The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

So, do we have any basis in fact for believing that the photographic images of the Muslim protesters in Britain were altered so as to portray Islam in a more unfavorable light?

Same lettering on all the signs? Really? Same as the lettering in my last one too. Somebody's a busy guy.

Completely off the topic here anyway; consider the source: Pol Pot Boy. Making rhetorical points with Google Images? Really?
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Pogo....just to inform you about 'hate crimes'.....:eusa_silenced:

when you insult or yell at Christians (or Jews like Pamela) and criticize their religion be prepared for the consequences....

we won't arrest you today....


Thanks for confirming what it's all about in here. Exactly.

did that subtle (fake) threat make you feel more free or not.....?

perhaps now you know how the Tennessee folks felt....facing a subtle threat from the FBI that was real....

... so perhaps you can articulate exactly what that thread was.

.... Perhaps not.
No, Pogo is merely one of millions of delusional Americans who believe that Islam is no more nor less than any other religion and that it deserves to be accommodated insofar as may be practicable...

I was raised on the concepts of Equal Treatment for all and it has caused me much grief to come to the realization that Islam is a Political and Cultural and Legal and Lifestyle and Territorial Conquest mechanism married to a Religious Belief System, and that it, therefore, cannot be viewed or treated in the same way as its counterparts, which lack such elements as a practical and operative part of their makeup.

It is a Warrior Religion; not a religion of peace; and it thrives on conquest and human blood.

What other mainstream religion exists in which its Founder gives its followers explicit and repeated permission to go to War and to commit other forms of violence in the name of God, or to advance or defend The Faith and The Faithful?

And I'm not talking about the Old Testament war-story crap that dullards keep bringing up as a defense; I'm talking about comparing the New Testament (which supersedes and overrides anything to the contrary found in the Old) to the Q'uran - I'm talking about comparing the words of Jesus of Nazareth to those of Muhammed - the two Founders.

Nowhere in the New Testament will you find Jesus of Nazareth teaching that it's OK to go to War in the name of God or to advance the Christian faith; whereas the Q'uran is absolutely saturated with such bloody examples of Muhammed teaching that it's OK to kill in the name of God or to advance or defend Islam or The Faithful, under a variety of circumstances. Therein lies THE Difference, and the world is so much worse-off because of it; serving as the rationalization for violence committed in the name of Islam.

I suppose there is a possibility that Pogo is a Muslim, although I'll leave that to him to disclose or deny or just leave unanswered. Not my business, and I don't much care.

More likely, however, is that Pogo is merely one of millions of well-intentioned, good, loving, egalitarian-minded Americans who cannot bring themselves to recognize the bloody and frightful truth of the matter; that Islam is not just a Religion; that it's a different kind of animal than anything that we've been obliged to deal with in the past; an alien, foreign belief-system tied to a Conquest and Global Domination Mentality that is abhorrent to thinking persons of goodwill in The West.

My money is on good, but naive, and intentionally delusional, because he cannot face the truth; namely: that Islam is a cancer, a poison, which causes Society-wide Sickness, anywhere beyond its own domain, whenever it's (a) introduced and (b) stupidly written-off as harmless and (c) accorded a status no better nor worse than its counterparts.

Pogo is not well intentioned. He knows exactly what Islam is, which is why he promotes it.

Pogo seeks the dissolution of the U.S. Constitution and the republic founded upon it, as is the goal of the democratic party in general. Establishment of a collectivist and authoritarian state is the goal of the left - which they no longer even bother to disguise.

This isn't Hubert Humphrey, these are radical Obamunists who seek the complete dissolution of the American system.
No, Pogo is merely one of millions of delusional Americans who believe that Islam is no more nor less than any other religion and that it deserves to be accommodated insofar as may be practicable...

I was raised on the concepts of Equal Treatment for all and it has caused me much grief to come to the realization that Islam is a Political and Cultural and Legal and Lifestyle and Territorial Conquest mechanism married to a Religious Belief System, and that it, therefore, cannot be viewed or treated in the same way as its counterparts, which lack such elements as a practical and operative part of their makeup.

It is a Warrior Religion; not a religion of peace; and it thrives on conquest and human blood.

