The Obamas and the Chicago Hospital Controversy


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Ms. Obama helped create the hospital’s Urban Health Initiative, which aimed to redirect non-critical emergency room visitors to neighborhood community clinics. That, in turn, would free up space for well-insured patients with more complicated medical cases, who might need some of the expensive services the hospital is known for, like organ transplants and cancer care. In other words, the Post said, the hospital wanted to keep those patients who could pay their bills and rid itself of those who couldn’t (and who arguably shouldn’t be seen in the ER anyway).

At the suggestion of Ms. Obama and others, the hospital hired the firm of David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist and Sunday morning stand-in, to sell the program. Axelrod’s firm suggested the standard PR techniques—focus groups, branding, targeting messages to specific constituencies, recruiting religious leaders to write opinion pieces. The Post revealed other ties between the hospital and the Obamas: Valerie Jarrett, the medical center’s chairwoman who travels with the candidate; hospital board member Kelly R. Welsh, a bank executive who gave the Obamas a $1.3 million home mortgage loan, and Eric Whitaker, the center’s executive vice president who now runs the Urban Health Initiative. What these ties will mean for a President Obama, the paper didn’t quite say.

Go ahead and worship the bitch. She isn't anything close to what you think she is.

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