The Obama Murder and Shooting Spike

No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

And see a prime example of why the far left religion is so dangerous!

What's dangerous about pointing out that the OP made a baseless claim devoid of cause and effect?

Do you know what cause and effect means?

No Baseball Game today

Obama policy
Murder rate increases
More on the Ferguson Effect

Trying to Hide the Rise of Violent Crime
Progressives and their media allies have launched a campaign to deny the ‘Ferguson effect’—but it’s real, and it’s increasingly deadly for inner cities.''

Trying to Hide the Rise of Violent Crime

It's not the 'Ferguson effect'. There is no demonstrable cause and effect.

Fortunately, your opinion has no bearing on the OP. It lacks credibility for consideration


If you can prove that Obama caused the recent uptick in homicides, then prove it.

otherwise go back in your hole.

11. "The St. Louis area includes Ferguson, the site of the police shooting that was so utterly distorted by protesters and the media. The Justice Department later determined that the officer’s use of force was justified, but the damage to the social fabric had already been done.

Now cops making arrests in urban areas are routinely surrounded by bystanders, who swear at them and interfere with the arrests. The media and many politicians decry as racist pedestrian stops and broken-windows policing—the proven method of stopping major crimes by going after minor ones. Under such conditions, it isn’t just understandable that the police would back off; it is also presumably what the activists and the media critics would want.

The puzzle is why the activists are now so intent on denying that such de-policing is occurring and that it is affecting crime. (A 2005 study out of the University of Washington previously documented the impact of de-policing on crime in the aftermath of the 2001 antipolice riots in Cincinnati.)

“Proactive policing is what keeps our streets safe,” says Chief William Bryson, chairman of the Delaware Police Chiefs Council. “Officers will not hesitate to go into a situation that is obviously dangerous, but because of recent pronouncements about racism, they are not so likely to make a discretionary stop of a minority when yesterday they would have.” In Denial About Crime by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal December 29, 2015

Just what Obama wanted.

Should I repeat the question?
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

And see a prime example of why the far left religion is so dangerous!

What's dangerous about pointing out that the OP made a baseless claim devoid of cause and effect?

Do you know what cause and effect means?

No Baseball Game today

Obama policy
Murder rate increases

What Obama policy?
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

And see a prime example of why the far left religion is so dangerous!

What's dangerous about pointing out that the OP made a baseless claim devoid of cause and effect?

Do you know what cause and effect means?

No Baseball Game today

Obama policy
Murder rate increases

What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!
No cause and effect shown at all.

You might as well be blaming the rise on the weather.

And see a prime example of why the far left religion is so dangerous!

What's dangerous about pointing out that the OP made a baseless claim devoid of cause and effect?

Do you know what cause and effect means?

No Baseball Game today

Obama policy
Murder rate increases

What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.
And see a prime example of why the far left religion is so dangerous!

What's dangerous about pointing out that the OP made a baseless claim devoid of cause and effect?

Do you know what cause and effect means?

No Baseball Game today

Obama policy
Murder rate increases

What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.
What's dangerous about pointing out that the OP made a baseless claim devoid of cause and effect?

Do you know what cause and effect means?

No Baseball Game today

Obama policy
Murder rate increases

What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.....and Sharpton incited the massacre at Freddy's in Harlem.

Seven died.

DEATH ON 128TH STREET: THE VICTIMS;Bad Luck and Horror for 7 in an Store

Tell me.....your attempt to shield Sharpton....does that leave bloodstains on your hands?
We did, I have stated many times. Obama has been the best gun salesman in all history. Which is a reason crime is down. Pay attention.

So why aren't you blaming gun sales for the current rise?

Oops. You people are so easy.
It's on the rise because Obama and sharpton are convincing the uneducated negros they are being duped and they are of course rioting. Those poor uneducated negros being used by liberals for over 50 years. I do give Obama credit for selling more guns than anyone in history, and you support him for it.

So more guns in the inner cities is lowering crime, or increasing crime? Make up your mind.
In cities that allow concealed carry are safer and the ones that don't are worse.

Why don't you fantasize about sex like normal people????
What? I'm talking about defending myself, and your talking about sex?
Why would anyone, ANYONE take PoliticalSpice seriously when she uses the Daily Caller, The WSJ, and a for-profit blog to support her traitorous OP? :dunno:
What's dangerous about pointing out that the OP made a baseless claim devoid of cause and effect?

Do you know what cause and effect means?

