The NFL is wrong!

If I was an NFL player right now, I'd quit and play in the CFL. Why in the world do some whites purposefully miss a simple message to make one up that has nothing to do with the issue presented? The kneeling started because of police killing of blacks and racial injustice in America. It was plainly stated by Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick explains why he won't stand during National Anthem

It's time whites stopped lying and about things they do. Whites are humans, they fuck up and the reason these protests are going on is that whites keep fucking up and refuse to see or stop what they are doing. It's always the other guy. Well no it's not, and as citizens of this nation whites are responsible for the good and bad things they do. And you don't get brag about all your great accomplishments without looking at your mistakes.

Of course this thread will devolve into you blacks are.... blah, blah, bah. This isn't about us backs. It is about how whites have misinterpreted a protest to make themselves believe it's about something they made up. Then again this thread might get closed or moved "'mysteriously" for no reason.

Some people prefer their patriotism on the fake side.
We have very simple rules in America, don't rob, steal, rape or murder and the Police will leave you alone.
The Police don't give anyone a special break because of their race.
If you point a gun at the Police or try to wrestle with them for their gun they WILL shoot your ass in self defense.


8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed

Was this guy robbing, raping and murdering?

Was he?

Was he?

We are dying because of untrue beliefs held by people such as you.

America has taken a knee on us and you whites are here talking about respecting a symbol, a graven image.

A lot of Democrat Voters are angry racist like IM2.
The Democratic Party and the Left Wing Press exploits their hate, ignorance and anger for Votes.
Less than 1% of police shootings are unjustified.
These ignorant NFL players don't care about the Anglo or Latino or Asian suspects who are also killed in police confrontations.
They don't care about the Policemen who are murdered by suspects.
The don't care about the over 7000 Black people per year who are murdered by other Black people.
They are only obsessed by that less than 1%. The imbalanced outrage is very telling.

I really think you need to go look at the numbers instead of making things up.

The police need to quit beating and killing people. They've killed 418 people so far this year. 55 police have died in the line of duty and only 27 by gunshot.

Total Line of Duty Deaths: 55
I laugh when a republican such as you who has posted up chapters of racist crap, call democrats racists.

Let's use your irrational logic.
The Police must be sexist because 99% of the suspects who they kill are men.
I hate to say this, but the NFL was wrong. This is a freedom of speech issue.
Well, up to a point. If instead kneeling, what if they gave a Nazi salute or put up their middle finger? Professional athletes are not there to make political statements. But still...They still have 1st amendment rights.​
We have very simple rules in America, don't rob, steal, rape or murder and the Police will leave you alone.
The Police don't give anyone a special break because of their race.
If you point a gun at the Police or try to wrestle with them for their gun they WILL shoot your ass in self defense.


8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed

Was this guy robbing, raping and murdering?

Was he?

Was he?

We are dying because of untrue beliefs held by people such as you.

America has taken a knee on us and you whites are here talking about respecting a symbol, a graven image.

A lot of Democrat Voters are angry racist like IM2.
The Democratic Party and the Left Wing Press exploits their hate, ignorance and anger for Votes.
Less than 1% of police shootings are unjustified.
These ignorant NFL players don't care about the Anglo or Latino or Asian suspects who are also killed in police confrontations.
They don't care about the Policemen who are murdered by suspects.
The don't care about the over 7000 Black people per year who are murdered by other Black people.
They are only obsessed by that less than 1%. The imbalanced outrage is very telling.

I really think you need to go look at the numbers instead of making things up.

The police need to quit beating and killing people. They've killed 418 people so far this year. 55 police have died in the line of duty and only 27 by gunshot.

Total Line of Duty Deaths: 55
I laugh when a republican such as you who has posted up chapters of racist crap, call democrats racists.

Let's use your irrational logic.
The Police must be sexist because 99% of the suspects who they kill are men.

No that's you. We have over 100 years of racist police actions that support our position. We have DOJ findings that support our position. We have FBI reports of white supremacists who are police officers which supports our position. You have nothing but ignorant irrational bullshit whites like you repeat over and over to each other.
We have very simple rules in America, don't rob, steal, rape or murder and the Police will leave you alone.
The Police don't give anyone a special break because of their race.
If you point a gun at the Police or try to wrestle with them for their gun they WILL shoot your ass in self defense.


8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed

Was this guy robbing, raping and murdering?

Was he?

Was he?

We are dying because of untrue beliefs held by people such as you.

America has taken a knee on us and you whites are here talking about respecting a symbol, a graven image.

