The Obama Mojo

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
It seems the more he talks the worse it gets. The way I read it 26% still have that, "special feeling" up their leg, 29% are , and 45% are fully fed up.


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 26% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports
Have you gotten any calls Lumpy1? I would say that for the last few months, we have gotten dozens, which I never answer when they come up on caller I.D. I suppose I should participate, but I always think that we will be put on some kind of list...
Have you gotten any calls Lumpy1? I would say that for the last few months, we have gotten dozens, which I never answer when they come up on caller I.D. I suppose I should participate, but I always think that we will be put on some kind of list...

Long before the election we stopped answering our phone, salesman, surveys and other goofy calls. If someone starts to leave a message and we're interested we answer it otherwise I just erase them. Right now we get about 5 political calls a week.
Hey Lumpy! Do you ever sleep? :lol: Me..I get 3 or 4 hrs and my brain just snaps to attention and it takes a few hours until I work through the thoughts to get to a place I can relax and drift off again.

So. It seems that lately you are fixated on Obamas popularity..probably more so than he is. I find this feeding frenzy..this self fulfilling prophacy amusing.

There has been little or no media focus on the obstruction of the GOP towards Obamas and the Dems efforts which has clearly been the reason for failure of congress to act.

The public's negative reaction towards the health care reform is reported by the entire media as if the public is in lock step against the bill passed when it is clearly an accumulative negative sum from basically two seperate camps and points of view. One might even say fairly that it is three or four seperate camps. The media rarely reminds the public of the hundreds of millions of dollars spent by the HMO's in media advertising blitzes to keep the status quo intact as much as possible for their corporate benefit and to the detriment of the consuming public.

The two camps of negativity essentially break down as the people that hate the bill passed for what it does not do and those that hate it for what they percieve it does. All of this negativity is laid at the feet of the president which aside from the economy is probably the only real action he took which could be blamed on him rightly or wrongly.

Much of the public wanted a public option. Most of the disillusion from the left in Obamas promises are a reaction that he put together a bill that only benefited the HMO's by gauranteeing them customers without addressing the cost of health care. The public is never told that the bill as signed as exactly what the HMO's wanted. Obama never promised single payer. That was just a pipe dream from the left..yet they blame him for shattering their dreams and expectations.

The other negative camp is just more purely political sour grapes and obstruction from the right which promised Obama would fail and delivered on that promise even though the HMO's which pay their rent got exactly what they wanted. They play it like they are being forced to do something horrible. What they are being forced to do is hire more people to count all the new money they will get when everyone must somehow buy health insurance.

So Obama has not really broken any health care promise but some of the public is convinced he has done so..and the HMO's are going to be twice as rich and somehow get to claim injury and the right to repeal the bill through the NewGOPers screaming from the right.

Yes, there is a percieved negativity focused on the president. Any fair and unbiased examination of the facts reveils no evidense to support it, at least when the health care bill is examined. That leads this poster with the conclusion that the media is intentionally colluding with some powers that be to "sell" the proposition that Obama has failed and is unpopular. I believe it is self fullfilling "news" has worked in your case.
Hey Lumpy! Do you ever sleep? :lol: Me..I get 3 or 4 hrs and my brain just snaps to attention and it takes a few hours until I work through the thoughts to get to a place I can relax and drift off again.

So. It seems that lately you are fixated on Obamas popularity..probably more so than he is. I find this feeding frenzy..this self fulfilling prophacy amusing.

There has been little or no media focus on the obstruction of the GOP towards Obamas and the Dems efforts which has clearly been the reason for failure of congress to act.

The public's negative reaction towards the health care reform is reported by the entire media as if the public is in lock step against the bill passed when it is clearly an accumulative negative sum from basically two seperate camps and points of view. One might even say fairly that it is three or four seperate camps. The media rarely reminds the public of the hundreds of millions of dollars spent by the HMO's in media advertising blitzes to keep the status quo intact as much as possible for their corporate benefit and to the detriment of the consuming public.

The two camps of negativity essentially break down as the people that hate the bill passed for what it does not do and those that hate it for what they percieve it does. All of this negativity is laid at the feet of the president which aside from the economy is probably the only real action he took which could be blamed on him rightly or wrongly.

Much of the public wanted a public option. Most of the disillusion from the left in Obamas promises are a reaction that he put together a bill that only benefited the HMO's by gauranteeing them customers without addressing the cost of health care. The public is never told that the bill as signed as exactly what the HMO's wanted. Obama never promised single payer. That was just a pipe dream from the left..yet they blame him for shattering their dreams and expectations.

The other negative camp is just more purely political sour grapes and obstruction from the right which promised Obama would fail and delivered on that promise even though the HMO's which pay their rent got exactly what they wanted. They play it like they are being forced to do something horrible. What they are being forced to do is hire more people to count all the new money they will get when everyone must somehow buy health insurance.

So Obama has not really broken any health care promise but some of the public is convinced he has done so..and the HMO's are going to be twice as rich and somehow get to claim injury and the right to repeal the bill through the NewGOPers screaming from the right.

Yes, there is a percieved negativity focused on the president. Any fair and unbiased examination of the facts reveils no evidense to support it, at least when the health care bill is examined. That leads this poster with the conclusion that the media is intentionally colluding with some powers that be to "sell" the proposition that Obama has failed and is unpopular. I believe it is self fullfilling "news" has worked in your case.

Hey thanks a lot .. First you remind me that I'm quite sleepy, then you deliver a long post that requires concentration and clear thought, neither of which I'm fully capable of... at this time..

Sooo... mmm... what to do.

I think I'm off to bed and hopefully you're not offended. I'm sure you want me at my best, only fair eh, Sport. I'll answer this after some sleep, 2 cups of coffee and some warm sweet buns...:lol:
Amazing how powerful media propaganda is today. Money talks.... Almost nothing one hears or reads today can be taken at face value. Obama has done more good than most presidents this early in his presidency and yet you'd never know it.

"A Silver Lining to the GOP Taking Congress? Here Are Three."

"1. It would flush Republicans out into the open, by forcing them to compose and defend detailed legislation."

GOP Control Of Congress Would Be Bad For Liberalism, Except In These Three Ways | The New Republic

"It's The EPA and OSHA, Stupid!"

"The Obama administration has appointed good people to these agencies and increased their funding, and they are beginning to revive after being crippled during George W. Bush’s presidency. A Republican Congress wouldn't be able to close them down, but it could make life very difficult for them to function by cutting their funding. That's exactly what happened after the Republicans captured the Congress in November 1994 when Bill Clinton was president." Midterm Wins For Republicans In Congress Could Mean Problems For OSHA, EPA, And FCC. | The New Republic
I am completely blown out on politics today.

Shit, anything that makes government bigger and more in my face just plain pisses me off. Democrats.. Republicans it doesn't matter... bottom line... if they overspend, over regulate, screw with my children's future... kick the bums out.

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