The Obama Killers

So I've been thinking about this & trying to learn more about it. We have unknown numbers of these extremist Muslims living in our communities, planning our destruction, just waiting for the opportunity to put those plans into action. Right? Somewhere I read (sorry I don't remember where I had found it) they are trying to get the US (possibly other countries as well) to fight them in some Middle Eastern city important to their belief in some Holy War. Yes?
If this is true, then I'm really reluctant about just who should be in the Oval Office. Dems are too complacent to fight back for whatever reasons, and pretty much stand by while the 'plants' here continue their terrorist activities right under our noses.
On the other hand, if Trump is in charge, I have no doubt he would round up the immigrants here and send them packing and blow them all up over there that would then put us right in the middle of WWIII. He would then be way over his head & realize he bit off more than he could chew.
We're damned if we do & damned if we don't. And I really hate being in that position. If this is true, if any of this is true, what the hell can we do to protect our families?
So I've been thinking about this & trying to learn more about it. We have unknown numbers of these extremist Muslims living in our communities, planning our destruction, just waiting for the opportunity to put those plans into action. Right? Somewhere I read (sorry I don't remember where I had found it) they are trying to get the US (possibly other countries as well) to fight them in some Middle Eastern city important to their belief in some Holy War. Yes?
If this is true, then I'm really reluctant about just who should be in the Oval Office. Dems are too complacent to fight back for whatever reasons, and pretty much stand by while the 'plants' here continue their terrorist activities right under our noses.
On the other hand, if Trump is in charge, I have no doubt he would round up the immigrants here and send them packing and blow them all up over there that would then put us right in the middle of WWIII. He would then be way over his head & realize he bit off more than he could chew.
We're damned if we do & damned if we don't. And I really hate being in that position. If this is true, if any of this is true, what the hell can we do to protect our families?
WW3 is going to happen like it or not. Were we ready for WW2? No but we got ready in a hurry. England was not ready for WW2 until the rise of Churchill.

In truth we are less ready now then we were then. I disagree on Trump I feel he has the balls to do what needs done and the brains to get and equip the right people.

When you get into a fight and the other guy says its a holy war then its a holy war and make no mistake this IS a holy war. We HAVE been fighting this holy war with an islamic leader and people question why we are losing.

Because our leader IS islamic. Islam went full out AFTER they placed an islamic in the oval office and their back up Hillary is a sell out. There is more then enough islamic money in the Clinton Foundation to PROVE it.

So I've been thinking about this & trying to learn more about it. We have unknown numbers of these extremist Muslims living in our communities, planning our destruction, just waiting for the opportunity to put those plans into action. Right? Somewhere I read (sorry I don't remember where I had found it) they are trying to get the US (possibly other countries as well) to fight them in some Middle Eastern city important to their belief in some Holy War. Yes?
If this is true, then I'm really reluctant about just who should be in the Oval Office. Dems are too complacent to fight back for whatever reasons, and pretty much stand by while the 'plants' here continue their terrorist activities right under our noses.
On the other hand, if Trump is in charge, I have no doubt he would round up the immigrants here and send them packing and blow them all up over there that would then put us right in the middle of WWIII. He would then be way over his head & realize he bit off more than he could chew.
We're damned if we do & damned if we don't. And I really hate being in that position. If this is true, if any of this is true, what the hell can we do to protect our families?
WW3 is going to happen like it or not. Were we ready for WW2? No but we got ready in a hurry. England was not ready for WW2 until the rise of Churchill.

In truth we are less ready now then we were then. I disagree on Trump I feel he has the balls to do what needs done and the brains to get and equip the right people.

When you get into a fight and the other guy says its a holy war then its a holy war and make no mistake this IS a holy war. We HAVE been fighting this holy war with an islamic leader and people question why we are losing.

Because our leader IS islamic. Islam went full out AFTER they placed an islamic in the oval office and their back up Hillary is a sell out. There is more then enough islamic money in the Clinton Foundation to PROVE it.

No one is ever ready for war. I agree that we are even less ready and probably more of a sitting duck. There is little to no patriotism left in the mass population. The youngins are too busy playing with their toys & wallowing in their selfish narcissitic ME-ness. I really fear for this country should an all-out war come to our door.
Yes I agree Trump has the balls & brains to get us started. I'm just not so sure he's prepared for the long haul. He's well known for being a great starter, and can run with it as long as he's moving forward and unchallenged, but tends to lack in finishing what he started. As long as he sees himself in control, he's fine, but as president he will have to answer to others &/or 'get permissions' to move forward and THAT is not to his liking and very well could be his undoing. Like a child, successfully gaining the presidency is his new toy and for now he's all gung-ho with his popularity. But as soon as too many limits are imposed on him and he's loosing ground, he'll be in search of a new and better toy.
One possible example of this would be if Biden stepped up to the plate. Trump knows he'd have some serious competition and the greatest chance of loosing the race. Why? Not necessarily for Biden's experience, political leanings or his stand on current issues, although they would contribute. Biden would win the sympathy vote pure & simple. He is also capable of leading this country from the heart and is really the only one that can beat Trump and Trump knows this.
Biden would be untouchable. Trump would try to attack him as his numbers fell, but that would only escalate the problem & Trump would run with his tail between his legs in defeat.
Another example, as president Trump would soon realize he can't call all the shots & not in complete control over the country. After being slapped back by Congress or whoever else that he'd have to faceoff with over some action he wanted, he wouldn't be so happy about it. Kinda like the kid that only wants to play as long as the game is by his rules, not the established rules. If you don't play my way, I don't want to play at all. He would have a hard time with 'sharing'. He don't like it.

Between the Middle East, Muslim extremists, North Korea, China and Russia.....we're screwed.

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