The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

I rest my case. ^^

As do I.

... immediately after which he goes right back to it :rofl:....

We both know that what I posted is the case. You seek to radically transform the nation. Ending the "white, Christian, heterosexual" dominance was the key goal for decades. Now that this has been achieved, ending the "obsession" with the constitution is the new goal.

And the link to this is.... where again?

It's not like you Obamunists are subtle;

The leftist standard, the New York Times, is open about it.

I'm the New York Times?
Are you insane?

<irrelevant link excised>

While you may legitimately believe that an authoritarian, collectivist state, is a better option - you are at war against the Constitutional Republic - as is Obama.

Again..... link to where I believe any of this shit?

Think about it...

Wassamatta Pothead? Can't deal with the topic?
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"Because without her stirring up the shit, the bunch of sheeple disrupting the meeting don't make a mockery of this country."

Sorry, but it is you who represents the sheeple and it is idiotic to claim that standing for Constitutional rights makes a mockery of this country. Failing to do so is what is shameful. Were the folks not already "stirred up" they wouldn't have been there in the first place.
"Where did I say she "doesn't have a right"??
Up to the same old assumption game that got you in the hole you're in already?"

No assumption or hole here. Where did I say you said that?

The memory is the second thing to go, Doc:
Pam Geller? Why are you so fixated on this person? I had never heard of her before you mentioned her name and I would bet the same is true of the vast majority of folks there. You don't think she has a right to speak freely?

Did you catch it? Or do I need to borrow Pam Geller's bull-horn?

Busted? The woman you're so upset about had her say outside before the meeting started and she was only one of several speakers that spoke to the crowd outside. We also pledged our allegiance to the flag and sang the National Anthem. Yep, a real bunch of subversives if I ever saw one. It seems that you think "your" video proves something but you haven't said what. Explain?


You've just admitted you weren't in the meeting, yet you want to tell us what it was about? Poster, please.

Go watch the video to see what you missed while you had your fingers in your eyes. Here it is again:

[ame=]"Public Discourse in a Diverse Society" Manchester TN, Part 2 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]

And here is the index again that I put together for you ostriches:
(long intro of FBI agent at beginning)
4:25 FBI guy takes podium

13:50 Sabina Mohyuddin presentation begins (where she asks how many Tennesseans are in the audience)

34:05 Q&A and commentary on decorum

36:35 FBI guy takes question on "intimidating my right of free speech"

38:40 US Attorney takes question on "on what authority are you here"

Get up off the floor, get your head out of David Barton's revisionist demagoguery-infested ass, and think for yourself already. I can't hold your hand through this entire process.

Once again, tell me, with specific time marks, where anyone's right to speech is being stomped on here-- other than those of the Muslims, the FBI agent and the US Attorney, which is pretty much the whole thing beyond the word "Hello".

Do you guys get the challenge? This video here ^^ -- not something from Neii Boortz, not some protest on another continent, not half-baked ideas of what's in the Quran, not photoshops, not fantasies about Pol Pot, and not the drippings of something you found dripping out of David Barton's ass. THIS video.
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"...Why are you off to this intercontinental tangent? Given up on the thread?..."
Because we are talking about an Intercontinental Belief-System? Because one thing leads to another in any thread? Because inter-related topics and sub-topics are also fair game? Because the motives of the adherents of that belief-system are, in effect, On-Topic?

Because "they all look alike to me"?
You DO understand that Singularity-of-Dogma does not necessarily translate into Singularity-of-Racial-Characteristics, right?
... immediately after which he goes right back to it :rofl:....

And the link to this is.... where again?

<irrelevant link excised>


Classic Obamunist in action.....


I'm the New York Times?
Are you insane?


Put the bong down, sparky.

Thinking you're a newspaper is a clear indication that you've had enough.

Again..... link to where I believe any of this shit?

Again moron, it WAS linked - to the epitome of leftist thought - the venerable NY Times.

Wassamatta Pothead? Can't deal with the topic?

Unintentional irony is the bestist kind. :razz::razz::razz:
"...Pogo is not well intentioned..."
I remain unconvinced, although each of us must make such determinations for ourselves, and I will confess to an uneasy feeling in this context. The jury is still out, on my end.

"...He knows exactly what Islam is, which is why he promotes it..."

If he is not a Muslim then I see no advantage to doing so, other than to advance the worthwhile cause of Egalitarianism - although Egalitarianism-Gone-Haywire in the face of a Determined Enemy can be a dangerous thing, as well.

"...Pogo seeks the dissolution of the U.S. Constitution and the republic founded upon it..."

