The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Did you or did you not advocate repeatedly we should have settled with Japan short of total defeat? A simple yes or no will do and dont forget we have your posts to refer too.
What the hell does that have to do with forgiving atrocities? How many members of the imperial family were tried for war crimes?

My god you lie
Yeah you are a liar. We tried no members of the imperial family for war crimes and I said we should have just done what we actually did....just upfront

You are a total and complete liar
The Imperial Family were puppets and stooges of the ruling military junta/click. That is one of the major lessons of the history connected to World War Two in the Pacific.

If you had a real education and understood such, you'd know that.
The Imperial Family were puppets and stooges of the ruling military junta/click. That is one of the major lessons of the history connected to World War Two in the Pacific.

If you had a real education and understood such, you'd know that.
Do you hate all Japanese people?
Had Japan not surrendered, those production rates would have continued. Note that it's a slow incremental increase over the span of the next few months. The USA did not have a huge stockpile to bomb several Japanese cities with in August, or even September of 1945.*
If they had not played it safe and built Little Boy just in case implosion did not work, they could have made four implosion cores from Little Boy's uranium. That would have given us a total of six atomic bombs by the end of August.

Seven more bombs over the course of September and October and then five more bombs in November would have given us another twelve atomic bombs.

Note also that only a handful of Japanese cities were spared from the massive fire-bombing campaign targeting so that real effects of use of nuclear bombs could be measured.
Kokura Arsenal and Niigata were still on the official atomic target list.

I personally think Yokosuka Arsenal could have used a good atomic bombing as well. That would have given the Emperor a nice view of a live mushroom cloud.

Ideally Truman would have overruled Stimson and had Kyoto on the atomic target list.

And ideally they would have kept Yokohama on the atomic target list so that it would never have been conventionally bombed. That as well would have given the Emperor a nice view of a live mushroom cloud.
If they had not played it safe and built Little Boy just in case implosion did not work, they could have made four implosion cores from Little Boy's uranium. That would have given us a total of six atomic bombs by the end of August.

Seven more bombs over the course of September and October and then five more bombs in November would have given us another twelve atomic bombs.

Kokura Arsenal and Niigata were still on the official atomic target list.

I personally think Yokosuka Arsenal could have used a good atomic bombing as well. That would have given the Emperor a nice view of a live mushroom cloud.

Ideally Truman would have overruled Stimson and had Kyoto on the atomic target list.

And ideally they would have kept Yokohama on the atomic target list so that it would never have been conventionally bombed. That as well would have given the Emperor a nice view of a live mushroom cloud.
You wish they dropped all seven
How many members of the imperial family were tried for war crimes?

None, because as is typical in Japan, the Imperial Family had little to no actual power.

Prince Yashuhito (younger brother of Emperor Showa) was diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1940, and spent most of the war in Japan. Prince Nobuhito (third son) was part of the Naval Staff in Tokyo during the war. The youngest brother was Prince Takahito (youngest son) served in China early on, but was also known as being strongly against the excesses of the Japanese Army, and spent much of the war trying to end the brutalities of the Occupation.

So please tell us, exactly who in the Imperial Family should have been tried?

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