A lot of Democrat Voters are angry racist like IM2.
The Democratic Party and the Left Wing Press exploits their hate, ignorance and anger for Votes.
Less than 1% of police shootings are unjustified.
These ignorant NFL players don't care about the Anglo or Latino or Asian suspects who are also killed in police confrontations.
They don't care about the Policemen who are murdered by suspects.
The don't care about the over 7000 Black people per year who are murdered by other Black people.
They are only obsessed by that less than 1%. The imbalanced outrage is very telling.

I really think you need to go look at the numbers instead of making things up.

The police need to quit beating and killing people. They've killed 418 people so far this year. 55 police have died in the line of duty and only 27 by gunshot.

Total Line of Duty Deaths: 55
I laugh when a republican such as you who has posted up chapters of racist crap, call democrats racists.

Let's use your irrational logic.
The Police must be sexist because 99% of the suspects who they kill are men.

No that's you. We have over 100 years of racist police actions that support our position. We have DOJ findings that support our position. We have FBI reports of white supremacists who are police officers which supports our position. You have nothing but ignorant irrational bullshit whites like you repeat over and over to each other.

You still have not proven your point
If I was an NFL player right now, I'd quit and play in the CFL. Why in the world do some whites purposefully miss a simple message to make one up that has nothing to do with the issue presented? The kneeling started because of police killing of blacks and racial injustice in America. It was plainly stated by Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick explains why he won't stand during National Anthem

It's time whites stopped lying and about things they do. Whites are humans, they fuck up and the reason these protests are going on is that whites keep fucking up and refuse to see or stop what they are doing. It's always the other guy. Well no it's not, and as citizens of this nation whites are responsible for the good and bad things they do. And you don't get brag about all your great accomplishments without looking at your mistakes.

Of course this thread will devolve into you blacks are.... blah, blah, bah. This isn't about us backs. It is about how whites have misinterpreted a protest to make themselves believe it's about something they made up. Then again this thread might get closed or moved "'mysteriously" for no reason.

I doubt you would quit. Evidence of that is there are well over s thousand players and I’m not aware that even one player is quitting over this issue.

And while I agree it’s wrong, it’s completely witching their right as a private company. What I would rather see is giving players the option of staying in the locker room or coming out onto the field during the National Anthem; but if you come out, you have to stand. But it’s their business to create their own rules and regulations.

You can make money in Canada and play football without all that. Yes when I was in my 20's I very well may have quit and played in the CFL.

You can’t make as much as in the NFL and no one who makes the NFL is going to play in Canada.

It’s easy for you to say you may have quit while you’re not playing for the NFL. You wouldn’t even consider it if you actually made it onto a team.
We have very simple rules in America, don't rob, steal, rape or murder and the Police will leave you alone.
The Police don't give anyone a special break because of their race.
If you point a gun at the Police or try to wrestle with them for their gun they WILL shoot your ass in self defense.


8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed

Was this guy robbing, raping and murdering?

Was he?

Was he?

We are dying because of untrue beliefs held by people such as you.

America has taken a knee on us and you whites are here talking about respecting a symbol, a graven image.

A lot of Democrat Voters are angry racist like IM2.
The Democratic Party and the Left Wing Press exploits their hate, ignorance and anger for Votes.
Less than 1% of police shootings are unjustified.
These ignorant NFL players don't care about the Anglo or Latino or Asian suspects who are also killed in police confrontations.
They don't care about the Policemen who are murdered by suspects.
The don't care about the over 7000 Black people per year who are murdered by other Black people.
They are only obsessed by that less than 1%. The imbalanced outrage is very telling.

I really think you need to go look at the numbers instead of making things up.

The police need to quit beating and killing people. They've killed 418 people so far this year. 55 police have died in the line of duty and only 27 by gunshot.

Total Line of Duty Deaths: 55
I laugh when a republican such as you who has posted up chapters of racist crap, call democrats racists.

Let's use your irrational logic.
The Police must be sexist because 99% of the suspects who they kill are men.

No that's you. We have over 100 years of racist police actions that support our position. We have DOJ findings that support our position. We have FBI reports of white supremacists who are police officers which supports our position. You have nothing but ignorant irrational bullshit whites like you repeat over and over to each other.

Shhhh, Let's don't point out the 100+ years of black on black crime and huge black on black murder rate...White cops are piddling concern in comparison. But yes, I we can re- arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic because it deflects attention from the real deeper issue...(yeah, white racist cops are bad).
I hate to say this, but the NFL was wrong. This is a freedom of speech issue.
Well, up to a point. If instead kneeling, what if they gave a Nazi salute or put up their middle finger? Professional athletes are not there to make political statements. But still...They still have 1st amendment rights.​

Well, no, it's not a first amendment issue. The First protects us from laws that violate freedom of speech. There are no laws at play here. The owners are just caving to political pressure.