No Baseball Game today

Obama policy
Murder rate increases

What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Here is a quick few
1994 Sharpton appearance at Kean College
“White folks was in caves while we was building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”

“Homo is not a homophobic term, but I think even the reference is irresponsible and I don’t do that any longer.”

Words he used for former New York Mayor David Dinkins
David Dinkins, you wanna be the only "N" on television, only "N" in the newspaper, only "N" that can talk. Don’t cover them, don’t talk to them, ’cause you got the only "N" problem. ‘Cause you know if a black man stood up next to you, they would see you for the whore that you really are.
Last edited:
What's dangerous about pointing out that the OP made a baseless claim devoid of cause and effect?

Do you know what cause and effect means?

No Baseball Game today

Obama policy
Murder rate increases

What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

See how the far left drones act when they are given the facts!

They will support Obama and his race baiter Al Sharpton!

"No Justice No Peace!!!!"
No Baseball Game today

Obama policy
Murder rate increases

What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.....and Sharpton incited the massacre at Freddy's in Harlem.

Seven died.

DEATH ON 128TH STREET: THE VICTIMS;Bad Luck and Horror for 7 in an Store

Tell me.....your attempt to shield Sharpton....does that leave bloodstains on your hands?

That's amusing. Do you blame Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. for the murder rates that were far higher than anything Obama has seen during his presidency?
What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.....and Sharpton incited the massacre at Freddy's in Harlem.

Seven died.

DEATH ON 128TH STREET: THE VICTIMS;Bad Luck and Horror for 7 in an Store

Tell me.....your attempt to shield Sharpton....does that leave bloodstains on your hands?

That's amusing. Do you blame Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. for the murder rates that were far higher than anything Obama has seen during his presidency?

Obviously you far left drones are trying to running such a narrative, but anyone with a(D) exempt!

Yes we know the far left religious tactics well!
What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.....and Sharpton incited the massacre at Freddy's in Harlem.

Seven died.

DEATH ON 128TH STREET: THE VICTIMS;Bad Luck and Horror for 7 in an Store

Tell me.....your attempt to shield Sharpton....does that leave bloodstains on your hands?

That's amusing. Do you blame Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. for the murder rates that were far higher than anything Obama has seen during his presidency?

What do Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. have to do with Al Sharpton being accepted as a trusted adviser to Barack Hussein Obama?

Nothing? changed the subject......that means I win, huh?
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein

Remembering other results of Liberal policies on crime:

12. Thomas Sowell, in “The Vision of the Anointed,” explained that the old view was to put criminals in prison; the new view, held by, for example, Lyndon Johnson’s attorney-general Ramsey Clark, Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, DC circuit judge David Bazelon, was to avoid sending criminals to prison and instead spend all our resources focusing on the “root causes” of crime.
a. In the words of Judge Bazelon, “poverty is the root cause of crime.”
Thomas Sowell, “The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy,” p. 158.

b. Need empirical evidence? Crime rates skyrocketed. By 1974, the murder rate was over twice that of 1961. Between 1960 and 1976, a citizen’s chances of becoming a victim of a major violent crime tripled.
Thomas Sowell, “The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy,”., p.27.

13. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …single-handedly decriminalized property and drug crimes in the City of Brotherly Love….

And in the past 18 months alone, 9,732 arrestees, out on the streets on pre-trial release because of her prison cap, were arrested on second charges, including 79 murders, 90 rapes, 701 burglaries, 959 robberies, 1,113 assaults, 2,215 drug offenses and 2,748 thefts….

Activist judges such as Shapiro and Justice assert that prison crowding violates the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishments. But there is no empirical evidence to substantiate this assertion. In every study of the subject, the widely believed negative effects of crowding - violence, program disruption, health problems and so on - are nowhere in evidence.”
Activist Judges Earn Dunce Caps For Their Prison Caps

a. In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Liberals lied, black kids died.

Liberals: bad for the health of the body politic.
What Obama policy?

Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.....and Sharpton incited the massacre at Freddy's in Harlem.

Seven died.

DEATH ON 128TH STREET: THE VICTIMS;Bad Luck and Horror for 7 in an Store

Tell me.....your attempt to shield Sharpton....does that leave bloodstains on your hands?

That's amusing. Do you blame Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. for the murder rates that were far higher than anything Obama has seen during his presidency?

Are you serious?
Why Have There Been More Mass Shootings Under Obama than the Four Previous Presidents Combined?

Mass Shootings under the Last Five Presidents

Ronald Reagan
: 1981-1989 (8 years) 11 mass shootings
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5

George H. W. Bush: 1989-1993 (4 years) 12 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 3

Bill Clinton
: 1993-2001 (8 years) 23 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 4

George W. Bush: 2001-2009 (8 years) 20 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5

Barrack H. Obama
: 2009-2015 (in 7th year) 162 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 18
Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.....and Sharpton incited the massacre at Freddy's in Harlem.

