The Numbers are in: Breakthrough Covid Hospitalizations and Deaths by State


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2021

Breakthroughs make up a minuscule amount of the total hospitalizations in each state. Conversely, look at the rate of hospitalization per 100k people for the unvaccinated. The vast majority of deaths from the vaccinated are literally in the low single digits per 100k ppl, while it's 44x higher on average for unvaccinated. Texas in particular is 85x higher in deaths per 100k. Florida is probably over 100x higher and beyond, but their state wasn't been included in the study. Guys, the vaccine is working. This is a pandemic of the stupid.

Breakthroughs make up a minuscule amount of the total hospitalizations in each state. Conversely, look at the rate of hospitalization per 100k people for the unvaccinated. The vast majority of deaths from the vaccinated are literally in the low single digits per 100k ppl, while it's 44x higher on average for unvaccinated. Texas in particular is 85x higher in deaths per 100k. Florida is probably over 100x higher and beyond, but their state wasn't been included in the study. Guys, the vaccine is working. This is a pandemic of the stupid.

You can't believe a word that is printed in the NYT, that is, if they even allowed you to read it without blocking you with a paywall! :21:
You can't believe a word that is printed in the NYT, that is, if they even allowed you to read it without blocking you with a paywall! :21:

If you're blocked that means you're on there reading too much of their articles. Try a different browser or delete all your nytimes cookies. As for the story, it is what it is. Facts are facts whether you like them or not.
If you're blocked that means you're on there reading too much of their articles.
Not likely.

Try a different browser or delete all your nytimes cookies. As for the story, it is what it is. Facts are facts whether you like them or not.
No one goes to the NYT for facts but an itinerant idiot. I can't read the article because they put up a paywall because I use an ad and cookie blocker.
Not likely.

No one goes to the NYT for facts but an itinerant idiot. I can't read the article because they put up a paywall because I use an ad and cookie blocker.

I also have an ad blocker, but i can read them fine, because i'm rarely on that site and I haven't used up my allowed number of articles with them which is just a handful. Just accept the facts.
I also have an ad blocker, but i can read them fine, because i'm rarely on that site and I haven't used up my allowed number of articles with them which is just a handful. Just accept the facts.

Accept WHAT facts? YOUR version of them?

I NEVER go to the NYT unless some idiot here links me to them for one of their supposed "proofs." And even then, I'm only there for a second anyway. And my ad-blocker is linked to my Browser, Firefox 78 running on El Capitan.

I wouldn't use the NYT as a media source for the cartoons much less anything important.
Accept WHAT facts? YOUR version of them?

I NEVER go to the NYT unless some idiot here links me to them for one of their supposed "proofs." And even then, I'm only there for a second anyway. And my ad-blocker is linked to my Browser, Firefox 78 running on El Capitan.

I wouldn't use the NYT as a media source for the cartoons much less anything important.

I have no facts of my own. I'm not my own expert like so many antivaxxers. These numbers are posted from individual hospitals. The facts are from them.

I guess stick with your random internet blogs and facebook memes to get all your covid information. What can I say?
I have no facts of my own. I'm not my own expert like so many antivaxxers. These numbers are posted from individual hospitals. The facts are from them.

I guess stick with your random internet blogs and facebook memes to get all your covid information. What can I say?

How about getting ALL data from ALL available sources then making your decision from there. One thing the data shows is that even for the most susceptible age brackets, you are still 5-8 times more likely of dying of something OTHER than Covid-19.

Most everyone has probably been exposed to Covid-19 to some degree by now and millions have developed illness symptoms from it, but even now, the average chance of DYING from it are 1:523.

That means that despite all the parsing of the dangers, only 1/523rd of the US population has actually died from it, and with the vaccine in so many people now, the next year's odds are likely to drop to more like 1:1500 to 1:5000.
Here is what the unvaccinated is costing the American healthcare industry.

