The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

Sure, I can readily accept 'act of war', not needing a pedantic definition of a "declared" war. That's not a problem at all.
An act of war is a political act anyway, so both are true.

But it had nothing to do with religion. To pretend that it did is mindless at best and manipulative at worst.

Fucking lying scumbag.

{ All agreed that the country is heading toward a great catastrophe, the depth of which is not known except by Allah. One big merchant commented : '' the king is leading the state into 'sixty-six' folded disaster'', (We bemoan this and can only say: "No power and power acquiring except through Allah"). Numerous princes share with the people their feelings, privately expressing their concerns and objecting to the corruption, repression and the intimidation taking place in the country. But the competition between influential princes for personal gains and interest had destroyed the country. Through its course of actions the regime has torn off its legitimacy:} - Osama bin Laden

Bin Laden's Fatwa | PBS NewsHour | Aug. 23, 1996 | PBS

If one were honest one could call the way this meeting was treated part of the same manipulation.

But you're not honest - you're a lying pile of shit - a terrorist promoter who lies in hopes of obscuring the FACT that Islam is the root of this terrorism.

I can't help noticing ---- no comments on the actual dynamics happening in that meeting i.e. the video.

The silence is eloquent. Must have been inconvenient.

Haven't watched it, probably won't

Still - you're a lying scumbag.

{Allahu Akbar, we strike a blow against the Zionists and the Crusaders in the name of Allah the most merciful, may he strike fear in the hearts of those who offend Allah and the Prophet.) - Khalid al-Mihdhar (Hijacker who flew into the Pentagon.)
that doesn't excuse the so-called 'religion of peace'....

Islam isn't a single entity and it is silly to treat it as one.
The concept of The Ummah - the Islamic Nation - remains operative and extant, despite a handful of major schisms and splits and irritations amongst Muslims.

Islam is certainly closER to being a single, coherent mass, than are its contemporaries amongst mainstream belief-systems.

And, given how Islam closes ranks amongst itself - circling the wagons - in challenging The West...

Treating it as a single entity - with variations and permutations along the way - is sufficient to the day...

"Close enough for government work."

For all of us silly, silly Infidels and Dhimmi, anyhooooo...
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The concept of The Ummah - the Islamic Nation - remains operative and extant, despite a handful of major schisms and splits and irritations amongst Muslims.

Major splits and schisms is really all you needed to say.

I'll repeat myself. Islam isn't a single entity and it is silly to treat it as one. Pan Islamism has been a failed ideological attempt for centuries. It's like Pan Arabism, there are some who believe in it, but that's not the way the world works.

Islam is certainly closER to being a single, coherent mass, than are its contemporaries amongst mainstream belief-systems.

I'd say just the opposite. In fact, what are you even basing this on?
is there more than one Koran....?

Is there more than one Christian denomination?

Besides 90% of sharia law has nothing to do with the Quran.

i see you didn't answer my question....

when reformation happens let us know....

and also when you denounce your anti-American aspects of sharia...

No there is one Quran, but that isn't what most Islamic jurisprudence is based on. Your "argument" completely ignores how Islamic jurisprudence is formed and even what it is in the first place.

There is also no single Sharia code so your last statement doesn't make any sense.
Is there more than one Christian denomination?

Does that answer the question?

Is there more than one Koran?

Are there many competing versions of the Koran?

Besides 90% of sharia law has nothing to do with the Quran.

Denominations of Islam:


That's it.

Both read the identical Koran.

Both hold the same Hadith as canon.

Only doctrinal difference?

Shia Muslims believe that the Imam is sinless by nature - Sunni believe this to border on blasphemy.

Fact is, Islam is one.
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Is there more than one Christian denomination?

Besides 90% of sharia law has nothing to do with the Quran.

i see you didn't answer my question....

when reformation happens let us know....

and also when you denounce your anti-American aspects of sharia...

No there is one Quran, but that isn't what most Islamic jurisprudence is based on. Your "argument" completely ignores how Islamic jurisprudence is formed and even what it is in the first place.

There is also no single Sharia code so your last statement doesn't make any sense.

does 'Islamic jurisprudence' allow for criticism of Islam....?

why are apostates killed....?

why are there honor killings....?

why was the world set on fire because somebody made a cartoon of Mohammed.....?
Denominations of Islam:


That's it.

Both read the identical Koran.

Both hold the same Hadith as cannon.

Only doctrinal difference?

Shia Muslims believe that the Imam is sinless by nature - Sunni believe this to border on blasphemy.

Fact is, Islam is one.

Wow. I must say that your understanding of Islam is, simply put, more than a little off. I work in international affairs, and I specialize in Africa. As such I am required to have a working understanding of religious principles from African religious sets including Islam.