What other mainstream religion exists in which its Founder gives its followers explicit and repeated permission to go to War and to commit other forms of violence in the name of God, or to advance or defend The Faith and The Faithful?

And I'm not talking about the Old Testament war-story crap that dullards keep bringing up as a defense; I'm talking about comparing the New Testament (which supersedes and overrides anything to the contrary found in the Old) to the Q'uran - I'm talking about comparing the words of Jesus of Nazareth to those of Muhammed - the two Founders.

Nowhere in the New Testament will you find Jesus of Nazareth teaching that it's OK to go to War in the name of God or to advance the Christian faith; whereas the Q'uran is absolutely saturated with such bloody examples of Muhammed teaching that it's OK to kill in the name of God or to advance or defend Islam or The Faithful, under a variety of circumstances. Therein lies THE Difference, and the world is so much worse-off because of it; serving as the rationalization for violence committed in the name of Islam.

I suppose there is a possibility that Pogo is a Muslim, although I'll leave that to him to disclose or deny or just leave unanswered. Not my business, and I don't much care.

More likely, however, is that Pogo is merely one of millions of well-intentioned, good, loving, egalitarian-minded Americans who cannot bring themselves to recognize the bloody and frightful truth of the matter; that Islam is not just a Religion; that it's a different kind of animal than anything that we've been obliged to deal with in the past; an alien, foreign belief-system tied to a Conquest and Global Domination Mentality that is abhorrent to thinking persons of goodwill in The West.

My money is on good, but naive, and intentionally delusional, because he cannot face the truth; namely: that Islam is a cancer, a poison, which causes Society-wide Sickness, anywhere beyond its own domain, whenever it's (a) introduced and (b) stupidly written-off as harmless and (c) accorded a status no better nor worse than its counterparts.

Pogo is not well intentioned. He knows exactly what Islam is, which is why he promotes it.

Pogo seeks the dissolution of the U.S. Constitution and the republic founded upon it, as is the goal of the democratic party in general. Establishment of a collectivist and authoritarian state is the goal of the left - which they no longer even bother to disguise.

This isn't Hubert Humphrey, these are radical Obamunists who seek the complete dissolution of the American system.

I rest my case. ^^
So, do we have any basis in fact for believing that the photographic images of the Muslim protesters in Britain were altered so as to portray Islam in a more unfavorable light?

Same lettering on all the signs? Really? Same as the lettering in my last one too. Somebody's a busy guy.

Completely off the topic here anyway; consider the source: Pol Pot Boy. Making rhetorical points with Google Images? Really?

I noticed that too, but it's like Santa Clause. It doesn't matter if you saw Mommy get those toys before Christmas. If you want to believe in Santa you'll ignore the signs.

Same here, they want to believe and the fact that all the lettering is the same doesn't matter to them
Bit by bit Muslims are trying to take away our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms in order to impose their beliefs upon us. They can get away with it if most Americans continue to ignore the signs.


Which is WHY Pogo sides with the Muslims.

The Obamunist left is no friend to Islam, but the enemy of their enemy is their ally. Islam and the left both seek to eradicate civil rights, so they back each other in that fight.
Bit by bit Muslims are trying to take away our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms in order to impose their beliefs upon us. They can get away with it if most Americans continue to ignore the signs.


Islam and the left both seek to eradicate civil rights, so they back each other in that fight.

Watch the video of the meeting (what a novel idea) and tell me who's eradicating who's civil rights.


Oh wait, forgot -- you can't see the video when you're head's in the wrong position...
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So, do we have any basis in fact for believing that the photographic images of the Muslim protesters in Britain were altered so as to portray Islam in a more unfavorable light?

Same lettering on all the signs? Really? Same as the lettering in my last one too. Somebody's a busy guy.

Completely off the topic here anyway; consider the source: Pol Pot Boy. Making rhetorical points with Google Images? Really?

I noticed that too, but it's like Santa Clause. It doesn't matter if you saw Mommy get those toys before Christmas. If you want to believe in Santa you'll ignore the signs.

Same here, they want to believe and the fact that all the lettering is the same doesn't matter to them
Same lettering on all the signs? And that is what you are basing this suspicion on?

