The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Even if Trump wins, the Far Right will NOT be in control of Congress. NOr the Supreme Court.

But, if current trends continue, it won't be long until the Far Left is.

It seems your definition of far left is anyone who isn't far right. This Supreme Court is split. The far right just forced out two moderates from House Speakership (or running for it) and they recently primaried out the majority leader. I envision in 2017 a radical right president (Cruz), a radical right House, and only a split Senate standing in their way. Should be interesting anyways.

NO, I was think a little longer range.
I'm concerned about what the far right would do if they obtained enough power in 2017 to prevent your future vision from ever happening.

Believing themselves ensured of the military having their back on far right wing positions, I imagine Cruz or Trump suspending the constitution, dissolving the Senate, packing the Supreme Court with radicals, and finishing with a major revision of the constitution before reactivating it ... all because they believed they were 100% doing the right thing to save America. And many of you would support them all the way.

Wow. That is, to borrow a phrase, completely over the top.

None of that has anything to do with what conservatives are about.

What do you hope to see if your side gets complete control?

My side is moderates who are willing to work with others to get things done (grand deals on entitlement reform, deficit reduction, immigration). It is people who don't believe they have all the answers but are willing to sit down in a truly bipartisan manner and develop solutions. My side has been losing for years now.

Mmmm, considering your overblown fears of what a Far RIght win would mean, your claim to be moderate does not have the ring of truth.

Immigration? What would the "moderate" "pragmatic" solution be?
We are not going to win the Hispanic vote any more than we will win the Black vote.

It is just not going to happen, no matter what we do.

What do you hope to have happen once your side has total dominance?

There was a time when the Black and Hispanic vote was important to the GOP and not that long ago. What happened and why despair? Digest this part of the 2000 Republican Party platform and tell me what has changed in just 15 years?

"We recommit ourselves to the values that strengthen our culture and sustain our nation: family, faith, personal responsibility, and a belief in the dignity of every human life.

We offer not only a new agenda, but also a new approach — a vision of a welcoming society in which all have a place. To all Americans, particularly immigrants and minorities, we send a clear message: this is the party of freedom and progress, and it is your home.

The diversity of our nation is reflected in this platform. We ask for the support and participation of all who substantially share our agenda. In one way or another, every Republican is a dissenter. At the same time, we are not morally indifferent. In this, as in many things, Lincoln is our model. He spoke words of healing and words of conviction. We do likewise, for we are bound together in a great enterprise for our children's future."

And they didn't win the hispanic or black vote either.

You like ONe Party States?

They didn't win any black or Hispanic votes because it was empty rhetoric. No, I do not like one party rule and I think America will seek more balance after a short time.

Both parties spew out plenty of empty rhetoric.

You don't like one Party States?


What policies do you support to avoid this?

The GOP let the crazies in and they let empty rhetoric become the rule, they have no one else to blame but themselves. Parties attain power by the solutions to problems that resonate best with the public. You want to rule you need to reinvent yourself and beat the game.

The Left has not reinvented itself to win. It simply imported tens of millions of Third World Poor to vote for bigger government.

THat is not a solution.

It's a winning strategy.

BUt not solution to any problem the US or the American citizen has.
The challenge for Republicans is to not surrender the minority and immigrant population to the Democrats

How do Republicans convince them that voting Republican is in their best interests. Current demagoguery does not seem to be working

Republicans have NOT surrendered the minority and immigration population.

You mentioned the "recent hysteria and blocking of immigration reform" in your second post.

McCain supported amnesty and lost the hispanic vote 2 to 1 to Obama.

YOu guys have done an excellent job of branding the GOP in the minds of Hispanics as the "enemy".

You know it. So don't add insult to injury by lying about it now.

Import Third World voters, create defacto One Party State, rule for generations.

Good for the dems, bad for America.