I haven't seen that yet myself, but, then again, I'm still fairly new here, and may have missed something, or a number-of-somethings.

" is the goal of the democratic party in general..."

I disagree. I simply see the Democrats as largely full of $hit as to how to sustain the nation and to go forward - only slightly more full-of-$hit than their Republican counterparts; just in different ways.

"...Establishment of a collectivist and authoritarian state is the goal of the left - which they no longer even bother to disguise..."

Well, now that the Uber-Left has pretty much hijacked the Democratic Party, in much the same way that the Uber-Right has pretty much hijacked the Republican Party, I guess that puts Meatheads and Dreamers and A$$wipes and Demagogues in charge of both parties... quid pro quo.

"...This isn't Hubert Humphrey, these are radical Obamunists who seek the complete dissolution of the American system."

Yes. You're right, at least in part; they aren't Hubert Humphrey; then again, we have no Abraham Lincolns or Dwight Eisenhowers or Ronald Reagans on the horizon on the GOP side of the aisle, either. Pseudo-fascism is alive-and-well on both sides of the aisle today.

Although I will admit that the Hopey-Changey-Messiah-Is-Here-Obamabots of 2008 made me laugh enough to wanna pee my pants... and there are enough of them in positions of influence nowadays to cause your average American to remain vigilant against abuses.
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Because we are talking about an Intercontinental Belief-System? Because one thing leads to another in any thread? Because inter-related topics and sub-topics are also fair game? Because the motives of the adherents of that belief-system are, in effect, On-Topic?

Because "they all look alike to me"?
You DO understand that Singularity-of-Dogma does not necessarily translate into Singularity-of-Racial-Characteristics, right?

It's a metaphor. You're smart enough to know that.
I haven't seen that yet myself, but, then again, I'm still fairly new here, and may have missed something, or a number-of-somethings.

You didn't miss a thing my friend. Except that you're trying to make sense of a raving lunatic. Witness the fact that I called him out on his bullshit and he completely utterly failed to deal with it (the post immediately previous to yours). He's been outed as a liar and intellectual fraud since before you got here, QED. Matter of fact he just dug his own hole even deeper with that loony idea that the New York Times is some kind of mouthpiece for some kind of lemming pack. A testament to the power of his turnip-sized intellect.

MEANWHILE I see neither of you, nor anyone else, is up to the challenge of addressing the video. Sadly, that's what I expected. I'm such a cynic.

How inconvenient it must be to live on mythology and then ::whap:: reality hits you in the face...

[ame=]Cricket Sound - YouTube[/ame]
"Because without her stirring up the shit, the bunch of sheeple disrupting the meeting don't make a mockery of this country."

Sorry, but it is you who represents the sheeple and it is idiotic to claim that standing for Constitutional rights makes a mockery of this country. Failing to do so is what is shameful. Were the folks not already "stirred up" they wouldn't have been there in the first place.
"Where did I say she "doesn't have a right"??
Up to the same old assumption game that got you in the hole you're in already?"

No assumption or hole here. Where did I say you said that?

The memory is the second thing to go, Doc:
Pam Geller? Why are you so fixated on this person? I had never heard of her before you mentioned her name and I would bet the same is true of the vast majority of folks there. You don't think she has a right to speak freely?

Did you catch it? Or do I need to borrow Pam Geller's bull-horn?

Busted? The woman you're so upset about had her say outside before the meeting started and she was only one of several speakers that spoke to the crowd outside. We also pledged our allegiance to the flag and sang the National Anthem. Yep, a real bunch of subversives if I ever saw one. It seems that you think "your" video proves something but you haven't said what. Explain?


You've just admitted you weren't in the meeting, yet you want to tell us what it was about? Poster, please.

Go watch the video to see what you missed while you had your fingers in your eyes. Here it is again:

[ame=]"Public Discourse in a Diverse Society" Manchester TN, Part 2 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]

And here is the index again that I put together for you ostriches:
(long intro of FBI agent at beginning)
4:25 FBI guy takes podium

13:50 Sabina Mohyuddin presentation begins (where she asks how many Tennesseans are in the audience)

34:05 Q&A and commentary on decorum

36:35 FBI guy takes question on "intimidating my right of free speech"

38:40 US Attorney takes question on "on what authority are you here"

Get up off the floor, get your head out of David Barton's revisionist demagoguery-infested ass, and think for yourself already. I can't hold your hand through this entire process.

Once again, tell me, with specific time marks, where anyone's right to speech is being stomped on here-- other than those of the Muslims, the FBI agent and the US Attorney, which is pretty much the whole thing beyond the word "Hello".

