The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

...... Fuck ********* and their self-inflicted suffering; nearly all of them cheered and held parades after every victory, including so-called 'American' ********, who also held drives raising money for their own version of the Red Cross sending care packages for the Japanese troops invading Asian countries. They also couldn't be bothered to report Japanese intelligence officers recruiting in Japanese neighborhoods in the U.S. right up to Pearl. If they were all gone nobody these days would even notice.

Not one Japanese American was ever convicted of espionage or sabotage during WWII. The same cannot be said for German and Italian Americans.
Most intelligent adults realize it is still a discussion worth having, given the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Where to start with this clown?
  • What “proliferation”, chief? You use words you don’t even understand in hopes of gaining some form of credibility when all of us can see you’re clueless
  • Nobody is selling nukes, asshat. And the only one’s actively trying to develop them is Iran - who the Dumbocrats refuse to stop
  • Furthermore, your ignorant little play conversation is not “worth having” as you’re irrelevant. You don’t set US policy and nobody consults you about US policy

So to repeat…get over it already. It was the right thing to do and nobody has questioned that for 80 years (not even our enemies) until anti-American Dumbocrats went looking for something to complain about America.
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Where to start with this clown?
  • What “proliferation”, chief? ....
Are you kidding? Do you know how many nations had atomic weapons in 1945? Is it the same number as today, Captain Math?
Read more than the back cover of a history book, Junior.
I read some more history, and I refreshed my memory.
China was engaged in a civil war during WWII, between the Communists and the Nationalists: Mao was leading the Communists, and Chiang Hai Shek leading the Nationalists, and there was Japan occupying a big part of the country.

So it seems to me that China was so divided that it was of little use in the end. So if you call that an ally, you are ignorant China, and it’s dilemma.

America should have been prepared to nuke Mao before he took over China. Can you comprehend that? When he began to defeat the Nationalists, we should have intervened.

You are woefully under read.
I read some more history, and I refreshed my memory.
China was engaged in a civil war during WWII, between the Communists and the Nationalists: Mao was leading the Communists, and Chiang Hai Shek leading the Nationalists, and there was Japan occupying a big part of the country.


You are woefully under read.
Because you posted a few things that any C level school boy knows about history? Go back and study some more, Junior.
Read more than the back cover of a history book, Junior.
I read some more history you venomous lout, and I refreshed my memory.
China was engaged in a civil war during WWII, between the Communists and the Nationalists: Mao was leading the Communists, and Chiang Hai Shek leading the Nationalists,
I am well aware of that. And the fact that along the coast and major cities, Japan did not really occupy that much of China. And we were supporting the Nationalist Chinese, and even the Marxists put things at rest until the Japanese were taken care of.

In fact, we also helped a great many Marxists during that war. Seeing Japan as the larger threat. Even giving supplies and advisors to both Mao and Uncle Ho.

Yes, I am very much aware of China at the time, and in the over four decades before as well. But all you seem to be able to do is try to throw darts over and over, but none of them seem to stick.
How am I throwing darts? And what was it that compelled you to reply to a post that was not directed to you?
Because you posted a few things that any C level school boy knows about history? Go back and study some more, Junior.
You know, I do remember what I said at the beginning, and I haven’t heard too many boys say that we should have nuked Mao and his band of punks.
Are you kidding? Do you know how many nations had atomic weapons in 1945? Is it the same number as today, Captain Math?
Do you know how many nations had “atomic” :)laugh:) weapons in 1980? About the same as now (Russia, China, England, etc.). Wasn’t an issue 41 fucking years ago but suddenly it is today? Ok chief.

By the way, they are no longer “atomic”. Nuclear weapons are now hydrogen. More proof you shouldn’t be having this discussion as you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.
You know, I do remember what I said at the beginning, and I haven’t heard too many boys say that we should have nuked Mao and his band of punks.
I wasn't talking about your ridiculous musings on military strategy, boy.
And what was it that compelled you to reply to a post that was not directed to you?

The fact that you were so obviously wrong, and foolishly wanting to nuke an ally.

And if you did not know, the Chinese Civil War was put on hold by both sides during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Both sides agreed that they needed to work together to fight a threat that was going after each of them equally. And even in 1945, nobody knew how or if the war between them would resume after Japan was dealt with. There were even hopes among some that some kind of accommodation could be reached between the two sides when the war ended to stop it from flaring up again. But ultimately that was dashed as the ink was barely dry on the "Double Tenth Agreement" between the CCP and KMT when the KMT went on the offensive again.

And that was an agreement hammered out between both sides by both the US and USSR. The CCP recognized the KMT as the "Official Government of China", and the KMT recognized the CCP as the "Official Opposition Party". But only a month later the KMT again went on the offensive, and the agreement was over.

I suggest you spend some more time and learn some actual history.
Meanwhile the Soviets violated the agreement immediately by providing the communist Chinese all the captured equipment from 700 thousand Japanese. And the IDIOT Truman cut of supplies to the Nationalists
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not bombed in 1980, professor.
Yeah...and "atomic" weapons have not been "proliferated" over the past 40 years, imbecile. There isn't a facepalm big enough for the dumb shit you post.
They were in 1945, professor.
And we weren't discussing 1945, dumb shit. We were discussing "proliferation". I now understand why you resort to cookie-fortune posts. You're trying to limit exposing just how dumb you are.

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