Hispanics don't need the Democrats to see what Repblicans are and are not doing for them

English only laws, blocking DREAM initiatives, the racist rhetoric directed at Hispanic immigrants, where are your papers? Laws, blocking immigration reforms

All coming from the right

McCain supported the Dream Act, and did not run a racist campaign.

And yet, Obama accused him of running a racist campaign and won the hispanic vote by 2 to 1.

Constant racial demagoguery over generations have done their job. YOu have a good lock on the Hispanic vote, that is why you are so happy about the demographic change.

If you really thought that a minor adjustment in policy would be all it would take to put the Hispanic Vote up for grabs you wouldn't have been so gleeful about it in your second post.
I'm getting bored with that nonsense
Show where Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign

Hispanics are more than capable sizing up their relationship with the GOP. They are turning away in droves

I have posted this before.

Obama: Don’t let other side scare you

"they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me,” Obama continued, repeating an attack from earlier in the day. “What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.’”

McCain did not do that.

Obama lied.

And yes, Obama won the Hispanics by 2 to 1. I'm not denying that you dems have a lock on the Hispanic vote.

It is why I agree with you on the upcoming marginalization of the GOP and the transformation of the US into a defacto One Party State.

You, as a lib, see this as a good thing.

I as a con, see it as a bad thing.

But we agree it is happening.

When the other side questioned he is an American citizen, spread rumors he was a Muslim, questioned his and his wife's patriotism?

It was Obama who was accused of being a racist, not McCain
My over the top scenario is a natural possibility if your side truly believes that continued election trends are going to destroy America. It would be natural for such radicals to do anything to prevent it.

Nope. Nothing on the Right to give the slightest hint of what you suggest.
Republicans have NOT surrendered the minority and immigration population.

You mentioned the "recent hysteria and blocking of immigration reform" in your second post.

McCain supported amnesty and lost the hispanic vote 2 to 1 to Obama.

YOu guys have done an excellent job of branding the GOP in the minds of Hispanics as the "enemy".

You know it. So don't add insult to injury by lying about it now.

Import Third World voters, create defacto One Party State, rule for generations.

Good for the dems, bad for America.

Hispanics don't need the Democrats to see what Repblicans are and are not doing for them

English only laws, blocking DREAM initiatives, the racist rhetoric directed at Hispanic immigrants, where are your papers? Laws, blocking immigration reforms

All coming from the right

McCain supported the Dream Act, and did not run a racist campaign.

And yet, Obama accused him of running a racist campaign and won the hispanic vote by 2 to 1.

Constant racial demagoguery over generations have done their job. YOu have a good lock on the Hispanic vote, that is why you are so happy about the demographic change.

If you really thought that a minor adjustment in policy would be all it would take to put the Hispanic Vote up for grabs you wouldn't have been so gleeful about it in your second post.
I'm getting bored with that nonsense
Show where Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign

Hispanics are more than capable sizing up their relationship with the GOP. They are turning away in droves

I have posted this before.

Obama: Don’t let other side scare you

"they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me,” Obama continued, repeating an attack from earlier in the day. “What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.’”

McCain did not do that.

Obama lied.

And yes, Obama won the Hispanics by 2 to 1. I'm not denying that you dems have a lock on the Hispanic vote.

It is why I agree with you on the upcoming marginalization of the GOP and the transformation of the US into a defacto One Party State.

You, as a lib, see this as a good thing.

I as a con, see it as a bad thing.

But we agree it is happening.

When the other side questioned he is an American citizen, spread rumors he was a Muslim, questioned his and his wife's patriotism?

It was Obama who was accused of being a racist, not McCain

McCain did not run a racist campaign.

Obama lied and accused him of doing so.

Some conservatives wondered about his birth certificate. Not McCain.