Has it ever occurred to you that the Organizers of any such protest march may have pre-printed a great many signs, using the same pattern or PC or whatever, and then passed them out to the Marchers at show-time?

Happens all the time, for various protests and marches all over the world.

I see nothing whatsoever remarkable in such a scenario.

If that's the extent of your basis or rationalization for claiming that those signs are photoshopped, then, I'm obliged to conclude that the speculative basis for this is far too thin to be judged as credible or useful for our purposes here.

By the way... is a video clip of that same march available? Has it already been posted here someplace that I'm missing? If such a clip is available, showing the true content of the signs, that should put that niggling little question to rest.

Unless, of course, some Muslim-Detractor has gone to the pain and trouble of photo-shopping the signage in each-and-every frame of the clip...
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Same lettering on all the signs? Really? Same as the lettering in my last one too. Somebody's a busy guy.

Completely off the topic here anyway; consider the source: Pol Pot Boy. Making rhetorical points with Google Images? Really?

I noticed that too, but it's like Santa Clause. It doesn't matter if you saw Mommy get those toys before Christmas. If you want to believe in Santa you'll ignore the signs.

Same here, they want to believe and the fact that all the lettering is the same doesn't matter to them
Same lettering on all the signs? And that is what you are basing this suspicion on?

Yeah, whats wrong with that?

Has it ever occurred to you that the Organizers of any such protest march may have pre-printed a great many signs, using the same pattern or PC or whatever, and then passed them out to the Marchers at show-time?

Sure, has it occurred to you that this could be a photoshop?

Happens all the time, for various protests and marches all over the world.

I see nothing whatsoever remarkable in such a scenario.

I see something remarkable. Your unwillingness to even consider another possibility than the one you present. And since the definition of possibility means more than one, it's even more baffling...actually it's not, you hate muslims and need something to base that hatred on

If that's the extent of your basis or rationalization for claiming that those signs are photoshopped, then, I'm obliged to conclude that the speculative basis for this is far too thin to be judged as credible or useful for our purposes here.

By the way... is a video clip of that same march available? Has it already been posted here someplace that I'm missing? If such a clip is available, showing the true content of the signs, that should put that niggling little question to rest.

See? Now you're using your head. Try to find out the truth instead of just dismissing everyone. Huzzah!
I noticed that too, but it's like Santa Clause. It doesn't matter if you saw Mommy get those toys before Christmas. If you want to believe in Santa you'll ignore the signs.

Same here, they want to believe and the fact that all the lettering is the same doesn't matter to them
Same lettering on all the signs? And that is what you are basing this suspicion on?

Yeah, whats wrong with that?

Sure, has it occurred to you that this could be a photoshop?

Happens all the time, for various protests and marches all over the world.

I see nothing whatsoever remarkable in such a scenario.

I see something remarkable. Your unwillingness to even consider another possibility than the one you present. And since the definition of possibility means more than one, it's even more baffling...actually it's not, you hate muslims and need something to base that hatred on

If that's the extent of your basis or rationalization for claiming that those signs are photoshopped, then, I'm obliged to conclude that the speculative basis for this is far too thin to be judged as credible or useful for our purposes here.

By the way... is a video clip of that same march available? Has it already been posted here someplace that I'm missing? If such a clip is available, showing the true content of the signs, that should put that niggling little question to rest.

See? Now you're using your head. Try to find out the truth instead of just dismissing everyone. Huzzah!

Not really- videos can be doctored too. Ask Fox Noise.
This is all completely irrelevant to the topic anyway. Whatever the actual content of these signs, I'm pretty sure that picture isn't taken in Tennessee. Then again it was brought in by an ass clown who's obsessed with Pol Pot. I'm pretty sure he wasn't from Coffee County either.

It's what mythmongers do-- if you don't have facts or relevant ponts, just make 'em up.
"...Yeah, whats wrong with that?..."
The oft-used tactic of pre-printing signs from the same pattern or PC (therefore creating signs with the same lettering on them)... that's what's wrong with relying upon 'sameness' as the basis for such a claim.

"...Sure, has it occurred to you that this could be a photoshop?..."

Not unless I see smooth lettering where there should be folds in the placard or fabric so as to indicate a graphics-object overlay on top of an underlying image. But without such, or some other sensible visual clue, it is not the first conclusion that I would jump to, no.

