The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

there are so many numbskulls here.....just keeping your heads in the sand like good little PCers....just clapping for the AMAC and the DOJ/FBI telling you how great Islam is....and how it must be treated with kid gloves...

me i'm sick of it....i'm sick of Islam worming its way into the western world spreading their sick sharia.....i'm sick of our politicians kowtowing to them....i'm sick of Islam for attacking the world....

of course i can already hear the personal attacks on Michael Savage.....but i'm sure this is how many of those in Tennesse are also feeling listening to the muslim propaganda being foisted upon them...

I highly doubt you even know what went on during the meeting that you are criticizing. Making up complaints isn't very intellectually honest though.

People like you are why we have a hard time with integration at times. The hostility you display is a detriment to our country.
Here is an actual direct look at the meeting in question (45 minutes of it anyway):

"Public Discourse in a Diverse Society" Manchester TN, Part 2 of 2 - YouTube

One of the comments says Pam Geller is in the audience. Just passing that on, I don't know.

...... but it is interesting to see, when the Muslim speaker takes the podium and asks how many in the audience are native Tennesseans, how few people raise their hands. Just sayin'.

Had a chance to watch the video - it really is telling.

In spite of its being labeled "part 2 of 2" it seems to be the whole meeting, maybe minus some preliminaries But there's another more complete one below that starts earlier.

Here's an index for the fast-forward-minded:
(long intro of FBI agent at beginning)
4:25 FBI guy takes podium

13:50 Sabina Mohyuddin presentation (where she asks how many Tennesseans are in the audience)

34:05 Q&A and commentary on decorum

36:35 FBI guy takes question on "intimidating my right of free speech"

38:40 US Attorney takes question on "on what authority are you here"

Here is the other video shot by another camera -- since he's using the camera mic and not connected to house audio the speech is muffled, so you mainly get a look at the audience:

[ame=]Manchester - YouTube[/ame]
there are so many numbskulls here.....just keeping your heads in the sand like good little PCers....just clapping for the AMAC and the DOJ/FBI telling you how great Islam is....and how it must be treated with kid gloves...

me i'm sick of it....i'm sick of Islam worming its way into the western world spreading their sick sharia.....i'm sick of our politicians kowtowing to them....i'm sick of Islam for attacking the world....

Michael Savage - Sick of Islam - YouTube

of course i can already hear the personal attacks on Michael Savage.....but i'm sure this is how many of those in Tennesse are also feeling listening to the muslim propaganda being foisted upon them...

Maybe you should get your head out of David Barton's ass and watch the video then, so you have an idea what you're talking about.

Or would that be too much info?
there are so many numbskulls here.....just keeping your heads in the sand like good little PCers....just clapping for the AMAC and the DOJ/FBI telling you how great Islam is....and how it must be treated with kid gloves...

me i'm sick of it....i'm sick of Islam worming its way into the western world spreading their sick sharia.....i'm sick of our politicians kowtowing to them....i'm sick of Islam for attacking the world....

of course i can already hear the personal attacks on Michael Savage.....but i'm sure this is how many of those in Tennesse are also feeling listening to the muslim propaganda being foisted upon them...

I highly doubt you even know what went on during the meeting that you are criticizing. Making up complaints isn't very intellectually honest though.

People like you are why we have a hard time with integration at times. The hostility you display is a detriment to our country.

hostility has its place when faced with a fifth column....

by and large Muslims are not integrating.....but it's not OUR fault....and i don't see any real attempt of your doing so....only the building of new mosques and the attempt to spread Islam.....with the help of this Administration's DOJ and FBI...

Americans would be friends with you if you tried to integrate but your Koran says to not be friends with the infidel......and since we Christians are all infidels to you that leaves little room for friendship and integration....your Koran needs to be revised for the modern world but it remains static....

that's why so many of you live in self-segregated areas that you take over and install your sharia laws and keep out the 'infidels'....

you come here with your third world views and attitudes.... you live on our welfare and abundance...yet you think you are superior to Christian Americans and others....and your leaders plan not for integration and revision but plan instead for the world to eventually submit to Islam...

