The Obamacare/shutdown battle has spawned myriad myths

Have I? Of course. I'm a mother and grandmother to boot. When a baby is hungry and not fed fast enough - you wanna hear histrionics??

But you don't mind if babies are hungry, as long as nobody dies.

Fuck you.

Oh my GAWD! Everyone knows hungry babies cry... BUT WHY IN THE FUCK are you not demanding senate democrats fund WIC while they sort this whole thing out???

It's because YOU don't really give a fucking damn! I GUARANTEE republicans would agree to fund WIC in the interim.

ALL you care about is performing useless histrionics.

Oh, no you don't. You're fine with hungry babies, don't make this about congress etc. I am disgusted by you thinking everything is fine since babies (allegedly) won't actually starve to death. Deflection won't change that.


Boop will not use her shrill phoney outrage and demand congress, the only people who can make it happen BTW, fund WIC!

You have proven yourself not merely a hypocrite...but a pathetic and ridiculous hypocrite Boop!

YOU don't actually care about babies- YOU only care about being a loud mouthed finger pointer.
... says the cranks currently wailing about WWII vets not being able to visit a memorial.

You pull the vet crap, we counter with babies. We win. Deal with it. If you didn't want to fight that way, you shouldn't have started it.
This post at the melty one, not Mamooth.

Okaaaay, you're melting like it's nobody's business.
... says the cranks currently wailing about WWII vets not being able to visit a memorial.

You pull the vet crap, we counter with babies. We win. Deal with it. If you didn't want to fight that way, you shouldn't have started it.

I say let's fund WIC and open air memorials... Why do democrats pretend to care about babies? You rip them from the womb daily!

Republicans are willing to fund everything except the debacle AKA know that piece of ship legislation that Obama has excused himself; members of congress; their families and staff; as well as 1200 of his big business cronies from.

Yet you would allow WIC babies to not latch on to tits so that you can win an argument?
... says the cranks currently wailing about WWII vets not being able to visit a memorial.

You pull the vet crap, we counter with babies. We win. Deal with it. If you didn't want to fight that way, you shouldn't have started it.

I say let's fund WIC and open air memorials... Why do democrats pretend to care about babies? You rip them from the womb daily!

Republicans are willing to fund everything except the debacle AKA know that piece of ship legislation that Obama has excused himself; members of congress; their families and staff; as well as 1200 of his big business cronies from.

Yet you would allow WIC babies to not latch on to tits so that you can win an argument?

Did that last sentence make sense to anybody?
So, in other words, Boop will not demand WIC be funded regardless of the partisan battle...she just wants to use WIC babies as a bully pulpit

You phoney partisan hypocrite boop~

The only thing melting is your fake outrage.
And now you're just repeating yourself. Quite the opposite of clever.

I'm going back to bed, I still have to work tonight. Later, joyous starver of babies.
And now you're just repeating yourself. Quite the opposite of clever.

I'm going back to bed, I still have to work tonight. Later, joyous starver of babies.

You can sleep while babies are starving and dying??? :eek:
Unfortunately the ill-informed will never know what this whole thing is actually about. Nor will they ever know the very pointed fact that Krauthammer brought out.
This is just another testament to the media and political leaders ability to manipulate and misguide their fan clubs.
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Of course Krauthammer nails the freaking argument!

President Obama indignantly insists that GOP attempts to abolish or amend Obama*care are unseemly because it is “settled” law, having passed both houses of Congress, obtained his signature and passed muster with the Supreme Court.

Yes, settledness makes for a strong argument — except from a president whose administration has unilaterally changed Obama*care five times after its passage, including, most brazenly, a year-long suspension of the employer mandate.

Article I of the Constitution grants the legislative power entirely to Congress. Under what constitutional principle has Obama unilaterally amended the law? Yet when the House of Representatives undertakes a constitutionally correct, i.e., legislative, procedure for suspending the other mandate — the individual mandate — this is portrayed as some extra-constitutional sabotage of the rule of law. Why is tying that amendment to a generalized spending bill an outrage, while unilateral amendment by the executive (with a Valerie Jarrett blog item for spin) is perfectly fine?

Charles Krauthammer: Who shut down Yellowstone? - The Washington Post

The executive branch has the constitutional power to manage the implementation of laws, including the power to alter timelines for various components of laws.

The legislature, or a part of one part of the legislature, does not have that power.
Why is tying that amendment to a generalized spending bill an outrage, while unilateral amendment by the executive (with a Valerie Jarrett blog item for spin) is perfectly fine?