If you want to show that Obama was not lying, please provide a link showing McCain or his campaign using racism.
Even worse for Republicans is changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to adapt

They got only 29% of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Given their recent histerics and blocking of immigration reform....that could drop to 15%

15% of the Hispanic vote would give Florida to the Dems. With rising Hispanic populations in Texas, it could turn Texas blue in the next 20 years

Florida and Texas turning blue would mean we will never see another Republican President


And Dems only got 37% of the white vote last year. Sorry.....Dems cannot win any election with those numbers. Question: Have the Dems lost white voters forever? They have certainly lost white men. :)

No question Republicans do better in off cycle years. That is how they won in 2010 and 2014

Another problem for Republicans is the women's vote. Remember the war on women that they laugh about? Obama got 55% of the women's vote. Hillary would take 60%
Hispanics don't need the Democrats to see what Repblicans are and are not doing for them

English only laws, blocking DREAM initiatives, the racist rhetoric directed at Hispanic immigrants, where are your papers? Laws, blocking immigration reforms

All coming from the right

McCain supported the Dream Act, and did not run a racist campaign.

And yet, Obama accused him of running a racist campaign and won the hispanic vote by 2 to 1.

Constant racial demagoguery over generations have done their job. YOu have a good lock on the Hispanic vote, that is why you are so happy about the demographic change.

If you really thought that a minor adjustment in policy would be all it would take to put the Hispanic Vote up for grabs you wouldn't have been so gleeful about it in your second post.
I'm getting bored with that nonsense
Show where Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign

Hispanics are more than capable sizing up their relationship with the GOP. They are turning away in droves

I have posted this before.

Obama: Don’t let other side scare you

"they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me,” Obama continued, repeating an attack from earlier in the day. “What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.’”

McCain did not do that.

Obama lied.

And yes, Obama won the Hispanics by 2 to 1. I'm not denying that you dems have a lock on the Hispanic vote.

It is why I agree with you on the upcoming marginalization of the GOP and the transformation of the US into a defacto One Party State.

You, as a lib, see this as a good thing.

I as a con, see it as a bad thing.

But we agree it is happening.

When the other side questioned he is an American citizen, spread rumors he was a Muslim, questioned his and his wife's patriotism?

It was Obama who was accused of being a racist, not McCain

McCain did not run a racist campaign.

Obama lied and accused him of doing so.

Some conservatives wondered about his birth certificate. Not McCain.

If you want to show that Obama was not lying, please provide a link showing McCain or his campaign using racism.
Hispanics don't need the Democrats to see what Repblicans are and are not doing for them

English only laws, blocking DREAM initiatives, the racist rhetoric directed at Hispanic immigrants, where are your papers? Laws, blocking immigration reforms

All coming from the right

McCain supported the Dream Act, and did not run a racist campaign.

And yet, Obama accused him of running a racist campaign and won the hispanic vote by 2 to 1.

Constant racial demagoguery over generations have done their job. YOu have a good lock on the Hispanic vote, that is why you are so happy about the demographic change.

If you really thought that a minor adjustment in policy would be all it would take to put the Hispanic Vote up for grabs you wouldn't have been so gleeful about it in your second post.
I'm getting bored with that nonsense
Show where Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign

Hispanics are more than capable sizing up their relationship with the GOP. They are turning away in droves

I have posted this before.

Obama: Don’t let other side scare you

"they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me,” Obama continued, repeating an attack from earlier in the day. “What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.’”

McCain did not do that.

Obama lied.

And yes, Obama won the Hispanics by 2 to 1. I'm not denying that you dems have a lock on the Hispanic vote.

It is why I agree with you on the upcoming marginalization of the GOP and the transformation of the US into a defacto One Party State.

You, as a lib, see this as a good thing.

I as a con, see it as a bad thing.

But we agree it is happening.

When the other side questioned he is an American citizen, spread rumors he was a Muslim, questioned his and his wife's patriotism?

It was Obama who was accused of being a racist, not McCain

McCain did not run a racist campaign.

Obama lied and accused him of doing so.

Some conservatives wondered about his birth certificate. Not McCain.

If you want to show that Obama was not lying, please provide a link showing McCain or his campaign using racism.
Obama never said McCain ran a racist campaign. However, McCain supporters including the rightwing media attacked his citizenship, patriotism, religion and it was Obama being accused of being a racist through the Rev Wright smear campaign
Correll, you are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts.

