The Obama Tactic to Reduce Unemployment - Increase Leaving the Work Force!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Getting people to leave (which is a oxymoron - These people don't consider themselves leaving the work force they consider themselves unemployed and desperate for a job) is SSSSOOO much easier than getting a person a job!

Obama probably says, "if only I could get half to the unemployment to leave "the work force" I could get down to 4%!!!"

What to Expect from Friday’s Jobs Report | Economy In Crisis
During the recent recovery, the most effective jobs program has been to convince adults they don’t want or need a job. Virtually, the entire reduction in the unemployment rate from 10 to 8.1 percent has been from adults quitting the labor force.

The percentage of adults participating in the labor force—those employed, self employed, or unemployed but looking for work—has declined significantly. If the adult participation rate was the same today as when Barak Obama became president, unemployment would be 11 percent.

Adding adults on the sidelines, who say they would reenter the labor market if conditions improved, and part-time workers, who would prefer full-time positions, the unemployment rate becomes 14.5 percent. Factoring in college graduates in low skill positions, like counter work at Starbucks, and unemployment is much higher still.

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