2010 and 2014

Another problem for Republicans is the women's vote. Remember the war on women that they laugh about? Obama got 55% of the women's vote. Hillary would take 60%

It never fails to floor me how Republicans can be so ignorant of the things it takes to win elections. Surely no one is as ignorant as they pretend to be?

They seem to think everyone in an election starts out with a blank slate and every state is in play

The Democratic slate of Blue States gives them an almost insurmountable lead. Instead of chipping away at the swing states Obama won, Republicans seem to be jumping all over themselves to give them away
The next Republican president will be elected in 2016.
How do you envision that happening?

Which states that Republicans lost in 2012 do you see them taking in 2016?
Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada all quite possible.
Virginia, NC, NV, CO are out of reach if we continue the way we are as a GOP. Maybe Fl if Rubio is on the ticket, maybe OH if Kasich is on the ticket.

Republicans in 2012 swore they would make efforts to improve their chances of taking swing states. Appeal to Hispanics, appeal more to women. They have moved in the opposite direction

Instead, Democrats are more likely to compete in Red States. Georgia and possibly South Carolina will be competitive

I will not see another Republican President I my lifetime
The next Republican president will be elected in 2016.
How do you envision that happening?

Which states that Republicans lost in 2012 do you see them taking in 2016?
Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada all quite possible.
Virginia, NC, NV, CO are out of reach if we continue the way we are as a GOP. Maybe Fl if Rubio is on the ticket, maybe OH if Kasich is on the ticket.

Republicans in 2012 swore they would make efforts to improve their chances of taking swing states. Appeal to Hispanics, appeal more to women. They have moved in the opposite direction

Instead, Democrats are more likely to compete in Red States. Georgia and possibly South Carolina will be competitive

I will not see another Republican President I my lifetime
You're a dreamer.
The next Republican president will be elected in 2016.
How do you envision that happening?

Which states that Republicans lost in 2012 do you see them taking in 2016?
Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada all quite possible.
Virginia, NC, NV, CO are out of reach if we continue the way we are as a GOP. Maybe Fl if Rubio is on the ticket, maybe OH if Kasich is on the ticket.

Republicans in 2012 swore they would make efforts to improve their chances of taking swing states. Appeal to Hispanics, appeal more to women. They have moved in the opposite direction

Instead, Democrats are more likely to compete in Red States. Georgia and possibly South Carolina will be competitive

I will not see another Republican President I my lifetime
You're a dreamer.

The numbers don't lie

Electoral Vote numbers no longer line up for Republicans
Republicans also have other problems besides Hispanics and Women and the odd thing is they knew this all along just like the left did.

So voters just bitch slapped the hell out of Democrats not once but twice. Spankings so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find Democrats suffering a beating that epic and you lib clowns are talking smack? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And Dems only got 37% of the white vote last year. Sorry.....Dems cannot win any election with those numbers. Question: Have the Dems lost white voters forever? They have certainly lost white men. :)

No question Republicans do better in off cycle years. That is how they won in 2010 and 2014

Another problem for Republicans is the women's vote. Remember the war on women that they laugh about? Obama got 55% of the women's vote. Hillary would take 60%

Dems only got 45% of the female vote in the last election cycle. Sorry...the war on women thing is done and so is the Obama voting bloc.

Try not living in the past. It's bound to disappoint you. :(
Look at all the Nate Silver wannabees and their junior G Man badges, idn't just adorable?

When you Amazing Kreskins get done predicting the next 30 years of President elections, how about using your supernatural powers for something useful, like giving everybody the powerball numbers for this week. :)
Look at all the Nate Silver wannabees and their junior G Man badges, idn't just adorable?

When you Amazing Kreskins get done predicting the next 30 years of President elections, how about using your supernatural powers for something useful, like giving everybody the powerball numbers for this week. :)

All that needs to be done is look at the demographic trends and the impact they will have on future elections

New York and California will not elect a Republican next year or in 30 years

Due to the emerging Hispanic population and their political clout the future status of Florida and even Texas may go blue
Look at all the Nate Silver wannabees and their junior G Man badges, idn't just adorable?

When you Amazing Kreskins get done predicting the next 30 years of President elections, how about using your supernatural powers for something useful, like giving everybody the powerball numbers for this week. :)

All that needs to be done is look at the demographic trends and the impact they will have on future elections

New York and California will not elect a Republican next year or in 30 years

Due to the emerging Hispanic population and their political clout the future status of Florida and even Texas may go blue

You really shouldn't be giving this stuff away for free ya know, after all you could be making bank with one of those psychic hotlines, 1-900-FANTASY, fits.

I have a prediction though; I predict you'll continue to attempt to rationalize this partisan, wishful thinking bullshit. :)
Look at all the Nate Silver wannabees and their junior G Man badges, idn't just adorable?

When you Amazing Kreskins get done predicting the next 30 years of President elections, how about using your supernatural powers for something useful, like giving everybody the powerball numbers for this week. :)

All that needs to be done is look at the demographic trends and the impact they will have on future elections

New York and California will not elect a Republican next year or in 30 years

Due to the emerging Hispanic population and their political clout the future status of Florida and even Texas may go blue

You really shouldn't be giving this stuff away for free ya know, after all you could be making bank with one of those psychic hotlines, 1-900-FANTASY, fits.

I have a prediction though; I predict you'll continue to attempt to rationalize this partisan, wishful thinking bullshit. :)

Here's a prediction: You'll be the same clown screaming for an investigation when it becomes true.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
You gotta a terminal illness bruh? Doctors only gave you months to live eh?

Sucks for you. May your final days be fun ones TRUTHMATTERS
Look at all the Nate Silver wannabees and their junior G Man badges, idn't just adorable?

When you Amazing Kreskins get done predicting the next 30 years of President elections, how about using your supernatural powers for something useful, like giving everybody the powerball numbers for this week. :)

All that needs to be done is look at the demographic trends and the impact they will have on future elections

New York and California will not elect a Republican next year or in 30 years

Due to the emerging Hispanic population and their political clout the future status of Florida and even Texas may go blue

You really shouldn't be giving this stuff away for free ya know, after all you could be making bank with one of those psychic hotlines, 1-900-FANTASY, fits.

I have a prediction though; I predict you'll continue to attempt to rationalize this partisan, wishful thinking bullshit. :)
Simple me the numbers

Show me under what conditions Republicans can reach 270

Then move out a dozen years with Democratic dominance of the Hispanic and female vote and how things can get better for Republicans

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