The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

Why Kondor, I'm surprised -- you 'liked' that he's got his fingers in his hears going la-la-la?



Pretty stupid cartoon when you consider that there is no group anywhere less in favor of tolerance and freedom of speech or that more openly advocates violence against those who "insult" them (usually by daring to tell the truth).
Not sure how this question is in any way relevant to this thread.


So you can't see how that would be relevant to a thread on " The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee?"

You voted for Obama, dinja?

The obvious answer is there shouldn't be a penalty for speaking critically of a religion, and non number of Muslims living in the US is going to change the existence of our first amendment so I'm not sure what you're aiming for.

{Some are calling him a patsy, others say he's now a political prisoner. But the man behind an anti-Islam YouTube video that sparked fierce protests across the Muslim world remains in jail on a probation violation. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula became even more famous when the Obama administration falsely stated that the Benghazi attack resulted from a protest over the video.}

Benghazi Patsy? Maker of Anti-Islam Video Remains in Jail | Fox News Insider
Why Kondor, I'm surprised -- you 'liked' that he's got his fingers in his hears going la-la-la?



Pretty stupid cartoon when you consider that there is no group anywhere less in favor of tolerance and freedom of speech or that more openly advocates violence against those who "insult" them (usually by daring to tell the truth).

... "than the rabble rousers we saw in the video"? Yeah, so it would seem. The cartoon sums up the ignorance of the mob mentality pretty accurately I'd say. Bunch of whiners following Pam Geller around yelling about 'free speech' and it never dawns on them that that's what their yelling is. Meanwhile, you have Muslims and FBI and US Attorney turning the other cheek, and they're the villain.

Can't make this stuff up.

I suspect if you went to this event you went only to the mob scene outside and not the meeting inside, huh?

Gullible's travels...
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History repeats itself.

The bigots used to say that about Catholics.

The bigots used to say that about Jews.

When you of the Khmer Rouge attack Christians, you use crimes of the Catholics to smear them with - yet here you are calling others bigoted against Catholics..


Irony, look it up, Shortbus.
"professional Hitlerette"....? :eusa_hand: ...and are you saying she can't attend the meeting because she comes from NY.....?

you are really a bozo....

Nazis didn't push for free speech.....Muslims don't push for free speech when it comes to anybody criticizing their beliefs.....lefties don't push for free speech when it comes to speaking out against them but instead call it 'hate speech' and want to arrest you......just who do you logically think are the real Hitler types here......?

oh wait....libs can't do logic......

Pogo is a scumbag. Pogo is a democrat, but I repeat myself.

Pogo, like his party, is at war against civil rights. Radical Islam is also seeks to crush civil rights - ergo Pogo and the rest of the Khmer Rouge, find radical Islam to be a natural ally. The Obamunists figure that once the Constitution is defeated, they can turn on their Muslim allies.
Why Kondor, I'm surprised -- you 'liked' that he's got his fingers in his hears going la-la-la?



Pretty stupid cartoon when you consider that there is no group anywhere less in favor of tolerance and freedom of speech or that more openly advocates violence against those who "insult" them (usually by daring to tell the truth).

... "than the rabble rousers we saw in the video"? Yeah, so it would seem. The cartoon sums up the ignorance of the mob mentality pretty accurately I'd say. Bunch of whiners following Pam Geller around yelling about 'free speech' and it never dawns on them that that's what their yelling is. Meanwhile, you have Muslims and FBI and US Attorney turning the other cheek, and they're the villain.

Can't make this stuff up.

I suspect if you went to this event you went only to the mob scene outside and not the meeting inside, huh?

Gullible's travels...

Pogo....just to inform you about 'hate crimes'.....:eusa_silenced:

when you insult or yell at Christians (or Jews like Pamela) and criticize their religion be prepared for the consequences....

we won't arrest you today....

No, Pogo is merely one of millions of delusional Americans who believe that Islam is no more nor less than any other religion and that it deserves to be accommodated insofar as may be practicable...

I was raised on the concepts of Equal Treatment for all and it has caused me much grief to come to the realization that Islam is a Political and Cultural and Legal and Lifestyle and Territorial Conquest mechanism married to a Religious Belief System, and that it, therefore, cannot be viewed or treated in the same way as its counterparts, which lack such elements as a practical and operative part of their makeup.

It is a Warrior Religion; not a religion of peace; and it thrives on conquest and human blood.

What other mainstream religion exists in which its Founder gives its followers explicit and repeated permission to go to War and to commit other forms of violence in the name of God, or to advance or defend The Faith and The Faithful?

And I'm not talking about the Old Testament war-story crap that dullards keep bringing up as a defense; I'm talking about comparing the New Testament (which supersedes and overrides anything to the contrary found in the Old) to the Q'uran - I'm talking about comparing the words of Jesus of Nazareth to those of Muhammed - the two Founders.

Nowhere in the New Testament will you find Jesus of Nazareth teaching that it's OK to go to War in the name of God or to advance the Christian faith; whereas the Q'uran is absolutely saturated with such bloody examples of Muhammed teaching that it's OK to kill in the name of God or to advance or defend Islam or The Faithful, under a variety of circumstances. Therein lies THE Difference, and the world is so much worse-off because of it; serving as the rationalization for violence committed in the name of Islam.

