The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

Pogo said:
"...And by the other way, again, 9/11 was a political act, not a religious one..."

"a political act"....? :eusa_hand:
wake up bud...
9-11 was an ACT OF WAR.....

Sure, I can readily accept 'act of war', not needing a pedantic definition of a "declared" war. That's not a problem at all.
An act of war is a political act anyway, so both are true.

But it had nothing to do with religion. To pretend that it did is mindless at best and manipulative at worst.

you could call this meeting in Tenn. a political skirmish....but it's part and parcel of the same war...

If one were honest one could call the way this meeting was treated part of the same manipulation.

I can't help noticing ---- no comments on the actual dynamics happening in that meeting i.e. the video.

The silence is eloquent. Must have been inconvenient.
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"...I can't help noticing ---- no comments on the actual dynamics happening in that meeting i.e. the video. The silence is eloquent. Must have been inconvenient."
Or, rather than 'inconvenient', alternatively, it goes to demonstrate that your Average American is not buying into Muslim propaganda and religion-of-peace bull$hit, nor the Federal government's hired-guns acting in support of such propaganda sorties... in Tennessee, or online, here, courtesy of volunteer propaganda shills and good-hearted, well-intentioned, naive, delusional egalitarians who cannot distinguish friend from foe. Eloquence, indeed. Masterful, graceful, serene, accurate, truthful, righteous, self-confident eloquence. Fun, ain't it?
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Pogo said:
"...And by the other way, again, 9/11 was a political act, not a religious one..."

"a political act"....? :eusa_hand:
wake up bud...
9-11 was an ACT OF WAR.....

Sure, I can readily accept 'act of war', not needing a pedantic definition of a "declared" war. That's not a problem at all.
An act of war is a political act anyway, so both are true.

But it had nothing to do with religion. To pretend that it did is mindless at best and manipulative at worst.

you could call this meeting in Tenn. a political skirmish....but it's part and parcel of the same war...

If one were honest one could call the way this meeting was treated part of the same manipulation.

I can't help noticing ---- no comments on the actual dynamics happening in that meeting i.e. the video.

The silence is eloquent. Must have been inconvenient.

to say 9-11 had nothing to do with religion is just plain stupid...

of course Islam is more than just is a socio-politico way of life as well....yet the elements of relgion are what fuel and control their way of life....those guys flying those planes into the towers believed they were going to be richly rewarded by Allah...politically the act was a declaration of war to the American people and the western world....why some people still buy into the PC crap and can't see that Islam is our enemy is rather disturbing...

the TN meeting also used religion.....and politically it was an attempt to lay the ground for more 'hate laws'...this was an anti-Constitutional push against free speech with the specific goal to protect the spread of Islam.....and once again you liberals are supporting the enemy...but we know why you do...
"...I can't help noticing ---- no comments on the actual dynamics happening in that meeting i.e. the video. The silence is eloquent. Must have been inconvenient."
Or, rather than 'inconvenient', alternatively, it goes to demonstrate that your Average American is not buying into Muslim propaganda and religion-of-peace bull$hit, nor the Federal government's hired-guns acting in support of such propaganda sorties... in Tennessee, or online, here, courtesy of volunteer propaganda shills. Eloquence, indeed. Masterful, graceful, serene, self-confident eloquence.

They said nothing about a "religion of peace" in there. That's George W. Bush's line anyway.

No, I'm talking about what was going on IN the meeting. I thought I laid this out yesterday: the content of the video, not George Bush quotes, not half-baked impressions of what the alleged religious position of 9/11 hijackers was, not the price of eggs in Istanbul ... the actual event.

I dunno, I just find the psychology fascinating when people would rather stay with their favorite impressions than take the risk on having them tainted with the inconveniences of actual realities.
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"...I can't help noticing ---- no comments on the actual dynamics happening in that meeting i.e. the video. The silence is eloquent. Must have been inconvenient."
Or, rather than 'inconvenient', alternatively, it goes to demonstrate that your Average American is not buying into Muslim propaganda and religion-of-peace bull$hit, nor the Federal government's hired-guns acting in support of such propaganda sorties... in Tennessee, or online, here, courtesy of volunteer propaganda shills. Eloquence, indeed. Masterful, graceful, serene, self-confident eloquence.