Unvaccinated Americans who were hospitalized with COVID-19 cost the U.S. health care system $2.3 billion in June and July, according to a new report from The Peterson Center on Healthcare and the Kaiser Family Foundation — and that’s “likely an understatement,” the researchers wrote.

The report analyzed CDC data, finding there were 37,000 preventable COVID hospitalizations in June and another 76,000 in July among unvaccinated adults in the U.S.
If you're blocked that means you're on there reading too much of their articles. Try a different browser or delete all your nytimes cookies. As for the story, it is what it is. Facts are facts whether you like them or not.
you are aware NYT admitted in court documents they dont fact check their stories???
How about getting ALL data from ALL available sources then making your decision from there. One thing the data shows is that even for the most susceptible age brackets, you are still 5-8 times more likely of dying of something OTHER than Covid-19.

Most everyone has probably been exposed to Covid-19 to some degree by now and millions have developed illness symptoms from it, but even now, the average chance of DYING from it are 1:523.

That means that despite all the parsing of the dangers, only 1/523rd of the US population has actually died from it, and with the vaccine in so many people now, the next year's odds are likely to drop to more like 1:1500 to 1:5000.

So you haven't seen all the previous stories before this that have been saying the same thing? This article is just the latest supporting every previous claim, but what it does that none of the other stories came close to was that it actually broke it down state by state, so you know precisely how each state is fairing and what their numbers show. This is the most detailed information we've gotten so far on precisely how many vaccinated and unvaccinated are being hospitalized and dying and their relation to each other in each state .
Here is what the unvaccinated is costing the American healthcare industry.

Unvaccinated Americans who were hospitalized with COVID-19 cost the U.S. health care system $2.3 billion in June and July, according to a new report from The Peterson Center on Healthcare and the Kaiser Family Foundation — and that’s “likely an understatement,” the researchers wrote.

The report analyzed CDC data, finding there were 37,000 preventable COVID hospitalizations in June and another 76,000 in July among unvaccinated adults in the U.S.

Good god, 2.3 billion caring for antivax idiots. Who needs china or russia, we're our own worse enemy.
So you haven't seen all the previous stories before this that have been saying the same thing? This article is just the latest supporting every previous claim, but what it does that none of the other stories came close to was that it actually broke it down state by state, so you know precisely how each state is fairing and what their numbers show. This is the most detailed information we've gotten so far on precisely how many vaccinated and unvaccinated are being hospitalized and dying and their relation to each other in each state .

Who cares. 90-95% of the people I meet look, dress and act as perfectly normal people and I treat them that way. We meet and do our thing with no questions asked and none the worse have been any of us. It has been February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, and now almost September again. Living in fear of the dreaded monster that would get us all. I for one don't believe in the Boogeyman. Imagine that, people actually meeting, interacting with, and living not in fear. :smoke:

“It’s quite clear that we have more breakthroughs now,” said Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco. “We all know someone who has had one. But we don’t have great clinical data”

But of course you don't have great clinical data because you rushed a drug through in 4 months when it should have gone through the normal 8-12 years of clinical trials.
Who cares. 90-95% of the people I meet look, dress and act as perfectly normal people and I treat them that way. We meet and do our thing with no questions asked and none the worse have been any of us. It has been February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, and now almost September again. Living in fear of the dreaded monster that would get us all. I for one don't believe in the Boogeyman. Imagine that, people actually meeting, interacting with, and living not in fear. :smoke:

What does any of this have to do with the topic of the vaccines doing their job as indicated in all 40 states?
Hey OP, NYT has a paywall but, who cares? There's no journalism there anyway.
What does any of this have to do with the topic of the vaccines doing their job as indicated in all 40 states?

It means that some of us are actually out there leading quite normal lives and not sitting around shriveling in fear not reading columns of numbers in a newspaper that puts up a paywall and doesn't even let you read it in the first place.
It means that some of us are actually out there leading quite normal lives and not sitting around shriveling in fear not reading columns of numbers in a newspaper that puts up a paywall and doesn't even let you read it in the first place.

Translation. I can't dispute the facts so it's time to deflect from the topic.

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