This kind of pig-ignorant knuckledragger is the message board equivalent of the hecklers in the meeting; comes in with preconceived blanket statements and determined that the fantasy not be challenged, because it's just too complex to follow :lalala:
Diversity? Is there any group anywhere that is more anti-diversity than Islam?

The "angry crowd" that attended was not a religious group. The anger was directed primarily at a perceived unconstitutional US Government attempt to intimidate the citizens of Tennessee on behalf of Islam. I believe the mission was accomplished and I am proud of the conduct of my fellow Tennesseans. Why are some desperately trying to turn it into something that it wasn't?
there are so many numbskulls here.....just keeping your heads in the sand like good little PCers....just clapping for the AMAC and the DOJ/FBI telling you how great Islam is....and how it must be treated with kid gloves...

me i'm sick of it....i'm sick of Islam worming its way into the western world spreading their sick sharia.....i'm sick of our politicians kowtowing to them....i'm sick of Islam for attacking the world....

of course i can already hear the personal attacks on Michael Savage.....but i'm sure this is how many of those in Tennesse are also feeling listening to the muslim propaganda being foisted upon them...

I highly doubt you even know what went on during the meeting that you are criticizing. Making up complaints isn't very intellectually honest though.

People like you are why we have a hard time with integration at times. The hostility you display is a detriment to our country.

hostility has its place when faced with a fifth column....

by and large Muslims are not integrating.....but it's not OUR fault....and i don't see any real attempt of your doing so....only the building of new mosques and the attempt to spread Islam.....with the help of this Administration's DOJ and FBI...

Americans would be friends with you if you tried to integrate but your Koran says to not be friends with the infidel......and since we Christians are all infidels to you that leaves little room for friendship and integration....your Koran needs to be revised for the modern world but it remains static....

that's why so many of you live in self-segregated areas that you take over and install your sharia laws and keep out the 'infidels'....

you come here with your third world views and attitudes.... you live on our welfare and abundance...yet you think you are superior to Christian Americans and others....and your leaders plan not for integration and revision but plan instead for the world to eventually submit to Islam...

History repeats itself.

The bigots used to say that about Catholics.

The bigots used to say that about Jews.
Diversity? Is there any group anywhere that is more anti-diversity than Islam?

The "angry crowd" that attended was not a religious group. The anger was directed primarily at a perceived unconstitutional US Government attempt to intimidate the citizens of Tennessee on behalf of Islam. I believe the mission was accomplished and I am proud of the conduct of my fellow Tennesseans. Why are some desperately trying to turn it into something that it wasn't?

That's true. It seems to have been a gaggle of political plants.

As in any such meeting, and I've been to a lot, the vast majority of attendees here are clearly there to (try to) hear the presentation, and then there's a sprinkling of rabble rousers determined to disrupt and shout down that which they're determined to not-understand. The latter group makes it pretty difficult to hear anything going on in a presentation ironically called “Public Discourse in a Diverse Society”. They made a mockery of that and shamed their nation.

The video does not lie. But the Pam Gellers sure do.
"That's true. It seems to have been a gaggle of political plants."

Nope, just average people objecting to the rhetoric of actual political plants.
-- and here's Pam Geller, professional Hitlerette, doing her Adolf act on the steps with a bullhorn (appropriately) before the meeting began, to a crowd of apparently gullible locals.

Pam Geller lives in New York. a good nine hundred miles from this site. Obviously just the person to address such a local meeting. Oh wait - she wasn't invited.

[ame=]Pamela Geller Speaks at Dept. of Justice Meeting In Tennessee - YouTube[/ame]

I can't get the video to play more than a few seconds. Maybe too much demand.
-- and here's Pam Geller, professional Hitlerette, doing her Adolf act on the steps with a bullhorn (appropriately) before the meeting began, to a crowd of apparently gullible locals.

Pam Geller lives in New York. a good nine hundred miles from this site. Obviously just the person to address such a local meeting. Oh wait - she wasn't invited.

Pamela Geller Speaks at Dept. of Justice Meeting In Tennessee - YouTube

I can't get the video to play more than a few seconds. Maybe too much demand.

"professional Hitlerette"....? :eusa_hand: ...and are you saying she can't attend the meeting because she comes from NY.....?

you are really a bozo....