They said nothing about a "religion of peace" in there. That's George W. Bush's line anyway.

No, I'm talking about what was going on IN the meeting. I thought I laid this out yesterday: the content of the video, not George Bush quotes, not half-baked impressions of what the alleged religious position of 9/11 hijackers was, not the price of eggs in Istanbul ... the actual event.

I dunno, I just find the psychology fascinating when people would rather stay with their favorite impressions than take the risk on having them tainted with the inconveniences of actual realities.

this was the gist of the leftie 'diversity' meeting...

Or, rather than 'inconvenient', alternatively, it goes to demonstrate that your Average American is not buying into Muslim propaganda and religion-of-peace bull$hit, nor the Federal government's hired-guns acting in support of such propaganda sorties... in Tennessee, or online, here, courtesy of volunteer propaganda shills. Eloquence, indeed. Masterful, graceful, serene, self-confident eloquence.

They said nothing about a "religion of peace" in there. That's George W. Bush's line anyway.

No, I'm talking about what was going on IN the meeting. I thought I laid this out yesterday: the content of the video, not George Bush quotes, not half-baked impressions of what the alleged religious position of 9/11 hijackers was, not the price of eggs in Istanbul ... the actual event.

I dunno, I just find the psychology fascinating when people would rather stay with their favorite impressions than take the risk on having them tainted with the inconveniences of actual realities.

this was the gist of the leftie 'diversity' meeting...


Speak of the photoshop devil and there he be.

So -- any, you know, documentation for that caption? Or are we going back to the David Barton school of history?
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They said nothing about a "religion of peace" in there. That's George W. Bush's line anyway.

No, I'm talking about what was going on IN the meeting. I thought I laid this out yesterday: the content of the video, not George Bush quotes, not half-baked impressions of what the alleged religious position of 9/11 hijackers was, not the price of eggs in Istanbul ... the actual event.

I dunno, I just find the psychology fascinating when people would rather stay with their favorite impressions than take the risk on having them tainted with the inconveniences of actual realities.

this was the gist of the leftie 'diversity' meeting...


Speak of the photoshop devil and there he be.

So -- any, you know, documentation for that caption?


why else were Obama's Feds......there....?

The Muslim Brotherhood was handed a tactical defeat on June 4, 2013 in Manchester, TN. The FBI and DOJ (Department of Justice) appeared at a meeting called by AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council — Muslim Brotherhood) in Manchester, TN. It was to include a talk by a US Assistant Attorney General and an FBI agent in charge. The meeting was due to a joke posted by a Coffee County Commissioner on Face Book. The DOJ Assistant Attorney General Killian said in a newspaper interview that the joke might be in the category of a hate crime. Over 1200 people came from all over the US to a meeting in a town of 10,000. The web had buzzed about free speech in Manchester and talk radio chimed in.

In the course of the presentation by Killian, several in the audience began to shout our retorts to him. At first some in audience tried to shush them, but the momentum began to build and the shouted challenges increased in numbers and volume. It should be noted that the shouts were factual and knowledgeable. An example: when it was mentioned how hard it was to be a Muslim refugee: “Free medical care, welfare and scholarships tough to take?” When Killian said that DOJ protected voter rights, the shouts were to the tune of: “You mean like protecting the Panthers in Philadelphia?”

There were also knowledgeable shouts about Islam: “We don’t care about the religion, it’s the politics. No Sharia.”

When Killian mentioned Eric Holder, the room erupted with thunderous boos. People were angry about the Feds. The FBI agent presented a better face, but he got blow back as well. Chants of “Ruby Ridge” and “Waco” rang out. This was a “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore” attitude.

There has been both praise and condemnation of the crowd. But to understand it, you had to be there. There was a palpable pent up anger about a long string of corruption out of the Obama White House: the IRS scandals; Major Nidal Hassan’s jihad called “work place violence”; vacuuming up everybody’s phone records; and more. They felt that the Feds were here to talk down to them, not to answer questions.

