The Obamacare/shutdown battle has spawned myriad myths

What the partisan right doesn’t get is the ACA is Congress’ doing, not the president – it’s a creation of the Legislative Branch, and only they can amend or repeal it, the president’s only option then is to sign or veto, and if the latter Congress has the option to override the veto.

But funding the government has nothing to do with any of that, nor allowing the government to default, something else the partisan right doesn’t get.
No no...YOU and all the rest of the internets folks have spawned and perpetuated these myths.
I think the OP is very interesting. I disagree with the premise that Obama is doing something wrong in delaying requiring employers report to the admin that it is complying, but as the link below discusses, it raises an interesting pt. If Obama can suspend the reporting, and thereby effectively waive the employer mandate, why can't some future gop potus do the same?

Does Obama Have the Power to Delay His Mandate? - Bloomberg

I think the answer is obviously a gop admin could just not enforce the law. As the scotus remarked about the Obama admin and defending DOMA, it's just impossible to demand an admin enforce a law.

But, the reality I think is this is yet another example of why the TPM (not mainstream gopers or the chambers of commerce) are willing to storm the barricades to stop this thing now: they know that once Americans start getting HC they didn't have before, and unless this thing is a total clustfk, which seems more and more unlikely, Americans will never let the TPM get rid of it, because they will LIKE it.
Of course Krauthammer nails the freaking argument!

President Obama indignantly insists that GOP attempts to abolish or amend Obama*care are unseemly because it is “settled” law, having passed both houses of Congress, obtained his signature and passed muster with the Supreme Court.

Yes, settledness makes for a strong argument — except from a president whose administration has unilaterally changed Obama*care five times after its passage, including, most brazenly, a year-long suspension of the employer mandate.

Article I of the Constitution grants the legislative power entirely to Congress. Under what constitutional principle has Obama unilaterally amended the law? Yet when the House of Representatives undertakes a constitutionally correct, i.e., legislative, procedure for suspending the other mandate — the individual mandate — this is portrayed as some extra-constitutional sabotage of the rule of law. Why is tying that amendment to a generalized spending bill an outrage, while unilateral amendment by the executive (with a Valerie Jarrett blog item for spin) is perfectly fine?

Charles Krauthammer: Who shut down Yellowstone? - The Washington Post

The executive branch has the constitutional power to manage the implementation of laws, including the power to alter timelines for various components of laws.

The legislature, or a part of one part of the legislature, does not have that power.

WHat the...yes...however the legislative branch has the power to write/rewrite/abolish/alter and otherwise do almost anything they want concerning laws as long as the judicial branch agrees with constitutionality, and the executive branch has the poser to veto - and the legislative branch has the power to overrule a veto.
See how it works?
Damn. You know very little, or just choose to write a tiny portion of what you know trying to make a dumb point..
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One more myth.

Obama is really Caesar from Planet of the Apes.

Of course Krauthammer nails the freaking argument!

President Obama indignantly insists that GOP attempts to abolish or amend Obama*care are unseemly because it is “settled” law, having passed both houses of Congress, obtained his signature and passed muster with the Supreme Court.

Yes, settledness makes for a strong argument — except from a president whose administration has unilaterally changed Obama*care five times after its passage, including, most brazenly, a year-long suspension of the employer mandate.

Article I of the Constitution grants the legislative power entirely to Congress. Under what constitutional principle has Obama unilaterally amended the law? Yet when the House of Representatives undertakes a constitutionally correct, i.e., legislative, procedure for suspending the other mandate — the individual mandate — this is portrayed as some extra-constitutional sabotage of the rule of law. Why is tying that amendment to a generalized spending bill an outrage, while unilateral amendment by the executive (with a Valerie Jarrett blog item for spin) is perfectly fine?

Charles Krauthammer: Who shut down Yellowstone? - The Washington Post

The executive branch has the constitutional power to manage the implementation of laws, including the power to alter timelines for various components of laws.

The legislature, or a part of one part of the legislature, does not have that power.

Including effective dates?
Can you support this in any way besides because you said so?
Of course Krauthammer nails the freaking argument!

President Obama indignantly insists that GOP attempts to abolish or amend Obama*care are unseemly because it is “settled” law, having passed both houses of Congress, obtained his signature and passed muster with the Supreme Court.

Yes, settledness makes for a strong argument — except from a president whose administration has unilaterally changed Obama*care five times after its passage, including, most brazenly, a year-long suspension of the employer mandate.

Article I of the Constitution grants the legislative power entirely to Congress. Under what constitutional principle has Obama unilaterally amended the law? Yet when the House of Representatives undertakes a constitutionally correct, i.e., legislative, procedure for suspending the other mandate — the individual mandate — this is portrayed as some extra-constitutional sabotage of the rule of law. Why is tying that amendment to a generalized spending bill an outrage, while unilateral amendment by the executive (with a Valerie Jarrett blog item for spin) is perfectly fine?

