The Obama Murder and Shooting Spike

1. The Bully Pulpit
  1. a public office or position of authority that provides its occupant with an outstanding opportunity to speak out on any issue.
    "he could use the presidency as a bully pulpit to bring out the best in civic life"

Translations, word origin, and more definitions

2. "Obama On Executive Actions: ‘I’ve Got A Pen And I’ve Got A Phone’"
Obama On Executive Actions: 'I've Got A Pen And I've Got A Phone'
You do know you made a gross illogical comparison and now your Cartesian duality will suffer....

Obama had the obligation to speak out in favor of rectitude.

I'm never you learned in the thread about his endorsing leaving new borns to die.
You do know you made a gross illogical comparison and now your Cartesian duality will suffer....

Obama had the obligation to speak out in favor of rectitude.

I'm never you learned in the thread about his endorsing leaving new borns to die.
Which is not true...Since he did support the federal version of the bill, and Illinois already has unborn rights passed before Oblama became a senator..
You do know you made a gross illogical comparison and now your Cartesian duality will suffer....

Obama had the obligation to speak out in favor of rectitude.

I'm never you learned in the thread about his endorsing leaving new borns to die.
Which is not true...Since he did support the federal version of the bill, and Illinois already has unborn rights passed before Oblama became a senator..

You require even more of a beating????, you.


1. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported.Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’
You do know you made a gross illogical comparison and now your Cartesian duality will suffer....

Obama had the obligation to speak out in favor of rectitude.

I'm never you learned in the thread about his endorsing leaving new borns to die.
Which is not true...Since he did support the federal version of the bill, and Illinois already has unborn rights passed before Oblama became a senator..

You require even more of a beating????, you.


1. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported.Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’
He didn't agree with the bill because of it's attempt to take away protections of Roe vs Wade..
1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

2. "The latest effort is a report by the Brennan Center for Justice, which the press has hailed ecstatically as a refutation of what I and others have dubbed the “Ferguson effect”—the phenomenon of officers backing off of proactive policing and thereby emboldening criminals. In fact, the report confirms the Ferguson effect, while also showing how clueless the media are about crime and policing."
In Denial About Crime by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal December 29, 2015

3. Just so you recognize the players, the ultra-Liberal 'Brennan Center for Justice' is named for a Supreme Court Justice infamous for his efforts to dismember, incapacitate, and dissolve the United States Constitution.

In his 1985 Georgetown speech, Brennan supported the “transformative purpose” of the Constitution, in which he argued for an “aspiration to social justice, brotherhood, and human dignity…”

a. " Brennan falls back on the idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone.” Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would Brennan suggest ignoring any of these….or does he simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by? No, this ‘transformative’ view would simply allow justices to erase parts of the Constitution."
“Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,” edited by Professor Steven G. Calabresi.

4. "The Brennan Center researchers gathered homicide data from 25 of the nation’s 30 largest cities for the period January 1, 2015, to October 1, 2015. ...The researchers then tried to estimate what 2015’s full-year homicide numbers ....compared with the similar period in 2014.
The resulting projected increase for homicides in 2015 in those 25 cities is 11 percent.

(By point of comparison, the FiveThirtyEight data blog looked at the 60 largest cities and found a 16 percent increase in homicides by September 2015. On Monday, the Brennan Center revised its own estimate of the 2015 murder increase to 14.6 percent.)
An 11 percent one-year increase in any crime category is massive;...."
City Journal, Op. Cit.

5. This massive increase in murders is but one more of the dozens of detrimental results of the malevolent regime of Barack Hussein Obama.

Who are "the players" on which your thesis relies?
You do know you made a gross illogical comparison and now your Cartesian duality will suffer....

Obama had the obligation to speak out in favor of rectitude.

I'm never you learned in the thread about his endorsing leaving new borns to die.
Which is not true...Since he did support the federal version of the bill, and Illinois already has unborn rights passed before Oblama became a senator..

You require even more of a beating????, you.


1. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported.Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’
He didn't agree with the bill because of it's attempt to take away protections of Roe vs Wade..

That's the spin you defenders of the indefensible use.

My post is fact.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."




1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

2. "The latest effort is a report by the Brennan Center for Justice, which the press has hailed ecstatically as a refutation of what I and others have dubbed the “Ferguson effect”—the phenomenon of officers backing off of proactive policing and thereby emboldening criminals. In fact, the report confirms the Ferguson effect, while also showing how clueless the media are about crime and policing."
In Denial About Crime by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal December 29, 2015

3. Just so you recognize the players, the ultra-Liberal 'Brennan Center for Justice' is named for a Supreme Court Justice infamous for his efforts to dismember, incapacitate, and dissolve the United States Constitution.