And just about everything quoted above is 100% factually wrong.

Sunni and shiite is a pretty general dividing classification system. The word Shia literally means "follower of" and there used to be hundreds if not thousands of such groups depending on the scholar they followed. Now it is fewer today, but say Houthis do no believe the same thing that Sufis do, or that Jafari Iranian Shiites do. That's not how it works. There are a lot of different schools of jurisprudence within Sunni Islam as well even besides the four main branches (Hanbalism, Hanafi Shafi and Maliki). Suggesting they are all the same shows only a very surface level understanding of Islam.

Finally, Sunnis and Shiites tend to hold different hadith collections as cannon. In fact it is often a major contentious point between sub-groupings.

In fact you either have to be brand new to Islam, or you have to be trolling in order to have made your post.
"...No, I'm talking about what was going on IN the meeting..."
And so is everyone else.

There are three (3) things going-on in that meeting:

1. Muslims are propagandizing.

2. The Feds are engaging in a photo-op, being seen supporting the Muslims.

3. The People in the audience are calling Bull$hit.

Everything else is mere fluff and background noise to the three main bullet points.

"...I dunno, I just find the psychology fascinating when people would rather stay with their favorite impressions than take the risk on having them tainted with the inconveniences of actual realities."

Or, alternatively, your fellow citizens, who understand the psychology at least as well as you do, in turn, find it fascinating that there exist amongst us, those who are entirely oblivious to the threat-vector aligned with this hybrid political-religious belief system, and who share a naive, dangerous trait or two with the shade of Neville Chamberlain.

It has been nearly 12 years since the 9-11 attacks, but this next-round Cultural Clash (between Islam and The West) may very well prove to be a multi-generational thing, and, on such a time-scale, this thing is just getting started... and The People sense this for themselves without being told by anyone from the Right or anywhere else.

What you are seeing is Popular Rejection of propagandizing on behalf of the hybrid political-religious belief-system on which the Adversary bases his existence, and you are seeing the auto-mechanical Federal egalitarian support for such propagandizing, and Popular Rejection of that unthinking mechanical knee-jerk bureaucratic reaction, and Popular Rejection of the propaganda itself, and Popular Rejection of those dangerous, naive, delusional folk who insist upon providing aid-and-comfort to the propagandists.

You are seeing America beginning to Take Sides in the face of this unwanted multi-generational challenge, and the vast majority are choosing their own kind, to stand with.

And, because that does not fit-in well with your own range of preconceived notions on the subject (turns out we all have preconceived notions, including you), you continue to rail at your fellow countrymen for doing what they believe is necessary for us to weather the opening phase of this long, multi-generational Culture Clash.

Your fellow countrymen are not brainwashed nor are they stupid nor blind to the pros and cons of Taking Sides. They are simply more pragmatic and realistic than some others amongst us.

This is all very sad and unfortunate, and most folks of goodwill will continue to remain on-guard against excesses, but, in the final analysis, most Americans are capable of taking a stand, and taking a side, and standing with their own, against the propagandizing of an alien, hostile belief-system.

Guess I just don't have a taste for soap opera or living in Doctor Doom comics. But you're still bringing your preconceptions to a meeting you're afraid to watch for fear those preconceptions will have to be revised.

Try this exercise: imagine you don't speak English; turn the audio down so you can barely hear it and intentionally miss the words and imagine you're watching a meeting in Hungary or somewhere. Then watch watch the body language, facial expressions and hear the tone. Then tell me who's intimidating who.
does 'Islamic jurisprudence' allow for criticism of Islam....?

Depends on the jurisprudential branch, or even on the personal individual beliefs of a Muslim.

why are apostates killed....?

They aren't always killed, or even imprisoned. Once again, it depends on the jurisprudential sets.

why are there honor killings....?

Because of traditional gender practices. Honor killings are in no way unique to Islamic territories. I had to deal with them all of the time in India, the DR Congo, Ghana, and southern Nigeria as well. They are cultural, not theological.
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"...No, I'm talking about what was going on IN the meeting..."
And so is everyone else.

There are three (3) things going-on in that meeting:

1. Muslims are propagandizing.

2. The Feds are engaging in a photo-op, being seen supporting the Muslims.

3. The People in the audience are calling Bull$hit.

Everything else is mere fluff and background noise to the three main bullet points.

"...I dunno, I just find the psychology fascinating when people would rather stay with their favorite impressions than take the risk on having them tainted with the inconveniences of actual realities."

Or, alternatively, your fellow citizens, who understand the psychology at least as well as you do, in turn, find it fascinating that there exist amongst us, those who are entirely oblivious to the threat-vector aligned with this hybrid political-religious belief system, and who share a naive, dangerous trait or two with the shade of Neville Chamberlain.