Which fact have I sited that you consider false?

That McCain was a moderate who's nomination was a massive defeat for conservatives?

That McCain did NOT run a racist campaign?

That McCain lost Hispanics by 2 to 1? Despite a long career of screwing Conservatives, and I don't mean in a romantic way?
You are ignoring the fact that most Americans are very scared of our far right.

The far right is doing nothing to change that.

The Far Right aren't the ones poised for total control, Jake.

The Far Left is.

Why aren't you afraid of them?
What far left? HRC? Don't be silly. The far right is dangerous.

The DNC and the libs in charge of it. Like Obama, like Hillary.

The Far RIght is not dangerous. Right now they are focused on trying to reduce the flood of Third World Immigrants.

What is the worst you imagine? THat they succeed and we have go majority minority several months later than otherwise?
McCain supported the Dream Act, and did not run a racist campaign.

And yet, Obama accused him of running a racist campaign and won the hispanic vote by 2 to 1.

Constant racial demagoguery over generations have done their job. YOu have a good lock on the Hispanic vote, that is why you are so happy about the demographic change.

If you really thought that a minor adjustment in policy would be all it would take to put the Hispanic Vote up for grabs you wouldn't have been so gleeful about it in your second post.
I'm getting bored with that nonsense
Show where Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign

Hispanics are more than capable sizing up their relationship with the GOP. They are turning away in droves

I have posted this before.

Obama: Don’t let other side scare you

"they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me,” Obama continued, repeating an attack from earlier in the day. “What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.’”

McCain did not do that.

Obama lied.

And yes, Obama won the Hispanics by 2 to 1. I'm not denying that you dems have a lock on the Hispanic vote.

It is why I agree with you on the upcoming marginalization of the GOP and the transformation of the US into a defacto One Party State.

You, as a lib, see this as a good thing.

I as a con, see it as a bad thing.

But we agree it is happening.

When the other side questioned he is an American citizen, spread rumors he was a Muslim, questioned his and his wife's patriotism?

It was Obama who was accused of being a racist, not McCain

McCain did not run a racist campaign.

Obama lied and accused him of doing so.

Some conservatives wondered about his birth certificate. Not McCain.

If you want to show that Obama was not lying, please provide a link showing McCain or his campaign using racism.
McCain supported the Dream Act, and did not run a racist campaign.

And yet, Obama accused him of running a racist campaign and won the hispanic vote by 2 to 1.

Constant racial demagoguery over generations have done their job. YOu have a good lock on the Hispanic vote, that is why you are so happy about the demographic change.

If you really thought that a minor adjustment in policy would be all it would take to put the Hispanic Vote up for grabs you wouldn't have been so gleeful about it in your second post.
I'm getting bored with that nonsense
Show where Obama accused McCain of running a racist campaign

Hispanics are more than capable sizing up their relationship with the GOP. They are turning away in droves

I have posted this before.

Obama: Don’t let other side scare you

"they figure they’re going to win this election is if they make you scared of me,” Obama continued, repeating an attack from earlier in the day. “What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.’”

McCain did not do that.

Obama lied.

And yes, Obama won the Hispanics by 2 to 1. I'm not denying that you dems have a lock on the Hispanic vote.

It is why I agree with you on the upcoming marginalization of the GOP and the transformation of the US into a defacto One Party State.

You, as a lib, see this as a good thing.

I as a con, see it as a bad thing.

But we agree it is happening.

When the other side questioned he is an American citizen, spread rumors he was a Muslim, questioned his and his wife's patriotism?

It was Obama who was accused of being a racist, not McCain

McCain did not run a racist campaign.

Obama lied and accused him of doing so.

Some conservatives wondered about his birth certificate. Not McCain.