In his 1985 Georgetown speech, Brennan supported the “transformative purpose” of the Constitution, in which he argued for an “aspiration to social justice, brotherhood, and human dignity…”

a. " Brennan falls back on the idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone.” Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would Brennan suggest ignoring any of these….or does he simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by? No, this ‘transformative’ view would simply allow justices to erase parts of the Constitution."
“Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,” edited by Professor Steven G. Calabresi.

4. "The Brennan Center researchers gathered homicide data from 25 of the nation’s 30 largest cities for the period January 1, 2015, to October 1, 2015. ...The researchers then tried to estimate what 2015’s full-year homicide numbers ....compared with the similar period in 2014.
The resulting projected increase for homicides in 2015 in those 25 cities is 11 percent.

(By point of comparison, the FiveThirtyEight data blog looked at the 60 largest cities and found a 16 percent increase in homicides by September 2015. On Monday, the Brennan Center revised its own estimate of the 2015 murder increase to 14.6 percent.)
An 11 percent one-year increase in any crime category is massive;...."
City Journal, Op. Cit.

5. This massive increase in murders is but one more of the dozens of detrimental results of the malevolent regime of Barack Hussein Obama.

Who are "the players" on which your thesis relies?

Try to be more articulate.

Is this what you seek?
"Barack Obama Tells Ferguson Extremists To ‘Stay The Course’"
Barack Obama Tells Ferguson Extremists To ‘Stay The Course’ |

Barack Hussein Obama....both the greatest failure, and the most destructive President in the history of our nation.
1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

2. "The latest effort is a report by the Brennan Center for Justice, which the press has hailed ecstatically as a refutation of what I and others have dubbed the “Ferguson effect”—the phenomenon of officers backing off of proactive policing and thereby emboldening criminals. In fact, the report confirms the Ferguson effect, while also showing how clueless the media are about crime and policing."
In Denial About Crime by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal December 29, 2015

3. Just so you recognize the players, the ultra-Liberal 'Brennan Center for Justice' is named for a Supreme Court Justice infamous for his efforts to dismember, incapacitate, and dissolve the United States Constitution.

In his 1985 Georgetown speech, Brennan supported the “transformative purpose” of the Constitution, in which he argued for an “aspiration to social justice, brotherhood, and human dignity…”

a. " Brennan falls back on the idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone.” Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would Brennan suggest ignoring any of these….or does he simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by? No, this ‘transformative’ view would simply allow justices to erase parts of the Constitution."
“Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,” edited by Professor Steven G. Calabresi.

4. "The Brennan Center researchers gathered homicide data from 25 of the nation’s 30 largest cities for the period January 1, 2015, to October 1, 2015. ...The researchers then tried to estimate what 2015’s full-year homicide numbers ....compared with the similar period in 2014.
The resulting projected increase for homicides in 2015 in those 25 cities is 11 percent.

(By point of comparison, the FiveThirtyEight data blog looked at the 60 largest cities and found a 16 percent increase in homicides by September 2015. On Monday, the Brennan Center revised its own estimate of the 2015 murder increase to 14.6 percent.)
An 11 percent one-year increase in any crime category is massive;...."
City Journal, Op. Cit.

5. This massive increase in murders is but one more of the dozens of detrimental results of the malevolent regime of Barack Hussein Obama.

Who are "the players" on which your thesis relies?

Try to be more articulate.

Is this what you seek?
"Barack Obama Tells Ferguson Extremists To ‘Stay The Course’"
Barack Obama Tells Ferguson Extremists To ‘Stay The Course’ |

Barack Hussein Obama....both the greatest failure, and the most destructive President in the history of our nation.
Update: Snopes has rated the “stay the course” comment mostly false because they say the evidence is not supported by the article

You might want to update your file.....
You do know you made a gross illogical comparison and now your Cartesian duality will suffer....

Obama had the obligation to speak out in favor of rectitude.

I'm never you learned in the thread about his endorsing leaving new borns to die.
Which is not true...Since he did support the federal version of the bill, and Illinois already has unborn rights passed before Oblama became a senator..

You require even more of a beating????, you.


1. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported.Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’
He didn't agree with the bill because of it's attempt to take away protections of Roe vs Wade..

That's the spin you defenders of the indefensible use.

My post is fact.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





Your thread premise is a lie, consistent with the fact that you're a liar.
You do know you made a gross illogical comparison and now your Cartesian duality will suffer....

Obama had the obligation to speak out in favor of rectitude.

I'm never you learned in the thread about his endorsing leaving new borns to die.
Which is not true...Since he did support the federal version of the bill, and Illinois already has unborn rights passed before Oblama became a senator..

You require even more of a beating????, you.


1. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported.Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’
He didn't agree with the bill because of it's attempt to take away protections of Roe vs Wade..

That's the spin you defenders of the indefensible use.