It has been nearly 12 years since the 9-11 attacks, but this next-round Cultural Clash (between Islam and The West) may very well prove to be a multi-generational thing, and, on such a time-scale, this thing is just getting started... and The People sense this for themselves without being told by anyone from the Right or anywhere else.

What you are seeing is Popular Rejection of propagandizing on behalf of the hybrid political-religious belief-system on which the Adversary bases his existence, and you are seeing the auto-mechanical Federal egalitarian support for such propagandizing, and Popular Rejection of that unthinking mechanical knee-jerk bureaucratic reaction, and Popular Rejection of the propaganda itself, and Popular Rejection of those dangerous, naive, delusional folk who insist upon providing aid-and-comfort to the propagandists.

You are seeing America beginning to Take Sides in the face of this unwanted multi-generational challenge, and the vast majority are choosing their own kind, to stand with.

And, because that does not fit-in well with your own range of preconceived notions on the subject (turns out we all have preconceived notions, including you), you continue to rail at your fellow countrymen for doing what they believe is necessary for us to weather the opening phase of this long, multi-generational Culture Clash.

Your fellow countrymen are not brainwashed nor are they stupid nor blind to the pros and cons of Taking Sides. They are simply more pragmatic and realistic than some others amongst us.

This is all very sad and unfortunate, and most folks of goodwill will continue to remain on-guard against excesses, but, in the final analysis, most Americans are capable of taking a stand, and taking a side, and standing with their own, against the propagandizing of an alien, hostile belief-system.

Guess I just don't have a taste for soap opera or living in Doctor Doom comics. But you're still bringing your preconceptions to a meeting you're afraid to watch for fear those preconceptions will have to be revised.

Try this exercise: imagine you don't speak English; turn the audio down so you can barely hear it and intentionally miss the words and imagine you're watching a meeting in Hungary or somewhere. Then watch watch the body language, facial expressions and hear the tone. Then tell me who's intimidating who.

in other words those stupid rednecks just can't behave themselves.....they just didn't get what the Muslims and the nice little Fed man were trying to say to them....

Irrational. Do Americans not trust Christians after Scott Roeder and Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph?

Why would an Atheist like Tim McVeigh make people not trust Christians?

Oh, because filthy demagogues lie?

{Another story. Michel and Herbeck tell how McVeigh once “paid a visit to the local Seventh Day Adventist Church, but he found that service bored him … McVeigh had never been inclined to criticize people for their religious views, but he concluded that organized religion wasn’t really for him. He believed that the universe was guided by natural law, energized by some universal higher power that showed each person right from wrong if they paid attention to what was going on inside of them.” (emphasis mine.)

But the smoking gun is a quote by McVeigh himself regarding what he believed. Michel and Herbeck say that McVeigh would tell friends, “Science is my religion.” (emphasis mine.) To worship at the altar of science is, of course, idolatry and not Christianity.

Finally, in an interview, Lou Michel told me: No, Tim McVeigh was not a Christian-“though he acknowledged the possibility of a higher power. But, he didn’t accept Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, so far as I know.”}

McVeigh No Christian; Worshipped Himself; Said “Science Is My Religion”

Lying lies and the leftists who tell them. It's all for the party - so it's all good, eh Herr Goebbels?

By the way London is not in America. North or South. And by the other way, again, 9/11 was a political act, not a religious one.

Of fuck, what you terrorist promoters will say.

You really just said that? Are you a truther?

Once again, a political act. As far as genuinely religious motivations, again, when you show me where the same outrage is over Roeder, Rudoplh, Salvi, Griffin, Kopp and the rest of that crowd, you'll start to have a leg to stand on with this religious bigotry crapola. Until then it's bullshit fearmongering and will continue to be called out as such, as long as it takes.

9/11 was an act of Islamic Jihad - fuckwad.

Scumbag, you praise your god Obama because "he killed bin Laden," right? So scumbag, why did it matter that Osama bin Laden be killed? Was he involved in 9/11? You know, the event you were just lying about and calling a "political act?"

What did bin Laden, the perpetrator, the leader of the terrorists you promote and support, have to say?

{Praise be to Allah, we seek His help and ask for his pardon. we take refuge in Allah from our wrongs and bad deeds. }

Well now - nothing religious there - eh scumbag?

{Praise be to Allah, saying: {You are the best of the nations raised up for -the benefit of- men; you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah} (Aal-Imraan; 3:110). Allah's blessing and salutations on His slave and messenger who said: (The people are close to an all encompassing punishment from Allah if they see the oppressor and fail to restrain him.)

It should not be hidden from you that the people of Islam had suffered from aggression, iniquity and injustice imposed on them by the Zionist-Crusaders alliance and their collaborators; to the extent that the Muslims blood became the cheapest and their wealth as loot in the hands of the enemies. Their blood was spilled in Palestine and Iraq. }

Well, that's just political, isn't it scumbag?