Because one has nothing to do with the other, where republicans have had ample opportunity to amend or repeal the law and have failed to do so. Their failure to do so does not justify shutting down the government and threatening a default.

Conservatives also confuse amending/repealing with implementing, where how an administration elects to interpret a given law in the context of implementation does not ‘change’ the law; the text of the ACA is unchanged from the day it was signed into law.

If someone takes issue with how a given administration is interpreting or implementing a particular law, they are at liberty to challenge that interpretation or implementation in court.

Otherwise, existing Federal laws, including the ACA, can only be amended or repealed by Congress, including amending the Act to remove the IM or delay the IM for a specified period of time.

The fact that the ACA is settled law, that it was passed by both Houses of Congress and signed into law by the president in accordance with the law and Constitution, was upheld by the Supreme Court as indeed Constitutional, and reaffirmed by the American people during the General Election in 2012 only serves to reinforce the justifications noted above.
Of course Krauthammer nails the freaking argument!

President Obama indignantly insists that GOP attempts to abolish or amend Obama*care are unseemly because it is “settled” law, having passed both houses of Congress, obtained his signature and passed muster with the Supreme Court.

Yes, settledness makes for a strong argument — except from a president whose administration has unilaterally changed Obama*care five times after its passage, including, most brazenly, a year-long suspension of the employer mandate.

Article I of the Constitution grants the legislative power entirely to Congress. Under what constitutional principle has Obama unilaterally amended the law? Yet when the House of Representatives undertakes a constitutionally correct, i.e., legislative, procedure for suspending the other mandate — the individual mandate — this is portrayed as some extra-constitutional sabotage of the rule of law. Why is tying that amendment to a generalized spending bill an outrage, while unilateral amendment by the executive (with a Valerie Jarrett blog item for spin) is perfectly fine?

Charles Krauthammer: Who shut down Yellowstone? - The Washington Post

Krauthammer doesn't understand how it all works. Let's explain something to him then shall we? The Constitution says Congress, not the House passes laws. This law-the ACA-has not been rewritten or changed in any way. It is still being implemented exactly as written. One part of it is being implemented later than the others due to difficulties in implementation but that does not change the law at all. It doesn't, no matter how hard some want to believe Obama is unilaterally changing the law-the fact is, he isn't.

Now compare this to what some Republicans in the House are trying to do. They are trying to unilaterally change a law that has been passed by both chambers of Congress, signed into law by the President, deemed Constitutional by the Supreme Court. They have no authority to unilaterally change this law. They simply do not.

If they want to change it, they do it legislatively. That's how it is done.

So Krauthammer is dead wrong. He's clueless.
Why is tying that amendment to a generalized spending bill an outrage, while unilateral amendment by the executive (with a Valerie Jarrett blog item for spin) is perfectly fine?

Because one has nothing to do with the other, where republicans have had ample opportunity to amend or repeal the law and have failed to do so. Their failure to do so does not justify shutting down the government and threatening a default.

Conservatives also confuse amending/repealing with implementing, where how an administration elects to interpret a given law in the context of implementation does not ‘change’ the law; the text of the ACA is unchanged from the day it was signed into law.

If someone takes issue with how a given administration is interpreting or implementing a particular law, they are at liberty to challenge that interpretation or implementation in court.

Otherwise, existing Federal laws, including the ACA, can only be amended or repealed by Congress, including amending the Act to remove the IM or delay the IM for a specified period of time.

The fact that the ACA is settled law, that it was passed by both Houses of Congress and signed into law by the president in accordance with the law and Constitution, was upheld by the Supreme Court as indeed Constitutional, and reaffirmed by the American people during the General Election in 2012 only serves to reinforce the justifications noted above.

BIGGEST MYTH "Each candidate proposed a plan to cover the approximately 45 million Americans estimated to not have health insurance at some point each year. "
THIS MYTH helped pass by just 7 "yes" votes of the 435 House of representatives.
Those 7 votes represent 1.6% of total House.

THE FACT IS when you subtract:
10 million that are NOT citizens counted as uninsured.
14 million that don't know all they need do is register with Medicaid!
18 million that make over $50,000 are under 34 .. BUT DoN"T want or need health insurance yet they were included!
That leaves 4 million truly that need insurance! That 4 million is 1.2% of the USA population!
FOLKS do you understand that by just 7 votes or 1.6% to cover just 1.2% of the population.. OUR HEALTH care finance system is being destroyed and 1/6th of the economy will be screwed up forever!!!
Of course Krauthammer nails the freaking argument!

