The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

No you are just lying now. Nuclear bombs can end every war

You are arguing they should be dropped on the first day of battle
Nuclear bombs might, or might not end any~every war.
Too many variables to gauge here.

Nor should such be used/dropped on "first day of battle" given the extreme range of devastation and radiation effects they could produce, among others. However, this can vary with the type of nuclear device/bomb/weapon used, and the time and place of use.

Let's consider a current example; the "Islamic War of Jihad Against Infidels~non-Islamic Fundamentalists".

It's possible that the use of a singular bomb/device dropped upon Mecca/Kaaba might invalidate the Koran and foundation of Islamic Jihad and hence "Win the War". Then again, it might strengthen resolve and energy of the Jihadists and enlarge~prolong the War.

Whom can say from our current perspective how such might play out ??? !!!

What are the variables and percentages of such a strategy of use ???

Will such be worth the chance or not ???

Then again, there is the matter of tailored nuclear device usage.
Some can be designed, built, used to say enhance the EMP* effect while making minamimunal of destructive and radioactive effects, hence giving the employer a regional to strategic advantage.

*EMP = Electro-Magnetic Pulse Event/Effect.
That is absolutely disgusting that you would kill every man woman and child to get an UNCONDITIONAL surrender
Only fractionally disgusting compared to your endorsement of Japan's pillaging and raping of several nations and millions of people during the 1930's to mid 1940's in their "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" of war starting and destruction.

Only fractionally disgusting compared to your support of Evil, Destruction and Death as engaged in by Japan and other Axis Powers during World War Two. !!!

Why do you Loonie Leftist~Socialist~Communist supporters always support and allow death, destruction , and misery from the Evil tyrannies of humanity but oppose the efforts of others to end such. ???

Persons such as you are the real disgusting dregs of humanity hardly worth the waste of human skin you embody!!!
Only fractionally disgusting compared to your endorsement of Japan's pillaging and raping of several nations and millions of people during the 1930's to mid 1940's in their "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" of war starting and destruction.

Only fractionally disgusting compared to your support of Evil, Destruction and Death as engaged in by Japan and other Axis Powers during World War Two. !!!

Why do you Loonie Leftist~Socialist~Communist supporters always support and allow death, destruction , and misery from the Evil tyrannies of humanity but oppose the efforts of others to end such. ???

Persons such as you are the real disgusting dregs of humanity hardly worth the waste of human skin you embody!!!
Well since you are lying because I never said any of that I can easily dismiss you and accept your concession
You may not have said such "explicitly", but such is strongly implied by your responses and stances.

Try not lying and engaging CYA!

You clearly are a supporter of Evil and inhumanity towards fellow humans!
Well when you strongly implied that you wished we wiped the japanese off the planet naturally I found that genocide disgusting
Well when you strongly implied that you wished we wiped the japanese off the planet naturally I found that genocide disgusting
Except I did not imply that and if you had scientific knowledge on scale you think you do, you'd know that one or two atomic bombs of 1945 tech level could not destroy all of the Japanese on the planet.

Also, if you had a clue on my scale of strategic knowledge and applications you'd know that only the limited number of militant leadership of Japan in the 1940's needed to be affected and changed.

However, since you are grossly ignorant of history, science, and knowledge in general, your incompetence and ignorance (stupidity) is completely understandable !!!
Except I did not imply that and if you had scientific knowledge on scale you think you do, you'd know that one or two atomic bombs of 1945 tech level could not destroy all of the Japanese on the planet.

Also, if you had a clue on my scale of strategic knowledge and applications you'd know that only the limited number of militant leadership of Japan in the 1940's needed to be affected and changed.

However, since you are grossly ignorant of history, science, and knowledge in general, your incompetence and ignorance (stupidity) is completely understandable !!!
Well you get to say what I imply then I get to say what you imply. See how that works?

Do you still hate the japanese?

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