The Obama legacy


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
high unemployment
more people on food stamps than ever before
more people in poverty than ever before
20 trillion in national debt
a divided country
cities in ruin
states in bankruptsy
no national budgets
the worst piece of legislation in history (obamacare)
spying on innocent americans
incompetent foreign policy
corruption in all agencies
using govt power to destroy political opponents
exorbitant personal spending on vacations
closing the whitehouse to 6th grade tours
corrupt DOJ
corrupt DOS
incompetent SCOTUS appointments
Dead ambassador
Before obama is done, we might be adding getting us involved in a war with Russia as obama makes Edward Snowden into another Helen of Troy over spying, the real issue is obama's support for the terrorists in Syria!

obama's legacy is one of utter failure. He threatens other countries even as he makes war on the American people.
Obama has done a lot of great things for the American people and the world.

whooboy...says the loyal cult member..

don't have to list anything... just scream he's done GREAT things for the people and the whole wide WORLD..

Jim Jones scary:eusa_whistle:
His legacy will not be pretty, just like his Presidency hasn't been..
Ordered the killing of Bin Laden.
New nuke treaty with Russia.
Got tobacco under FDA regulation.
New CAFE standards.
New financial regulations.
Meaningful healthcare reform.
Reformed the college loan program.
Restarted funding for stem cell research.
Killed many Al Qaeda leaders.
Raised taxes on the wealthy while keeping tax rates low for the middle-class.
Obama has done a lot of great things for the American people and the world.

whooboy...says the loyal cult member..

don't have to list anything... just scream he's done GREAT things for the people and the whole wide WORLD..

Jim Jones scary:eusa_whistle:
Ordered the killing of Bin Laden.
New nuke treaty with Russia.
Got tobacco under FDA regulation.
New CAFE standards.
New financial regulations.
Meaningful healthcare reform.
Reformed the college loan program.
Restarted funding for stem cell research.
Killed many Al Qaeda leaders.
Raised taxes on the wealthy while keeping tax rates low for the middle-class.

Thank you for reminding us of SOME of obama's failures.
Ordered the killing of Bin Laden.
New nuke treaty with Russia.
Got tobacco under FDA regulation.
New CAFE standards.
New financial regulations.
Meaningful healthcare reform.
Reformed the college loan program.
Restarted funding for stem cell research.
Killed many Al Qaeda leaders.
Raised taxes on the wealthy while keeping tax rates low for the middle-class.

ooooooooo, he ORDERED the killing of Bin laden...that Obama has turned into quite the killing machine..nobel peace prize? pfeeeesh
LOL, killed many al Qaeda...
raised the price of cars with his new Café standards.- but it's good for the poor people in this country, Obama says so..
reformed college loan programs? well that helped our economy and unemployment
AND THIS is one to CROW ABOUT...
raised taxes on the citizens of this country...
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great, another troll thread.

anyone who doesn't hate Obama gets attacked and trolled.

poor dear
if you think all you listed is so GREAT then so be it

what about unemployment, our debt, credit downgraded, prices of goods through the roof, gas over 3$ a gallon his whole time in office..
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Ordered the killing of Bin Laden.
New nuke treaty with Russia.
Got tobacco under FDA regulation.
New CAFE standards.
New financial regulations.
Meaningful healthcare reform.
Reformed the college loan program.
Restarted funding for stem cell research.
Killed many Al Qaeda leaders.
Raised taxes on the wealthy while keeping tax rates low for the middle-class.

Point by point:

Big deal! Bush's policies found OBL.
Gave up to Russia far more than Russia conceded.
Still a nicotine addict, himself.
Made new vehicle and gas prices higher.
More restraints for those who create jobs.
Will not change the number of uninsured. Will raise costs for those who work.
The only meaningful reform would have been for government to get out of the loan business.
Restarted funding for EMBRYONIC stem cell research, encouraging more abortions.
Along with their civilian and innocent human shields.
His definition of "wealthy" included the hard working middle class.
Ordered the killing of Bin Laden.
New nuke treaty with Russia.
Got tobacco under FDA regulation.
New CAFE standards.
New financial regulations.
Meaningful healthcare reform.
Reformed the college loan program.
Restarted funding for stem cell research.
Killed many Al Qaeda leaders.
Raised taxes on the wealthy while keeping tax rates low for the middle-class.

ooooooooo, he ORDERED the killing of Bin laden...that Obama has turned into quite the killing machine..nobel peace prize? pfeeeesh
LOL, killed many al Qaeda...
raised the price of cars with his new Café standards.- but it's good for the poor people in this country, Obama says so..
reformed college loan programs? well that helped our economy and unemployment
AND THIS is one to CROW ABOUT...
raised taxes on the citizens of this country...

Ditto! (I posted mine before reading yours).
Ordered the killing of Bin Laden.
New nuke treaty with Russia.
Got tobacco under FDA regulation.
New CAFE standards.
New financial regulations.
Meaningful healthcare reform.
Reformed the college loan program.
Restarted funding for stem cell research.
Killed many Al Qaeda leaders.
Raised taxes on the wealthy while keeping tax rates low for the middle-class.

ooooooooo, he ORDERED the killing of Bin laden...that Obama has turned into quite the killing machine..nobel peace prize? pfeeeesh
LOL, killed many al Qaeda...
raised the price of cars with his new Café standards.- but it's good for the poor people in this country, Obama says so..
reformed college loan programs? well that helped our economy and unemployment
AND THIS is one to CROW ABOUT...
raised taxes on the citizens of this country...

Ditto! (I posted mine before reading yours).

great minds...;)
Ah, his biggest legacy by far will be how much nuttier the Rabid Right Wingers got during his 2 terms. Hells Bells, they all think they're Libertarians now.
Ah, his biggest legacy by far will be how much nuttier the Rabid Right Wingers got during his 2 terms. Hells Bells, they all think they're Libertarians now.

yeah, we watched the left tarnish Bush's legacy with the nuts on the left doing nothing but disrupting the country with their antics...camping out at his property, marches, storming Senate hearing charging condi rice with fake blood on their hands, destruction, etc etc..

so stable that high horse.

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