The Feds came to talk down to them since they are considered rednecks. Those rural white people who are not politically correct are called rednecks. Rednecks are the only under-class who have no protection or advocacy. They are the only group that can be mocked, ridiculed and made the butt of jokes. The worst of the ghetto blacks are forbidden to be called the equivalent of redneck, the N word. There is no RN word. Nope, they are rednecks, trailer trash, crackers, white trash and worse.

Another measure of society’s hatred of rednecks it this: if the shouters in the audience had been black, the media would have said that they were: “Speaking truth to power”. They would be reported as victims against oppression and fighters for social justice. But rednecks are called bigots and ignorant haters. Why did the rednecks have to come and oppose political Islam? Simple, our leaders will not do the job.

TENNESSEE: A victory in the war against the Muslim Brotherhood | BARE NAKED ISLAM
"...No, I'm talking about what was going on IN the meeting..."
And so is everyone else.

There are three (3) things going-on in that meeting:

1. Muslims are propagandizing.

2. The Feds are engaging in a photo-op, being seen supporting the Muslims.

3. The People in the audience are calling Bull$hit.

Everything else is mere fluff and background noise to the three main bullet points.

"...I dunno, I just find the psychology fascinating when people would rather stay with their favorite impressions than take the risk on having them tainted with the inconveniences of actual realities."

Or, alternatively, your fellow citizens, who understand the psychology at least as well as you do, in turn, find it fascinating that there exist amongst us, those who are entirely oblivious to the threat-vector aligned with this hybrid political-religious belief system, and who share a naive, dangerous trait or two with the shade of Neville Chamberlain.

It has been nearly 12 years since the 9-11 attacks, but this next-round Cultural Clash (between Islam and The West) may very well prove to be a multi-generational thing, and, on such a time-scale, this thing is just getting started... and The People sense this for themselves without being told by anyone from the Right or anywhere else.

What you are seeing is Popular Rejection of propagandizing on behalf of the hybrid political-religious belief-system on which the Adversary bases his existence, and you are seeing the auto-mechanical Federal egalitarian support for such propagandizing, and Popular Rejection of that unthinking mechanical knee-jerk bureaucratic reaction, and Popular Rejection of the propaganda itself, and Popular Rejection of those dangerous, naive, delusional folk who insist upon providing aid-and-comfort to the propagandists.

You are seeing America beginning to Take Sides in the face of this unwanted multi-generational challenge, and the vast majority are choosing their own kind, to stand with.

And, because that does not fit-in well with your own range of preconceived notions on the subject (turns out we all have preconceived notions, including you), you continue to rail at your fellow countrymen for doing what they believe is necessary for us to weather the opening phase of this long, multi-generational Culture Clash.

Your fellow countrymen are not brainwashed nor are they stupid nor blind to the pros and cons of Taking Sides. They are simply more pragmatic and realistic than some others amongst us.

This is all very sad and unfortunate, and most folks of goodwill will continue to remain on-guard against excesses, but, in the final analysis, most Americans are capable of taking a stand, and taking a side, and standing with their own, against the propagandizing of an alien, hostile belief-system.
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Beats me *shrug*
Me, too... so... until I have something more solid than similarity-of-lettering amongst a collection of signage, I'm going to have to set aside the judgment that they've been photo-shopped... sorry.

You don't have want too
Oh, that too, I make no pretense otherwise...

But it is far more convenient when solid evidence (that a reasonable person would construe as the basis for judging a photo to be tainted) is entirely lacking; thereby allowing one to continue down the 'preferred' path unfettered.

Happily for me, that is the case here.

In the absence of any such evidence, I am obliged (happily) by logic to treat the images as untainted, until some reason materializes upon which to base a suspicion of image-alteration (photo-shopping).

Produce something to the contrary and you're back in the ball-game.

Isn't it great, when one's preferences, and the evidence, all conspire to support one's hoped-for outcome?
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9-11 was an ACT OF WAR.....

By Al Qaeda.

one group of many......did you know that since 9-11 there have been more than
20,000 Islamic terrorist attacks.....?

Our society has become so wimpy and politically correct that there is no longer any righteous anger. We have become a nation of pleasant liars who are never angered at society’s outrages. We are ever so polite to those who destroy our civilization. We are a nation of zombies, but polite zombies. There have been over 20,000 jihad attacks since September 11, 2001, but you don’t want to mention that since someone might become uncomfortable or be offended.