Do you guys get the challenge? This video here ^^ -- not something from Neii Boortz, not some protest on another continent, not half-baked ideas of what's in the Quran, not photoshops, not fantasies about Pol Pot, and not the drippings of something you found dripping out of David Barton's ass. THIS video.

You don't think she has a right to speak freely?[/quote]

Are you simply too dense to understand that "?" denotes a question? Or are you unable to understand the difference a question and a statement?

"You've just admitted you weren't in the meeting, yet you want to tell us what it was about? Poster, please."

Wrong. The meeting took place outside the building as much as it did inside as I said previously. And most of those who spoke inside also spoke outside. But I guess you think you are some kind of expert because you are mostly clueless about what went on. In point of fact this was not the first stop on this dog and pony show. A similar propaganda demonstration took place in Shelbyville some weeks ago and was reprised in local newspapers and the internet and many locals found what was said there to be insulting and threatening which is why they were at this one. We had already heard what they had to say and-as this was billed as being a dialog-were there to respond and question.

"The memory is the second thing to go, Doc:"

Thanks for the warning. This you may know something about.

BTW the US Attorney was appointed to the EAST Tennessee area and Manchester is in Southern Middle Tn. so that question went unanswered.
"Because without her stirring up the shit, the bunch of sheeple disrupting the meeting don't make a mockery of this country."

Sorry, but it is you who represents the sheeple and it is idiotic to claim that standing for Constitutional rights makes a mockery of this country. Failing to do so is what is shameful. Were the folks not already "stirred up" they wouldn't have been there in the first place.
"Where did I say she "doesn't have a right"??
Up to the same old assumption game that got you in the hole you're in already?"

No assumption or hole here. Where did I say you said that?

The memory is the second thing to go, Doc:

Did you catch it? Or do I need to borrow Pam Geller's bull-horn?

Busted? The woman you're so upset about had her say outside before the meeting started and she was only one of several speakers that spoke to the crowd outside. We also pledged our allegiance to the flag and sang the National Anthem. Yep, a real bunch of subversives if I ever saw one. It seems that you think "your" video proves something but you haven't said what. Explain?


You've just admitted you weren't in the meeting, yet you want to tell us what it was about? Poster, please.

Go watch the video to see what you missed while you had your fingers in your eyes. Here it is again:

[ame=]"Public Discourse in a Diverse Society" Manchester TN, Part 2 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]

And here is the index again that I put together for you ostriches:
(long intro of FBI agent at beginning)
4:25 FBI guy takes podium

13:50 Sabina Mohyuddin presentation begins (where she asks how many Tennesseans are in the audience)

34:05 Q&A and commentary on decorum

36:35 FBI guy takes question on "intimidating my right of free speech"

38:40 US Attorney takes question on "on what authority are you here"

Get up off the floor, get your head out of David Barton's revisionist demagoguery-infested ass, and think for yourself already. I can't hold your hand through this entire process.

Once again, tell me, with specific time marks, where anyone's right to speech is being stomped on here-- other than those of the Muslims, the FBI agent and the US Attorney, which is pretty much the whole thing beyond the word "Hello".

Do you guys get the challenge? This video here ^^ -- not something from Neii Boortz, not some protest on another continent, not half-baked ideas of what's in the Quran, not photoshops, not fantasies about Pol Pot, and not the drippings of something you found dripping out of David Barton's ass. THIS video.

You don't think she has a right to speak freely?

Are you simply too dense to understand that "?" denotes a question? Or are you unable to understand the difference a question and a statement?

"You've just admitted you weren't in the meeting, yet you want to tell us what it was about? Poster, please."

Wrong. The meeting took place outside the building as much as it did inside as I said previously. And most of those who spoke inside also spoke outside. But I guess you think you are some kind of expert because you are mostly clueless about what went on. In point of fact this was not the first stop on this dog and pony show. A similar propaganda demonstration took place in Shelbyville some weeks ago and was reprised in local newspapers and the internet and many locals found what was said there to be insulting and threatening which is why they were at this one. We had already heard what they had to say and-as this was billed as being a dialog-were there to respond and question.

"The memory is the second thing to go, Doc:"

Thanks for the warning. This you may know something about.

BTW the US Attorney was appointed to the EAST Tennessee area and Manchester is in Southern Middle Tn. so that question went unanswered.

Uh- what question?
Coffee County IS part of Killian's jurisdiction, moron. Winchester division. Look it up.
This is the kind of pig-ignorance that fuels you ignorami. I'm not even in your state and I can figure this stuff out.