Seven died.

DEATH ON 128TH STREET: THE VICTIMS;Bad Luck and Horror for 7 in an Store

Tell me.....your attempt to shield Sharpton....does that leave bloodstains on your hands?

That's amusing. Do you blame Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. for the murder rates that were far higher than anything Obama has seen during his presidency?

Obviously you far left drones are trying to running such a narrative, but anyone with a(D) exempt!

Yes we know the far left religious tactics well!

That's deep.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein

Remembering other results of Liberal policies on crime:

12. Thomas Sowell, in “The Vision of the Anointed,” explained that the old view was to put criminals in prison; the new view, held by, for example, Lyndon Johnson’s attorney-general Ramsey Clark, Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, DC circuit judge David Bazelon, was to avoid sending criminals to prison and instead spend all our resources focusing on the “root causes” of crime.
a. In the words of Judge Bazelon, “poverty is the root cause of crime.”
Thomas Sowell, “The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy,” p. 158.

b. Need empirical evidence? Crime rates skyrocketed. By 1974, the murder rate was over twice that of 1961. Between 1960 and 1976, a citizen’s chances of becoming a victim of a major violent crime tripled.
Thomas Sowell, “The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy,”., p.27.

13. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …single-handedly decriminalized property and drug crimes in the City of Brotherly Love….

And in the past 18 months alone, 9,732 arrestees, out on the streets on pre-trial release because of her prison cap, were arrested on second charges, including 79 murders, 90 rapes, 701 burglaries, 959 robberies, 1,113 assaults, 2,215 drug offenses and 2,748 thefts….

Activist judges such as Shapiro and Justice assert that prison crowding violates the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishments. But there is no empirical evidence to substantiate this assertion. In every study of the subject, the widely believed negative effects of crowding - violence, program disruption, health problems and so on - are nowhere in evidence.”
Activist Judges Earn Dunce Caps For Their Prison Caps

a. In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Liberals lied, black kids died.

Liberals: bad for the health of the body politic.

Why were murder rates so much worse during the 12 years of Reagan/Bush?
Of attacking the cops and sending the race baiter Al Sharpton out to deal with these things!

Silly far left drone!

Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.....and Sharpton incited the massacre at Freddy's in Harlem.

Seven died.

DEATH ON 128TH STREET: THE VICTIMS;Bad Luck and Horror for 7 in an Store

Tell me.....your attempt to shield Sharpton....does that leave bloodstains on your hands?

That's amusing. Do you blame Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. for the murder rates that were far higher than anything Obama has seen during his presidency?

Are you serious?
Why Have There Been More Mass Shootings Under Obama than the Four Previous Presidents Combined?

Mass Shootings under the Last Five Presidents

Ronald Reagan
: 1981-1989 (8 years) 11 mass shootings
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5

George H. W. Bush: 1989-1993 (4 years) 12 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 3

Bill Clinton
: 1993-2001 (8 years) 23 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 4

George W. Bush: 2001-2009 (8 years) 20 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5

Barrack H. Obama
: 2009-2015 (in 7th year) 162 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 18

That's fascinating. Why were murder rates so much higher during Reagan/Bush?

and bonus question, why are you allowed a computer?
Give me 10 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Give me 9 quotes of Al Sharpton advocating violence.

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.....and Sharpton incited the massacre at Freddy's in Harlem.

Seven died.

DEATH ON 128TH STREET: THE VICTIMS;Bad Luck and Horror for 7 in an Store

Tell me.....your attempt to shield Sharpton....does that leave bloodstains on your hands?

That's amusing. Do you blame Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. for the murder rates that were far higher than anything Obama has seen during his presidency?

Are you serious?
Why Have There Been More Mass Shootings Under Obama than the Four Previous Presidents Combined?

Mass Shootings under the Last Five Presidents

Ronald Reagan
: 1981-1989 (8 years) 11 mass shootings
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5

George H. W. Bush: 1989-1993 (4 years) 12 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 3

Bill Clinton
: 1993-2001 (8 years) 23 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 4

George W. Bush: 2001-2009 (8 years) 20 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5

Barrack H. Obama
: 2009-2015 (in 7th year) 162 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 18

That's fascinating. Why were murder rates so much higher during Reagan/Bush?

and bonus question, why are you allowed a computer?

I'm amazed you can even type let alone have your own computer,

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