The Obama legacy

obama's legacy.

Remember this:

[ame=]"BECAUSE OF OBAMA" - YouTube[/ame]

How many of these boys have a job today? It's five years later. What's the unemployment rate among young black men? They were inspired, by obama, to be doctors, lawyers, engineers. Yes we can turned into no you don't and that's a big part of obama's legacy.
high unemployment
more people on food stamps than ever before
more people in poverty than ever before
20 trillion in national debt
a divided country
cities in ruin
states in bankruptsy
no national budgets
the worst piece of legislation in history (obamacare)
spying on innocent americans
incompetent foreign policy
corruption in all agencies
using govt power to destroy political opponents
exorbitant personal spending on vacations
closing the whitehouse to 6th grade tours
corrupt DOJ
corrupt DOS
incompetent SCOTUS appointments
Dead ambassador

Proof that its good to be a neeeeeeeeegro. No one holds you to blame for anything...
high unemployment
more people on food stamps than ever before
more people in poverty than ever before
20 trillion in national debt
a divided country
cities in ruin
states in bankruptsy
no national budgets
the worst piece of legislation in history (obamacare)
spying on innocent americans
incompetent foreign policy
corruption in all agencies
using govt power to destroy political opponents
exorbitant personal spending on vacations
closing the whitehouse to 6th grade tours
corrupt DOJ
corrupt DOS
incompetent SCOTUS appointments
Dead ambassador

Proof that its good to be a neeeeeeeeegro. No one holds you to blame for anything...

black pride and white guilt = the worst president in history.
Lets also not forget my power bill has gone up 30% and there asking for another 15% hike now. Also my water bill has doubled, because of new regulations. Thanks obama
Lets also not forget my power bill has gone up 30% and there asking for another 15% hike now. Also my water bill has doubled, because of new regulations. Thanks obama

the new "war on coal" will drive untility bills up even more. While the rest of the world laughs at our stupidity.

No coal
No oil
No nukes
windmills kill birds
solar farms kill lizards
hydro dams destroy forests

to libtardians man is evil and must be removed from mother earth.
Obama always believed we were too high and mighty as a country and is working on bringing us down to our knees..

lets hope we get through it and him
Ah, his biggest legacy by far will be how much nuttier the Rabid Right Wingers got during his 2 terms. Hells Bells, they all think they're Libertarians now.

wrong, actually the majority of the country is finally realizing what a mistake obama has been. Yes, those on the right are mad, very mad. We do not like watching our great country turned into a large version of Detroit.
Ah, his biggest legacy by far will be how much nuttier the Rabid Right Wingers got during his 2 terms. Hells Bells, they all think they're Libertarians now.

wrong, actually the majority of the country is finally realizing what a mistake obama has been. Yes, those on the right are mad, very mad. We do not like watching our great country turned into a large version of Detroit.

Case in point, you. :razz:
Ah, his biggest legacy by far will be how much nuttier the Rabid Right Wingers got during his 2 terms. Hells Bells, they all think they're Libertarians now.

wrong, actually the majority of the country is finally realizing what a mistake obama has been. Yes, those on the right are mad, very mad. We do not like watching our great country turned into a large version of Detroit.

Case in point, you. :razz:

Yes, I am very mad seeing my great country brought down by this marxist idiot that you fools elected. 30% of the people want obamacare but its being rammed up our collective asses. A vast majority want our borders enforced and for illegals to comply with our immigration laws, but amnesty is being rammed up our asses.

You may like living in a dictatorship, I do not, and I will do whatever I can to prevent this incidious creeping socialism from destroying our country.
Ordered the killing of Bin Laden.
New nuke treaty with Russia.
Got tobacco under FDA regulation.
New CAFE standards.
New financial regulations.
Meaningful healthcare reform.
Reformed the college loan program.
Restarted funding for stem cell research.
Killed many Al Qaeda leaders.
Raised taxes on the wealthy while keeping tax rates low for the middle-class.

Obama possesses no skill or guidance set with which to command, no knowledge base with which to govern, and no ideological base that is consistent with a Republic and capitalism. President Obama has consistently denied due process of the law to suspected terrorists being held at GITMO and has engaged in wars of American government interventionism. Obama authorized the extra judicial murder of a multitude of U.S. citizens which inherently defines a clear violation of International Law, a violation of U.S. statutory law and a violation of The 5th Amendment of The US Constitution. It's quite annoying and disturbing for the Democratic Party, when President Obama's foreign policy embraces calamity and animosity which contradicts the ideals America was founded upon. Progressive Liberalism or "Classic Liberalism" (advocates of limited government, but has tremendously expanded under Obama) defends some of Obama's illegal action(s) and policies that violate the U.S. Constitution, and it's acceptable by the lunatic fringe Progressive Left and everything wrong today is Bush's fault.
Ordered the killing of Bin Laden.
New nuke treaty with Russia.
Got tobacco under FDA regulation.
New CAFE standards.
New financial regulations.
Meaningful healthcare reform.
Reformed the college loan program.
Restarted funding for stem cell research.
Killed many Al Qaeda leaders.
Raised taxes on the wealthy while keeping tax rates low for the middle-class.

Obama possesses no skill or guidance set with which to command, no knowledge base with which to govern, and no ideological base that is consistent with a Republic and capitalism. President Obama has consistently denied due process of the law to suspected terrorists being held at GITMO and has engaged in wars of American government interventionism. Obama authorized the extra judicial murder of a multitude of U.S. citizens which inherently defines a clear violation of International Law, a violation of U.S. statutory law and a violation of The 5th Amendment of The US Constitution. It's quite annoying and disturbing for the Democratic Party, when President Obama's foreign policy embraces calamity and animosity which contradicts the ideals America was founded upon. Progressive Liberalism or "Classic Liberalism" (advocates of limited government, but has tremendously expanded under Obama) defends some of Obama's illegal action(s) and policies that violate the U.S. Constitution, and it's acceptable by the lunatic fringe Progressive Left and everything wrong today is Bush's fault.

in a few words---obama is a chicago thug.
now the obama legacy can include violating the will of the people of california by shoving gay marriage up their asses (excuse the pun) after the people voted against it twice.

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