Nazis didn't push for free speech.....Muslims don't push for free speech when it comes to anybody criticizing their beliefs.....lefties don't push for free speech when it comes to speaking out against them but instead call it 'hate speech' and want to arrest you......just who do you logically think are the real Hitler types here......?

oh wait....libs can't do logic......
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Pat Condell, British writer, political commentator, comedian, and atheist extraordinaire...

[ame=]A word to rioting Muslims - YouTube[/ame] reaction to last Fall's global Muslim rioting over a contentious motion picture...
-- and here's Pam Geller, professional Hitlerette, doing her Adolf act on the steps with a bullhorn (appropriately) before the meeting began, to a crowd of apparently gullible locals.

Pam Geller lives in New York. a good nine hundred miles from this site. Obviously just the person to address such a local meeting. Oh wait - she wasn't invited.

Pamela Geller Speaks at Dept. of Justice Meeting In Tennessee - YouTube

I can't get the video to play more than a few seconds. Maybe too much demand.

"professional Hitlerette"....? :eusa_hand: ...and are you saying she can't attend the meeting because she comes from NY.....?

I'm saying, unlike the Muslim speakers there to talk about discourse, she ain't from Tennessee.

you are really a bozo....

... says the ass clown sniffing all up David Barton's ass, a man with no qualifications whatsoever. :eusa_whistle:

Nazis didn't push for free speech.....

Nope, they sure didn't. They pushed for disruption to quash free speech. Which is exactly what Geller's doing here. Again. Duh.

Muslims don't push for free speech when it comes to anybody criticizing their beliefs.....

Didn't watch the video did you? :lalala:

lefties don't push for free speech when it comes to speaking out against them but instead call it 'hate speech' and want to arrest you......just who do you logically think are the real Hitler types here......?

oh wait....libs can't do logic......

Covered above.
But I love the irony, invoking the word "logic" while simultaneously making a blanket statement, which is a logical fallacy....

Anything else?

Didn't think so.
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-- and here's Pam Geller, professional Hitlerette, doing her Adolf act on the steps with a bullhorn (appropriately) before the meeting began, to a crowd of apparently gullible locals.

Pam Geller lives in New York. a good nine hundred miles from this site. Obviously just the person to address such a local meeting. Oh wait - she wasn't invited.

Pamela Geller Speaks at Dept. of Justice Meeting In Tennessee - YouTube

I can't get the video to play more than a few seconds. Maybe too much demand.

"professional Hitlerette"....? :eusa_hand: ...and are you saying she can't attend the meeting because she comes from NY.....?

I'm saying, unlike the Muslim speakers there to talk about discourse, she ain't from Tennessee.

... says the ass clown sniffing all up David Barton's ass, a man with no qualifications whatsoever. :eusa_whistle:

Nope, they sure didn't. They pushed for disruption to quash free speech. Which is exactly what Geller's doing here. Again. Duh.

Muslims don't push for free speech when it comes to anybody criticizing their beliefs.....

Didn't watch the video did you? :lalala:

lefties don't push for free speech when it comes to speaking out against them but instead call it 'hate speech' and want to arrest you......just who do you logically think are the real Hitler types here......?

oh wait....libs can't do logic......

Covered above.
But I love the irony, invoking the word "logic" while simultaneously making a blanket statement, which is a logical fallacy....

Anything else?

Didn't think so.

as Pat Condell would say........Put a Sock in it.......we aren't listening to your crap anymore....
Why Kondor, I'm surprised -- you 'liked' that he's got his fingers in his hears going la-la-la?


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Why Kondor, I'm surprised -- you 'liked' that he's got his fingers in his hears going la-la-la?
Nope. I 'liked' that because he had obviously watched the Pat Condell video and had walked away from that worthwhile video with one or more valid talking points.
Why Kondor, I'm surprised -- you 'liked' that he's got his fingers in his hears going la-la-la?
Nope. I 'liked' that because he had obviously watched the Pat Condell video and had walked away from that worthwhile video with one or more valid talking points.

I wondered what the hell he was babbling about...
Too bad he couldn't find a way to use them talking points. Oh well.

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