STILL nothing to say about the video... :lalala:

>> For two hours, the crowd badgered the speakers attempting to communicate to the audience about civil rights and hate crimes in America; when AMAC representatives got up to speak about American Muslims, the threats and standing-up-shoutings were directed both at the IRS and at fantastic images of Islam and how all refugees were welfare kings and queens. This sort of hate is uncontrollable, and it is as logical as an angry father at his kid&#8217;s sports game. It is as much for the shouter&#8217;s egotism as it is for his neighbor&#8217;s snide enjoyment.

Hate like this is political, socio-economic and religious in nature. It arises out of a fear stemming from a bewilderment and confusion about the world and one&#8217;s role in it. It seems to me that folk who express this sort of hate do not know what they are doing or saying &#8211; they can&#8217;t, really. To understand the meaning and thus impact of this sort of hate would necessitate an internal change stemming from empathy of the other&#8217;s situation. This sort of hate has very little to do with empathy or even attempting to understand the other.

So often, these sorts of emotions arise out of a deep fear that someone is going to take away your community, your livelihood and your sense of self. The crowd&#8217;s rambunctiousness was first to assert their worldview. Their second point, it seems to me, was to assert their worldview over and against what they viewed as evil, as other. But there was little effort spent in actually contextualizing or understanding this other &#8211; stereotypes are like this: narcissistic, anxious types of things that are by nature unstable. That&#8217;s why violence often erupts to instill normalcy based on the stereotypical status quo. It seems to me that whenever power uses drastic force to reify the status quo, the narrative it puts in place is inherently fictitious. And so, this sort of hate is calling for a return to an America that is slowly being exposed as false, oppressive and hateful.
<< -- Hate in Mancheseter
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"Public Discourse in a Diverse Society"

The Muslims and government reps. clearly intended to hold a propaganda lecture. That being the case they were unwise to speak of "public discourse" that they didn't actually want, expect, or appreciate. I don't know of any local who has gone to a Muslim community and tried to insist that they act or think as we do. I suspect that they would not appreciate it any more than we do. Muslims are not known for their sense of humor in such matters. It is also clear that the government needs a reminder that they are there to serve us at least as much as Muslims.
They wanted public discourse? That's exactly what they got. Pretty silly to whine about it.
Bottom line... after 9-11 and the London Bombings... Americans just don't trust Muslims any longer, they don't want them around, they really don't like them, and wish they'd go back to the countries where they and their parents came from.

It's not the most attractive chapter in our history but it's an entirely understandable reaction on the part of Americans and there is even some considerable merit in the position.

It's the price one pays when one's co-religionists kill thousands of innocent civilians in the host country.

Mebbe next time they'll rein-in the maniacs before they do even more damage.

And, of course, there is, indeed, more damage to be done, with Muslims reaping the whirlwind, should another 9-11 -like incident occur.

God forbid.
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"Public Discourse in a Diverse Society"

The Muslims and government reps. clearly intended to hold a propaganda lecture. That being the case they were unwise to speak of "public discourse" that they didn't actually want, expect, or appreciate. I don't know of any local who has gone to a Muslim community and tried to insist that they act or think as we do. I suspect that they would not appreciate it any more than we do. Muslims are not known for their sense of humor in such matters. It is also clear that the government needs a reminder that they are there to serve us at least as much as Muslims.
They wanted public discourse? That's exactly what they got. Pretty silly to whine about it.

In other words you start off with your preconceptions, don't want to hear any other side, didn't even attend the meeting, won't watch the video of it, and then want to claim you have any credibility whatsoever.

Bottom line... after 9-11 and the London Bombings... Americans just don't trust Muslims any longer, they don't want them around, they really don't like them, and wish they'd go back to the countries where they and their parents came from.

Irrational. Do Americans not trust Christians after Scott Roeder and Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph?

By the way London is not in America. North or South. And by the other way, again, 9/11 was a political act, not a religious one.

It's the price one pays when one's co-religionists kill thousands of innocent civilians in the host country.

Once again, a political act. As far as genuinely religious motivations, again, when you show me where the same outrage is over Roeder, Rudoplh, Salvi, Griffin, Kopp and the rest of that crowd, you'll start to have a leg to stand on with this religious bigotry crapola. Until then it's bullshit fearmongering and will continue to be called out as such, as long as it takes.
Bottom line... after 9-11 and the London Bombings... Americans just don't trust Muslims any longer, they don't want them around, they really don't like them, and wish they'd go back to the countries where they and their parents came from.

Irrational. Do Americans not trust Christians after Scott Roeder and Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph?