Pogo, you're a lying pile of shit, a terrorist promoter, and a general scumbag.

Other than that, you're a great guy.

You've got absolutely no room to talk "lying" after equating me to the New York Times, putting words in my mouth about Bin Laden and the whole Khmer Rouge psychosis, junior. Your posts are doing nothing but making your allies look stupid. I'll ignore you; they can't.
why else were Obama's Feds......there....?


Paydirt! :banana:

Thanks, this is why I com here. Doesn't quite bring the scary of WallBuilders but a worthy entry.

Whois brings: Bonni Intall. So who is Bonni Intall, O Google?

Over to Debbie Schlussel:

>> Bonni Intall and her Bare Naked Islam praised attacks on French mosques&#8211;she said, &#8220;WOO HOO!&#8221; and left up comments urging more of them, apparently because she agrees with those comments. While I never shed a tear for Muslims (who are generally the aggressors against Jews and Christians and who never apologize or shed a single tear for us), I don&#8217;t advocate gratuitous violence, but Bonni Intall does. (And I immediately remove any comments advocating such violence.) That&#8217;s why her site was taken down. Free speech is not unlimited. You cannot incite violence, which is what she and her site did. WordPress would have been a defendant in a giant lawsuit if any of Intall&#8217;s readers, such as the ones who commented they&#8217;d do more attacks on the mosque, had actually followed through. I&#8217;d expect WordPress to do the same for sites that advocate violence against Jews, which are usually taken down far too slowly. Bonni Intall cast a pall on those of us who do the real work against Islam, rather than advocating violent attacks and plagiarizing articles (as she frequently did with mine, violating my copyright). << (over here)

Notable quote: "Don&#8217;t investigate, just kill one Muslim for every dog poisoned"

Excellent source. :clap2:

Don't feel bad; I'm sure if Hitler had had the internet he'd be reading Bonni too. See what I mean about ignorance?

Still, Bonni's got a point here, just as the stopped clock right twice a day:
"to understand it, you had to be there".

That's why I posted the video.

when you can't oppose the facts you libs always attack the messengers...

That blog isn't composed of facts. It's composed of opinion.

does 'Islamic jurisprudence' allow for criticism of Islam....?

Depends on the jurisprudential branch, or even on the personal individual beliefs of a Muslim.

why are apostates killed....?

They aren't always killed, or even imprisoned. Once again, it depends on the jurisprudential sets.

why are there honor killings....?

Because of traditional gender practices. Honor killings are in no way unique to Islamic territories. I had to deal with them all of the time in India, the DR Congo, Ghana, and southern Nigeria as well. They are cultural, not theological.

"it all depends" is your answer.....? wow that sure explains the killing hate that runs rampant through Islam throughout the world....:eusa_hand:

so in the meantime we are supposed to kowtow to 'hate crime' blasphemy laws here in America because "it all depends".....?

i'm sure you also supported the mosque over Ground Zero.....because "it all depends"....:rolleyes:
Paydirt! :banana:

Thanks, this is why I com here. Doesn't quite bring the scary of WallBuilders but a worthy entry.

Whois brings: Bonni Intall. So who is Bonni Intall, O Google?

Over to Debbie Schlussel:

>> Bonni Intall and her Bare Naked Islam praised attacks on French mosques–she said, “WOO HOO!” and left up comments urging more of them, apparently because she agrees with those comments. While I never shed a tear for Muslims (who are generally the aggressors against Jews and Christians and who never apologize or shed a single tear for us), I don’t advocate gratuitous violence, but Bonni Intall does. (And I immediately remove any comments advocating such violence.) That’s why her site was taken down. Free speech is not unlimited. You cannot incite violence, which is what she and her site did. WordPress would have been a defendant in a giant lawsuit if any of Intall’s readers, such as the ones who commented they’d do more attacks on the mosque, had actually followed through. I’d expect WordPress to do the same for sites that advocate violence against Jews, which are usually taken down far too slowly. Bonni Intall cast a pall on those of us who do the real work against Islam, rather than advocating violent attacks and plagiarizing articles (as she frequently did with mine, violating my copyright). << (over here)

Notable quote: "Don’t investigate, just kill one Muslim for every dog poisoned"

Excellent source. :clap2:

Don't feel bad; I'm sure if Hitler had had the internet he'd be reading Bonni too. See what I mean about ignorance?

Still, Bonni's got a point here, just as the stopped clock right twice a day:
"to understand it, you had to be there".

That's why I posted the video.

when you can't oppose the facts you libs always attack the messengers...

That blog isn't composed of facts. It's composed of opinion.


DUH....that's YOUR opinion....

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