The NK Threat: Quality Vs. Quanity


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Given the repressive nature of the NK regime one has to wonder about the quality of soldier they can field. Sure. They may have a whole bunch of them; but does that really matter? They don't even have any battle tested troops with experience that they can field. If events heat up, and this thing kicks off; I anticipate that the majority of Fat Boy Kim's army will be little more than cannon fodder, and bullet sponges...

Given the repressive nature of the NK regime one has to wonder about the quality of soldier they can field. Sure. They may have a whole bunch of them; but does that really matter? They don't even have any battle tested troops with experience that they can field. If events heat up, and this thing kicks off; I anticipate that the majority of Fat Boy Kim's army will be little more than cannon fodder, and bullet sponges...


If anyone has seen footage of North Korean soldiers, they are obviously brainwashed and fanatical, however they haven't experienced any action, but they will probably go full on kamikaze if the SHTF.
Given the repressive nature of the NK regime one has to wonder about the quality of soldier they can field. Sure. They may have a whole bunch of them; but does that really matter? They don't even have any battle tested troops with experience that they can field. If events heat up, and this thing kicks off; I anticipate that the majority of Fat Boy Kim's army will be little more than cannon fodder, and bullet sponges...

Eventually they will be defeated. NK will take at least 2/3 of SK first. But only after several million people are dead will we push into NK. Then we see if we have pussy leadership or not if NK is finally crushed and destroyed for good and let SK government take charge.

At that point the world will learn of the horrors that have been going on inside of the worlds largest concentration camp.
Given the repressive nature of the NK regime one has to wonder about the quality of soldier they can field. Sure. They may have a whole bunch of them; but does that really matter? They don't even have any battle tested troops with experience that they can field. If events heat up, and this thing kicks off; I anticipate that the majority of Fat Boy Kim's army will be little more than cannon fodder, and bullet sponges...

I dunno. You might be right or perhaps Lucy's slant on NK troops is.

I guess if I was going to bet on it I'd put NK's in the same category of what at the time was the supposed vaunted troops of Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard, alleged seasoned fighters from the Iran war and fiercely loyal to Saddam, who when push came to shove during Desert Storm disappeared like tents in a hurricane.

Unfortunately, there's only one way to find out though.
A land war on the Korean peninsula would not be with the North Koreans. It would be with China.
A land war on the Korean peninsula would not be with the North Koreans. It would be with China.
I doubt that would be the case this time. Unless China decided to seize NK for itself. Which either way, spells the end of NK.
A land war on the Korean peninsula would not be with the North Koreans. It would be with China.
I doubt that would be the case this time. Unless China decided to seize NK for itself. Which either way, spells the end of NK.

That's how it would end up, yeah. But China won't let the US have the whole peninsula without a fight.
A land war on the Korean peninsula would not be with the North Koreans. It would be with China.
I doubt that would be the case this time. Unless China decided to seize NK for itself. Which either way, spells the end of NK.

That's how it would end up, yeah. But China won't let the US have the whole peninsula without a fight.
I'm not convinced we'd fight em' for it. Basically tell China, "you take it, or we will. Either way this regime is gone..."
I dunno. You might be right or perhaps Lucy's slant on NK troops is.

I guess if I was going to bet on it I'd put NK's in the same category of what at the time was the supposed vaunted troops of Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard, alleged seasoned fighters from the Iran war and fiercely loyal to Saddam, who when push came to shove during Desert Storm disappeared like tents in a hurricane.

Unfortunately, there's only one way to find out though.[/QUOTE]

Both had the 4th largest standing army. Saddam in 1990, N. Korea today. The issue is Saddam's was MUCH better equipped. N. Korea's military (outside of nuclear weapons) is behind where Iraq was 27 years ago. Their primary fighters are still Mig 17's and 21's. Poorly funded upkeep on jets that couldn't win air superiority 40 years ago. Even worse, their only bomber... Yeah Russia was designing that thing 70 years ago. Their primary battle tank was a Russian design they were hoping would win WWII. A very large chunk of their equipment is WWII vintage.

And their military is poorly trained, and severely underfunded. That's why strategic nukes are so important to them, it's the only possible way they can level the playing field.

They have two deterrents. 1 Seoul is within easy striking distance of rockets/artillery and they've built up enough of that where the damage could be catastrophic to an area that 26 million people live in/around. 2. Nukes.

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