The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Now you bore me
Japanese Navy Admiral: The US has destroyed our navy.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Air Force General: The US has destroyed our air force.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Navy Admiral: The US has control of the seas surrounding Japan.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Air Force General: The US has control of the air over Japan.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Army General: The US has just unleashed a new technology - a nuclear bomb - that completely wiped out Hiroshima

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Army General: The US just dropped another nuclear bomb on Nagasaki which wiped Nagasaki off of the face of the earth.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Army General: The Russians just announced they are sending their navy which is just a dinghy to invade Japan.

Emperor: The Russians are coming! Holy shit balls! Really! The Russians! Holy Fuck we better surrender.
Wrong. Dirty Harry won the war, then he massacred thousands of defenseless women and children of a defeated nation.
That is incorrect. The atomic bombs were dropped on vital military targets.

And it was Japan's choice to wait until August 10 before offering to surrender. If Japan was a defeated nation, then they should have surrendered earlier.

You don’t think Americans would fight until the last man, if we were invaded. Think. Please think.
So you agree that Japan would have put up a bloody resistance to our invasion if the war had progressed to the point where we invaded??

McArthur knew they wished to surrender.
No he didn't. Before August 10, 1945, Japan was refusing to surrender.

Are you too calling him a liar?
I've never heard MacArthur say that Japan wanted to surrender before August 10, 1945.

I suspect that MacArthur never said that, and people are lying about what MacArthur said.

Oh brother. Are you capable of thinking? Do you know how surrendering works. Both antagonists must agree. Jesus
The Japanese people fighting knew nothing of their government’s efforts to surrender. They were merely trying to protect their country, just as Americans would.
There were no such efforts to surrender until after both atomic bombs had already been dropped.

Since both Stalin’s Stooge and Dirty Harry stupidly demanded unconditional surrender, the Japanese assumed the US would hang the emperor. All they asked of Dirty Harry is leave the emperor alone. He didn’t agree with those terms until AFTER he incinerated all those defenseless women and children at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
You have made three major errors here.

First, Japan didn't even ask for those terms until after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Second, we never agreed to Japan's request even after they asked for it.

Third, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were vital military targets.

I’m guessing you’ve got dementia because several posters including me, have posted links for you to read. You can read, right?
Links to progressives spewing lies about America are not generally regarded as credible evidence.

No. All they asked for was no harm to the emperor, by July 1945.
That is doubly wrong.

First, what Japan asked was that Hirohito retain unlimited dictatorial power as Japan's living deity.

Second, Japan did not ask this until after both atomic bombs had already been dropped.

Dirty Harry said fuck you, then he nuked thousands of defenseless women and children and then he said okay.
Even more errors here.

The atomic bombs had already been dropped when Japan made their request.

The atomic bombs were dropped on vital military targets.

Mr. Truman never said OK to Japan's request. Our reply was that Hirohito would be subordinate to MacArthur.

What a guy.
Yes. Mr. Truman did the right thing.

Our government does that too. Do you think it’s okay for your children and grandchildren to be massacred because our government murders?
That is incorrect. The US government does not go on genocidal rampages.

Mass murder defenseless innocent women and children to save lives. Not logical.
Wartime strikes against vital military targets are not murder.

For an example of mass murder, look to the peacetime attack against Pearl Harbor.

I’ve told the grunt many times over the years of documented evidence of Japan‘s efforts to surrender long before Dirty Harry committed his terrible crime.
You've done no such thing. There is no such documented evidence. The events in question never happened.

I given you many links. It’s not my fault you can’t read.
Links to progressives spewing lies about America are not generally regarded as credible evidence.
That is incorrect. The atomic bombs were dropped on vital military targets.

And it was Japan's choice to wait until August 10 before offering to surrender. If Japan was a defeated nation, then they should have surrendered earlier.

So you agree that Japan would have put up a bloody resistance to our invasion if the war had progressed to the point where we invaded??

