The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Already defeated
But your argument is that Japan surrender unconditionally because of a 1 day Russian invasion far away from the main island, right?

You even said the generals said Japan surrendered because of the Russians.

I just busted you on both of these lies.
I’ve told the grunt many times over the years of documented evidence of Japan‘s efforts to surrender long before Dirty Harry committed his terrible crime. Unfortunately he stopped learning after fourth grade. So, nothing new gets in.
LOL no you have not there is NOT a single link in this thread to a japanese offer to negotiate except the Soviet attempt and that was a ceasefire which we would never agree too.
But your argument is that Japan surrender unconditionally because of a 1 day Russian invasion far away from the main island, right?

You even said the generals said Japan surrendered because of the Russians.

I just busted you on both of these lies.
No. I said generals and admirals said the war was over and the bomb was not necessary

I OWN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
LOL no you have not there is NOT a single link in this thread to a japanese offer to negotiate except the Soviet attempt and that was a ceasefire which we would never agree too.
I given you many links. It’s not my fault you can’t read.
No. I said generals and admirals said the war was over and the bomb was not necessary

I OWN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
You said the Generals said Japan surrendered because of Russia, dummy.

Let me tell you why Japan surrendered because you are either intellectually incapable of understanding this, dishonest or both.

Japan surrendered because the USA (not Russia) destroyed their navy. Held air and sea superiority over their island and just dropped two bad ass bombs that wiped out two cities. Never in the history of warfare has an enemy been as utterly and completely defeated than what America had done to Japan.

Your talk of Japan surrendering because Russia entered the war is idiotic and without merit. Now do you understand?
You said the Generals said Japan surrendered because of Russia, dummy.

Let me tell you why Japan surrendered because you are either intellectually incapable of understanding this, dishonest or both.

Japan surrendered because the USA (not Russia) destroyed their navy. Held air and sea superiority over their island and just dropped two bad ass bombs that wiped out two cities. Never in the history of warfare has an enemy been as utterly and completely defeated than what America had done to Japan.

Your talk of Japan surrendering because Russia entered the war is idiotic and without merit. Now do you understand?
You said the Generals said Japan surrendered because of Russia, dummy.

Let me tell you why Japan surrendered because you are either intellectually incapable of understanding this, dishonest or both.

Japan surrendered because the USA (not Russia) destroyed their navy. Held air and sea superiority over their island and just dropped two bad ass bombs that wiped out two cities. Never in the history of warfare has an enemy been as utterly and completely defeated than what America had done to Japan.

Your talk of Japan surrendering because Russia entered the war is idiotic and without merit. Now do you understand?
It's cute you have an opinion

So does this guy

The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment ... It was a mistake to ever drop it ... [the scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it.

— Fleet Admiral William Halsey Jr., 1946, [103]

You are owned!!!!!!

It's cute you have an opinion

So does this guy

The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment ... It was a mistake to ever drop it ... [the scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it.

— Fleet Admiral William Halsey Jr., 1946, [103]

You are owned!!!!!!

I still can't get over you believing Japan made an unconditional surrender because the Russians joined the war.

I mean seriously, you would think the US kicking Japan's ass in a 4 year war, destroying their navy, owning the air over Japan and dropping two nukes that wiped out two cities would have made more of an impression.

But according to you it was the Russians are coming that made Japan shit their pants.

Doesn't this sound really stupid even to you?
I still can't get over you believing Japan made an unconditional surrender because the Russians joined the war.

I mean seriously, you would think the US kicking Japan's ass in a 4 year war, destroying their navy, owning the air over Japan and dropping two nukes would have made more of an impression.

But according to you it was the Russians are coming that made Japan shit their pants.

Doesn't this sound really stupid even to you?
So what is your life like in north korea?
So what is your life like in north korea?
All I can say is that I will forever be using this in our future discussions. Something like...

Aren't you the dude that believed that after 4 years of war with US and the US destroying the Japanese navy, controlling the seas around Japan with their navy and controlling the air over Japan with their carriers and dropping not one nuke but two nukes which completely destroyed two cities, Japan surrendered unconditionally because Russia joined the war?

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All I can say is that I will forever be using this in our future discussions. Something like...

Aren't you the dude that believed that after 4 years of war with US and the US destroying the Japanese navy, controlling the seas around Japan with their aircraft carriers and controlling the air over Japan with their carriers and dropping not one nuke but two nukes which completely destroyed two cities, Japan surrendered unconditionally because Russia joined the war?

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Is it cold now in north korea?

Are we not talking about where we live anymore?
Is it cold now in north korea?

Are we not talking about where we live anymore?
You would think the US kicking Japan's ass in a 4 year war, destroying their navy, owning the air over Japan and dropping two nukes that wiped out two cities would have made more of an impression.

But according to you it was the Russians are coming that made Japan shit their pants.

You would think the US kicking Japan's ass in a 4 year war, destroying their navy, owning the air over Japan and dropping two nukes that wiped out two cities would have made more of an impression.

But according to you it was the Russians are coming that made Japan shit their pants.
So you dont want to talk about where we live?

You brought it up
I'm sorry I can't hear this over my laughing at your silly belief that Japan surrendered because Russia entered the war.
The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment ... It was a mistake to ever drop it ... [the scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it.

— Fleet Admiral William Halsey Jr., 1946, [103]
The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment ... It was a mistake to ever drop it ... [the scientists] had this toy and they wanted to try it out, so they dropped it.

— Fleet Admiral William Halsey Jr., 1946, [103]
Sorry but I still can't hear you over my laughing at your silly belief that Japan surrendered because Russia entered the war.

The USA (not Russia) destroyed their navy during a 4 year war.
The USA (not Russia) held air and sea superiority over their island and had Japan surrounded.
The USA (not Russia) just dropped two bad ass bombs that wiped out two cities.

Japan surrendered because the USA defeated them and nuking two cities was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Sorry but I still can't hear you over my laughing at your silly belief that Japan surrendered because Russia entered the war.

The USA (not Russia) destroyed their navy.
The USA (not Russia) held air and sea superiority over their island and had Japan surrounded.
The USA (not Russia) just dropped two bad ass bombs that wiped out two cities.

Japan surrendered because the USA defeated them and nuking two cities was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Sorry but I still can't hear you over my laughing at your silly belief that Japan surrendered because Russia entered the war.

The USA (not Russia) destroyed their navy during a 4 year war.
The USA (not Russia) held air and sea superiority over their island and had Japan surrounded.
The USA (not Russia) just dropped two bad ass bombs that wiped out two cities.

Japan surrendered because the USA defeated them and nuking two cities was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Historian Tsuyoshi Hasegawa wrote the atomic bombings themselves were not the principal reason for Japan's capitulation.[105] Instead, he contends, it was the Soviet entry in the war on 8 August, allowed by the Potsdam Declaration signed by the other Allies. The fact the Soviet Union did not sign this declaration gave Japan reason to believe the Soviets could be kept out of the war.[106] As late as 25 July, the day before the declaration was issued, Japan had asked for a diplomatic envoy led by Konoe to come to Moscow hoping to mediate peace in the Pacific.[107] Konoe was supposed to bring a letter from the Emperor stating:

His Majesty the Emperor, mindful of the fact that the present war daily brings greater evil and sacrifice of the peoples of all the belligerent powers, desires from his heart that it may be quickly terminated. But as long as England and the United States insist upon unconditional surrender the Japanese Empire has no alternative to fight on with all its strength for the honour and existence of the Motherland ... It is the Emperor's private intention to send Prince Konoe to Moscow as a Special Envoy ...[108]

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