The Official God FAQ

I don't understand why anyone thinks it's funny to be disrespectful of others religion. I can't imagine making fun of others sacred beliefs.

I guess what I find really ironic about it is that is seems to usually come from liberals and I thought they were supposed to be more tolerant and open-minded.

Who is being disrespectful? Atheists say there is no god and that is a statement reflecting that idea. Do you think atheists are disrespectful for not believing in your god?
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Then be fair and read my comment again. I said "make fun of" I didn't say anything about protesting. Personally I'm not offended by the Flying Spaghetti Monster even though the imagery appears to me to mock Christianity.

Oh, please!! Get over yourself already.
The FSM does not mock christianity, it mocks the mentality of those people who think that their beliefs are the one and only answer to everything and that everyone must follow it. Your incessant whining is getting boring.
Who is being disrespectful? Atheists say there is no god and that is a statement reflecting that idea. I think you need an attitude adjustment, Amanda.

So you don't think the web page in question is supposed to be funny? Do you really think it's some kind of honest attempt at providing information? Maybe we should do a whois on the domain holder and see if it's owned by Captain Obvious. Your response is disingenuous.

Of course, we can disagree about whether or not this or any other anti-religion link you just happen to randomly post is disrespectful or not but I don't think it's necessary to get personal. Unless, of course, that's all you've got to your position, in which case I guess you have to go with it regardless of how weak it is.
So you don't think the web page in question is supposed to be funny? Do you really think it's some kind of honest attempt at providing information? Maybe we should do a whois on the domain holder and see if it's owned by Captain Obvious. Your response is disingenuous.

I do think it was a funny was of stating the beliefs of an atheist. I have no idea why you're bursting a blood vessel over it.

Of course, we can disagree about whether or not this or any other anti-religion link you just happen to randomly post is disrespectful or not but I don't think it's necessary to get personal. Unless, of course, that's all you've got to your position, in which case I guess you have to go with it regardless of how weak it is.

You need a thicker skin, kid. You take offense at a lot of things that are not remotely offensive.
Amanda, you didn't answer my question:

Do you think atheists are disrespectful for not believing in your god?
I don't understand why anyone thinks it's funny to be disrespectful of others religion. I can't imagine making fun of others sacred beliefs.

It's easy once you begin to realize that EVERY religion (including atheism/agnosticism) is a joke. And besides in comedy nothing's really sacred.

And nothing should ever be so sacred that you can't make fun of it. NOTHING.

Oh and now's a good a time as ever to post this


Do you consider this mocking or criticism or both? Is it disrespectful and do you find it at all funny?
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I don't know why you're not getting this, but I don't care a lot either, so one last time and that's all for me.

You can find anything you want funny. It's ok with me. Laugh until you pass out. I was just commenting that I don't get it. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. All of this effort to make sure I understand anything is fair game is wasted effort, I already know.

It's beyond me why any of this is "pissing you off" or why you think you need to get "nasty". Seems like pointless drama.

Yeah, really. It's like arguing over whether blue or green is a better color.
I don't understand why anyone thinks it's funny to be disrespectful of others religion. I can't imagine making fun of others sacred beliefs.

I guess what I find really ironic about it is that is seems to usually come from liberals and I thought they were supposed to be more tolerant and open-minded.

I object to your characterization that liberals usually are the ones making fun of other people's sacred beliefs.

Your post is disrepectful of liberals. (jk)

Respect is engendered by the offering of respect.
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I don't know why you're not getting this, but I don't care a lot either, so one last time and that's all for me.

You can find anything you want funny. It's ok with me.

Really? Before you said

I don't understand why anyone thinks it's funny to be disrespectful of others religion. I can't imagine making fun of others sacred beliefs.

I guess what I find really ironic about it is that is seems to usually come from liberals and I thought they were supposed to be more tolerant and open-minded.

So is it ok with you or do you feel it's disrespectful, close-minded and intolerant?

I still wanna know what you think of the Carlin piece though.
I do think it was a funny was of stating the beliefs of an atheist. I have no idea why you're bursting a blood vessel over it.

You need a thicker skin, kid. You take offense at a lot of things that are not remotely offensive.

What I do find funny is that your debate tactic seems to revolve around mischaracterizing me as a person instead of addressing the issue. I can't imagine how a reasonable person would see anything I've stated as "bursting a blood vessel" or any of the other ways you've put it.
Amanda, you didn't answer my question:

Do you think atheists are disrespectful for not believing in your god?

I have answered this same basic question so many times so you'll have to forgive me for not hurrying around to answer it everytime someone asks it again and again.

For the record, I don't care what anyone else believes in. You can believe in the FSM or bellybutton lint. You can call what you believe in God or you can call it dog or you can not believe in anything if that's how you roll. I don't care. For me to think it disrespectful I'd have to care.
I object to your characterization that liberals usually are the ones making fun of other people's sacred beliefs.

Your post is disrepectful of liberals. (jk)

Respect is engendered by the offering of respect.

Just my opinion Sky. Maybe I ding libs twice as hard because it's hypocritical, I dunno, haven't thought about it that much. Obviously as a blanket generalization it won't apply to everyone so YMMV.
If half a loaf is better than nothing and nothing is better than god......

If god is so great, why does he need billions of people to worship him?

Sounds like god has low self esteem to me.

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