No he didn't. Before August 10, 1945, Japan was refusing to surrender.

I've never heard MacArthur say that Japan wanted to surrender before August 10.

I suspect that MacArthur never said that, and people are lying about what MacArthur said.

There were no such efforts to surrender until after both atomic bombs had already been dropped.

You have made three major errors here.

First, Japan didn't even ask for those terms until after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Second, we never agreed to Japan's request even after they asked for it.

Third, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were vital military targets.

Links to progressives spewing lies about America because they hate freedom are not generally regarded as credible evidence.

That is doubly wrong.

First, what Japan asked was that Hirohito retain unlimited dictatorial power as Japan's living deity.

Second, Japan did not ask this until after both atomic bombs had already been dropped.

Even more errors here.

The atomic bombs had already been dropped when Japan made their request.

The atomic bombs were dropped on vital military targets.

Mr. Truman never said OK to Japan's request. Our reply was that Hirohito would be subordinate to MacArthur.

Yes. Mr. Truman did the right thing.

That is incorrect. The US government does not go on genocidal rampages.

Wartime strikes against vital military targets are not murder.

For an example of mass murder look to the peacetime attack against Pearl Harbor.

You've done no such thing. There is no such documented evidence. The events in question never happened.

Links to progressives spewing lies about America because they hate freedom are not generally regarded as credible evidence.
We could afford to wait three days

But truman had a bigger mission
Then you're ignoring the vast amount of proof provided that there were Japanese overtures to surrender long before Okinawa; overtures that were willfully ignored by roosevelt.
Fake news. No such proof has ever been offered. No such proof exists. No such thing ever happened.

Fake news. Filled with untrue claims.

Fake news. Never happened.

Can you find one quote from one political or military leader of that time indicating that we incinerated hundreds of thousands of civilians as an act of revenge?
I would hope not, since what we really did was bomb vital military targets with the goal of making Japan surrender (which they were refusing to do at the time).

But the bombs had to fall
Because Japan was refusing to surrender.

Deliberately targeting and incinerating hundreds of thousands of civilians is not what America is about.
That's why the atomic bombs were dropped on vital military targets.

Want to try and focus on the discussion, champ? The bloodthirsty fdr had the opportunity to pursue peace via the surrender of Japan before Okinawa ever happened.
Fake news. Never happened.

Japan refused to surrender until August 10, 1945.

Do you have Biden Syndrome, old man? Read the article.
The article lies.

There is even a list of terms offered - a list identical to the terms we eventually accepted after lackey truman carried out the ghoul fdr's last wishes from hell.
Fake news. Never happened.
Yeah sort of very similar to ruthlessly bombing a defenseless nation seeking surrender.
Except, Japan was not defenseless, and was refusing to surrender.

The atomic bombs may have been ruthless, but they were dropped on vital military targets.

1. They were not "defenseless", they attacked us.
2. They were not "seeking surrender", they were "seeking peace on their own terms".
3. Sure, imperial powers are all the same (it is the simple result of evolution) , but we are best of the best.
Obviously all wrong.
No. He is entirely correct.

You know nothing.
His corrects statements indicate otherwise.

Stop posting.
Why should he do that? It is important to set the record straight when progressives lie about America.

In your delusional world, the response to an attack on a military base is mass murdering thousands of defenseless women and children.
I thought Americans were better than this.
The attack on Pearl Harbor came in peacetime. That was the only mass murder here.

Wartime strikes on vital military targets like Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not murder.

It’s funny how Americans are so judgmental of other nations, but are completely unaware of the many heinous acts committed by their government. WTF!
That's because the US government doesn't actually commit said heinous acts.
Bullcrap. It is an ethnic slur. It was understood to be an ethnic slur in the 1940s, and it is understood to be an ethnic slur today. Undertaking the grueling task of typing 5 more letters will probably not give you a stroke.