I suppose there is a possibility that Pogo is a Muslim, although I'll leave that to him to disclose or deny or just leave unanswered. Not my business, and I don't much care.

More likely, however, is that Pogo is merely one of millions of well-intentioned, good, loving, egalitarian-minded Americans who cannot bring themselves to recognize the bloody and frightful truth of the matter; that Islam is not just a Religion; that it's a different kind of animal than anything that we've been obliged to deal with in the past; an alien, foreign belief-system tied to a Conquest and Global Domination Mentality that is abhorrent to thinking persons of goodwill in The West.

My money is on good, but naive, and intentionally delusional, because he cannot face the truth; namely: that Islam is a cancer, a poison, which causes Society-wide Sickness, anywhere beyond its own domain, whenever it's (a) introduced and (b) stupidly written-off as harmless and (c) accorded a status no better nor worse than its counterparts.
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... "than the rabble rousers we saw in the video"? Yeah, so it would seem. The cartoon sums up the ignorance of the mob mentality pretty accurately I'd say. Bunch of whiners following Pam Geller around yelling about 'free speech' and it never dawns on them that that's what their yelling is. Meanwhile, you have Muslims and FBI and US Attorney turning the other cheek, and they're the villain.

Can't make this stuff up.

I suspect if you went to this event you went only to the mob scene outside and not the meeting inside
, huh?

"Bunch of whiners following Pam Geller around yelling about 'free speech'..."

Please make up your mind. Were we "whining" or "yelling"?
Pam Geller? Why are you so fixated on this person? I had never heard of her before you mentioned her name and I would bet the same is true of the vast majority of folks there. You don't think she has a right to speak freely?

"... and it never dawns on them that that's what their yelling is".

Thank you so much for stating the obvious. In fact that was the primary point. We proved that we were not willing to be intimidated from exercising our 1st Amendment rights by exercising them and thereby calling the US Attorney's bluff.

"I suspect if you went to this event you went only to the mob scene outside and not the meeting inside"

You are correct for once. There was only seating for 500 and people were standing 3 deep along the walls. I suspect the gathering outside was more interesting and informative in any case.
G5000 posted in #21:

"Not. A cut and paste job is hardly impressive.

Most of those are lame, and few have anything to do with Obama specifically. Unless you can show Obama ordered the Air Force Officer to remove his bible from his desk?

You both appear to be too ignorant to realize that many of those things listed are equally offensive to Muslims. So much for the idea he is more friendly to them.

And I would say bombing the shit out of Muslims with drones on a constant basis trumps any bigots getting hot and sweaty over a gay pride parade, hmmmmmm?"

Screaming Eagle did NOT 'cut and paste' but provided a link.

If I devoted enough time to G5000's posts, I am sure I would find that he/she requests links in order to validate a claim.

You can't have it both ways.

And BTW, The American Thinker - as the title implies - is anything but 'discredited'.
Bit by bit Muslims are trying to take away our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms in order to impose their beliefs upon us. They can get away with it if most Americans continue to ignore the signs.

Pretty stupid cartoon when you consider that there is no group anywhere less in favor of tolerance and freedom of speech or that more openly advocates violence against those who "insult" them (usually by daring to tell the truth).

... "than the rabble rousers we saw in the video"? Yeah, so it would seem. The cartoon sums up the ignorance of the mob mentality pretty accurately I'd say. Bunch of whiners following Pam Geller around yelling about 'free speech' and it never dawns on them that that's what their yelling is. Meanwhile, you have Muslims and FBI and US Attorney turning the other cheek, and they're the villain.

Can't make this stuff up.

I suspect if you went to this event you went only to the mob scene outside and not the meeting inside, huh?

Gullible's travels...

Pogo....just to inform you about 'hate crimes'.....:eusa_silenced:

when you insult or yell at Christians (or Jews like Pamela) and criticize their religion be prepared for the consequences....

we won't arrest you today....


Thanks for confirming what it's all about in here. Exactly.
No, Pogo is merely one of millions of delusional Americans who believe that Islam is no more nor less than any other religion and that it deserves to be accommodated insofar as may be practicable...

I was raised on the concepts of Equal Treatment for all and it has caused me much grief to come to the realization that Islam is a Political and Cultural and Legal and Lifestyle and Territorial Conquest mechanism married to a Religious Belief System, and that it, therefore, cannot be viewed or treated in the same way as its counterparts, which lack such elements as a practical and operative part of their makeup.

It is a Warrior Religion; not a religion of peace; and it thrives on conquest and human blood.

What other mainstream religion exists in which its Founder gives its followers explicit and repeated permission to go to War and to commit other forms of violence in the name of God, or to advance or defend The Faith and The Faithful?

Chrisitanism -- for one.