By the way London is not in America. North or South. And by the other way, again, 9/11 was a political act, not a religious one.

It's the price one pays when one's co-religionists kill thousands of innocent civilians in the host country.

Once again, a political act. As far as genuinely religious motivations, again, when you show me where the same outrage is over Roeder, Rudoplh, Salvi, Griffin, Kopp and the rest of that crowd, you'll start to have a leg to stand on with this religious bigotry crapola. Until then it's bullshit fearmongering and will continue to be called out as such, as long as it takes.

Absurd.... none of these folks were true believers, hell, even Rudolph has stated, and I quote, " I really prefer Nietzsche to the Bible"

Put in perspective, what is the mayhem toll of these batshit crazy whack-jobs compared to bat-shit crazy radical Muslims?

And note to self... Islam is a political system, so, that comparison is absurd as well.
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Bottom line... after 9-11 and the London Bombings... Americans just don't trust Muslims any longer, they don't want them around, they really don't like them, and wish they'd go back to the countries where they and their parents came from.

It's not the most attractive chapter in our history but it's an entirely understandable reaction on the part of Americans and there is even some considerable merit in the position.

It's the price one pays when one's co-religionists kill thousands of innocent civilians in the host country.

Mebbe next time they'll rein-in the maniacs before they do even more damage.

And, of course, there is, indeed, more damage to be done, with Muslims reaping the whirlwind, should another 9-11 -like incident occur.

God forbid.

Which is idiocy given the fact that for millions of Muslims the United States is their country, the country they come from.
Bottom line... after 9-11 and the London Bombings... Americans just don't trust Muslims any longer, they don't want them around, they really don't like them, and wish they'd go back to the countries where they and their parents came from.

Doesn't matter... it's the way things are.

"...Do Americans not trust Christians after Scott Roeder and Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph?..."

I do not recall Christians having hijacked four jet airliners, having rammed two into New York skyscrapers and one into the Pentagon and one into a Pennsylvania farm field and killing 3,000 innocent Americans.

When you have an example of Christians attacking American civilians that can scale-up to match the 9-11 attacks, then you may have a legitimate basis for comparison.

Barring such an example, however, your apples-to-oranges comparison attempt may be set aside for future recall.

"...By the way London is not in America. North or South..."

I included the July 7, 2005 London Tube Bombings in my initial remark because (a) the UK is America's political and legal and philosophical and linguistic and cultural Mothership and (b) they were hit because they sided with us and because (c) when such things happen to them it impacts our thinking over here.

I stand by my decision to include them in any such observation as my initial remark.

"...And by the other way, again, 9/11 was a political act, not a religious one..."

There was certainly a religious element in the justifications used by various perpetrators and supporters, and, more to the point, Islam is a Political and Legal and Cultural and Conquest and Domination mechanism operating under the guise of and married to a Belief System.

The lines between Political System and Religion are blurred in Islam's case unlike any of its peers.

So, when you tell me the act was political, I say that Islam's political activism component was responsible for that political act; with some religious rationalization tossed-in for good measure.

"...Once again, a political act..."

By a hybrid Political-Religious belief-structure.

"...As far as genuinely religious motivations, again, when you show me where the same outrage is over Roeder, Rudoplh, Salvi, Griffin, Kopp and the rest of that crowd, you'll start to have a leg to stand on with this religious bigotry crapola..."

Already dealt with, in the (accurate) labeling of Islam as a hybrid Political-Religious scheme.

It is not bigotry to label a dangerous hybrid scheme as a dangerous hybrid scheme.

It is accuracy.

It is truth.

Whether you buy into it or not.

"...Until then it's bullshit fearmongering and will continue to be called out as such, as long as it takes."

It is a free country and you are entitled to continue to delude yourself and to speak your piece for as long as you like.

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"...Which is idiocy given the fact that for millions of Muslims the United States is their country, the country they come from."
Well, it sounded better than Eat-Shit-and-Die, anyway... :razz: ...which is why I referenced "...or their parents...", linking back to the folks' Old Country. The bottom line is, Muslims participate in an alien, foreign belief system that does not integrate well with The West, and the sooner we admit to ourselves that this is the case, the safer The Nation will be, and the sooner we can find our way back to a rational and honest dialogue on the subject. Your ruffled feathers over such statements do not detract from their accuracy and basic truth.
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Pogo said:
"...And by the other way, again, 9/11 was a political act, not a religious one..."

"a political act"....? :eusa_hand:
wake up bud...
9-11 was an ACT OF WAR.....

you could call this meeting in Tenn. a political skirmish....but it's part and parcel of the same war....

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