Charles Krauthammer: Who shut down Yellowstone? - The Washington Post

look you fucking retards. Its not the fact that you want it repealed. Its the fact you've tried it 40 times.
you need to get this through your moron brains. Had this been the first time you tried to repeal it, you would have a very, very strong argument.
Its the 40th and you don't. You need to just shut the fuck up already.
It's amazing how targeted essential programs CAN be-

I'll bet dollars to donuts no WIC kids die because of the shutdown... ZERO

Girl i know has triplets, has a husband deployed overseas in the Me, goes through 21 cans of formula a month and is on WIC.

So it seems you hate babies, Military families, and our troops. :eusa_whistle:
But if they live they go hungry. Which is fine with the heartless bitches supporting the shutdown - not so much me.

Ever hear a hungry baby cry? Ever? Doubtful. Because you wouldn't be saying so what if they go hungry, they won't die.

Completely heartless. "give them life, but don't worry if you can't feed them. It's not like they'll die."

You make me sick.

The only babies that go hungry in America are the wards of uncaring, ignorant, or drugged up mothers who don't have enough sense to feed themselves, let alone care for an infant.

They can find the nearest Christian Church, and that baby will be fed and suitably clothed. So will the mother. It has been that way from before the birth of this nation.
Mr. President, You Can End the Government Shutdown

President Obama has made it clear he “will not negotiate” when it comes to ending the government shutdown.

At last check, the nation’s capital wasn’t run by one branch of government, or even one political party. But President Obama is so intent on protecting his unpopular, unworkable, and unfair health care law that he’d prefer to keep the government closed.

Mr. President, here’s a five-point plan to end the government shutdown—using some of your favorite phrases.

1. “Here’s the deal”: Have a serious conversation with congressional leadership to talk about the real issue driving the shutdown—the negative consequences of Obamacare. Quit giving us lengthy law school lectures about why you are right and then dismissing the class.

2. “Let me be clear”: Mr. President, you’ve already delayed or repealed 14 provisions in Obamacare. Why are you unwilling to recognize how Obamacare has negatively impacted the American people? Certainly, it shouldn’t take wrecking the economy and putting bureaucrats between doctors and their patients. There is a better way.

3. “It will not be easy”: The American people need a leader, not a lecturer.

4. “Make no mistake”: Despite the fact that you claim Obamacare will lower premiums, expand coverage, and increase wellness, the evidence is overwhelmingly against you. Obamacare is raising premiums for most Americans, making it difficult for those out of work to find jobs, and cutting workers’ hours. The cost of Obamacare to the budget, the taxpayers, and to the future of health care in this country is too high.

5. “Yes we can”: When a majority of Americans oppose your signature accomplishment and the implementation of the law isn’t working, it’s time for a different course. We can reform health care so that patients are in charge of their health care decisions.

The House of Representatives has passed a number of bills that would fully fund the government or specific functions of government, including a couple that would have defunded or delayed Obamacare. Yet President Obama has threatened vetoes, and his allies in the Senate are refusing to consider the House bills altogether.

Despite the news media’s tainted portrayal, the President seems intent on continuing his reckless and irresponsible position on the government shutdown, much like his position on barricading and blocking access for veterans to the World War II Memorial in Washington.

For President Obama and his political allies, protecting a failed law that is hurting the country seems to be their top priority.

So you are suggesting that things should make sense .......... good.
First we need to get rid of the guns, then get rid of voting, then get rid of the legal system.
Then you must all conform, board the rail cars, and everything will be alright.
The FEMA camps have medical facilities.
Mr. President, You Can End the Government Shutdown

President Obama has made it clear he “will not negotiate” when it comes to ending the government shutdown.

At last check, the nation’s capital wasn’t run by one branch of government, or even one political party. But President Obama is so intent on protecting his unpopular, unworkable, and unfair health care law that he’d prefer to keep the government closed.

Mr. President, here’s a five-point plan to end the government shutdown—using some of your favorite phrases.

1. “Here’s the deal”: Have a serious conversation with congressional leadership to talk about the real issue driving the shutdown—the negative consequences of Obamacare. Quit giving us lengthy law school lectures about why you are right and then dismissing the class.

2. “Let me be clear”: Mr. President, you’ve already delayed or repealed 14 provisions in Obamacare. Why are you unwilling to recognize how Obamacare has negatively impacted the American people? Certainly, it shouldn’t take wrecking the economy and putting bureaucrats between doctors and their patients. There is a better way.

3. “It will not be easy”: The American people need a leader, not a lecturer.

4. “Make no mistake”: Despite the fact that you claim Obamacare will lower premiums, expand coverage, and increase wellness, the evidence is overwhelmingly against you. Obamacare is raising premiums for most Americans, making it difficult for those out of work to find jobs, and cutting workers’ hours. The cost of Obamacare to the budget, the taxpayers, and to the future of health care in this country is too high.

5. “Yes we can”: When a majority of Americans oppose your signature accomplishment and the implementation of the law isn’t working, it’s time for a different course. We can reform health care so that patients are in charge of their health care decisions.

The House of Representatives has passed a number of bills that would fully fund the government or specific functions of government, including a couple that would have defunded or delayed Obamacare. Yet President Obama has threatened vetoes, and his allies in the Senate are refusing to consider the House bills altogether.

