The NY Times says Irma was a little puppy to cuddle, with no storm surge

The Monster Surge That Wasn’t: Why Irma Caused Less Flooding Than Expected

Again this was a glorified thunderstorm

If Key West was a national park instead of a national disgrace the beaches would actually be cleaner than ever

I think Jacksonville would disagree with those Northeast fucks.
Jacksonville got a cat-1 storm

And the St Johns river flooded over 8 feet.

The Monster Surge That Wasn’t: Why Irma Caused Less Flooding Than Expected

Again this was a glorified thunderstorm

If Key West was a national park instead of a national disgrace the beaches would actually be cleaner than ever

Any Chance of you actually reading your own articel before blasting it...

This is happening now multiple times a day now...

RWNJ posts some headline that doesn't reflect the actual acticle, then other RWNJ reafirm his actions and then complain about the said article...

All the time the arctile didn't imply what he was saying...

This is the start of the Article:
Across coastal Florida, the dreaded storm surge from Hurricane Irma — caused when ferocious winds pile up ocean water and push it onshore — was not as bad as forecast. While some areas were hard hit, notably the Florida Keys and Marco Island, residents of neighborhoods north to Fort Myers, Sarasota and Tampa Bay were expressing relief.

That bit of good fortune was the product of some meteorological luck.

Because a hurricane’s winds blow counterclockwise, the precise path of the storm matters greatly for determining storm surge. Had Irma lingered far enough off Florida’s Gulf Coast, its eastern wall, where the strongest winds occur, could have shoved six to nine feet of water into parts of Fort Myers and Naples, while swamping Tampa Bay and St. Petersburg as well......

It goes on from there to explain why the perdiction was wrong and how it could have been easily a lot worse and it was a bit of luck (which is explained ) to why not... There is a bit of science in there which probably scared a few RWNJs...

So summmerise, the OP tried to politize this storm and the coverage of it, thus trying to take advantage of others tradegy... Well Done.
Well bassman has a point....stay away from the coast, rivers, and tornado alley when building a home
That's funny.

I say rebuild. Jobs, jobs, jobs.

I'm happy for Florida residence who could have been hit by a raging surge or wall of water.

"Glorified Thunderstorm". Hahahaha.
Ever since 1979, when the New York Times got the hell beat out of them by the National Enquirer, the NYT has been showing itself to be America's idiot newspaper, heavily biased to the left, and and printing all the "news" that is ridiculous to print.

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