If you want to show that Obama was not lying, please provide a link showing McCain or his campaign using racism.
Obama never said McCain ran a racist campaign. However, McCain supporters including the rightwing media attacked his citizenship, patriotism, religion and it was Obama being accused of being a racist through the Rev Wright smear campaign
McCain is and was always a progressive, no maverick just stupid. The campaign he ran was so bad he could not win a dog catcher job.

Plus, he was not born here...
You are already there, Correll. The rest of America, including the responsible right and mainstream Republicans, are afraid of you freaks.

Obama, the Stock Exchange, etc., have much better popularity ratings compared to the Republican House and the Tea Party movement. The rest of America believes you guys are the ones out of step, way out of step, with the future.
The next Republican president will be elected in 2016.
How do you envision that happening?

Which states that Republicans lost in 2012 do you see them taking in 2016?
Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada all quite possible.
Virginia, NC, NV, CO are out of reach if we continue the way we are as a GOP. Maybe Fl if Rubio is on the ticket, maybe OH if Kasich is on the ticket.
My over the top scenario is a natural possibility if your side truly believes that continued election trends are going to destroy America. It would be natural for such radicals to do anything to prevent it.

Nope. Nothing on the Right to give the slightest hint of what you suggest.
No hint? You posted rhetoric painting quite a dire situation ... the country being destroyed by inevitable one party rule. What do you intend to do to prevent it? Wouldn't it be reasonable for radical right wingers to, once in power, cement it by removing these weaknesses from the system that are allowing poor and minorities to keep Republicans out of power?
Now Sanders could replace even Clinton and Obama as the first 'real' black president. I mean having an illegitimate son has to count for something, right?
It seems your definition of far left is anyone who isn't far right. This Supreme Court is split. The far right just forced out two moderates from House Speakership (or running for it) and they recently primaried out the majority leader. I envision in 2017 a radical right president (Cruz), a radical right House, and only a split Senate standing in their way. Should be interesting anyways.

NO, I was think a little longer range.
I'm concerned about what the far right would do if they obtained enough power in 2017 to prevent your future vision from ever happening.

Believing themselves ensured of the military having their back on far right wing positions, I imagine Cruz or Trump suspending the constitution, dissolving the Senate, packing the Supreme Court with radicals, and finishing with a major revision of the constitution before reactivating it ... all because they believed they were 100% doing the right thing to save America. And many of you would support them all the way.

Wow. That is, to borrow a phrase, completely over the top.

None of that has anything to do with what conservatives are about.

What do you hope to see if your side gets complete control?

My side is moderates who are willing to work with others to get things done (grand deals on entitlement reform, deficit reduction, immigration). It is people who don't believe they have all the answers but are willing to sit down in a truly bipartisan manner and develop solutions. My side has been losing for years now.

Mmmm, considering your overblown fears of what a Far RIght win would mean, your claim to be moderate does not have the ring of truth.

Immigration? What would the "moderate" "pragmatic" solution be?

I don't know the solution. Together, the parties could come up with one. The rabid political climate prevents that.

There are numerous ideas out there, let's get together in bipartisan manner and pick some things that a majority can agree to try.

The radicals in power believe that only their ideas should be allowed. That is the cause of this gridlock.
Hell, we haven't had a "real" republican president since Coolidge.
Since then it has been one big progressive love fest...
The next Republican president will be elected in 2016.
How do you envision that happening?

Which states that Republicans lost in 2012 do you see them taking in 2016?
Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada all quite possible.

Recent trends don't support it

Florida and Ohio have been pretty solid blue the last few cycles after Bush barely squeaked out majorities

Virginia, with recent population shifts could almost be called blue
The next Republican president will be elected in 2016.
How do you envision that happening?

Which states that Republicans lost in 2012 do you see them taking in 2016?
Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Nevada all quite possible.

Recent trends don't support it

Florida and Ohio have been pretty solid blue the last few cycles after Bush barely squeaked out majorities

Virginia, with recent population shifts could almost be called blue
Recent trends don't take into account the pathetic Democratic 2016 field.

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