The NFL can go to hell

The first amendment is very clear about free speech and kneeling while a song is played totally covers it.
The 1st also protects flag burning too as per the Supreme Court.
You idiots don’t get to pick and choose what the 1st covers just because the idiot in Chief stuck his nose into the NFL’s business to garner outrage by his deplorable base.

hey one said they cant do it

but the first amendment protects people who say the n word......someone you guys don't use that argument in that situation.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.
RW morons will go to hell long before a BILLION DOLLAR A YEAR business does - F'n idiots.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I agree with the kneelers.
Obama didn't get rich from his Office....are you really that stupid?
No he did not.
Look at you making excuses for POTUS violating the constitution under the emolument clause.

they all do

How Presidents Make Their Millions

damn, bill Clinton was a gangster.... 6 thousand percent.....
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I am not a lefty you moron and the POTUS has no right to stick his nose into that of a private business. How a "righty" can think that is the right and proper use for the Fed Govt is beyond me, but you fucking zealots have given up all pretense of being for smaller government long ago
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

The Potus, you mean bone spur, why didn't his sons or dtr get into the Iraq war? The boys sure know how to shoot animals.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I agree with the kneelers.

I think the kneelers are idiots, but by god I will defend their rights to be so till the day that I die.
Stupid thread. Trying to tug at our heartstrings to make excuses for being against the 1st amendment.

You are the stupid one for pretending this is about the First Amendment.

Takes to the WW11 vets we have the first amendment. To not use it would be dishonorable.

Those WW2 vets would disagree with you when you start burning their flags, vandalizing their monuments, and disrespecting the National Anthem.
The NFL Owners and Commissioners are a bunch of prideful 'deniers':

1. 'The decline in attendance / viewing has nothing to do with kneeling...lalalala..."

Yeah, how is that working out for you.

2. 'Even if it does, players have a right to overshadow the game / NFL with political propaganda / rhetoric / messages, and instead of focusing on the game and delivering an awesome product free of political distraction we will stand by our players, lettig to do what they want'.

Good for you. Again, how is that working out for you?
If you don’t like players kneeling don’t turn on the fucking game or look away while they do it.
All you stupid mfers are only taking up this stupid cause because your fuhrer told you to.
Baaaaaaaaaaaa Mr Sheep.
This is why we stand...


Although this is the saddest picture I believe I've ever seen, thank you for sharing it with us.
Stupid thread. Trying to tug at our heartstrings to make excuses for being against the 1st amendment.

You are the stupid one for pretending this is about the First Amendment.

Takes to the WW11 vets we have the first amendment. To not use it would be dishonorable.

Those WW2 vets would disagree with you when you start burning their flags, vandalizing their monuments, and disrespecting the National Anthem.
Many members of the military are ON the side of the players because they rightfully say they served in the military in order for people to practice their first amendment rights.
Learn the Constitution instead of wiping your ass with it like your Fraud in Chief does.
Pretty simple solution, if you do not like it, do not watch the NFL. The POTUS has no business sticking his nose into a private business.

The kneelers made a political statement, the league supported them, The POTUS has plenty of business calling them out on their vile bullshit.

Their behavior is indefensible.

Which is why you lefties try so hard to distract from it.

I agree with the kneelers.

I think the kneelers are idiots, but by god I will defend their rights to be so till the day that I die.

You know they play what a game a week, and they are being used to stand at attention to the flag, better to let them stay in the dugouts. I'd hate to have to stand at attention one a week to the flag, Politics should not be in sports. Bad enough to have the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag in schools.
The NFL Owners and Commissioners are a bunch of prideful 'deniers':

1. 'The decline in attendance / viewing has nothing to do with kneeling...lalalala..."

Yeah, how is that working out for you.

2. 'Even if it does, players have a right to overshadow the game / NFL with political propaganda / rhetoric / messages, and instead of focusing on the game and delivering an awesome product free of political distraction we will stand by our players, lettig to do what they want'.

Good for you. Again, how is that working out for you?
If you don’t like players kneeling don’t turn on the fucking game or look away while they do it.
All you stupid mfers are only taking up this stupid cause because your fuhrer told you to.
Baaaaaaaaaaaa Mr Sheep.

I don't
I still watch college ball....
Nothing to do with the sheep, I did it after Kapernick pulled it last year.....haven't seen an NFL game since......

sorry no one told me to's disrespectful and putting politics into stuff it shouldn't be in.
Trump is awesome isnt he?

Whilst he is involved in button wars with NK and giving the terrorists a free pass in Pakistan. While he fights to make the skies safe and ban fake news books.

The great man still finds time to address the real threat facing the world. The NFL.
Stupid thread. Trying to tug at our heartstrings to make excuses for being against the 1st amendment.

You are the stupid one for pretending this is about the First Amendment.

Takes to the WW11 vets we have the first amendment. To not use it would be dishonorable.

Those WW2 vets would disagree with you when you start burning their flags, vandalizing their monuments, and disrespecting the National Anthem.
Many members of the military are ON the side of the players because they rightfully say they served in the military in order for people to practice their first amendment rights.
Learn the Constitution instead of wiping your ass with it like your Fraud in Chief does.

that's not the reason they are doing it....if it were just about the first amendment, people wouldn't be living in fear about offending anyone, but some how you guys like to witch hunt anyone that ever offended a shut the fuck up about the first amendment

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