And I'm not talking about the Old Testament war-story crap that dullards keep bringing up as a defense; I'm talking about comparing the New Testament (which supersedes and overrides anything to the contrary found in the Old)

-- then why is it still there? Sorry you don't get to pick and choose your bases just because some on your own side are inconvenient. Or if you do, then so do they. Can't have it both ways. :eusa_whistle:

Nowhere in the New Testament will you find Jesus of Nazareth teaching that it's OK to go to War in the name of God or to advance the Christian faith; whereas the Q'uran is absolutely saturated with such bloody examples of Muhammed teaching that it's OK to kill in the name of God or to advance or defend Islam or The Faithful, under a variety of circumstances. Therein lies THE Difference, and the world is so much worse-off because of it; serving as the rationalization for violence committed in the name of Islam.

I doubt it. And might I add-- yawn. This is the same shit that one religion has been selling against another as long as there have been organized religions. What's the common thread there? Think about it.

I suppose there is a possibility that Pogo is a Muslim, although I'll leave that to him to disclose or deny or just leave unanswered. Not my business, and I don't much care.

A perfect segue from the last part. There is no way I'm a member of any organized religion whatsoever and never will be. If there's any question why not, just read any point in this thread. Or watch the video. Who needs that kind of insanity? However unlike I suspect the OP and most in this mythmongering bulshit, I've actually lived and worked with Muslims. That's how I know it's bullshit.

More likely, however, is that Pogo is merely one of millions of well-intentioned, good, loving, egalitarian-minded Americans who cannot bring themselves to recognize the bloody and frightful truth of the matter; that Islam is not just a Religion; that it's a different kind of animal than anything that we've been obliged to deal with in the past; an alien, foreign belief-system tied to a Conquest and Global Domination Mentality that is abhorrent to thinking persons of goodwill in The West.

My money is on good, but naive, and intentionally delusional, because he cannot face the truth; namely: that Islam is a cancer, a poison, which causes Society-wide Sickness, anywhere beyond its own domain, whenever it's (a) introduced and (b) stupidly written-off as harmless and (c) accorded a status no better nor worse than its counterparts.

You're closer than you were with "Muslim" but I can break it down even more: I simply don't believe in demonizing a group, be it Muslims, Jews, Christians, Liberals, Mexicans, gays or lefthanded lesbian transsexual unionized nurses, with blanket statements. That's just stupid.

This thread is about a particular meeting in Tennessee. I posted a video of that meeting (actually two). And those videos contradict all of these silly myths y'all are selling in here. It's a lesson in hypocrisy.

None so blind as those who will not see.
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So, do we have any basis in fact for believing that the photographic images of the Muslim protesters in Britain were altered so as to portray Islam in a more unfavorable light?
... "than the rabble rousers we saw in the video"? Yeah, so it would seem. The cartoon sums up the ignorance of the mob mentality pretty accurately I'd say. Bunch of whiners following Pam Geller around yelling about 'free speech' and it never dawns on them that that's what their yelling is. Meanwhile, you have Muslims and FBI and US Attorney turning the other cheek, and they're the villain.

Can't make this stuff up.

I suspect if you went to this event you went only to the mob scene outside and not the meeting inside, huh?

Gullible's travels...

Pogo....just to inform you about 'hate crimes'.....:eusa_silenced:

when you insult or yell at Christians (or Jews like Pamela) and criticize their religion be prepared for the consequences....

we won't arrest you today....


Thanks for confirming what it's all about in here. Exactly.

did that subtle (fake) threat make you feel more free or not.....?

perhaps now you know how the Tennessee folks felt....facing a subtle threat from the FBI that was real....
... "than the rabble rousers we saw in the video"? Yeah, so it would seem. The cartoon sums up the ignorance of the mob mentality pretty accurately I'd say. Bunch of whiners following Pam Geller around yelling about 'free speech' and it never dawns on them that that's what their yelling is. Meanwhile, you have Muslims and FBI and US Attorney turning the other cheek, and they're the villain.

Can't make this stuff up.

I suspect if you went to this event you went only to the mob scene outside and not the meeting inside
, huh?

"Bunch of whiners following Pam Geller around yelling about 'free speech'..."

Please make up your mind. Were we "whining" or "yelling"?
Pam Geller? Why are you so fixated on this person? I had never heard of her before you mentioned her name and I would bet the same is true of the vast majority of folks there. You don't think she has a right to speak freely?

Because without her stirring up the shit, the bunch of sheeple disrupting the meeting don't make a mockery of this country.

Where did I say she "doesn't have a right"?? :link:
Up to the same old assumption game that got you in the hole you're in already?

"... and it never dawns on them that that's what their yelling is".

Thank you so much for stating the obvious. In fact that was the primary point. We proved that we were not willing to be intimidated from exercising our 1st Amendment rights by exercising them and thereby calling the US Attorney's bluff.

By shouting down others doing the same thing. Brilliant plan there.

"I suspect if you went to this event you went only to the mob scene outside and not the meeting inside"

You are correct for once. There was only seating for 500 and people were standing 3 deep along the walls. I suspect the gathering outside was more interesting and informative in any case.

That's exactly what I figured. Busted. :Boom2:

-- and also why I posted the video. There's no way around that.

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