TENNESSEE: A victory in the war against the Muslim Brotherhood | BARE NAKED ISLAM
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Irrational. Do Americans not trust Christians after Scott Roeder and Tim McVeigh and Eric Rudolph?

Why would an Atheist like Tim McVeigh make people not trust Christians?

Oh, because filthy demagogues lie?

{Another story. Michel and Herbeck tell how McVeigh once “paid a visit to the local Seventh Day Adventist Church, but he found that service bored him … McVeigh had never been inclined to criticize people for their religious views, but he concluded that organized religion wasn’t really for him. He believed that the universe was guided by natural law, energized by some universal higher power that showed each person right from wrong if they paid attention to what was going on inside of them.” (emphasis mine.)

But the smoking gun is a quote by McVeigh himself regarding what he believed. Michel and Herbeck say that McVeigh would tell friends, “Science is my religion.” (emphasis mine.) To worship at the altar of science is, of course, idolatry and not Christianity.

Finally, in an interview, Lou Michel told me: No, Tim McVeigh was not a Christian-“though he acknowledged the possibility of a higher power. But, he didn’t accept Jesus Christ as his personal Savior, so far as I know.”}

McVeigh No Christian; Worshipped Himself; Said “Science Is My Religion”

Lying lies and the leftists who tell them. It's all for the party - so it's all good, eh Herr Goebbels?

By the way London is not in America. North or South. And by the other way, again, 9/11 was a political act, not a religious one.

Of fuck, what you terrorist promoters will say.

You really just said that? Are you a truther?

Once again, a political act. As far as genuinely religious motivations, again, when you show me where the same outrage is over Roeder, Rudoplh, Salvi, Griffin, Kopp and the rest of that crowd, you'll start to have a leg to stand on with this religious bigotry crapola. Until then it's bullshit fearmongering and will continue to be called out as such, as long as it takes.

9/11 was an act of Islamic Jihad - fuckwad.

Scumbag, you praise your god Obama because "he killed bin Laden," right? So scumbag, why did it matter that Osama bin Laden be killed? Was he involved in 9/11? You know, the event you were just lying about and calling a "political act?"

What did bin Laden, the perpetrator, the leader of the terrorists you promote and support, have to say?

{Praise be to Allah, we seek His help and ask for his pardon. we take refuge in Allah from our wrongs and bad deeds. }

Well now - nothing religious there - eh scumbag?

{Praise be to Allah, saying: {You are the best of the nations raised up for -the benefit of- men; you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah} (Aal-Imraan; 3:110). Allah's blessing and salutations on His slave and messenger who said: (The people are close to an all encompassing punishment from Allah if they see the oppressor and fail to restrain him.)

It should not be hidden from you that the people of Islam had suffered from aggression, iniquity and injustice imposed on them by the Zionist-Crusaders alliance and their collaborators; to the extent that the Muslims blood became the cheapest and their wealth as loot in the hands of the enemies. Their blood was spilled in Palestine and Iraq. }

Well, that's just political, isn't it scumbag?

Pogo, you're a lying pile of shit, a terrorist promoter, and a general scumbag.

Other than that, you're a great guy.
one group of many......did you know that since 9-11 there have been worldwide more than
20,000 Islamic attacks.....?

There have been more than 20,000 attacks since 9/11 and they come from people of all sorts of political religious and ethnic backgrounds. Soldiers in the DR Congo burned 16 people alive today (as an example).
this was the gist of the leftie 'diversity' meeting...


Speak of the photoshop devil and there he be.

So -- any, you know, documentation for that caption?


why else were Obama's Feds......there....?

The Muslim Brotherhood was handed a tactical defeat on June 4, 2013 in Manchester, TN. The FBI and DOJ (Department of Justice) appeared at a meeting called by AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council — Muslim Brotherhood) in Manchester, TN. It was to include a talk by a US Assistant Attorney General and an FBI agent in charge. The meeting was due to a joke posted by a Coffee County Commissioner on Face Book. The DOJ Assistant Attorney General Killian said in a newspaper interview that the joke might be in the category of a hate crime. Over 1200 people came from all over the US to a meeting in a town of 10,000. The web had buzzed about free speech in Manchester and talk radio chimed in.