I don't even really care about the immediate impact. What I find more troubling is the change in our conception of patriotism from a love of one's country, to more of a required loyalty oath. Now, when we see athletes standing for the anthem we have to wonder - are they standing because they love this country as much as I do, or because they'll be fined if they don't?
If I was an NFL player right now, I'd quit and play in the CFL. Why in the world do some whites purposefully miss a simple message to make one up that has nothing to do with the issue presented? The kneeling started because of police killing of blacks and racial injustice in America. It was plainly stated by Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick explains why he won't stand during National Anthem

It's time whites stopped lying and about things they do. Whites are humans, they fuck up and the reason these protests are going on is that whites keep fucking up and refuse to see or stop what they are doing. It's always the other guy. Well no it's not, and as citizens of this nation whites are responsible for the good and bad things they do. And you don't get brag about all your great accomplishments without looking at your mistakes.

Of course this thread will devolve into you blacks are.... blah, blah, bah. This isn't about us backs. It is about how whites have misinterpreted a protest to make themselves believe it's about something they made up. Then again this thread might get closed or moved "'mysteriously" for no reason.

While there are rogue cops, it is the black criminals who fucked up and got their asses shot by the police. Whites dont riot and protest when a white criminal is shot.
If I was an NFL player right now, I'd quit and play in the CFL. Why in the world do some whites purposefully miss a simple message to make one up that has nothing to do with the issue presented? The kneeling started because of police killing of blacks and racial injustice in America. It was plainly stated by Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick explains why he won't stand during National Anthem

It's time whites stopped lying and about things they do. Whites are humans, they fuck up and the reason these protests are going on is that whites keep fucking up and refuse to see or stop what they are doing. It's always the other guy. Well no it's not, and as citizens of this nation whites are responsible for the good and bad things they do. And you don't get brag about all your great accomplishments without looking at your mistakes.

Of course this thread will devolve into you blacks are.... blah, blah, bah. This isn't about us backs. It is about how whites have misinterpreted a protest to make themselves believe it's about something they made up. Then again this thread might get closed or moved "'mysteriously" for no reason.

Two of my nephews and several friends have played in the NFL. Their belief is that the NFL players association/union will legally appeal this decision if it violates the collective bargaining agreement. The owners likely agreed on this to pacify #45. Considering that NFL owners collectively donated millions to his campaign (28 out of 32 owners), it's not surprising.
How much money NFL owners have donated to Donald Trump

What is even more interesting about this is that quite a few actual veterans believed that it was the players right if they chose not to stand, but the most vocal on forcing them to have been people who have never even served.

NFL Players Association criticizes new league policy on kneeling during national anthem

The players arent paid to protest, they should do it on their own time.
I hate to say this, but the NFL was wrong. This is a freedom of speech issue.
Well, up to a point. If instead kneeling, what if they gave a Nazi salute or put up their middle finger? Professional athletes are not there to make political statements. But still...They still have 1st amendment rights.​

Well, no, it's not a first amendment issue. The First protects us from laws that violate freedom of speech. There are no laws at play here. The owners are just caving to political pressure.

I don't even really care about the immediate impact. What I find more troubling is the change in our conception of patriotism from a love of one's country, to more of a required loyalty oath. Now, when we see athletes standing for the anthem we have to wonder - are they standing because they love this country as much as I do, or because they'll be fined if they don't?
I am conflicted here. We have the constitution, and we have that enigmatic and elusive right to free speech, yes we do And on the other hand, well people can be offended and choose not to buy products sponsored by the NFL. Or maybe, there is a middle ground, be discreet, leave politics out of sports and just play the game, leave politics to politicians.So do we want a politicians as quarterbacks now?
The NFL is wrong!

An Absurd statement. If I walk into a Target store and their rule is no returns after 30 days or the customer is always right, who has the right to say they are wrong, that they should take a return after 1 year? Or that an employee can insult a customer and not get fired?

The NFL is a BUSINESS and they get to make their rules. Bad enough that gutless Goodell now leaves it up to the individual teams. Players are mere employees and don't have any say in the matter. Take your personal issues outside on the street on your OWN time. If you don't like it, quit the NFL and get a job selling Nike shoes.
The NFL is wrong!

An Absurd statement. If I walk into a Target store and their rule is no returns after 30 days or the customer is always right, who has the right to say they are wrong, that they should take a return after 1 year? Or that an employee can insult a customer and not get fired?