Despite the news media’s tainted portrayal, the President seems intent on continuing his reckless and irresponsible position on the government shutdown, much like his position on barricading and blocking access for veterans to the World War II Memorial in Washington.

For President Obama and his political allies, protecting a failed law that is hurting the country seems to be their top priority.

Republicans made a choice to play this game of "chicken". Obama accepted the challenge and now he's playing it to the hilt. Check the polling data. At this rate, it's not going to take long and you idiots will have zero chance of holding on to the House next year. Quinnipiac just released a poll showing Dems up 9 points in the generic Congressional ballot. Because gerrymandering has more districts favored towards Republicans, in order for Dems to take back the House they will need to win the overall vote by around this margin. In 2012 Dems actually took more votes for Congressional offices yet Republicans still won by a big margin the number of congressional seats.

I'll tell you something. If Dems take back the House next year, you guys are going to get murdered in 2016.
Republicans made a choice to play this game of "chicken". Obama accepted the challenge and now he's playing it to the hilt. Check the polling data. At this rate, it's not going to take long and you idiots will have zero chance of holding on to the House next year. Quinnipiac just released a poll showing Dems up 9 points in the generic Congressional ballot. Because gerrymandering has more districts favored towards Republicans, in order for Dems to take back the House they will need to win the overall vote by around this margin. In 2012 Dems actually took more votes for Congressional offices yet Republicans still won by a big margin the number of congressional seats.

I'll tell you something. If Dems take back the House next year, you guys are going to get murdered in 2016.

Yup. Back in August, if not earlier. And now they're all pissed because apparently? It wasn't a bluff they were calling.
It's amazing how targeted essential programs CAN be-

I'll bet dollars to donuts no WIC kids die because of the shutdown... ZERO

Girl i know has triplets, has a husband deployed overseas in the Me, goes through 21 cans of formula a month and is on WIC.

So it seems you hate babies, Military families, and our troops. :eusa_whistle:

Girl you know? Why the fuck are you not demanding WIC be funded for the girl you know? Why the fuck are you not helping the girl YOU know? Seems like you are just another shill and NOT someone who actually gives a shit.

No seeming about hate the girl you know and all the rest impacted by the shutdown...SINCE, YOU, won't demand those specific programs GET funded.
Mr. President, You Can End the Government Shutdown

President Obama has made it clear he “will not negotiate” when it comes to ending the government shutdown.

At last check, the nation’s capital wasn’t run by one branch of government, or even one political party. But President Obama is so intent on protecting his unpopular, unworkable, and unfair health care law that he’d prefer to keep the government closed.

Mr. President, here’s a five-point plan to end the government shutdown—using some of your favorite phrases.

1. “Here’s the deal”: Have a serious conversation with congressional leadership to talk about the real issue driving the shutdown—the negative consequences of Obamacare. Quit giving us lengthy law school lectures about why you are right and then dismissing the class.

2. “Let me be clear”: Mr. President, you’ve already delayed or repealed 14 provisions in Obamacare. Why are you unwilling to recognize how Obamacare has negatively impacted the American people? Certainly, it shouldn’t take wrecking the economy and putting bureaucrats between doctors and their patients. There is a better way.

3. “It will not be easy”: The American people need a leader, not a lecturer.

4. “Make no mistake”: Despite the fact that you claim Obamacare will lower premiums, expand coverage, and increase wellness, the evidence is overwhelmingly against you. Obamacare is raising premiums for most Americans, making it difficult for those out of work to find jobs, and cutting workers’ hours. The cost of Obamacare to the budget, the taxpayers, and to the future of health care in this country is too high.

5. “Yes we can”: When a majority of Americans oppose your signature accomplishment and the implementation of the law isn’t working, it’s time for a different course. We can reform health care so that patients are in charge of their health care decisions.

The House of Representatives has passed a number of bills that would fully fund the government or specific functions of government, including a couple that would have defunded or delayed Obamacare. Yet President Obama has threatened vetoes, and his allies in the Senate are refusing to consider the House bills altogether.

Despite the news media’s tainted portrayal, the President seems intent on continuing his reckless and irresponsible position on the government shutdown, much like his position on barricading and blocking access for veterans to the World War II Memorial in Washington.

For President Obama and his political allies, protecting a failed law that is hurting the country seems to be their top priority.

Republicans made a choice to play this game of "chicken". Obama accepted the challenge and now he's playing it to the hilt. Check the polling data. At this rate, it's not going to take long and you idiots will have zero chance of holding on to the House next year. Quinnipiac just released a poll showing Dems up 9 points in the generic Congressional ballot. Because gerrymandering has more districts favored towards Republicans, in order for Dems to take back the House they will need to win the overall vote by around this margin. In 2012 Dems actually took more votes for Congressional offices yet Republicans still won by a big margin the number of congressional seats.

I'll tell you something. If Dems take back the House next year, you guys are going to get murdered in 2016.

Republicans decided to do their job!

Obamacare is a clusterfuck of a law. Tell us why congress, their families; staff and their families. Obama, his staff and their families, as well as 1200 cronies want to be exempted from the law? Remember too that Obama had to change the "law of the land" without going back to congress, in order to make these special exemptions.

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