President Obama indignantly insists that GOP attempts to abolish or amend Obama*care are unseemly because it is “settled” law, having passed both houses of Congress, obtained his signature and passed muster with the Supreme Court.

Yes, settledness makes for a strong argument — except from a president whose administration has unilaterally changed Obama*care five times after its passage, including, most brazenly, a year-long suspension of the employer mandate.

Article I of the Constitution grants the legislative power entirely to Congress. Under what constitutional principle has Obama unilaterally amended the law? Yet when the House of Representatives undertakes a constitutionally correct, i.e., legislative, procedure for suspending the other mandate — the individual mandate — this is portrayed as some extra-constitutional sabotage of the rule of law. Why is tying that amendment to a generalized spending bill an outrage, while unilateral amendment by the executive (with a Valerie Jarrett blog item for spin) is perfectly fine?

Charles Krauthammer: Who shut down Yellowstone? - The Washington Post

The Line-item veto was settled law at one time till SCOTUS ruled it unconstitutional.

But then nobody took the time to re-write it ether to make it constitutional.
The Obamacare/shutdown battle has spawned myriad myths

Obamacare Poster Boy Chad Henderson and His Dad Haven’t Signed Up for Obamacare, Says His Father


Mr. President, You Can End the Government Shutdown

President Obama has made it clear he “will not negotiate” when it comes to ending the government shutdown.

At last check, the nation’s capital wasn’t run by one branch of government, or even one political party. But President Obama is so intent on protecting his unpopular, unworkable, and unfair health care law that he’d prefer to keep the government closed.

Mr. President, here’s a five-point plan to end the government shutdown—using some of your favorite phrases.

1. “Here’s the deal”: Have a serious conversation with congressional leadership to talk about the real issue driving the shutdown—the negative consequences of Obamacare. Quit giving us lengthy law school lectures about why you are right and then dismissing the class.

2. “Let me be clear”: Mr. President, you’ve already delayed or repealed 14 provisions in Obamacare. Why are you unwilling to recognize how Obamacare has negatively impacted the American people? Certainly, it shouldn’t take wrecking the economy and putting bureaucrats between doctors and their patients. There is a better way.

3. “It will not be easy”: The American people need a leader, not a lecturer.

4. “Make no mistake”: Despite the fact that you claim Obamacare will lower premiums, expand coverage, and increase wellness, the evidence is overwhelmingly against you. Obamacare is raising premiums for most Americans, making it difficult for those out of work to find jobs, and cutting workers’ hours. The cost of Obamacare to the budget, the taxpayers, and to the future of health care in this country is too high.

5. “Yes we can”: When a majority of Americans oppose your signature accomplishment and the implementation of the law isn’t working, it’s time for a different course. We can reform health care so that patients are in charge of their health care decisions.

The House of Representatives has passed a number of bills that would fully fund the government or specific functions of government, including a couple that would have defunded or delayed Obamacare. Yet President Obama has threatened vetoes, and his allies in the Senate are refusing to consider the House bills altogether.

Despite the news media’s tainted portrayal, the President seems intent on continuing his reckless and irresponsible position on the government shutdown, much like his position on barricading and blocking access for veterans to the World War II Memorial in Washington.

For President Obama and his political allies, protecting a failed law that is hurting the country seems to be their top priority.

You are right about one thing. The Nation's Capitol is not run by one branch of Government. Therefore, the GOP can't unilaterally force a Govt. shutdown because they don't like the ACA. It does not work that way.

1) They don't like the law-they get enough members elected by the people who run on repealing it. They go through the legislative process to repeal it-you know legislatively, the way a law is supposed to be repealed.

It's interesting how Obama was re-elected saying he will not support repealing the ACA-yet he still won. That's interesting don't you think?

2) That point is completely wrong and untrue.

3) A lecture about lecturing-whatever.

4) Completely untrue and unproven.

5) Crap that means nothing. Blah Blah Blah

Your 5 points are all crap. Worthless.
Huh huh have you??? The histrionics are absurd!

Tell the fucking bozo in chief to fund WIC Go ahead and bitch him out for being so heartless and cruel to them screaming babies!

The GOP can get end the shutdown today if they pass a continuing resolution to fund the Government that already passed the Senate and has the majority in the House but is not being brought up for a vote do to a few GOP Tea Party people in the House who think this is good for them. Not the American people. Them. They think this will help them in their districts.

Selfish is right. They are.

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