"...I see something remarkable. Your unwillingness to even consider another possibility than the one you present. And since the definition of possibility means more than one, it's even more baffling..."

Then you are seeing something that does not exist.

I am entirely willing to consider the possibility that the signage was grafted (photoshopped) on top of an underlying image...

The very second that I detect some visual deformity or other visual clue that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that such a forgery had been perpetrated...

Unfortunately for your position in this matter, 'same-ness' of lettering is hardly the basis for credible speculation along those lines; given the pre-printing of signage that oftentimes precedes such protests and marches.

"...actually it's not, you hate muslims and need something to base that hatred on..."

Personally, I do not hate Muslims, as people.

But I despise any Political and Cultural Ideology of Conquest that masquerades as a belief-system and that attempts (and fails) to sell itself as a Religion of Peace when, in actuality, it is the ultimate Warrior Religion extant today.

And, I continue to voice my opinion that Islam is as I have portrayed it, joining millions of my countrymen and fellow Westerners in sounding the metaphorical warning klaxon and serving a wake-up call to those whose outlook is both naive and suicidal in this context.

I need not drum-up nor manufacture any evidence to support such contentions - our world today is saturated with such evidence.

"...Now you're using your head..."

I always use my head, dear colleague, even when its conclusions do not meet with your approval.

"...Try to find out the truth instead of just dismissing everyone. Huzzah!"

The truth is always important... usually the very most important thing.

So... the question stands... does a video clip exist of this particular march or protest?
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"...Yeah, whats wrong with that?..."
The oft-used tactic of pre-printing signs from the same pattern or PC (therefore creating signs with the same lettering on them)... that's what's wrong with relying upon 'sameness' as the basis for such a claim.

"...Sure, has it occurred to you that this could be a photoshop?..."

Not unless I see smooth lettering where there should be folds in the placard or fabric so as to indicate a graphics-object overlay on top of an underlying image. But without such, or some other sensible visual clue, it is not the first conclusion that I would jump to, no.

Then you are seeing something that does not exist.

I am entirely willing to consider the possibility that the signage was grafted (photoshopped) on top of an underlying image...

The very second that I detect some visual deformity or other visual clue that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that such a forgery had been perpetrated...

Unfortunately for your position in this matter, 'same-ness' of lettering is hardly the basis for credible speculation along those lines; given the pre-printing of signage that oftentimes precedes such protests and marches.

Personally, I do not hate Muslims, as people.

But I despise any Political and Cultural Ideology of Conquest that masquerades as a belief-system and that attempts (and fails) to sell itself as a Religion of Peace when, in actuality, it is the ultimate Warrior Religion extant today.

And, I continue to voice my opinion that Islam is as I have portrayed it, joining millions of my countrymen and fellow Westerners in sounding the metaphorical warning klaxon and serving a wake-up call to those whose outlook is both naive and suicidal in this context.

I need not drum-up nor manufacture any evidence to support such contentions - our world today is saturated with such evidence.

"...Now you're using your head..."

I always use my head, dear colleague, even when its conclusions do not meet with your approval.

"...Try to find out the truth instead of just dismissing everyone. Huzzah!"

The truth is always important... usually the very most important thing.

So... the question stands... does a video clip exist of this particular march or protest?

Why are you off to this intercontinental tangent? Given up on the thread?

I rest my case. ^^

As do I.

We both know that what I posted is the case. You seek to radically transform the nation. Ending the "white, Christian, heterosexual" dominance was the key goal for decades. Now that this has been achieved, ending the "obsession" with the constitution is the new goal.

It's not like you Obamunists are subtle;

The leftist standard, the New York Times, is open about it.

{AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions. }

Because we are not shooting at each other - yet - many pretend that reality is not what it is, but the fact is, we are in the midst of a civil war - and those of us who cling to "god, guns, and the Constitution," are losing.

While you may legitimately believe that an authoritarian, collectivist state, is a better option - you are at war against the Constitutional Republic - as is Obama.
Same lettering on all the signs? And that is what you are basing this suspicion on?

Has it ever occurred to you that the Organizers of any such protest march may have pre-printed a great many signs, using the same pattern or PC or whatever, and then passed them out to the Marchers at show-time?