The NFL is a BUSINESS and they get to make their rules. Bad enough that gutless Goodell now leaves it up to the individual teams. Players are mere employees and don't have any say in the matter. Take your personal issues outside on the street on your OWN time. If you don't like it, quit the NFL and get a job selling Nike shoes.

Each team is a corporation and Goddell works for the owners. It's funny how you guys talk like this, because after 9-11 they were Americans and not employees and thy had the right to voice their opinion then. This is not Target and the most of the customers aren't even in the stands when the anthem is being played.

When you go to Target, you purchase an item. You are not concerned if they open by playing the national anthem when you purchase those socks. When you buy a ticket to a football game. You don't buy a ticket to watch the national anthem. You pay to watch a football game.
I hate to say this, but the NFL was wrong. This is a freedom of speech issue.
Well, up to a point. If instead kneeling, what if they gave a Nazi salute or put up their middle finger? Professional athletes are not there to make political statements. But still...They still have 1st amendment rights.​

Well, no, it's not a first amendment issue. The First protects us from laws that violate freedom of speech. There are no laws at play here. The owners are just caving to political pressure.

I don't even really care about the immediate impact. What I find more troubling is the change in our conception of patriotism from a love of one's country, to more of a required loyalty oath. Now, when we see athletes standing for the anthem we have to wonder - are they standing because they love this country as much as I do, or because they'll be fined if they don't?
I am conflicted here. We have the constitution, and we have that enigmatic and elusive right to free speech, yes we do And on the other hand, well people can be offended and choose not to buy products sponsored by the NFL. Or maybe, there is a middle ground, be discreet, leave politics out of sports and just play the game, leave politics to politicians.So do we want a politicians as quarterbacks now?

Jack Kemp played Quarterback.
Football players are EMPLOYEES. They are doing nothing more than playing a game and getting PAID for it.

They have an EMPLOYER, and when they take the field, they are AT WORK, and if their EMPLOYER tells them not to do something, and it doesn't matter ONE FUCKING BIT what it is their employer is telling them to do, they better do it.

There isn't a person on this board that if they were HONEST, would say that if THEIR employer told them not to do something, that they'd think they had the RIGHT to do it and NOT get FIRED.

1. The NFL should NOT get involved in this non-issue.

2. Football players are entertainers. That is, they are modern gladiators.

3. No one should care whether those footballers kneel or lie down or sleep or do anything else during the national anthem.

4. The fans should only be concerned about how well those entertainers amuse them on the field.

5. If those entertainers want to make fools of themselves, why should anyone care?
Its a business, and these players are hurting the business. It would be like if i was hired to be a spokesman for a company and i suddenly started wearing a Nazi Uniform every time i went on tv. Yes its a free country, but im damaging their business, so wouldnt you expect them to fire me? At the very least you should expect them to tell me to stop dressing like a Nazi on tv.

Analogy fail ^ along with Godwin's Law invocation
If the players were showing up to play football in Nazi uniforms, perhaps you would have a point.
They are respectfully taking a knee for 60 second prior to the game.
Nazis thought Nazi uniforms were respectful too, but that doesn't mean the rest of us share your views, and it is hurting their business because its offensive to so many people.

Half the fans are buying beer and the other half can't even sing the words during the anthem.
Irrelevant. Its bad for business.
If I was an NFL player right now, I'd quit and play in the CFL. Why in the world do some whites purposefully miss a simple message to make one up that has nothing to do with the issue presented? The kneeling started because of police killing of blacks and racial injustice in America. It was plainly stated by Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick explains why he won't stand during National Anthem

It's time whites stopped lying and about things they do. Whites are humans, they fuck up and the reason these protests are going on is that whites keep fucking up and refuse to see or stop what they are doing. It's always the other guy. Well no it's not, and as citizens of this nation whites are responsible for the good and bad things they do. And you don't get brag about all your great accomplishments without looking at your mistakes.

Of course this thread will devolve into you blacks are.... blah, blah, bah. This isn't about us backs. It is about how whites have misinterpreted a protest to make themselves believe it's about something they made up. Then again this thread might get closed or moved "'mysteriously" for no reason.

I doubt you would quit. Evidence of that is there are well over s thousand players and I’m not aware that even one player is quitting over this issue.

And while I agree it’s wrong, it’s completely witching their right as a private company. What I would rather see is giving players the option of staying in the locker room or coming out onto the field during the National Anthem; but if you come out, you have to stand. But it’s their business to create their own rules and regulations.

You can make money in Canada and play football without all that. Yes when I was in my 20's I very well may have quit and played in the CFL.

If you were talented enough to play in the NFL, you wouldnt quit and go play in Canada because they wouldnt let you kneel in the US. Youd do as youre told, just like all these players will.

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