In the course of the presentation by Killian, several in the audience began to shout our retorts to him. At first some in audience tried to shush them, but the momentum began to build and the shouted challenges increased in numbers and volume. It should be noted that the shouts were factual and knowledgeable. An example: when it was mentioned how hard it was to be a Muslim refugee: “Free medical care, welfare and scholarships tough to take?” When Killian said that DOJ protected voter rights, the shouts were to the tune of: “You mean like protecting the Panthers in Philadelphia?”

There were also knowledgeable shouts about Islam: “We don’t care about the religion, it’s the politics. No Sharia.”

When Killian mentioned Eric Holder, the room erupted with thunderous boos. People were angry about the Feds. The FBI agent presented a better face, but he got blow back as well. Chants of “Ruby Ridge” and “Waco” rang out. This was a “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore” attitude.

There has been both praise and condemnation of the crowd. But to understand it, you had to be there. There was a palpable pent up anger about a long string of corruption out of the Obama White House: the IRS scandals; Major Nidal Hassan’s jihad called “work place violence”; vacuuming up everybody’s phone records; and more. They felt that the Feds were here to talk down to them, not to answer questions.

The Feds came to talk down to them since they are considered rednecks. Those rural white people who are not politically correct are called rednecks. Rednecks are the only under-class who have no protection or advocacy. They are the only group that can be mocked, ridiculed and made the butt of jokes. The worst of the ghetto blacks are forbidden to be called the equivalent of redneck, the N word. There is no RN word. Nope, they are rednecks, trailer trash, crackers, white trash and worse.

Another measure of society’s hatred of rednecks it this: if the shouters in the audience had been black, the media would have said that they were: “Speaking truth to power”. They would be reported as victims against oppression and fighters for social justice. But rednecks are called bigots and ignorant haters. Why did the rednecks have to come and oppose political Islam? Simple, our leaders will not do the job.

TENNESSEE: A victory in the war against the Muslim Brotherhood | BARE NAKED ISLAM

Paydirt! :banana:

Thanks, this is why I com here. Doesn't quite bring the scary of WallBuilders but a worthy entry.

Whois brings: Bonni Intall. So who is Bonni Intall, O Google?

Over to Debbie Schlussel:

>> Bonni Intall and her Bare Naked Islam praised attacks on French mosques&#8211;she said, &#8220;WOO HOO!&#8221; and left up comments urging more of them, apparently because she agrees with those comments. While I never shed a tear for Muslims (who are generally the aggressors against Jews and Christians and who never apologize or shed a single tear for us), I don&#8217;t advocate gratuitous violence, but Bonni Intall does. (And I immediately remove any comments advocating such violence.) That&#8217;s why her site was taken down. Free speech is not unlimited. You cannot incite violence, which is what she and her site did. WordPress would have been a defendant in a giant lawsuit if any of Intall&#8217;s readers, such as the ones who commented they&#8217;d do more attacks on the mosque, had actually followed through. I&#8217;d expect WordPress to do the same for sites that advocate violence against Jews, which are usually taken down far too slowly. Bonni Intall cast a pall on those of us who do the real work against Islam, rather than advocating violent attacks and plagiarizing articles (as she frequently did with mine, violating my copyright). << (over here)

Notable quote: "Don&#8217;t investigate, just kill one Muslim for every dog poisoned"

Excellent source. :clap2:

Don't feel bad; I'm sure if Hitler had had the internet he'd be reading Bonni too. See what I mean about ignorance?

Still, Bonni's got a point here, just as the stopped clock right twice a day:
"to understand it, you had to be there".

That's why I posted the video. You remember, the one that everybody's afraid to watch because it might not support their pre-narrative.

So ultimately you don't have an answer to the question about the captioned photo.
You could have just said that...
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one group of many......did you know that since 9-11 there have been worldwide more than
20,000 Islamic attacks.....?

There have been more than 20,000 attacks since 9/11 and they come from people of all sorts of political religious and ethnic backgrounds. Soldiers in the DR Congo burned 16 people alive today (as an example).

that doesn't excuse the so-called 'religion of peace'....
Speak of the photoshop devil and there he be.

So -- any, you know, documentation for that caption?


why else were Obama's Feds......there....?