Happens all the time, for various protests and marches all over the world.

I see nothing whatsoever remarkable in such a scenario.

If that's the extent of your basis or rationalization for claiming that those signs are photoshopped, then, I'm obliged to conclude that the speculative basis for this is far too thin to be judged as credible or useful for our purposes here.

By the way... is a video clip of that same march available? Has it already been posted here someplace that I'm missing? If such a clip is available, showing the true content of the signs, that should put that niggling little question to rest.

Unless, of course, some Muslim-Detractor has gone to the pain and trouble of photo-shopping the signage in each-and-every frame of the clip...


These morons think I posted the picture.

Let's not clue them in. :tongue::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
"...Chrisitanism -- for one..."
When you find explicit and repeated passages in the New Testament quoting Jesus of Nazareth as giving permission to make War or to kill in the name of God or to advance Christianity or to defend Christians - then, and only then, will your response be accurate.

"-- then why is it still there?..."

The Old Testament was dragged-along by the early Church Fathers in order to legitimize the New and to provide continuity for the New and to serve-up metaphors and morality plays and to serve as a fall-back position for areas in which Jesus of Nazareth was silent.

Jesus of Nazareth was not silent regarding warfare and violence; consequently, anything found to the contrary in the Old is considered to have been superseded by those new teachings.

"...Sorry you don't get to pick and choose your bases just because some on your own side are inconvenient..."

Agreed. Christianity is based upon the New Testament. The Old is just along for the ride and is considered obsolete and superseded in any area where it conflicts with the New.

"...There is no way I'm a member of any organized religion..."

That makes two of us, in practice, anyway.

"...I've actually lived and worked with Muslims. That's how I know it's bullshit..."

Personal experiences are credible only with respect to individuals.

Codified dogma and real-world attempts to implement such dogma are an entirely different matter and require moving beyond the realm of personal experience in order to properly evaluate and judge the implications of such dogma on the macro level.

"...I simply don't believe in demonizing a group, be it Muslims, Jews, Christians, Liberals, Mexicans, gays or lefthanded lesbian transsexual unionized nurses, with blanket statements. That's just stupid..."

That's all well and good, until you come up against a Dogma that paints with that same broad brush, and divides the world into The Faithful and Infidel and Dhimmi.

It's a little like going up against a machine gun with a slingshot.

You are entirely welcome to stick with your view (slingshot), if you like, but the Dogmatic Group in-question are using a metaphorical machine-gun, and many of the rest of us consider it necessary to arm ourselves with just a wee bit more than the laudable but naive and suicidal viewpoint that this particular group is no better nor worse nor more dangerous than others.

"...None so blind as those who will not see."

Amen. Although we celebrate that maxim with different perspectives in mind.
"...Why are you off to this intercontinental tangent? Given up on the thread?..."
Because we are talking about an Intercontinental Belief-System? Because one thing leads to another in any thread? Because inter-related topics and sub-topics are also fair game? Because the motives of the adherents of that belief-system are, in effect, On-Topic?
"Because without her stirring up the shit, the bunch of sheeple disrupting the meeting don't make a mockery of this country."

Sorry, but it is you who represents the sheeple and it is idiotic to claim that standing for Constitutional rights makes a mockery of this country. Failing to do so is what is shameful. Were the folks not already "stirred up" they wouldn't have been there in the first place.
"Where did I say she "doesn't have a right"??
Up to the same old assumption game that got you in the hole you're in already?"

No assumption or hole here. Where did I say you said that?

That's exactly what I figured. Busted.
-- and also why I posted the video. There's no way around that

Busted? The woman you're so upset about had her say outside before the meeting started and she was only one of several speakers that spoke to the crowd outside. We also pledged our allegiance to the flag and sang the National Anthem. Yep, a real bunch of subversives if I ever saw one. It seems that you think "your" video proves something but you haven't said what. Explain?
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"...Why are you off to this intercontinental tangent? Given up on the thread?..."
Because we are talking about an Intercontinental Belief-System? Because one thing leads to another in any thread? Because inter-related topics and sub-topics are also fair game? Because the motives of the adherents of that belief-system are, in effect, On-Topic?

Because "they all look alike to me"?

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