My post is fact.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





The fetus's right to life is gone once legal abortion is chosen. That right doesn't magically reappear just because an abortion is unsuccessful.
1. There is a full-court press by the Liberal media to deny that there is a marked increase in murders and in shooting since this President encouraged the thugs in Ferguson to "stay the course.'

a. "Obama Told Civil Rights Activists: Keep Ferguson ‘Staying On Course’" What Obama Told Sharpton About Ferguson

2. "The latest effort is a report by the Brennan Center for Justice, which the press has hailed ecstatically as a refutation of what I and others have dubbed the “Ferguson effect”—the phenomenon of officers backing off of proactive policing and thereby emboldening criminals. In fact, the report confirms the Ferguson effect, while also showing how clueless the media are about crime and policing."
In Denial About Crime by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal December 29, 2015

3. Just so you recognize the players, the ultra-Liberal 'Brennan Center for Justice' is named for a Supreme Court Justice infamous for his efforts to dismember, incapacitate, and dissolve the United States Constitution.

In his 1985 Georgetown speech, Brennan supported the “transformative purpose” of the Constitution, in which he argued for an “aspiration to social justice, brotherhood, and human dignity…”

a. " Brennan falls back on the idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone.” Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would Brennan suggest ignoring any of these….or does he simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by? No, this ‘transformative’ view would simply allow justices to erase parts of the Constitution."
“Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,” edited by Professor Steven G. Calabresi.

4. "The Brennan Center researchers gathered homicide data from 25 of the nation’s 30 largest cities for the period January 1, 2015, to October 1, 2015. ...The researchers then tried to estimate what 2015’s full-year homicide numbers ....compared with the similar period in 2014.
The resulting projected increase for homicides in 2015 in those 25 cities is 11 percent.

(By point of comparison, the FiveThirtyEight data blog looked at the 60 largest cities and found a 16 percent increase in homicides by September 2015. On Monday, the Brennan Center revised its own estimate of the 2015 murder increase to 14.6 percent.)
An 11 percent one-year increase in any crime category is massive;...."
City Journal, Op. Cit.

5. This massive increase in murders is but one more of the dozens of detrimental results of the malevolent regime of Barack Hussein Obama.

Who are "the players" on which your thesis relies?

Try to be more articulate.

Is this what you seek?
"Barack Obama Tells Ferguson Extremists To ‘Stay The Course’"
Barack Obama Tells Ferguson Extremists To ‘Stay The Course’ |

Barack Hussein Obama....both the greatest failure, and the most destructive President in the history of our nation.
Update: Snopes has rated the “stay the course” comment mostly false because they say the evidence is not supported by the article

You might want to update your file.....

What does "mostly" mean?

You might update your concept of reality.

The statement in my 'files' comes from the Liberal house organ itself:
Obama had the obligation to speak out in favor of rectitude.

I'm never you learned in the thread about his endorsing leaving new borns to die.
Which is not true...Since he did support the federal version of the bill, and Illinois already has unborn rights passed before Oblama became a senator..

You require even more of a beating????, you.


1. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported.Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’
He didn't agree with the bill because of it's attempt to take away protections of Roe vs Wade..

That's the spin you defenders of the indefensible use.

My post is fact.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





Your thread premise is a lie, consistent with the fact that you're a liar.

I never lie.

You've proven over and over by being unable to find any.
Which is not true...Since he did support the federal version of the bill, and Illinois already has unborn rights passed before Oblama became a senator..

You require even more of a beating????, you.


1. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported.Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’
He didn't agree with the bill because of it's attempt to take away protections of Roe vs Wade..

That's the spin you defenders of the indefensible use.

My post is fact.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





Your thread premise is a lie, consistent with the fact that you're a liar.

I never lie.

You've proven over and over by being unable to find any.

One day your going to wear that handle out on your ego pump..
You require even more of a beating????, you.


1. If a child is 'accidentally' born alive as a result of a botched abortion attempt, Senator Obama had no problem allowing that newborn to die, sans any medical attention.

a. "Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported.Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee’s 2003 mark-up session." : Obama and ‘Infanticide’
He didn't agree with the bill because of it's attempt to take away protections of Roe vs Wade..

That's the spin you defenders of the indefensible use.

My post is fact.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





Your thread premise is a lie, consistent with the fact that you're a liar.

I never lie.

You've proven over and over by being unable to find any.

One day your going to wear that handle out on your ego pump..

But not just yet....

I can't quit because at this moment in time...I am too legit.
He didn't agree with the bill because of it's attempt to take away protections of Roe vs Wade..

That's the spin you defenders of the indefensible use.

My post is fact.

Pay special attention to the vid @ :50

"...if a baby is born alive after a late term abortion, we can throw it away...Barack Obama approved that..."





Your thread premise is a lie, consistent with the fact that you're a liar.

I never lie.

You've proven over and over by being unable to find any.

One day your going to wear that handle out on your ego pump..

But not just yet....

I can't quit because at this moment in time...I am too legit.

I am sure it helps pay the bills...

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