The Muslim Brotherhood was handed a tactical defeat on June 4, 2013 in Manchester, TN. The FBI and DOJ (Department of Justice) appeared at a meeting called by AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council — Muslim Brotherhood) in Manchester, TN. It was to include a talk by a US Assistant Attorney General and an FBI agent in charge. The meeting was due to a joke posted by a Coffee County Commissioner on Face Book. The DOJ Assistant Attorney General Killian said in a newspaper interview that the joke might be in the category of a hate crime. Over 1200 people came from all over the US to a meeting in a town of 10,000. The web had buzzed about free speech in Manchester and talk radio chimed in.

In the course of the presentation by Killian, several in the audience began to shout our retorts to him. At first some in audience tried to shush them, but the momentum began to build and the shouted challenges increased in numbers and volume. It should be noted that the shouts were factual and knowledgeable. An example: when it was mentioned how hard it was to be a Muslim refugee: “Free medical care, welfare and scholarships tough to take?” When Killian said that DOJ protected voter rights, the shouts were to the tune of: “You mean like protecting the Panthers in Philadelphia?”

There were also knowledgeable shouts about Islam: “We don’t care about the religion, it’s the politics. No Sharia.”

When Killian mentioned Eric Holder, the room erupted with thunderous boos. People were angry about the Feds. The FBI agent presented a better face, but he got blow back as well. Chants of “Ruby Ridge” and “Waco” rang out. This was a “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore” attitude.

There has been both praise and condemnation of the crowd. But to understand it, you had to be there. There was a palpable pent up anger about a long string of corruption out of the Obama White House: the IRS scandals; Major Nidal Hassan’s jihad called “work place violence”; vacuuming up everybody’s phone records; and more. They felt that the Feds were here to talk down to them, not to answer questions.

The Feds came to talk down to them since they are considered rednecks. Those rural white people who are not politically correct are called rednecks. Rednecks are the only under-class who have no protection or advocacy. They are the only group that can be mocked, ridiculed and made the butt of jokes. The worst of the ghetto blacks are forbidden to be called the equivalent of redneck, the N word. There is no RN word. Nope, they are rednecks, trailer trash, crackers, white trash and worse.

Another measure of society’s hatred of rednecks it this: if the shouters in the audience had been black, the media would have said that they were: “Speaking truth to power”. They would be reported as victims against oppression and fighters for social justice. But rednecks are called bigots and ignorant haters. Why did the rednecks have to come and oppose political Islam? Simple, our leaders will not do the job.

TENNESSEE: A victory in the war against the Muslim Brotherhood | BARE NAKED ISLAM

Paydirt! :banana:

Thanks, this is why I com here. Doesn't quite bring the scary of WallBuilders but a worthy entry.

Whois brings: Bonni Intall. So who is Bonni Intall, O Google?

Over to Debbie Schlussel:

>> Bonni Intall and her Bare Naked Islam praised attacks on French mosques–she said, “WOO HOO!” and left up comments urging more of them, apparently because she agrees with those comments. While I never shed a tear for Muslims (who are generally the aggressors against Jews and Christians and who never apologize or shed a single tear for us), I don’t advocate gratuitous violence, but Bonni Intall does. (And I immediately remove any comments advocating such violence.) That’s why her site was taken down. Free speech is not unlimited. You cannot incite violence, which is what she and her site did. WordPress would have been a defendant in a giant lawsuit if any of Intall’s readers, such as the ones who commented they’d do more attacks on the mosque, had actually followed through. I’d expect WordPress to do the same for sites that advocate violence against Jews, which are usually taken down far too slowly. Bonni Intall cast a pall on those of us who do the real work against Islam, rather than advocating violent attacks and plagiarizing articles (as she frequently did with mine, violating my copyright). << (over here)

Notable quote: "Don’t investigate, just kill one Muslim for every dog poisoned"

Excellent source. :clap2:

Don't feel bad; I'm sure if Hitler had had the internet he'd be reading Bonni too. See what I mean about ignorance?

Still, Bonni's got a point here, just as the stopped clock right twice a day:
"to understand it, you had to be there".

That's why I posted the video.

when you can't oppose the facts you libs always attack the messengers...

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