At least have the sack to be honest about what you're doing. This playing coy nonsense is weak.
Fake news. Filled with untrue claims.
When it comes to 'what-ifing', the fundamental one is what if planners finally realized that there was no necessity of invading Japan, which was by then nothing but a besieged bastion with no means of supporting itself at any level.
The Imperial Army in Manchuria? Just send over a few thousand T54s and M 48s and run over it.
Nothing like hundreds of thousands had to die unless the Japanese chose it. Then it would all have been up to them. The Emperor would probably have died along with maybe millions of civilians and military, if only from starvation. That, at least, would have put the onus for the deaths of so many on the Japanese themselves, and would have absolved the U.S. of accusations of excessive use of power and racism. It would also have cleared the way for an egalitarian democracy, as in 1776.
If Japan had kept refusing to surrender, we were going to invade. We were not going to sit around for years waiting for them to hypothetically surrender from starvation.

So if that is your "what if", what would have happened is we would have gone ahead with the invasion anyway.

If you mean "what if they were going to surrender immediately after the Soviets declared war and we knew it", if that was true then maybe we would have avoided dropping the atomic bombs on Japan.

Then, when the Cuban Missile Crisis came around without the example of Hiroshima to restrain the US and USSR from nuclear war, the human race would have been wiped out (or at least set back to a stone age level of existence).

So it's a good thing that we nuked Hiroshima when we did.
Fake news. No such proof has ever been offered. No such proof exists. No such thing ever happened.

Fake news. Filled with untrue claims.

Fake news. Never happened.

I would hope not, since what we really did was bomb vital military targets with the goal of making Japan surrender (which they were refusing to do at the time).

Because Japan was refusing to surrender.

That's why the atomic bombs were dropped on vital military targets.

Fake news. Never happened.

Japan refused to surrender until August 10, 1945.

The article lies.

Fake news. Never happened.
Fake news I dont care
If Japan had kept refusing to surrender, we were going to invade. We were not going to sit around for years waiting for them to hypothetically surrender from starvation.

So if that is your "what if", what would have happened is we would have gone ahead with the invasion anyway.

If you mean "what if they were going to surrender immediately after the Soviets declared war and we knew it", if that was true then maybe we would have avoided dropping the atomic bombs on Japan.

Then, when the Cuban Missile Crisis came around without the example of Hiroshima to restrain the US and USSR from nuclear war, the human race would have been wiped out (or at least set back to a stone age level of existence).

So it's a good thing that we nuked Hiroshima when we did.
That is freaking hilarious. LOL
If Japan had kept refusing to surrender, we were going to invade.
I can tell you for a fact they were planning to invade Japan as my dad was a BAR man in Germany and got called back early with all the BAR men to prepare for the invasion.

They weren't fucking around. The Japanese had given them no indication that they intended to surrender. In fact, they had given them every indication that they did not intend to surrender.
I can tell you for a fact they were planning to invade Japan as my dad was a BAR man in Germany and got called back early with all the BAR men to prepare for the invasion.

They weren't fucking around. The Japanese had given them no indication that they intended to surrender. In fact, they had given them every indication that they did not intend to surrender.
Yet they did. Hours after the russian invasion
Yet they did. Hours after the russian invasion
Japanese Navy Admiral: The US has destroyed our navy.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Air Force General: The US has destroyed our air force.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Navy Admiral: The US has control of the seas surrounding Japan.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Air Force General: The US has control of the air over Japan.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Army General: The US has just unleashed a new technology - a nuclear bomb - that completely wiped out Hiroshima

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Army General: The US just dropped another nuclear bomb on Nagasaki which wiped Nagasaki off of the face of the earth.

Emperor: No problem

Japanese Army General: The Russians just announced they are sending their navy which is just a dinghy to invade Japan.

Emperor: The Russians are coming! Holy shit balls! Really! The Russians! Holy Fuck we better surrender.

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