The Obama Killers


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Yup, he IS importing them coming to take a freedom from you soon. Democrats like to play with numbers so lets view the REAL numbers and what they COULD mean.

"OBAMA REGIME COVER UP: 113 more Muslim immigrants to the US have been implicated in terrorist plots against the U.S. just since 2014."

So one hundred and thirteen of those dickheads in a little more then a year. We JUST started this one okay liberals? So REAL numbers as promised. That's TEN TIMES more then was used for the attack in France. That's ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE TIMES more then was needed for the attack in Canada.

But wait there's MORE!! As a bonus you get...

"Following the discovery of a Muslim terrorist cell in Texas operated by an Iraqi who entered the U.S. as a refugee, it has been revealed that an additional 41 individuals who have been implicated in terrorist plots in the U.S. since 2014, bringing the total number of Muslim terrorists discovered in that time to 113."

So out of the 113 you have FORTY ONE that have ALREADY been arrested for terrorist plotting. So back to the numbers eh?
Why that is damn near half of all muslims imported and VETTED are terrorists. It looks like "vetting" has some REAL problems. The vetting numbers are fast approaching Obamacare numbers for failure. So just where is El Presidenta getting all these murdering raping islamic buddies of his? Well, lets start here...

Half those countries have fewer flush toilets per person then where Guno lives. But Iman Obama needs youth because they are the MORE radical, so where to get them? Well how about here?


ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND PLUS radicals FOR Obama. And it took less then a DOZEN to stop France in its tracks. Of course now Iman Obama has to feed and shelter HIS islamic army. NO problem when you have an UN-ENDING supply of taxpayer money.


91% on food stamps and 68% get CASH. Can ANYBODY name a "faith" that has MORE then 91% on food stamps? Now the "Cloward/Piven" movement DEPENDS on the welfare state to crumble under its own weight. Hillary did her college final on on with Alinsky's help.

The KEY is to put more people on welfare then the system can handle. For this you need to do two things. 1, KILL jobs at home. Can you say pipeline? I KNEW you could. 2, RAISE the number of ignorant imported INTO your country kind of like this...

Just basically import them from every sh8thole in the world. Now you got your little jihadist dickheads all gathered up and you NEED to sneak them into the country. So you contract out to United Parcel Service to convert their planes for people and sneak the dickheads in under the guise of packages.

Bet you Gunocrats hate it when the governments OWN paperwork backs what I write. I myself WOULD accept TEN MILLION islamics INTO America TOMORROW in URNS wearing their best ashes.

But then, I'm a nice guy.
I was going to, but you did the guno thing..which is off topic of the point you were making.
Yup, he IS importing them coming to take a freedom from you soon. Democrats like to play with numbers so lets view the REAL numbers and what they COULD mean.

"OBAMA REGIME COVER UP: 113 more Muslim immigrants to the US have been implicated in terrorist plots against the U.S. just since 2014."

So one hundred and thirteen of those dickheads in a little more then a year. We JUST started this one okay liberals? So REAL numbers as promised. That's TEN TIMES more then was used for the attack in France. That's ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE TIMES more then was needed for the attack in Canada.

But wait there's MORE!! As a bonus you get...

"Following the discovery of a Muslim terrorist cell in Texas operated by an Iraqi who entered the U.S. as a refugee, it has been revealed that an additional 41 individuals who have been implicated in terrorist plots in the U.S. since 2014, bringing the total number of Muslim terrorists discovered in that time to 113."

So out of the 113 you have FORTY ONE that have ALREADY been arrested for terrorist plotting. So back to the numbers eh?
Why that is damn near half of all muslims imported and VETTED are terrorists. It looks like "vetting" has some REAL problems. The vetting numbers are fast approaching Obamacare numbers for failure. So just where is El Presidenta getting all these murdering raping islamic buddies of his? Well, lets start here...

Half those countries have fewer flush toilets per person then where Guno lives. But Iman Obama needs youth because they are the MORE radical, so where to get them? Well how about here?


ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND PLUS radicals FOR Obama. And it took less then a DOZEN to stop France in its tracks. Of course now Iman Obama has to feed and shelter HIS islamic army. NO problem when you have an UN-ENDING supply of taxpayer money.


91% on food stamps and 68% get CASH. Can ANYBODY name a "faith" that has MORE then 91% on food stamps? Now the "Cloward/Piven" movement DEPENDS on the welfare state to crumble under its own weight. Hillary did her college final on on with Alinsky's help.

The KEY is to put more people on welfare then the system can handle. For this you need to do two things. 1, KILL jobs at home. Can you say pipeline? I KNEW you could. 2, RAISE the number of ignorant imported INTO your country kind of like this...

Just basically import them from every sh8thole in the world. Now you got your little jihadist dickheads all gathered up and you NEED to sneak them into the country. So you contract out to United Parcel Service to convert their planes for people and sneak the dickheads in under the guise of packages.

Bet you Gunocrats hate it when the governments OWN paperwork backs what I write. I myself WOULD accept TEN MILLION islamics INTO America TOMORROW in URNS wearing their best ashes.

But then, I'm a nice guy.

The post itself stands as informative. Bringing "slang" into it has nothing to do with the message. Hence, no tweeting it.
“The omnibus gave the green light for the administration to continue this failed immigration policy over the objections of the electorate,” the senior Congressional source quoted above said.
I know and work with Muslims, but they hail from Albania and other parts of Eastern Europe. Unless you were familiar with bits of their recent history, you would not know them as Muslims if you met them on the streets, even the women. They have assimilated quite well into our culture and country. I have never heard any of them express criticism of other muslims, though. I view the ME muslims as being a primary source of the evil we are experiencing currently. Sorry, if you consider yourself a so-called "moderate" muslim, you need to open your f-in pie hole and start speaking up against those you are perverting your "peaceful religion".
I tweeted the vid of the USPS plane unloading passengers in the wee hours. First I ever heard of it, myself.

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